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Somewhere in Europe, July 13, 2020 : Runway Ltd announced its entry into the Sustainable Fashion
industry on July 9, 2020 after declaring bankruptcy in the previous year. Sustainability is the buzzword
around the world today, with organic products, eco-tourism, renewable sources of energy among others
gaining popularity in the minds of people. Consumers are becoming more and more aware of the
environmental impacts of their actions. There will thus, never be a better time to be conscious of how
we are affecting our planet.

The fashion industry has become one of the biggest in the recent decades with biweekly changing
trends, speedy production methods and over consumption. The boom in the e-commerce industry has
added to the same by providing people with one click solutions to fill their cupboards with rarely used
clothing items. A shift towards more sustainable and slow fashion has become the need of the hour with
focus on more environmental friendly production and utilization.

“Changing times, require a change in attitude. Sustainability and environmental awareness has become
a priority for us at Runway, with increasing focus on efficient techniques of production, consumption
and disposal. We consider it our loyalty to our customers to introduce them to slow fashion as the way
ahead not just for the present but also for the future generations.

Sustainable clothing not only instills the satisfaction of elegance but also connects the consumers with
environmental and social awareness. Our longer lasting materials are not only adaptable but also leave
less carbon footprints, incorporating environment friendly methods of manufacturing. Providing
complete transparency of the supply chain, the company ensures fair treatment and payment for its
workers. We announce our readiness to reintroduce Runway as more aware of our Entoro and to the
needs of our future generations”, said the PR Head of Runway Ltd.

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