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Forjabilitatea Aliajelor de Magneziu Modificate AZ si ZK

Forgeability of Modified AZ and ZK Wrought Magnesium Alloys

Gerrit Kurz1, Wilhelmus W. Sillekens2, Robert J. Werkhoven2, Dietmar Letzig1, Ion Badoi3
GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht – Magnesium Innovation Centre; Geesthacht, GERMANY
TNO Science and Industry – Materials Technology; Eindhoven, NETHERLANDS

1. Rezumat 1. Abstract
Comparartiv cu piesele turnate produsele din Wrought magnesium alloy products have
aliajele de magneziu deformate au atribute favorabile favourable attributes compared to castings parts with
in ceea ce priveste proprietatile mecanice.In plus ele regard to mechanical properties. In addition they
asigura o clasa complementara de forme si geometrii. provide a complementary class of shapes and
Aceste aliaje sunt utilizate pentru dezvoltari in geometries. These alloys are the current drivers for
domeniul tehnologiilor de forjare a magneziului.In developments within the field of magnesium forging
acest context proiectul European de cercetare technology. Within this context, the European
MagForge are ca obiectiv general elaborarea unor research project MagForge is being conducted with
tehnologii eficiente pentru industria producatoare de the overall goal to provide tailored and cost-effective
componente forjate din aliaje de magneziu. Unul din technologies for the industrial manufacturing of
impedimentele actuale referitoare la forjarea forged magnesium alloy components. One of the
magneziului este lipsa aliajelor de magneziu present impediments to magnesium forging is the
adecvate.Forjabilitatea aliajelor de magneziu trebuie unavailability of suitable magnesium alloys:
imbunatatita atat din punct de vedere al tehnicitatii Forgeability of magnesium alloys in terms of the
etapelor de procesare cat si al calitatii produsului robustness of processing windows and the resulting
rezultat in sensul cresterii performantelor mecanice. product quality in terms of mechanical performance
Aceasta este una din temele principale ale need to be improved. Hence this is one of the main
proiectului. topics of the project.
Acest articol prezinta rezultatele obtinute in This paper reports on the progress made in
aceast domeniu special. Strategia adoptata in acest this particular area. The strategy adopted for
sens, consta in inducerea finisarii grauntilor cristalini advancement consists in inducing grain refinement
si stabilizarea microstructurii aliajelor comerciale de and stabilisation of the microstructures by rare-earth
magneziu forjate prin pamanturi rare. and complementary modifications of the commercial
In conformitate cu practica comuna AZ80 and ZK60 forging magnesium alloys.
semifabricatele turnate au fost fost procesate prin pre- In line with common practice, forging slugs
extrudare. Calitatea semifabricatelor din aliaje de were prepared from cast billets by pre-extrusion. The
aluminiu modificate a fost evaluata la nivel de quality of the modified magneium alloy slugs is
laborator pe baza probelor conice forjate. Rezultatele assessed on the basis of laboratory-scale cone-forging
au aratat o crestere semnificativa a calitatii trials. The results show a significant improvement of
microstructurii comparativ cu aliajele comerciale microstructure quality over the existing comercial
actuale. alloys.

2. Materialul semifabricatului 2. Feedstock Material

Principalul obiectiv al proiectului MagForge The main target of the MagForge project is
este de a matrita componente din aliaje de magneziu to forge a magnesium component that fulfils all
care indeplinesc toate proprietatile pieselor din requirements of the same shaped aluminium
aluminiu cu forma similara. Datele din literatura de component. Literature data on the basic alloys
specialitate re-feritoare la aliajele de magneziu selected, AZ80 and ZK60, show a very small gap
selectate AZ80 si ZK60,evidentiaza o diferenta mica between the mechanical properties of the forged
intre proprietatile componentelor forjate din components and the properties for aluminium
magneziu si aluminiu. In scopul obtinerii tuturor components. In order to fulfil all the properties of the
prorietatilor componentelor din aluminiu este aluminium component it is necessary to improve the
necesara cresterea rezistentei celor doua aliaje de strength of the two magnesium alloys.
magneziu. Therefore the wrought magnesium alloys
In acest scop aliajele deformate de magneziu AZ80 and ZK60 were modified by alloying with rare
AZ80 si ZK60 au fost modificate cu pamanturi rare earth elements, yttrium and cerium. The AZ80 and
ytriu si ceriu.Aliajele de magneziu AZ80 si ZK60 au ZK60 alloys were modified with a small quantity of
fost modificate cu o cantitate mai mica de ceriu ceriu (AZ80 Cer1% / ZK60 Cer1%) and an elevated
(AZ80 Cer1%/Zk60 Cer1%)respectiv o cantitate mai (AZ80 Cer2% / ZK60 Cer2%) amount of cerium.
mare de ceriu (AZ80 Cer2%/ZK60 Cer2%).In amble Both amounts of yttriu were smaller than 1 wt. %.
cazuri cantitatea de ytriu a fost mai mica de 1%. The alloy composition of AZ80 Y was
Compozitia aliajului AZ80 Y a fost similara similar to AZ80 Cer2, but a small quantity of yttrium
cu cea a aliajului AZ80 Cer2 dar a fost adaugata o (<1 wt. %) was added. A small quantity of calcium
cantitate mai mica de ytriu (<1 % procente de masa) (<1 wt. %) was combined with alloy ZK60 Cer2 to
O cantitate mica de calciu (<1 % procente de masa) a produce the ZK60 Ca.
fost combinta cu aliajul ZK60 Cer2 pentru a produce In order to obtain homogeneous, fine-
Aliajul ZK60 Ca. grained microstructures all the cast modified
In scopul obtinerii unei microstructuri magnesium alloys were indirectly extruded with a
omogene cu graunti fini, aliajele de magneziu billet temperature of 280 °C and an extrusion ratio of
modificate in stare turnata au fost extrudate indirect a 16.5. Was obtained a typical extrusion texture of the
o temperatura a semifabricatului de 280 C si un feedstock which orients the basal planes parallel to
raport de extrudare de 16,5. A fost obtinuta o textura the extrusion direction [8].
tipica de extrudare a materiei prime care orienteaza The feedstock was machined to forging
planele bazale cu directia de extrudare[8}. slugs of 25 mm diameter and 50 mm length.
Materia prima a fost prelucrata in Following extrusion, samples were
semifabricate pentru forjare cu diametru de 25 mm si subjected to microstructural analysis. Was carried out
lungime de 50 mm. on polished and etched central sections of the slugs
Dupa extrudare, probele au fost supuse and forgings and examinated by optical microscopy.
analizei microstructurale. Sectiunea transversala a For sample preparation an etching solution based on
probelor turnate si forjate a fost slefuita, atacata si picric acid was applied [9].
examinata prin microscopie optica. Pentru pregatirea si In Figures 1 and 2 the microstructures of the
atacul probelor s-a utilizat solutie de acid picric [9]. modified magnesium alloys AZ80 and ZK60
In Fig. 1 si 2 sunt prezentate microstructurile feedstock are shown. The average grain size was
materiei prime reprezentand aliajele de magneziu determined using several micrographs of each alloy.
modificate AZ80 si ZK60. Marimea medie a grauntilor The microstructures of the alloys AZ80 Cer1
cristalini a fost determinata utilizandu-se cateva and AZ80 Cer2 are quite similar as are the grain sizes
micrografii ale fiecarui aliaj. of 12 and 14 µm.
Microstructurile aliajelor AZ80 Cer1 si The microstructure of the AZ80 Y alloy
AZ80 Cer2 sunt aproape similare, dimensiunea extrusion was more inhomogeneous than that of the
grauntilor fiind de 12 si 14 µm. two alloys AZ80 Cer1 and AZ80 Cer2. In all three
Micostrutura exrudata a aliajului AZ80 Y a alloys, lath-shaped (Mg17Al12) intermetallic particles
fost mai mai neomogena decat a celor doua aliaje were also observed.
AZ80 Cer1 si AZ80 Cer2. La toate cele trei aliaje s-
au observat particule intermetalice de (Mg17Al12) sub
forma de placi.
AZ80 Cer 1 AZ80 Cer 2
Average grain size: 14 µm Average grain size: 12 µm

AZ80 Y
Average grain size: 16 µm
200 µm 200 µm

200 µm

Figura 1. Microstructura materiei prime extrudata aliaj modificat AZ80

Figure 1. Microstructure of the extruded modified AZ80 feedstock material.
În contrast cu aliajele AZ80, aliaje de In contrast to the AZ80 alloys, the modified
modificare ZK60 au fost mai neomogene. ZK60 alloys were more inhomogeneous.
Micrografiile aliajelor ZK60 Cer1 şi ZK60 Cer2 au Micrographs of ZK60 Cer1 and ZK60 Cer2 alloys
relevat neomogenitatea microstructurilor care revealed inhomogeneous microstructures containing
conţinde graunti cristalini cu o variaţie larga de grains with a wide variation of sizes. Very small
dimensiuni. Graunti cristalini cu dimensiuni foarte grains with sizes in the range 2–4 µm coexist with
mici, în intervalul 2-4 μm coexistand cu graunti mari large unrecrystallised grains.
nerecristalizati. Average grain sizes of about 13 µm in ZK60
Dimensiunile medii ale grauntilor au fost de Cer1 and 18 µm in ZK60 Cer2 were found. The
13 µm pentru aliajul ZK60 Cer1si 18 µm pentru microstructure of ZK60 Ca is more homogeneous and
aliajul ZK60 Cer2 . Microstructura aliajului ZK60 Ca the grain size of 9 µm is smaller than in the case of
este mult mai omogena si dimensiunea grauntilor de other modified ZK60 alloys.
9 µm este mai mica decat in cazul altor alije ZK60

ZK60 Cer 1 ZK60 Cer 2

Average grain size: 13 µm Average grain size: 18 µm

ZK60 Ca
Average grain size: 9 µm

200 µm 200 µm

200 µm

Figura 2. Microstructura materiei prime extrudata aliaj modificat ZK60

Figure 2. Microstructures of the extruded modified ZK60 feedstock materials.

3.Probe de forjare 3.Forging Trials

Experimentarile de forjare au fost realizate The forging experiments were carried out on
pe o presa hidraulica cu forta nominala de 1000kN si a hydraulic press with a nominal force of 1000 kN
o viteza a travrsei superioare de 10 mm/sec. and a ram speed of 10 mm/s.
Componenta alesa a fost un butuc de roata The component of choice was a stylised
stilizat.Aceasta este o piesa forjata de dimensiuni wheel hub. It is a small-size forging of symmetrical
Mici cu forma simetrica .Matrita superioara a avut un shape The upper die had got a de-aeration borehole.
orificiu pentru evacuarea aerului.Imprimarea acestui The print of this borehole on the forged part was a
orificiu pe piesa forjata a fost un bun indiciu pentru good indicator of die filling. All forgings were
umplerea matritei.Toate piesele au fost forjate cu produced with pre-heated tools
preincalzirea matritelor. The experiments (slug dimensions: Ø 25
Experimentarile (dimensiunile semifabri- mm, length 50 mm), were carried out at temperatures
catelor: Ø 25 mm, lungime 50 mm), au fost efectuate of 175, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 and 450 °C. All parts
la temperaturi de 175, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 şi 450 were forged in one step.
° C. Toate piesele au fost forjate într-o singura faza. At the beginning of the forging process the
La începutul procesului de forjare slug was placed vertically in the die and then
semifabricatul a fost plasat vertical în matrita şi apoi compressed. In order to avoid material failure during
comprimat. In scopul evitarii ruperii materialului the process, both the upper and lower dies were pre-
matrita inferioara si superioara au fost preincalzite la heated to the slug temperature. An oil-based,
tempertura semifabriacatului. graphite-pigmented compound was used as lubricant.
Dupa forjare, piesele au fost racita in aer. After forging, the parts were cooled down
Aceste experimente au fost realizate pentru with ambient air. These experiments were performed
determinarea celor mai bune aliaje de magneziu to determine the best magnesium alloys modification
modificate pentru forjarea in matrita. for die forging.
In scopul identificarii celui mai bun aliaj In order to find the best forging alloy the
pentru forjare au fost selectate urmatoarele criterii: following selection criteria were chosen:
- Formabilitate buna la temperatura joasa - Good formability at low temperatures
- Proces permis - Broad process window
De asemenea in scopul comparatiei, probe Oslo, roar comparison purposes, identical
identice de forjare au fost realizate cu aliajele forging trials were performed on the commercial
comerciale AZ80 si ZK60. In Figurile 3 si 4 sunt alloys AZ80 and ZK60. Figures 3 and 4 display the
prezentate rezultatele forjarii. Numai aliajul ZK60 si forging results. Only the alloy ZK60 and its
varinta sa modificata au asigurat umplerea matritei la modifications showed sufficient filling of the die at
temperatura joasa de 175 C. Piesele forjate din the lowest forging temperature of 175 C. Only the
aliajele ZK60 si ZK60 Cer2 nu au prezentat fisuri la forgings of the alloys ZK60 and ZK60 Cer2 showed
rece in flanse. Fisuri la rece au aparut in flanse si la no evidence of cold cracking in the flange. Cold
forjarea aliajelor ZK60 Cer1 si ZK60 Ca. In cracks appeared in the flange of the forgings of ZK60
comparatie cu aliajele ZK60 la temperaturi mai mari Cer1 and ZK60 Ca. In comparison to the ZK60
de 200 C aliajele AZ80 Cer2 si AZ80 Y au asigurat o alloys, acceptable die filling of the AZ80 Cer2 and
umplere acceptabila matritei. AZ80 Y alloys was obtained at the higher
temperature of 200°C.

200 °C 450 °C

AZ80 Cer1

AZ80 Cer2
Print of the borehole

AZ80 Y
Print of the borehole

Figura 3. Rezultatele forjarii aliajului modificat AZ80

Figure 3. Forging results of the modified AZ80 alloys

175 °C 450 °C

ZK60 Cer1
Print of the borehole

Print of the borehole

ZK60 Cer2

Print of the borehole

ZK60 Ca 400 °C

Figura 4. Rezultatele forjarii aliajului modificat ZK60

Figure 4. Forging results of the modified ZK60 alloys.

In cazul tuturor aliajelor modificate AZ80 In all the modified AZ80 alloys cold cracks
s-au observat fisuri la temperatura de 200°C . Cu in the flange were observed at a forging temperature
toate acestea, piesele forjate in intervalul 250°C si at 200°C. However, the components of all alloys
350°C nu au prezentat fisuri si au umplut forged in the temperature range between 250°C and
corespunzator matrita. La temperaturide fojare de 350 °C showed no cracks and sufficient filling of the
400°C in cazul aliajului ZK60 Ca au aparut fisuri die. At the forging temperature of 400 °C hot cracks
care au distrus piesa (Figura 4). appeared in the ZK60 Ca forging and destroyed the
Forjarea tuturor celorlalte aliaje la part (Figure 4).
tempera-tura de 450°C a prezentat o umplere The forgings of all the other alloys showed
suficienta a matritei.Nu au fost vizibile fisuri la sufficient die filling up to a forging temperature of
forjarea aliajelor ZK60 Cer1 si Cer2 la acesta 450°C. No hot cracks were visible in the forgings of
temperatura de procesare.Componentele forjate din the alloys ZK60 Cer1 and Cer2 at this process
aliajele ZK60 si AZ80Y nu prezentat fisuri discrete temperature. The forged components of ZK60 and
la cald. O fisurare mai accentuata a aparut la AZ80Y displayed mild hot cracking. Stronger hot
piesele forjate din celelalte aliaje AZ80. cracking appeared in the forgings of the other AZ80

4. Concluzii 4. Conclusions
A fost investigat comportamentul la The behaviour of conventional and modified
matritare al aliajelor de magneziu conventionle si magnesium alloys during closed-die forging was
modificate. A fost demonstrat faptul ca procesul de investigated. It has been demonstrated that the
forjre ofera posibilitatea de a produce piese cu o forging process of these alloys offers the possibility
geometrie complexa. to produce parts with a complex geometry.
In special testele de forjare la temperaturile Especially the forging tests at temperatures
de 175°C pentru ZK60 Cer2 si 200°C pentru AZ80 of 175 °C for ZK60 Cer2 and 200 °C for AZ80 Y
Y au aratat bune rezultate.Ambele aliaje modificate showed good results. Both modified alloys showed
au aratat o buna formabilitate la temperaturi scazute. good formability at low temperatures.
Rezultatele probelor de forjare pentru The results of the forging trials show that the
aliajele AZ80 Y si ZK60 Cer2 au aratat ca au o buna alloys AZ80 Y and ZK60 Cer2 have the best
formabilitate la temperatura scazuta precum si cea formability at low temperatures as well as the
mai larga posibilitate de procesare. broadest processing window.
Datorită faptului că de magneziu este de Due to the fact that magnesium is about 35%
aproximativ de 35% mai uşor decât de aluminiu, lighter than aluminium, it offers potential for the
acesta oferă potenţial pentru inlocuirea aliajelor de substitution of aluminium alloys in automotive
aluminiu din componenta automobilelor. components.

5. Multumiri 5. Acknowledgments
Proiectul MagForge este realizat in cadrul The MagForge project is being conducted
programului Comisiei Europene “Actvitati de for the European Commission within the framework
cercetare orizontala de implicare a IMM-urilor” sub of the programme “Horizontal Research Activities
numarul de contract COLL-CT-2006-03022008. involving SMEs” under the contract number COLL-
Multumiri deosebite pentru sprijinul CT-2006-03022008.
financiar. The financial support is gratefully

6. References
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[2] J. Becker, G. Fischer, Manufacture and properties of extruded and forged components in magnesium wrought
alloys, Proceedings of the 11th Magnesium Automotive and End User Seminar, 2003.
[3] G. Kurz, B. Clauw, W.H.Sillekens, D. Letzig, Die-Forging of the Alloys AZ80 and ZK60, TMS, Magnesium
Technology 2009, 197–202.
[4] J. Swiostek, G. Kurz, P. A. Beaven, D. Letzig, “Die-Forging of Commercial and Modified ZK60 Magnesium
Alloys”, International Conference “Magnesium – Broad Horizons”, Saint Petersburg, 6-8 June 2007.
[5] G. Kurz, J. Swiostek, P.A. Beaven, J. Bober, D. Letzig, Die-Forging of Magnesium Materials, SAE World
Congress 2008, Magnesium Technologies, Detroit, 14-17 April 2008, 2008-01-0213.
[7] J. Swiostek, J. Bohlen, D. Letzig, K.U. Kainer, Comparison of microstructure and mechanical properties of
indirect and hydrostatic extruded magnesium alloys, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Magnesium
Alloys and their Applications, (2003), 278–284.

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