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MCQ (cleft lip and palate)

For each of the following MCQs select the one most appropriate

1. During step of diagnosis in patient with cleft lip and palate. Regarding Veau's
classification, clefts involving soft and hard palates up to incisive foramen
a) Class I
b) Class II
c) Class III
d) Class IV
2. There are many classifications of cleft lip and palate. According to Olin's
classification, clefts of the lip and alveolar ridge that do not involve the palate
a) Class I
b) Class II
c) Class III
d) Class IV
3. Congenital cleft lip and palate affecting child speech. At which time the Repair
of congenital cleft palate is usually improve speech:
a) 6-12 weeks after birth
b) 1-4 years
c) 6-12 month
d) 6-12 years
4. Patient with cleft palate have speech disabilities .which of the following sounds
have not been affected by palatal clefts are:
a) The vowels (A, I, E, O & U), M and N
b) K & KH letters
c) P & D letters
d) S and SH letters
5. The maxillofacial work depending on cooperation of maxillofacial team. All of
the followings are maxillofacial team except:
a) Plastic surgeon
b) Prosthodontics
c) Speech therapist
d) Pathologist
6. Which of the followings disabilities are associated with acquired maxillary defect
a) Speech
b) Swallowing
c) Appearance
d) All of the above

7. Union of the primary palate, the secondary palate and the nasal septum begins at
the meeting point of:
a) Y – shape
b) V – shape
c) L – shape
d) T – shape
8. Cleft lip affecting feeding of the child. In which case of cleft lip, the infant can
feed normally without milk leakage if:
a) The finger is placed over the lip cleft
b) Broad base nipple is used
c) Feeding device is used
d) a & b
9. There are many prosthetic designs for cleft palate patient. The first prosthesis
for patient with clefted palate in predental child is:
a) Feeding device
b) Speech aid
c) Meatus obturator prosthesis
d) Immediate surgical obturators
10. Early repair of the cleft palate is not favorable. which of the followings
considered the main reason:
a) Permit the growth of the palate
b) Permit narrowing of the cleft,
c) Permit for development of enough tissues for closure.
d) All of the above
11. In congenital cleft lip, repair is usually performed to facilitate feeding and
improve appearance at:
a) 1-2 year
b) 6-12 weeks after birth (10-12 weeks )rule of ten
c) 6-12 month
d) 6-12 years
12. Cleft of the soft and hard palates extending to the incisive foremen can be
considered as:
a) Class II Veau' s classification.
b) Class II Olin's classification.
c) Class IV Harkin's classification.
d) All of the above
13. The position of the velum required during pronunciation of nasal consonants is:
a) The soft palate drops downward
b) Closure of the nasal cavity
c) The superior constrictor muscle contracted
d) a & c
14. Cleft palate results in many disabilities. Which of the following is true with regards
to cleft palate:
a) Excessive nasal resonance results in nasal sounds (hypernasality)
b) The p & d sounds are affected
c) The masticatory function is impaired
d) All of the above
15. There are many criteria's of immediate surgical obturators . All of the following is
true with regards to immediate surgical obturators except:

a) Reduce the hospitalization period

b) Constructed before surgery
c) It is constructed 7 to 10 days post surgically
d) Inserted immediately after surgery

16. The two horizontal lateral palatine processes or palatine shelves gives rise to:
a) Hard palate anterior to the incisive foramen
b) Soft plate
c) Hard palate posterior to the incisive foramen
d) b & c
17. There are many objective of the movable pharyngeal obturator. What is the
most appropriate objectives:
a) Has a hinge placed between the palatal and velar section
b) Provides physiologic movement of the velar and pharyngeal sections
c) Provides non physiologic movement of the velar and pharyngeal sections
d) a & c

18. according to Harkin's classification of cleft palate Class II is:

a) Cleft of the soft palate
b) Bifid uvula
c) Cleft of the soft and hard palates extending to the incisive foremen
d) Cleft of soft and hard palate extending through the palatal bones
19. Which of the following prosthesis is indicated for patients having incompetent
velopharyngeal sphincter?
a) Feeding device for infants
b) Expansion appliance
c) Palatal lift prosthesis
d) None of the above
20.In construction of velar and the pharyngeal section of fixed pharyngeal obturator
the patient is instructed to:
a) Move his head up and down and from side to side
b) Swallow
c) All of the above
d) a & b
21. Cleft lip and palate affecting pronunciation of many sounds. Which of the
following is false in regards to cleft palate:
a) Excessive nasal resonance results in nasal sounds (hypernasality)
b) The nasal consonants (M,N and NG) sounds are affected
c) The masticatory function is impaired
d) Swallowing is impaired

22.In a patient, the soft palate turns downward from the hard palate at an angle of
about 45". Which class of soft palate this patient:
a) Class I soft palate
b) Class III soft palate
c) ) Class II soft palate .
d) Class IV soft palate
23- There are many materials used in prosthodontics field. what is the material
mainly used in restoring facial defects is:

a) Cr-Co.
b) Acrylic resin.
c) Zinc oxide
d) Silicon
24- Success of maxillofacial work depending on Cooperation between surgeon and
prosthodontics. At which time this cooperation must be tied relation:
a) Operation room
b) Treatment plan stage only
c) After surgery
d) Cooperation from treatment plan, during surgery and after surgery.
25-The aims of maxillofacial prosthesis are:
a) Restoring intraoral and extra-oral defects.
b) Restoring functions of the patients.
c) Re communication the patients to society.
d) All of the above.

26. There are many etiological factors can result in cleft lip and palate .One of the
most important etiologies of the congenital cleft palate is:
a) Increase in the embryonic circulation.
b) Decrease in the embryonic circulation.
c) Failure of the tongue to drop.
d) No epithelial at the junction of two palatal halves.

27. Environment can result in oral abnormalities .which environmental factors

that influence the induction of congenital cleft palate are
a) Radiation and x-rays.
b) Infections and disease.
c) Endocrine factors and nutritional deficiency .
d) All of the above
28-Class III of Olin`s classification resemble what in Veau`s classification.
a) Class I
b) Class I & II
c) Class III & IV
d) All of the above
29- Construction of immediate obturator is necessary. At which time the
immediate obturator is inserted:
a) Immediately after operation in the operating room.
b) After healing by 10 days.
c) After operation by 10 days.
d) Immediately after healing of the palatal defect.
30-Speech aid prosthesis composed of:
a) Mandibular, velar and pharyngeal sections.
b) Palatal , velar and pharyngeal sections.
c) Palatal , nasal and pharyngeal sections.
d) Mandibular, nasal and pharyngeal sections.
31-Trauma for the growth center of the cleft palate will occur if the surgical
correction occurs at the age of:
a) 20 months.
b) 30 months.
c) 40 months.
d) 50 month
32- There are many classifications of cleft lip and palate. Aramany`s classification
is used for:
a) Partial denture patients
b) Congenital palatal defect patients.
c) Acquired palatal defect patients.
d) Geriatric patients.

33- Immediate obturator has a lot of advantages. One of the main advantages of
immediate obturator is:

a) Feeding and speech are not maintained.

b) Promotes healing of the surgical cavity.

c) It does not restore an appropriate esthetic.

d) Increase time of hospitalization.

34- Which of the followings evaluate the effectiveness of the palato-pharyngeal


a) Blowing a balloon.

b) Inflating checks with air.

c) Drinking through a straw.

d) All of the above.

35-which of the following test are done to detect palate-pharyngeal sphincter

a) Blowing a balloon.
b) Inflating the cheeks
c) Drinking through a straw.
d) All of the above

36‐The type of maxillofacial defects:

a) congenital defects.
b) Acquired defects.
C) Developmental defects.

37‐Cleft palate, cleft lip, missing ear, prognathism are:

a) Acquired defects.
b) Congenital defects.
c) Developments defects.
d) None.
38‐Accidents, surgery, pathology are:
a) Acquired defects.
b) Developments defects.
c) Congenital defects.
d) None.

39- Construction of interim obturator is mandatory. What is the Prosthetic goal of

interim obturator is to:
a) Restore deglutition
b) Restore speech
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above
40. Many patients are dissatisfactory with maxillary obturator.Trouble of
obturator prosthesis may be due to:
a) Excessive weight of obturator.
b) Lack of retention
c) Hypernasality
d)All of the above

41- The immediate obturator can serve for certain period .what is time the
immediate obturator can serve up to:

a) Six months

b) One month

c) Eight months

d) Twelve months

42- The role (s) of surgical obturator is/are:

a) To support surgical packing placed in resection cavity

b) To restore continuity of the hard palate

c) Both of the above

d) None of the above

43- Which of the following prostheses is not used in rehabilitation of maxillary
resection patient:

a) Surgical obturator

b) Interim obturator

c) Definitive obturator

d) None of the above

44- Patient with acquired cleft need several types of obturators . Which one of the
following obturators is not used for acquired cleft:

a) Immediate obturator
b) Feeding appliance obturator
c) Temporary Obturator
d) Definitive Obturator

45- Speech aid obturator is composed of:

a) Palatal section & velar sections

b) Pharyngeal section
c) Palatal & pharyngeal sections
d) Palatal, velar & pharyngeal sections
46- There are several types of obturator. The Two pieces obturator is used in case

a) Large mouth opening

b) Small palatal defects
c) Small mouth opening & small palatal defect
d) Large palatal defects & small mouth opening
47- Class 6 in Harkin’s classification resembles:

a) Class I in Veau classification

b) Group II in Olin’s classification
c) Class IV in Veau classification
d) Group III in Olin’s classification
48- The first disability facing congenital palatal defect babies is:

a) Speech
b) Psychology
c) Nutrition
d) Appearance

49- Palato-pharyngeal sphincter is formed by spontaneous contraction of two main


a) Superior constrictor of the pharynx & Levator labii

b) Levetor palati & inferior constrictor of the pharynx
c) Levator palati & superior constrictor of the pharynx
d) Levator labii & inferior constrictor of pharynx

50- Normal speech will not gain after surgical or prosthetic closure of cleft palate
due to:

a) Decrease in palatal length or lack of palatal movement.

b) Increase in palatal length & lack of palatal movement
c) Decrease in palatal length only
d) Lack of palatal movement only

51- There are many etiological factors of palatal defect. The most common Etiology
of the acquired palatal defects:

a) Surgical removal of palatal tumors.

b) Traumatic fractures of the maxilla.
c) Pathological conditions e.g. Osteomyelitis, Tuberculosis, and Syphilis.
d) All of the above

53- Maxillary obturator is constructed for patients having:

a) Cleft lip & palate.

b) Cleft palate.
c) Hemi-maxillectomy.
d) All of the above.
54- Hard palate is the static roof of:

a) Maxillary sinuses
b) Nasal cavity
c) Oral cavity
d) All of the above
55- One of the following is not an environmental factor that induces cleft palate:

a) Radiation & X-ray

b) Nutritional in-adequacies.

c) Hereditary

d) Infectious disease of the pregnant mother as German measles.


A congenital defect results from lack of fusion of the two palatine -1

.processes during the 16th week I. U. life to form the palate



2-Construction of definitive obturator is a must after 6 months of wearing

Interim (temporary) obturator prosthesis to allow complete healing of the
tissue and subside of edema take place.


Abnormal position of the embryo is not an etiologic factor for -3

.congenital palatal defect



4- Infectious disease of the pregnant mother as German measles was

thought to induce congenital palatal cleft.



5- Fusion of the palatal process of the maxilla proceeds from before

backwards so that union defect may be evident in nothing but bifid uvula.



6-Class III Veau classification is: Cleft of soft and hard palate plus
bilateral clefts in the upper alveolar ridges and upper lip (bilateral hare


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Group III Olin’s classification is: Cleft lip and palate involving the -7
.alveolar ridge. Patient may have unilateral or bilateral clefts



8- Cleft of soft and hard palate extending to the incisive foramen is a

class 4 of Harkin’s classification.



9-Palatal lift prosthesis is a device not used in case of palatal paralysis.



10- Surgical operation performed on very young age that leads to trauma
to the growth center or formation of scar tissue leading to deformity of
the middle third of the face.



11- The defect in speech and appearance has bad effect on personality,
social and economic status of patients with palatal defect and that will not
affect their mental health.



12- Immediate obturator is a prosthetic appliance which is inserted

immediately after the operation while the patient is still in the operating
room. It is usually constructed in acrylic resin.



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13- Immediate obturator does not improve the psychological condition of



Removal of the lower denture from the patient’s mouth after -14
occlusal adjustment is a must to prevent its swallowing while being under



15- The surgical obturator is fixed in place with circum-mandibular




16- Obturator for dental cyst is constructed to prevent closing the cyst
before complete healing of its cavity.



17-Treatment of a pregnant woman with cortisone or hormonal

disturbance of Pituitary gland increase incidence of cleft palate.



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