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What is Stress Management?

Put simply, stress management is:
“set of techniques and programs intended to help people
deal more effectively with stress in their lives by
analysing the specific stressors and taking positive
actions to minimize their effects” (Gale Encyclopaedia of
Medicine, 2008).
Popular examples of stress management
include meditation, yoga, and exercise. We’ll explore
these in detail, with a range of different approaches to
ensure that there’s something that works for everyone.
First, let’s set one thing straight: we’re not aiming
towards being stress-free all of the time. That’s
unrealistic. After all, it’s an unavoidable human response
that we all experience from time to time—and it’s not all
bad either.
However, we can all benefit from identifying our stress
and managing it better. Before we dive any deeper into
managing stress, let’s cover a quick 101 on stress itself.

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