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Saturday, April, 21, 2018.



NAME: “WORD BUILDER”____________________________________________

Word builder Find out the meaning of the underlined words bellow.

Then rewrite the sentences using a different form of the underline word.

1. My coffee mug is chipped

2. The mirror is cracked
3. There´s a lof of rust on my car.
4. There´s a lof of mold in my shower


1. My coffee mug is splintered

2. The mirror is bankrupt
3. There´s a lof of mildew on my car
4. There´s a lof of mustiness in my shower
Saturday, April, 21, 2018.




Make a list of things that need to be fixed

 The washer makes a funny noise needs fixing.

 The blender won´t turn on needs to be adjusted.

 The sofa has a big stain on them needs cleaning.

 The window of my house fall it needs to be replaced.

 The video player has a big scratch needs to be changed.

 My cell phone isn´t working needs to be recharged.

 The radio keeps flickering on and off needs to be recharged.

Saturday, April, 21, 2018.



NAME: “NOUN AND ADJETIVE”_______________________________________

10 pair of words with verb and noun sentence

VERB I admire my grand mother because she is a wonderfull person

NOUNS Mary has admiration in her school
VERB The studens have confusion about the topic
NOUNS My boyfriend has a lof of confuse about the weending
VERB My sister is fascinate with her new cell phone
NOUNS All the persons are fascination in the party
VERB My dog is grow every day
NOUNS The child seems growth
VERB The boy is intent to pass the exam of mathematics
NOUNS My mother has intention to stay in my graduation
VERB Johan is accept your new brother
NOUNS The new teacher has acceptance in all the group
VERB My mom is add more sugar with milk for your cake
NOUNS The table have addition for put more things
VERB My sister is annoy every day all night because she needs money
NOUNS My uncle seems annoyance with the party
VERB The clown cheer the party for the children
NOUNS The clown seems with cheerfulness
VERB My friend is amazed with me
NOUNS My friend do your homework amazed

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