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VISN1111-Geometrical and Physical optics

List of Formulae: 1

1. Basics of Light and Light Propagation

E = h
E = hc/
V = 1/d m-1 = 1/d Dioptres

Shadows (point source):

d = (hx)/y

Pinhole camera:
Image size h′ =( hl′)/l

2. Refraction at Plane Surfaces I

sin(i) /sin(i′) = ang
ang = va / vg = velocity of light in air / velocity of light in glass.
n sin( i ) = n sin( i )
real depth / apparent depth = d / d = nw
n = 1/sin(c)

3. Refraction at plane surfaces II : Prism

 a  d min 
sin  
np =
sin(i1 )
=  2 
sin(i1 ) a
sin  

Thin Prism:

d = np a  a = ( np  1) a
P  = 100 tan (d ) = (100 y/x ) ∆

4. Refraction at Spherical surfaces

Curvature = R = ( d / dl ) = 1/r

s = r − (r2 − y2)
s ≈ y2 / 2r
n i = n' i '
n / l + (n  n) / r = n′ / l
L + F = L′
F = (n' – n)/r
m = h′ / h = (l n) / (n l ) = L / L
VISN1111-Geometrical and Physical optics
List of Formulae: 2

f ′ = n′/ F.
f = n / F

5. Thin Lenses

F = F1 + F2
F= -1/f =1/f ′
m = h′ / h = l ′/ l

Newton’s Relation:
h′/ h = − f / x = − x′ / f ′
x x′ = f f ′

Effective Power of a lens

Fx =
  x 
1   n  F 
   

Thin lenses in contact

F =F +F
T 1 2

Prentice’s Rule :
P = cF

6. Mirrors

 n / l′ = 2n / r + n/ l
F = 2n / r
m = h′/h =  l′/l = (nl′)/(nl) = L/L′
r = 2f

7. Thick lenses

Fv′ = n/fv′
Fv′ = F2 + [F1 / (1- (d/nl) F1)]
Fv = -n/fv
Fv = F1 + [ F2 / (1- (d/nl) F2)]
Fv′ = [F1 + F2  (d/nl)F1F2 ] / (1 (d/nl)F1)
Fv = [F1 + F2  (d/nl)F1F2 ] / (1 (d/nl)F2)
Fe = F1 + F2 - (d/nl) F1 F2
A1P = fv - fe
A1P = (d F2 / nl Fe)
A2 P' = fv′ - fe'
A2P' = (-d F1/ nl Fe)
VISN1111-Geometrical and Physical optics
List of Formulae: 3

L' = L + Fe
m = L / L'
s = fe + fe 
FN = fe
F N = fe

8. Analysis of Multirefracting systems

For step along vergence analysis use:

Lx = Lx-1/ (1  d1 Lx-1 )

For step back vergence analysis use:

Lx-1 = Lx / (1+dx-1 Lx)

m = m1 m2m3 = ( L1/ L1 )  ( L2/ L2 )  ( L3/ L3 )

For incident parallel rays

hfinal = f1tan   ( L2/ L2 )  ( L3/ L3 )…….  ( Lx / Lx )
hfinal = −fe′ tan  = fe tan 

FE = F1  ( L2/ L2 )  ( L3/ L3 )…….  ( Lx / Lx)

FE = n1/fe = nx / fe

9. Simple Magnifiers

M = qL / (1  d L)
M = [h/ f]/ [h/(0.25)] = F/4
M = 1 + F/4
M = 1+ F/4  dF
Md = V/4
M = m Md
Field of View (FOV) = 2hmax = 2y/(4dM)

10. Compound Magnifiers – Part I

M = /
M = fo′ / fe = Fe/Fo
VISN1111-Geometrical and Physical optics
List of Formulae: 4


Magnifying power of the telemicroscope = MOC MT, where MT is the angular

magnification of the telescope and MOC is equal to Foc/4. Foc is the power of the
objective cap.

11. Compound Magnifiers – Part II


M = (moFe)/4
M = ( gFoFe) / 4

12. Stops

D / D = Fe / Fo

Wave Optics

1. On the Wave Nature of Light Superposition of waves

E(x,t) = E0 sin[kx  t) + o]

E(x,t) = E0 sin[k(xct) + o],
E(x,t) = E0 sin[kx 2ft) + o],
E(x,t) = E0 sin[(2 /)x (2/T)t) + o]

E = cB
c= 1/ oo
U = uE + uB
uE = (oE2)/2 and uB = (B2/2o)
I =  oE2c  = (oEo2c)/2

2. Superposition of waves

I = I1 + I2 + 2I1I2 cos(1  2 )

Addition of harmonic waves of the same frequency using the phasor

The amplitude E0R of the resultant vector is then equal to  Cn2 + Sn2
And the angle  R of the resultant vector is equal to tan-1(Sn /Cn).

ER = E0R sin( t + R)

E0R =  [E01cos(1) + E02cos(2) +……. E0Ncos(N)] 2 + [E01sin(1)+ E02sin(2) +

VISN1111-Geometrical and Physical optics
List of Formulae: 5

.…… E0Nsin(N)] 2

 R = tan -1{[E01sin(1)+ E02sin(2) + ….. E0Nsin(N)] / [ E01cos(1) +

E02cos(2)+ ….. E0Nsin(N)] }

lc = cc
The coherence time c for sources is approximately equal to 1/.

3. Interference

V = (Imax−Imin) / (Imax + Imin)

Young’s Double Slit Experiment:

Ip = 4 I0 Cos2(/2)
y = fringe spacing = S/a.

Thin Film Interference:

RN = [ (n1 – n2)/ (n1 + n2)] 2

When one reflection is external and one reflection is internal:

The condition for constructive interference is given by,

2tnf = (m + ½) 

The condition for destructive interference is given by,

2tnf = (m + 1) ( ), where m =−1,0,1,2,3…..

When both the reflections are external or both the reflections are

The condition for constructive interference is then given by,

2tnf = m

The condition for destructive interference is given by,

2tnf = (m + ½ ) 

Choosing the material:

nf =  nans

4. Diffraction

Fraunhofer Diffraction by a single slit:

I = I0[sin(/2)/ (/2)] 2
VISN1111-Geometrical and Physical optics
List of Formulae: 6

Diffraction by a circular aperture:

Dsin( ) = 1.22

Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution:

min ≈ 1.22 / D

Diffraction by N slits - Grating Diffraction:

a sin = m.
(the grating equation)

Grating Dispersion:
D =  /  = m / [a cos()]

Resolving power:
/ = Nm = R

Fresnel Zone plate:

Rm  m and, l = (Rm)2/m

5. Polarization

Law of Malus:
I = Im cos2

Law of the Brewster Angle:

tan (B) = n2/n1

Quarter Wave Plate:

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