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My writing is about hector’s problem and victor’s advice.

HECTOR: I’m stressed. I have a lot of homework of the university and exams this
week. I don’t have time to do it all and I don’t have time to relax. In the past, I was
full of energy to do these activities. But now I’m low on energy and tired, so I’m
going to drink a lot of coffee to stay up late every day, so I can finish my
homework. Also I have a headache and a sore throat, also I have a cold. What can
I do?

Victor: To deal with stress, try these the following things:

First, make a study schedule because, this help you to be more organized, so you
will have time to relax for short times every day.
Second, reduce the amount of coffee because it has a lot of caffeine and it’s
harmful to your health. Also exercise more because it reduces stress and gives you
Third, when I have a headache, I take an aspirin and drink tea, because these
eliminate my headache, so take an aspirin and drink tea. Don’t take cold water
because it can worsen your sore throat. And finally eat a hot bowl of chicken soup
and get some rest, because when I have a cold, I eat a hot bowl of chicken soup
and I get some rest and the next day I don’t have a cold anymore. Try these things.
They can help you with your problems.

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