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Shifu & the Struggle for Inner Peace

 Shifu's struggle was never with Po. It was always with his own
expectations of himself and his students.
 Watch the movies again. Pretend Shifu is the protagonist every time
he is on screen. Watch what they did with his character arc.
What were his Expectations of himself?
1. To be the Master Teacher.
2. To have his students succeed, where he failed in the past.
3. To find Inner Peace.
What were his Expectations of his Students?
1. To become better people every day than they were the day before.
2. To succeed where Shifu had failed.
3. To overcome their Greatest Challenges through hard work.and perseverance.
What did Shifu Learn through the 3 movies?
1. The problem was not in his students, it was in himself and his expectations.
2. He was basing his students’ measurements of success upon his measurement of
his own past perceived failures.
3. He had to allow himself to become teachable, even as he was the teacher.

What Are The Major Morals Of The 3 Movies?

KF1 - *There is no secret ingredient! It’s just YOU! 😊

KF2 - *Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that does not make you
who you are. It is what you do with it that makes you who you are.
KF2 - *You gotta let go of that stuff from the past, because that just doesn't matter....
what matters is what you choose to be now...

KF3 - *If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are…
KF3 - *Don’t try to be someone else, Try to be You. (What makes you, you? What are
your strengths?)
KF3 - *You are more than the sum of your parts/different roles…

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