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Nome_____________________________________________________Nº_______ Tª_______

2a avaliação de Inglês / Explicação/ 1° Nível Data....../...../...... Ano_____ VA

Read carefully the following text and ansewer the questions bellow (Sign only the right alternative)

Fruits and water

Emily goes to her office. She works for five days a week. She goes to buy groceries on
weekends. On Saturday, she sat down to make a new list. Her mother asked her to buy buy water
and apples at grocery shop. Emily's mother was ill. She was presecribed to drink only distilled
water. Emily bought water from the grocery shop. Emily bouht water from grocery shop. Emily
ate apples for her breakfast. It keeps her healthy and active.
Emily loved going to grocery shopping. She went shopping with her younger brother. Emily
never forgot to buy anything. She had an habitt of making a list before going to the grocery shop.
Emily cared for her mother a lot. She made sure that she did not forget to buy water and apples.

Important vocabulary:
1. Shopping - compras
2. Heathy - saudável
3. Anything - algo / alguma coisa
4. Distilled water - água destilada / pura
5. Ill - doente
6. Breakfast - pequeno almoço

Questions (Sign only the right alterantive. There are 1.25 marks for each question)

1. her office.

a) go b) goes c) not go d) got

2. Emily works.............days a week.

a) five b) six c) seven d) two

3. Emily ate............for her breafast

a) bananas b) apples c) oranges d) mangoes

4. Where does Emily bought water?

a) at supermarket b) at grocery shop c) at shopping d) at the street
5. The number “sixty-seven” iquals to....
a) 6 b) 67 c) 7 d) 76

6. The number “eight hundred forty” is....

a) 840 b) 480 c) 84 d) 48

7. The word: “avó” in English is.....

a) grandmother b) grandfather c) father d) mother

8. The word: “tio” in English is.......

a) uncle b) brother c) sister d) father

9. The words: new, beautiful, pretty, happy, good, bad are:

a) adverbs b) adjectives c) verbs d) mother

10. I.............a new car!

a) have b) haves c) has d) is have

11. Mary...........a doll for she is grown!

a) hasn't b) have c) has it d) have

12. The words: white, black, blue are common....

a) adjectives b) colours c) sentences d) phrases

13. ________she have a good mother?

a) didn't b) does c) do d) has

14. Do you like apples? Yes, I............

a) do b) didn't c) did d) don't

15. If someone is from Madagascar, he is.....

a) Malawian b) Mozambican c) Malagasy d) Madagascarian

16. A Polish is from Poland, so Poland is a..........

a) pays b) pay c) country d) capital

O Docente: Benedito dos santos

“Ora olhem para o homem do qual o consideravam a pedra pequena, e ora, olhem no que a
pedra pequena tornou-se. Ora caros alunos, eu o vosso docente vos digo que se quiseram ser
sábios, primeiro, terão de se humilhar. Pois sábio é todo o que se humilha!”

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