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Name: Vanessa Estillore


The Sustainable Development Goal no. 17 is about strengthening the means of

implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for sustainable Development. It is the

strengthening and streamlining cooperation between nation-states, both developed and developing.

According to the SDGs progress report as of June 2020, “the strengthening global partnerships and

enhancing the means of implementation for the SDGs has remained challenging due to scarce

financial resources, trade tensions, technological obstacles, and lack of data. The pandemic is

adding more hardships in the implementation of the SDGs. As COVID-19 continues to spread,

global financial markets have experienced great losses and intense volatility, as over $100 billion

in capital has flowed out of emerging markets since the outbreak, the largest outflow ever recorded.

World trade is expected to plunge between 13% and 32% in 2020. Strengthening multilateralism

and global partnership are more important than ever before. The global nature of the pandemic

requires the participation of all government, the private sector, civil society organizations and

people around the world.” As a student I can put this into practice by supporting the projects of

the government. There are many projects that are still on hold because of the pandemic. Also, the

economy of every country is declining because of the situation we have right now. We should stay

safe for now as we are facing a pandemic.

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