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Department of Health (DOH) Formerly HAAD

Questions for June 2019

in Abu dhabi, UAE

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Special Thanks to
• Dr. Ankita Sankar
• Edited by Dr. Mohsen S. Ozaibi (

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Trauma to middle third root fracture in a permanent central.incisor,.pulp is vital.What is the treatment?
a) Observe periodically no treatment
b) Extract the tooth
c) Do pulpectomy as soon as possible
d) Splint and observe

1 | | | April 2019 | By Dr. Dr Ankita Sankar

1- The most important bevel in inlay is :
a- Gingival
b- Occlusal
c- Mesial
d- Destal
2- Which of the following requires a prophylactic antibiotic :
a- Rheumatic fever
b-Prosthetic valve
c- Chronic renal failure

3- Pt was on prednisone for erythma multiforme for a year but stopped for 3 months now how to treat?
ans: Steroids supplementation before extraction .

4- Splinting is required for which of these traumatic teeth ?

a- Mobile
b- Luxated
c- Extruded
d- Intruded

5- 18 years old boy with recent mandibular incisor crowding, reason ?

a- as a result of late mandibular growth.
b- impacted 3rd molar.

6- Ulcer (3cm) on the lateral border of the tongue, Tt:

a- Wait for 14 days to check if it will heal or not
b- Incision
c- Excision
7- Acceptable clotting time : 10-15 min.

8- Edge-to-edge set complete denture teeth , what problem a pt. will have?
a- Cheek bite
b- Clicking sound

9- A patient is having clicking after having a new denture, what is the problem?
a- Increased OVD
b- Decreased OVD

10- Fully intruded primary tooth covering most of the crown and the tip of the root is impinging in the
permanent tooth bud, what should you do?
a- reposition and splint
b- extract primary
c- leave as it will correct it self
c- no treatment

11- Trauma to permanent tooth in a 2 yr old would cause

a- Hutchinson's incisor
b- Enamel hypoplasia

2 | | | April 2019 | By Dr. Dr Ankita Sankar

12- A child is having multiple missing teeth and a history of high fever with no precipitation, diagnosis ?
a- cledocranial dysplasia
b- ectodermal dysplasia

13- Reasons for gingival enlargement :

a- accomolation of long standing plaque.
b- subgingival calculus
c- ??
d- All

14- Isthmus fracture in amulgum is due to :

a- insufficient depth of isthmus
c- insufficient width of isthmus
15- thinnest part of rest should be at least : 1mm

16- Infeltration anesthesia will work better in :

a- Lingual of mandibular molars
b- lingual of mandibular anteriors
c- buccal of mandibular premolars ( maybe )

17- Permanent successors when erupt they move occlusally and :

a- Buccaly
b- mesially
c- lingually
e- distally
18- Trismus after IAN block is due to injury to : Medial ptyrigoid

19- Food impaction in lower vestibule is due to paralysis of which muscle? Buccinator

20- Most distobuccul limit of border molding is determines by: Masseter muscle

21- Small accidental opening in the sinus when extraction maxillary molar, what to do?
a- Normal post operative measure to allow clot forming
b- Figer 8 sutue
c- Flap surgery

22- assymetrical anterior open bite:

a- finger sucking
b- midline shift
c- abnormal swallowing

23- reversed cross bite in anterior teeth is due to:

a- mesioden palatally
b- long time retained primary teeth ( the sentence had this meaning )

24- best known about resin cement :

a- not used under metal
b- only used with porcelain and under onlays
3 | | | April 2019 | By Dr. Dr Ankita Sankar
25- Intrusion of permanent incisor with fully formed root:
a- extract
b- reposition and splint and RCT immediately ??
c- reposition and splint and RCT withen 2 weeks
d- wait to re erupt

26- Tt. Options for pericoronitis:

a- mouthwash and antiseptic
b- extract offendinf tooth
c- extract opposite tooth
d- All

27- Spontaneous pain is a feature of :

a- reversible pulpitis
b- irreversible pulpitis
c- necrotic pulp

28 - A pt. was having a severe pain that is released with cold, after 3 weeks this pain was shifted to be dull
pain with tenderness to percussion, diagnosis ?
a- irreversible pulpitis
b- necrotic pulp
c- chronic irreversible pulpitis with periapical periodontitis ???

29- Which one is not a factor of rampant caries is a geriatric pt. ?

1- reduced saliva
2- poor oral hygiene
3- medication ( I thought the ones that will reduce saliva )
4- ultered oral micro flora ??

30- Best time to place distal shoe space maintainer to prevent permanent mandible 1st molar mesial
movement ? immediately after extraction of primary second molar.

31- Tt. Of fluctuant swelling in fibril patient :

a- incision and drainage?
b- antibiotics
c- antibiotics for 3 days then incision and drainage?

32- large swelling after PSA block ? rapture of ptyrigoid plexus of veins

33- pt. is having black spots on the neck after excessive extraction? Ecchymoses

34- 4 mandibular incisors restored 4 years ago now radiolucency in the apical area, what to do? Check
vitality for all and RCT for those non vital

35- When you work with polyeather you have to be careful (this is what the sentence meant) because
(disadvantage of polyeather) :
a- It absorbs water (imbibitions)

4 | | | April 2019 | By Dr. Dr Ankita Sankar

36- Polyeather is used by dentists because it has (polyeather advantages) :
1- accurate
2- short working time
3- dimensionally stable
4- All
37- how to check the extend of border molding in maxillary denture (not sure of the sentence) :
a. hamulur notch
b. fovea palatine
c. vibrating line??

38- Maximum dose of an adult in epinephrin 1:50,000 and lidocain 2 % ?

a. 0.2
b. 0.5
c. 0.25
d. 0.75

39- Abrasion can be caused by prolonged use of :

a- Hard tooth brush
b- abrasions and hard pastes
c- aggressive tooth brushing
d- All

40 - Most failure of perio. Treated teeth ?

a- Maxillary molars ( I think this is the answer because of the number of roots !)
b- Mandibular molars
c- Premolars
d- anteriors
41- A pt. after multiple extractions developed blue spots on the neck on the same side: post operative
42- hand piece sterilization should be done after :
a- dissemble and lubrication
43- a quest. About glass fiber post advantages over custom posts?
44- for anesthetizing soft tissue of second premolar : MSA nerve block , PSA
45- a cardiac pt, got problems after extraction procedure because ?
a- Anxiety and pain
b- Local anesthesia toxisity
46- Retraction cord is :
a- Chemo-mechanical
b- mechanical
c- chemical
5 | | | April 2019 | By Dr. Dr Ankita Sankar
47 – Sialolith most commonly in : submandibular salivary gland
48- Recurrent caries location:
a- near DEJ
b- near an old restoration
c- near CEJ
49- Ludwigs Angina involves which spaces ?
a- Submandibular,sublingual, submental
50- Centric Relation is when condyle is in most :
a. superior anterior
b. posterior inferior
51- Bacteria in pus:
a. streptococcus
b. staphylococcus
52- A 16 years boy came to your clinic having extensive caries in almost all his teeth, preventive
treatment is started what is the next management?
a. Amalgam fillings within months
b. Composite filling within months
b- Temporary GIC fillings within weeks (to control the case and not allow it to get worse , then
you can slowly fill with composite or amalgum).
c- No treatment until oral hygiene gets better
53- compound (or comminuted I can’t remember) mandibular fracture, which antibiotic ?
a. Penicillin
b. Erythromycin
b- Tetracycline
54- Fibril patient with fluctuant abcess :
a. incision and drainage
b. antibiotic for 3 days then incision and drainage
55- To reduce displaced mandible, which movement ?
a. upward and backward ( it should be backward and upward I think !!)
b. downward and forward
b- backward and downward

55- Tmj disorder with clicking but no pain or limited opening of mouth?
b)Internal derangement
c)Rheumatoid arthritis
d)Fracture of condyle

6 | | | April 2019 | By Dr. Dr Ankita Sankar

56- Patient is allergic to penicillin, what drug do u prefer?
d)Acetyl salicylic acid00

57- Bone destruction is rapid in

a) Chronic periodontitis
b) Acute apical abscess
c) Local aggressive periodontitis
d) Periapical cyst

58- Most important bevel in inlay

a) Gingival
b) Occlusal
c) Mesial
d) Distal

59- Limited reparative capacity of young pulp is due to

a)immature apex
b)poor blood supply.
c)less connective tissue
d)lack of collateral circulation

60- Treatment for pregnancy tumour

a)Surgical excision
b)No treatment required
c) Antibiotics

61- Protrusive guidance solely depends on

b)mesial incline of maxillary molars
c)mesial incline of mandibular molars

62- Features of chronic periodontitis

a)No bone loss
b)Pocket depth of 4mm
c)Severe gingivitis

63- Difference between class II amalgam restoration and inlay

a)Retention grooves and pins
b)Occlusal dovetail
c)I don't remember other options

7 | | | April 2019 | By Dr. Dr Ankita Sankar

64- In a 10 year old child premature loss of extracted primary second molars,space begun to close.Rest of
the occlusion norma. What is the treatment plan?
a) band and loop
b) lingual arch
c) complete banding of 1st molar
d) mandible complete its growth

65- Just placed a deep composite and patient is complaining of sensitivity, what is the first thing u do.??
a)Remove n place sedative dressing
b)Perform endo treatment
c)Check for occlusion

66- Lingual plate major connector is selected over lingual bar, why ?
a)Periodontally weak teeth
b)Improved Oral hygiene
d)a and b

67- What is not true about internal resorption?

a)Moth eaten radiographic appearance
b)Occurs rarely in adults
c)Rct can stop internal resorption

68- What is used to protect xrays from cross contamination?

a) Barium strips
b) Chemical solutions

69- A patient is on warfarin, INR value is 2.5, needs extraction. What would you do immediately?
a) Refer the patient to his physician
b) Extract immediately and prescribe antibiotics and analgesics
c) Extract and ask patient to stop warfarin for 3 days
70- A lady aged 25 years fell from bicycle about 30 mins back and came to hospital with avulsed 11 and
21 Avulsed teeth were placed in milk. What immediate treatment would you give her?
a) Implant avulsed teeth immediately
b) Do Rct and implant

71- You found there is a class II fracture on the avulsed teeth. What would you recall the patient for?
a) Do composite restoration on 11 and 21
b) Place full ceramic crowns
c) Place veneers

72- Patient who is a chronic smoker aged 18 years reports to school with ulcers in lip and gingival. What
is your diagnosis?
a) Anug
b) Herpetic gingivostomatitis
c) Aphthous ulcer

8 | | | April 2019 | By Dr. Dr Ankita Sankar

73- 15 year old patient with controlled diabetes mellitus appeared for routine check up. Your advice is to
a) Do routine plaque control
b) Reduce intake of sugar
c) Advice revisit every 3 months
d) None

74- Patient has spontaneous pain on lower right first molar on taking hot liquids which disappears slowly.
Your diagnosis?
a) Irreversible pulpits
b) Reversible pulpitis
c) Apical periodontitis
d) Pulp necrosis

75- Scaling and root planing are done in which treatment stage?
a) Surgical phase
b) Initial phase
c) Supportive phase
d) All

76- Management of fractured tuberosity:

a) Replace & suture the soft tissue
b) Replace & suture with intra-alveolar wire
c) Remove & leave it to heal
d) Remove & suture to heal

77- Best feature of sealant should be:

a) Viscosity
b) High retentive
c) Resilient
d) High strength

78- A clinician can increase the efficiency of a disinfectant by

a) Increasing its concentration
b) Using disinfectant very often
c) Replacing it every day

79- 4 ml of anesthesia contain how many ml of lidocaine and epinephrine

a) 8ml lidocaine and .4mg epinephrine
b) 80ml lidocaine and .o4mg epinephrine
d) 40ml lidocaine and 4mg epinephrine

80- Composite restoration follow-up after 2 years. It showed stained margin. This is due to:
a) Stress from polymerization shrinkage
b) Hydraulic destruction on bond
c) Secondary caries
d) All of the above

9 | | | April 2019 | By Dr. Dr Ankita Sankar

80- Structures very close to PDL?
a) Cementum and alveolar bone
b) Alveolar bone and dentin
c) Cementum amd enamel

81- Which will cause difficulty in polishing of composite?

a) Soft filler, hard matrix
b) Hard filler, soft matrix
c) Hard filler only
d) Soft matrix only

82- Patient had met with blow to jaw, on opening of mouth the mandible deviated to left side, it is
associated with
a)Left condyle fracture
b)Right condyle fracture
c)Alveolar fracture

83- Serial extraction is done to provide space for

a)Eruption of permanent molar
b)Eruption of permanent mand.canine and 1 st premolar
c)Eruption of permanent premolars and molars
d)Eruption of Mand incisors

84- Ulcer of 3cm size from 4 days

a) Incisional biopsy
b)Excisional biopsy
c)Wait and observe

85- Pedo pt with necrotic pulp and draining sinus


86- When a pedo patient of 4 yers present with 3mm of overjet and having a habit of thumb sucking
a)Advise habit breaking appliance
b)Tell the parents no need to stop the habit
c)Council the parents to make the kid to stop the habit
d)Tell the parents as habit is not going to alter the dentition

87- Radiopacity attached to root of vital non carious mandibular molar.diagnosis?

a) ossifying fibroma
b) hypercementosis
c) ossifying cementoma
d) periapical cemental dysplasia

10 | | | April 2019 | By Dr. Dr Ankita Sankar

88- Patient presented with severe pain, pain aggrevates while chewing and it will not relieve soon. Patient
tells pain aggrevates after hot water intake. Tooth shows tenderness to percussion and vitality test is
negative. Radiograph shows diffused radiolucency around the tooth. Your diagnosis :
a) Acute irreversible pulpitis
b) Acute apical periodontitis
c) Periapical abcess
d) Hyperplastic pulpitis

89- Effective Sterilization method which uses least temperature

a) Ethylene oxide
b) 6 % hydrogen peroxide
c) Sodium hypochlorite
d) Autoclave

90- Embrasure between Premolars are:

a) Wider Lingually, narrower buccally
b) Wider Buccally, narrower lingually
c) Same buccally and lingually
d) Wider distolingually

91- Probing depth 3mm, gingival recession 2mm, attachment loss is:
a) 5mm
b) 3mm
c) 2mm
d) 1mm

92- After uneventfull extraction, achieved hemostasis. Patient came back after 4 hrs with bleeding which
can’t be stopped by local pressure. Your treatment includes
a) Application of ice pack
b) Tight closure with suture
c) Complete blood count and INR
d) Cold comp

93- 9yr old patient came with pulpal exposure of 2mm in maxillary central incisor. Patient came on the
same day of trauma.
a) Direct Pulp capping
b) Pulpotomy with ferric sulfate
c) Pulpotomy with formocresol
d) Pulpectomy

94- Triple tray

a) Bite and impressions

b) Special tray
c) Prefabricated tray
d) Stock tray

11 | | | April 2019 | By Dr. Dr Ankita Sankar

95- Impacted third molar is removed when:
a) When 1/3rd of root is formed
b) When 2/3rd of root is formed***
c) When Root is Completely formed
d) No relation with root formation

96- While extracting maxillary 3rd molar tuberosity got fractured. Management:
a) Remove the tooth with tuberosity
b) Remove the tooth and leave tuberosity
c) Leave tooth with tuberosity and splint if possible
d) Remove the tooth and curette the socket

97- Indirect retainer:

a) Prevents horizontal displacement of the prosthesis
b) Prevents vertical displacement of the prosthesis
c) Support for the denture
d) Connects the base of denture with other parts of the prosthesis

98- Best intra oral radiograph before placing implant

b) OPG
c) Bitewing
d) Occlusal view

99- First sensation reappears after the effect of LA

a) Pain
b) Touch
c) Pressure
d) Temperature

100- For removing primary molar, first direction of force:

a) Palatally
b) Buccally
c) Occlusally
d) Mesiodistally

101- Well circumscribed mixed radiopaque and radiolucent lesion is seen in the radiograph in the
periapical area of a vital tooth.
a) Cementoblastoma
b) Cemental dysplasia
c) Fibrous dysplasia
d) Pagets disease

102- Acute apical access includes

a) Widening of lamina dura
b) Swelling
c) Pus discharge
d) All of above
12 | | | April 2019 | By Dr. Dr Ankita Sankar

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