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The vygotskian Framework: principles of psychology and education.

As soon as a baby is delivered in this world there are lots of processes going on since that

moment. This has been the main subject of research of some scientist who were into the

development of the children during their life. Since Vygotsky and Piaget are the most

prominent researchers we have seen their influence of their writing in nowadays education.

This relation is such similar between them that some of their work were though as a

complement of each other. This was a recurrent error among researcher. [ CITATION

Ele07 \l 9226 ]

As our main book in this subject is Tools of the mind, are presented some important

aspects where Vygotsky and Piaget differ or have the same point of view. There are some

specific features I would like to put into comparison in this writing.

Piaget Vygotsky.

The human being at birth is a biological The human being at birth is a social
individual. individual.
I decided to start with these two statement which are quite different from one another. I can

say that Piaget statement is more accurate. Since culture is not something we born with but

we acquire it while we grow up. Piaget is more accessible to be demonstrated as the

experiment called Island of wild children: Would they learn to be human?[ CITATION

Chr15 \l 9226 ]

We can see in this experiment that if a new born baby is put in an environment where he

cannot get any education of language. This person is not going to be considered human as

he did not get manner on how to behave or costumes. So at the moment of our birth we are

social individuals yet. What makes as social individual is the society where we are. Our

parents and relatives are the most important pillar in our education while we are learning to

be social individuals.

Piaget Vygotsky.

In the development of the human being In the development of the human being
there is a process of socialization. there is a process of social differentiation.
This supports the last definition. They are somehow linked. Both researcher are right but is

is necessary to differentiate that Piaget statement occurs first. As humans need to adapt

themselves or create strategies to fit into the society where they are. As I mentioned

before people get the culture depending on where they are. If I grow up in a Chinese

country I am going to think as Chinese people do even if I do not look like them and I will

think that my culture is absolute and the best. This is how we get to the second stage

(Vygotsky principle) where we start seeing our culture different to others and sometimes

we judge other because of their costumes or beliefs. This is how we can differentiate these

statements provided by Vygotsky and Piaget in independent works. Here we can find out

that more than differences there are similarities that can support each other. It is

understandable that some researches thought that their works were always attached but the

fact is that Vygotsky was always complemented by Piaget.

Piaget was always trying to refute what Vygostky stated that somehow he complemented

his works.

Piaget. Vygotsky.

The human being at birth is in a state of The human being at birth has an organized
disorganization that must be organized perception since he is gifted to direct it to
throughout the stages of development of human stimuli and to establish social
his life. interactions.
Piaget and Vygotsky stated in their individual research that children mind has stages that

are leveled to the learning of the children. There are periods designed to move from one

level to another.[ CITATION Kar95 \l 9226 ] But the moving from one stage to other

depends on the effort of the child does in order to learn something. Piaget is the most

intelligente researcher ever thanks him we have learnt how to deal with our students who

sometimes seem to be less productive than others. We need to learn that there are not less

productive but they are just moving at their own speed to another level. It is not possible

that all our students move at the same speed. Teachers must be aware of this movement

present in our classrooms not only in kid’s classroom but in higher education too.

In conclusion the fact here is that their works still have influence in 21st century. I think

there is not wrong researcher here they just were brilliant minds working towards

improving education at that time.

Having on mind they did not have the technology such as we have nowadays they did their

best. We could spend a whole life trying to understand or creating something familiar to

their work. What we can do is to study them as much as we can and try to improve the way

we teach. As 21st century teacher bu must be innovative but at the same time be aware of

what we are doing in our classroom. It is not speaking the language fluently or having good

skills on grammar. We need to pay attention to the errors some researches did in the past in

order to avoid them. There is an old saying in Spanish and it says “Who does not know his

own history is codenamed to repeat it.” This saying applies to our education life. We

need to be ready to face and accomplish all the requirements that the society wants of us as

teachers. I hope to continue my research about this topic.

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