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1. b.i.d : Twice a day dua hari sekali
2. t.i.d : Three times a day tiga kali sehari
3. q.i.d : Four times a day empat kali sehari
4. p.r.n : When necessary jika di perlukan
5. 2 hrly : Once every two hours sekali setiap dua jam
6. 4 hrly : Once every four hours sekali setiap empat jam
7. a.c : Before meals sebelum makan
8. p.c : After meals setelah makan
9. p.o : Orally (through the mouth) lewat mulut
10. caps. : Capsules kapsul
11. tab. : Tablets tablet
12. TPR : Temperature, Pulse, Respiration suhu, denyut, dan pernapasan
13. BP : Blood Pressure tekanan darah
14. CNS : Central Nervous System sistem saraf pusat
15. CVS : Central Venous System sistem vena pusat
16. RR : Respiration Rate fekuensi pernapasan
17. BID : Brought In Dead meninggal dalam perjalanan
18. RTA : Road Traffic Accident kecelakan lalu lintas
19. HI : Head Injury cedera kepala
20. OD : Overdose over dosis
21. Pt : Patient Pasien
22. EP : Epileptic epileptik
23. ChB : Chronic Bronchilitis bronhitis kronis
24. DVT : Deep Vein Thrombosis thrombosis vena profunda
25. MI : Myocardinal Infarction infark miokard
26. HPU : Has passed urine sudah buang air
27. SWO : Stomach Washout cuci perut
28. TOP : Termination of Pregnancy penghentian kelamin
29. PV : Through the vagina lewat vagina
30. PR : Through the rectum lewat rektum
31. BIB : Blanket bath handuk mandi
32. NAD : Nothing Abnormal Detected tidak ada abnormalitas
33. ECG : Electrocardiogram elektrokardiogram
34. EEG : Electroencephalogram Elektroensefalogram
35. 3x1 : Three times a day tiga kali sehari
36. 2x1 : Twice a day dua hari sekali
3 x 500
37. mg : Three five hundred miligrams tiga kali 500 mg
38. 1/5/ : One over five or one fifth satu perlima
39. 1/12/ : One over twelve o one twelve seperduabelas
40. 120/80 : One hundred and twenty over eighty 120 per 80
41. 0.6 : Zero point sixty nol koma enam puluh
42. + : Add/plus/and tambah
43. = : Equal/same with sama dengan
44. - : Minus/subtract kurang
45. x : Times/multiply kali
46. : : Divided dibagi
47. CT : waktu pembukuan
48. CBC : darah lengkap
49. ESR : laju endap darah
50. BT : waktu pendarahan

2. Medical instruments
- A watch = to calculate pulse/respiration rate
- A TPR/BP chart or book = to record the result of TPR and BP
- A thermometer = to measure body temperature
- A stethoscope = to listen the sound of artery
- A sphygmomanometer = to measure blood pressure
- Gauze/tissue = to keep dry thermometer
- A kidney dish = to place soiled dressing
- A needle holder = to hold a needle
- A syringe = to inject a liquid
- Crutches = to support disable ‘P’ to walk
- Plain dissecting forceps = to handle sterile dressing
- Suture scissors = to take out stitches
- Urine specimen glasses = to collect/measure urine
- Artery forceps = to clamp the artery
- Screen/room cubicle = to give privacy of ‘P’
- Bandage scissors = to cut the bandage/gauze
- Bowls = to bring some waters
- Cylinders = to keep big forceps
- Examining couch = to examine the patient
- Big forceps = to take sterile gauze
- Urine catheter = to take out the urine
- Hot water bottle = to give hot compress
- Stretcher = to bring a patient
- Laryngeal mirror = to look inside of the mouth
- Tower clip = to hold the towel
- Vagina speculum = to examine a vagina
- Scalpel handle and blade = to cut the tissues
- Otoscope = to examine ear
- Spitting mug = to spit sputum
- Instrument tray m/cover = to keep sterile instruments
- Dressing jar = to keep gauze
- Urinal = to throw the urine
- Bedpan = to throw stool
- Infusion stand/pole = to hang the infusion bottle
- A wheeled stretcher = to bring a patient
- Foot step = to get onto bed

Medical instruments are used for taking blood sample are:

- Syringe 2,5 ml/5 ml = spuit
- Tourniquet = stuing
- Tray/trolley = baki/meja dorong
- Rubber sheet = perlak/pengalas
- Swab alcohol/cotton alcohol= kapas alcohol
- Kidney dish/receiver = bengkok
- Tape = plester
- Vacutainer with EDTA = tabung untuk darah
- Sterile glove = sarung tangan steril
- Barrel = tabung spuit
- Medication administration record
- Pain killer injection ampoule
- Cap = penutup kepala untuk operasi
- Hair pin = jepitan
- List = daftar
- Identification band = pita/gelang pengenal
- Operating gown = baju operasi
- intravenous/set for ivfd (iv. fluid drips) : Infus

3. Sign and symptoms

- Chest pain : Nyeri dada
- (Suffer slight ) shortness of breath : Sesak nafas
- Fever : Demam
- Headache : Sakit kepala
- Stomachache : Sakit perut
- Sweating : Berkeringat
- Low appetite : Tidak ada nafsu makan
- Urinate frequently : Sering kencing
- Sore throat : Radang tenggorokan
- Toothache : Sakit gigi
- Cough : Batuk
- Backache : Sakit belakang
- Stiff : Kaku
- Vomit : Muntah
- Nausea : Mual
- Weak : Lemah
- Tired : Capek/letih
- Painful in the joint : Nyeri sendi
- Influenza often : Sering kena flu
- Depressed : Depresi
- High blood pressure : Tekanan darah tinggi
- Fat : Gemut
- Constipation : Sembelit
- Irregular menstruation : Haid tidak teratur
- Painful when menstruation : Nyeri haid
- Itchy : Gatal
- Slight shortness of breath : Sedikit sesak nafas
- Severe pain : Sakit berat
- Mild pain : Sakit ringan
- Diarrhea and vomiting : Muntahber
- Intra abdominal hemorrhage : Pendarahan dalam rongga perut
- Numbness : Kesemutan
- Heartbeat : Detak jantung
- Pale : Pucat
- Heart rate : Frekuensi jantung
- Inflammation : Peradangan
- Shiver/tremble : Menggigil
- Swollen : Bengkak
- Suppurate : Bernanah
- Sneeze : Bersin

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