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EMF and 5g: Their Effect on

Human Health and the

Autoimmune Connection.
Written By:
Trevor Matrixbreaker - #2020visionaries

The role of your immune system is to patrol your body, actively seeking
foreign microbes (such as bacteria’s, viruses, parasites, and fungi). If
your body’s immune system finds something unrecognizable, the immune
system will immediately launch an attack to neutralize the foreign
objects. Scientists have found that prolonged exposure to EMF from
everyday technology like your cell phone and your microwave oven disturbs
your immunity pattern. This can make it respond in different ways than it
should. EMF exposure can throw your body’s immune system out of tune. The
immune system loses its ability to judge between the safe cells and
microbes that are harmful. This means it can overreact to some threats and
under-react to others.

Now, let me explain how people with increased allergies, and autoimmune
problems are most likely suffering from EMF exposure. This is not
something any doctor will bring up or suggest. If your doctor is even
aware of the link between EMF, allergies, and autoimmune problems /
autoimmune disease, they will more than likely also be aware that there is
nothing they can prescribe or use to treat an issue being cause by harmful
levels of EMF exposure. Immunosuppression is the suppression of your
immune system. When it happens, your immune system isn’t as strong as it
should be, and your body’s systems do not respond to threats to your
health with enough vigor or strength. In a healthy person,
immunosuppression exposes the body to threats from various diseases. These
are diseases that, when your body is working properly, would be able to
fight and fend off and heal from. When your body’s immune system is
impaired, your body may not have the ability to defeat the disease, or it
may take longer to recover.

A great example of immunosuppression is catching a common cold and not

being able to recover for a long time. Similarly, if your immune system is
weak, even a small cut on the skin can develop to a state where it
requires critical medical attention. So that’s what can happen when your
immune system is weakened. Another way in which your immune system can
malfunction from EMF exposure is when it reacts to stimuli that it should
not; a condition we call autoimmunity. Autoimmunity is a medical condition
that makes your body attack its own cells and tissues. And there are
several studies in which researchers found a correlation between exposure
to EMF radiation and autoimmune diseases. Under normal circumstances, a
well-functioning immune system can normally tell the difference between
foreign cells and your body’s own cells (that work for your body and are
not harmful). And it knows only to attack foreign entities, and not your
own body. However, the exposure to EMF impairs the immune system’s
decision-making ability to a point where it may even begin attacking your
skin and joints. Whenever the immune system detects a foreign element, it
launches a protein called antibodies. These antibodies are there to
destroy the foreign element, and as there is no foreign element to
destroy, it ends up attacking your own body.

Some common autoimmune diseases include:

- Type 1 diabetes: High blood sugar level

- Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): Redness, warmth, stiffness, and soreness in


- Psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis: Causes multiplication of skin cells,

which builds up and form inflamed red patches on the skin.

- Multiple sclerosis: Damage in the protective coating that surrounds the

nerve cells in the central nervous system.

- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): The immune system attacks the


- Inflammatory bowel disease: Causes inflammation in the intestinal wall.

- Addison’s disease: Affects the way the body uses carbohydrates and sugar

- Graves’ disease: Attacks the thyroid gland in the neck, causing it to

produce too much of its own hormones.

- Sjögren’s syndrome: Attacks the gland that provides lubricant to the

eyes and mouth.

- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: Thyroid hormone production slows to a


- Myasthenia gravis: Affects nerve impulses that help the brain control
the muscles.

- Autoimmune vasculitis: The immune system attacks the blood vessels.

- Pernicious anemia: Causes deficiency of protein.

- Celiac disease: Causes digestive disorder with an abnormal immune

reaction to gluten.

The condition of autoimmunity happens when your immune system reacts to

your own body as a threat. In other words, your immune system interprets
something that is not a threat as a threat. We call that hypersensitivity.
Autoimmunity is not the only way in which hypersensitivity occurs. Your
body’s immune system can also react to non-threatening foreign entities as
a threat. And when that happens, your body has what we call an allergic
reaction. The manifestation of allergies is another way in our immune
system can malfunction. Many of us have allergies. Whether we’re talking
about hay fever, cat allergies or peanut allergies, these are all examples
of our body’s immune system reacting negatively to objects that are not,
under regular circumstances, harmful to our health. And when this happens,
the reaction of our body’s own immune system becomes the threat to our
health. Now, allergies are a type of hypersensitivity of our immune
system. And there is a specific type of hypersensitivity whose incidence
is increasing globally. That is electromagnetic hypersensitivity. And in
fact, this condition is sometimes referred to as ‘wifi allergies.’
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a medical condition in which a person
is so sensitive to electromagnetic fields that their body starts showing
alarming symptoms. The symptoms of EHS are like an allergic reaction, like
redness, tingling, and burning sensations. It also causes issues like
tiredness, fatigue, difficulties in concentration, dizziness, nausea,
heart palpitation, and digestive disturbances. In most of the cases, the
EHS is mild, and it can be easily prevented by avoiding EMF exposure.
However, in some cases, the effects of EHS are so severe that a person
needs to change his/her entire lifestyle. And in the most extreme cases,
people find they must upend their lives and move to EMF free zones.

EMF Can Supercharge Disease by boosting the power of the disease itself.
Microbes multiply faster and grow more virulent and stronger when they’re
exposed to EMF. And one example of that is with Lyme disease. The leading
cause of Lyme Disease, as identified by professionals, is a spirochete. A
spirochete is a spiral-shaped group of bacteria that is a pathogen for a
human. Early signs of Lyme disease, according to the TOTALLY TRUSTWORTHY
(LOL) CDC, are fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint aches,
and swollen lymph.

If the disease is untreated and it has been more than 30 days after the
bite, the symptoms may grow to:

- Neck stiffness and headaches

- (Erythema multiforme) EM rashes on other areas of the body

- Loss of muscle tone on one or both sides of the face

- Severe Joint pain and swelling on the knees and other large joints.

- Intermittent pain in Joints, muscles, tendons, and bones

- Irregular heartbeat (Added beat or skipped beat)

- Shortness of breath or Episode of dizziness

- Inflammation of the spinal cord and the brain

- Nerve pain

“I personally suspect that the exposure to electromagnetic fields in the

home and the microwaves from cell phone radiation are driving the
virulence of many of the microbes that are naturally in us and makes them
aggressive and illness producing.”
- Dr. D. Klinghard

There’s also a correlation between mold and EMF. Lyme disease can be
curable; however, this is a process that takes much time to complete
because many issues prevent the patient from fully recovering. One of the
things that can prevent or delay recovery from Lyme disease is toxic mold,
especially in your home. Molds are microscopic organisms that are found in
homes, which survive by consuming organic materials and humidity.
According to Dr. Raj Patel (Medical Options for Wellness in Foster City,
CA), half of the Lyme Disease cases that are unresolved are because of
mold Illness. Lyme disease and mold illness both have similar symptoms, so
sometimes it is hard to distinguish between these two types of conditions.
Scientists have observed that EMF increases mold growth. Mold can produce
600 times more biotoxins (the substance, which is toxic and has a
biological origin, like snake venom) in the presence of EMF. If a Lyme
disease patient has this amount of mold growing in their house (most
likely the bathroom), it interferes in the treatment process, and it may
take longer for the patient to recover. Our immune system determines if
and how quickly we can recover from a disease. Having a well-functioning
immune system is crucial to our survival. And when our immune systems are
impaired, weakened and/or malfunctioning, we are much more vulnerable to
diseases and conditions that, under normal circumstances, would have fewer
and much weaker symptoms, or from which we would recover much more

With the current pandemic happening, and all the uncertainty associated
with it, we can do our best to improve our body’s immune system. None of
us know if this virus is just that, a virus, or if we are seeing 5g EMF
levels ramping up which produce almost identical symptoms as described
with this virus. It could be one or the other, or a combination of both.
All we can do is speculate at this point and continue to do good research
and share our findings with our friends and family members. Too often are
people looked upon for trying to gain a better understanding about a topic
or a specific aspect within a topic that goes against the mainstream
narrative being pushed by the media. If you really think about it, if
people like us didn’t exist, we would be living in a completely controlled
and thoughtless society where we would never realize that certain things
that we’re being told are not only misleading, but are false and meant to
deflect away from the truth. This is obviously done on purpose to keep
control in the hands of the financially elite (who have enough money to
fund their own studies and find out the truth) and out of the hands of the
99%. There is 99% of us, and 1% of them. The only way you keep an
overwhelmingly larger portion of society at bay is by controlling the flow
of information to ensure you’re able to prevent any information that can
put your control structure and hidden rape of society from reaching that
99%. This is why these financially elite members of society have been in
complete control of our everyday lives for at least the last 200 years.
This is how they were able to demonize natural medicine and bring in
synthetic medicine for insane profits. This is how they were able to
create the “General Education Board” and rewrite history with them as the
“men who built America” and the “good guys” and the actual good guys as
“the enemy.” This is why it was crucial for them to control all corporate
media and every affiliate under their umbrella. This is why it was
imperative for them to take control of the US currency by way of sell out
President Woodrow Wilson. This is why it was important for them to take
complete control of farms and agriculture all throughout this country, so
they could take indirect control of the food supply and pay politicians to
pass laws on certain steroids and required “medications” that must be
injected to animals before they are slaughtered and sold to the public.
They’ve been able to funnel their hoarded profits through lobbyists, which
then make deals with Presidents and politicians to sell out the public by
passing laws (or attempting to pass laws) that are detrimental to our
success, privacy, survival, and ability to make a nice life for ourselves.

I drifted off topic a bit, but I needed to paint an easy to understand

picture (especially for people who aren’t knowledgeable about this topic)
of the methods of control that have been used against us and previous
generations of our family for hundreds of years. As I was saying above,
since we do not know the true cause of the current virus situation, we’re
seeing all over the world, we must immediately start building up our
immune systems. Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C) and Colloidal Silver have been
working great for me and helping me feel good every day. There are many
vitamins, supplements, and products you can use to “boost” your immune
system but reducing your exposure to EMF radiation is an often-overlooked
method of boosting the power and function of your body’s immune system.
Exposure to electromagnetic radiation impacts your body’s immune system in
ways we are only just beginning to realize. And with the ever-expanding
roll out of EMF-emitted technology around the world, even ambient levels
of EMF (the type we see in our normal, everyday environments, even when
there is not a “large” source of EMF nearby) are high enough to cause this
type of damage.

I hope this information I’ve put together will help you gain a better
understanding about how exposure to radiation (specifically EMF) is
harming your health. Remember, the reason many of us are trying to warn
and educate you about 5g is because when it’s ramped up in the 40ghz -
60ghz range, it has the potential to cause you cellular and DNA damage,
among many other problems that can essentially fast track your death.
#2020visionaries #2020vision

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