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Host: Eliicia
Facilitator: Rebekah
Submitter: John

What do you think the most important character quality to have is to being a leader and why?

Have you molded your leadership experiences by previous positive or negative leaders you
worked under in the past and how?

How have you dealt with people you are leading who feel like outsiders, how do you include
them in the team and make them a more effective member?

Did you ask to be put in this leadership role or were you chosen and why were you chosen/did
you decide to be a leader?

How long have you been in your current leadership role and has your leadership style changed
over time or do you hold true to your key beliefs you’ve had pertaining to your leadership
technique from the beginning.

What areas of leadership do you think you could personally improve on and why?

What do you hope others take away from you as a leader and why, what is the most important
lesson or advice you would want others to identify with you.

Do you have a role model or leadership mentor who you try to emulate and follow, if yes, why or
how did you choose that person.

Have you in the past or do you continue to learn or be inspired from the people you lead?

Do you plan on growing and continuing to a greater leadership position in the future or would
you like to take a break and be more in a participative role instead of an active leadership role?
What is your motive behind your decision and why do you think you feel that way?

Conflict: (John)

Have you ever had a team member who kept raising objections on a team project or wasn’t
working well with their team members? How did you manage them?

How do you manage conflict within your team? Is there a certain approach you use?

Do you think all conflict is bad? Is there good Conflict? Has there been a time when the conflict
actually turned out to be a good thing and helped the team?

What is the biggest conflict you have had to deal with as a leader? How did you handle it?
Host: Eliicia
Facilitator: Rebekah
Submitter: John
Is there anyway to prevent conflict within teams? Or do you think conflict will always arise?

Diversity and Equality (Eliicia)

In a Ted Talk we watched, it has been said that “losing cultural diversity is dangerous; each
culture has something to offer.”

What does diversity mean to you, and how important would you say having a diverse work
environment is?

How (culturally or gender) diverse would you say your current work environment is? And what
have been the biggest challenges of that?

Can you describe any experience that opened your eyes to the importance of maintaining a
level of diversity in the workplace?

Have you ever personally experienced a situation of discrimination or inequality? How would
you say that impacted your leadership skills?

As a woman, have you faced any situations of inequality or conflict? Do you have any advice for
future women leaders, or future leaders in general, on how to address those types of situations
especially when it comes from someone they are leading?

How do you ensure each of your followers are feeling heard and respected equally?

As a leader, how would you say you welcome diverse cultures and differences while also
ensuring everyone feels apart of one team?

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