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Name: ___________________________ Date : ____________ Grade 6 science

1. Name the instruments used for measuring following physical quantities. Write one unit for each quantity.
Length ___________________________________________ volume ________________________________________
mass ___________________________________________ time ___________________________________________
weight ___________________________________________ temperature ____________________________________
2. Measure the length of the lines given below and write the length in the box given below.

_______________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________

3. What force am I

a. Force pulling objects down to the earth ____________________________

b. Force driving the vehicle forward _________________________________

c. Measure of force of gravity on the object ____________________________

d. Force exerted b y a stretched spring, rope or sting ____________________________

e. Friction force from air particles ___________________________

f. Force that slows down or stops things __________________________________

4. Explain how type of surface effects friction.


5. Given below are the force diagrams for a moving boat. Describe the speed of the object and the net force in the
blanks given below.

120 130
60 30

6. Explain how surface area effects friction.

7. What is elastic limit?
8. Mass of the object is 56kg. How much will be its mass be on Mercury?


9. What form of energy am I

Energy it has because it is moving

Energy it has because of its position
Energy it has because it has changed shape
Energy stored in food or fuel
Energy that flows because of temperature difference
Form of energy that can travel through space at the speed of light
Form of energy that carried by electric charges
Form of energy produced by the vibration of an object
Part of electromagnetic energy detected with our eyes

10. Name the three fossil fuels. What are they formed from?(organisms)



11. Name the conditions required for the formation of the fossil fuels.


12. Write the steps in the process of the formation of the fossil fuel which is in solid form.






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