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Joseph Emmanuel M.

Gonzales October 10, 2019

11535164 MARKSRV - K31

1.) Discuss and describe all the market segments in the film according to demographic,
psychographic, behavioral, and technographic dimensions. Explain.

DEMOGRAPHICS - The target market of the top 3 brands in the shoe industry in
general are aging from 10-29 with social classes of upper middle, upper class, and lower
upper. The gender could be both male and female and they are usually in the working
class who loves rap music, sports, and fashion. But in the film, they are usually male and
are young adults who are really inclined in rap music for the Adidas Originals brand, and
for the nike brand however, majority of them are nba fans who idolizes an nba legend
named Michael Jordan.

PSYCHOGRAPHIC - for the psychographics, the customers could be achievers, well-

experienced, hard workers, and goal achievers. They also are also physically active or
want to get in to sports or even a healthier physical lifestyle.

BEHAVIORAL - Target market are NBA fans, Hip-hop music genre lover, hype beasts,
good savers, and sneakerheads. These are the types of consumers who follow the current
trend in the market and would like to keep up with the current fashion that are being
promoted by public figures and influential people in the society.

TECHNOGRAPHICS - The top three brands used social technographics to further

attract the online viewers. They advertised the brands mostly through the social media
platforms in the world wide web. However, from the setting of the video, they just do
advertising through television commercials.

2.) What needs and wants do the top 3 brands satisfy? Explain according to reason.

These sportswear companies try to satisfy a combination of needs. For example

are physiological needs (for the maintenance of the body), safety and security needs, and
ego needs. For the physiological needs, these brands satisfy their customers through
giving them comfortable shoes for their individual daily routines. Second is safety and
security. This could be achieved through the researched materials and technology that are
featured in these shoes that actually provides customers safety from various injuries and
accidents. Lastly, ego needs are the status symbol that the brand creates to the users of
their product which gives them a sense of bragging rights whenever they wear the shoes
that are on trend.

3.) Discuss the branding strategies of the top 3 brands. Explain why these strategies are

In the video, Nike’s branding strategy can be identified as emotional branding

using the story of heroism in which they used an nba superstar and hall of famer Michael
Jordan to give a positive human connection with the customers. They used all their cards
on the contract they agreed with Michael Jordan to sponsor their brand. This has been
very effective in a way that they succeeded in having a contract with Michael Jordan as
he became a champion for multiple times in the NBA which is currently the world’s most
famous basketball league. For the adidas, they used entertainment to attract their
customers as seen in the video, young rappers who seem to be very influential in the
developing music industry that time wore and promoted adidas. This was also a very
effective way of branding strategy because they were able to make a trend that these
shoes are a must have and is a complementary shoe for the streetwear type of fashion.

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