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Name: Kavitesh Shaheel Kumar

Student ID: S11134809

Part 1: Case Study Question

The hypothetical marketing related case study of Mere, a traveler who is flying to her home
country in Singapore in the month of April. But somehow, there are issues on Mere's flight time
to Singapore for some reason. Mere is finding herself in emotions where she needs to settle down
before going back to the airport for her flight to Singapore. Mere assumes airport workers aren't
doing an adequate job with flight's time management. By all means, Mere decides to take her
emotions on social media to say about the service of the airport's work environment.

Mere is going to Singapore for work-related reasons but to find out that her flight time has been
detain from the actual time frame which was supposed to be at 9 o'clock pm. Most likely, the
airport worker didn't mention the flight timing to be detain early before Mere arrived at the
airport on time.

This detain flight time did cause made Mere to wait ten hours instead 3 hours for the next flight
time. It seems the airport industry need to do a better of maintaining flight timings accurately
because they're not keeping up with flight time frame at the right point and forgetting to
announce flight time changes to customers beforehand.

One issue on Mere's traveling plan to her flight to Singapore for some reason is the airport
workers didn't do a satisfactory job of telling her ahead of time for the flight time to be detain for

Another issue on Mere's traveling plan to her flight to Singapore for some reason is airport
worker that Mere was communicating with about her flight timing, didn't seem very respectful to
her because the worker dismissed her impolitely without any further notice and to return later to
the airport at the changed time.

Third issue on Mere's traveling plan to her flight to Singapore for some reason is after going
back to the airport from the hotel she stayed in, her flight was supposed to take off at 7 o'clock
am in the morning but the workers now said the flight will be detain for another hour (8 o'clock
am instead of 7 o'clock am).

Mere is finding herself in emotions where she needs to settle down before going back to the
airport for her flight. She is completely unsatisfied with the airport's miscommunication of not
giving any specific notices rather or not her flight's time will remain same or not. Even though,
Mere is not happy about her flight experience, she decides to relax herself in a hotel, closer to the
airport to avoid any more difficult problems from the airport itself.

Returning to the same airport at a later time causes Mere to be more impatient than patient
because her flight's time keeps on changing from time to time though she has no time to wait any
longer. Mere didn't see problems like this before in the airport that she's been traveling for the
more than 15 years until now.

Mere assumes airport workers has pros and cons for their inadequate job flight's time
management. A con that Mere sees with the airport workers is their lack of respect for their
customers based on behavior/altitude. A con that Mere notices is airport workers don't give
proper responses to customers as to why their flight's time changes all of sudden when coming
back to the same airport again and again.

On the pro side, Mere is finally traveling inside the airplane after hours of waiting for an on time
flight plan. Mere was able to received a fresh warm meal, something to eat throughout the entire
flight to Singapore because she hasn't ate anything since and needed some food to crave on but
enjoyed. After that, Mere can take a nap during the long flight path to her business trip in

Arriving in Singapore, Mere goes to see if her suitcase has made its way to the airport already.
All of sudden, Mere observes that her fellow travelers also try to find their suitcases as well.
Looking for suitcases took about 3 hours long but no sign of it came still, so Mere and her fellow
travelers console with airport workers to know why their suitcases hasn't come from the plane
they came in.
Unfortunately, the result is the suitcases owned by Mere and her fellow travelers didn't properly
stocked from their recent flight. Possibility would be that the suitcases will need to be
transported from another flight about more than two hours wait.

Mere's entire flight experience was completely upside down from the airport itself for it's major
mistakes. Going to the hotel in Singapore made Mere to talk about her issues on the airport
industry with them and they make adjustments for her to come at later time for better experience
at the hotel. Mere's suitcase has safely arrived now in Singapore which enable her to take a taxi
cab back to her hotel that she's staying in and felt relief.

Back at the hotel, Mere decides to take her emotions on social media to say about the service of
airport's work environment. Then after refreshing up, Mere goes on her personal laptop to give
her review of emotions on the airport itself based on job wise. But, the airport industry left a
quick answer without an actual answer of saying "your email has been noted and we will get
back to you shortly". So, Mere would have to be wait patiently for a answer back from the
Airport industry while working in of Singapore. Ultimately, Mere hasn't gotten any answers
about her review of emotions from the airport industry. She felt really let down and eventually
gave impolite language on her Facebook social media site because of how the airport doesn't
treat or give any best services and suggestions for flight's time frame.

Such matters can create bigger problems for the company because not focusing at one traveler's
destination flight time frame hourly. Not providing good communication for giving the exact
reason for the mishap in flight time frame. Not keeping track whose suitcases goes in the plane.
Creating excuses for flights to miss their original time frame for transportation. Plus, the airport
workers don't want travelers to be in the same place for some reason which depends on who the
traveler is or where they are coming from and returning to the airport later on until the situation
has been solve which take time.

I would do if I were the company's Complaints Handling Manager who monitors online
complain responses is to be honest with the responders by giving them suggestions on what we
can do to provide a better experience for next flight plan so that way we won't let this same
mistake happen again. I would do if I were the company's Complaints Handling Manager who
monitors online complain responses is writing down the traveler's answers and notify the airport
employees of which of them is responsible for not giving travelers a great flight experience
including re-training for a better proper care for all travelers with a great custom service.

One specific service recovery strategies to ensure that the same problems do not reoccur in the
future is common sense because when the airport industry uses common sense, they will bring a
positive behavior and attitude for all their travelers in the environment to ensure to get the best
services they need to make the travelers feel more welcoming and proceed to their flight plans on
time without any circumstances.

Second specific service recovery strategies to ensure that the same problems do not reoccur in
the future is checking flight plans on screen before making any revisions to it because that way,
the travelers can be alerted ahead of time before coming to the airport and not worry about it or
complain about it.

Third specific service recovery strategies to ensure that the same problems do not reoccur in the
future is improve training in customer service because when travelers ask about their flight plans
or hotel stay in to the customer service, the workers will be more respectful to them a lot more
than before and communicate with them more significantly without any rush or impolite

Fourth specific service recovery strategies to ensure that the same problems do not reoccur in the
future is double checking baggage's in the flight before deporting because as soon as the flight
ends at its current airport, travelers can pick up their baggage's there without having to wait in for
another flight.

Fifth specific service recovery strategies to ensure that the same problems do not reoccur in the
future is more food meals and beverage options in the flight itself because it allows the
passengers to select more than one food & beverage options and enjoy them more comfortably &

Sixth specific service recovery strategies to ensure that the same problems do not reoccur in the
future is preventing complains because the more caring and support the airport workers give to
their customers, the less complains no customers will have or put online.
Seventh specific service recovery strategies to ensure that the same problems do not reoccur in
the future is think about the customers first that are traveling to places rather than themselves
because that's how customers will see from the airport industry that they care for them and their
flight plans (turning over a new leaf).

One lesson learnt from the case study is Mere goes with the most trust airport industry that she's
familiar with for a while without changing to any other airport industries. Second lesson learnt
from the case study is Mere would travel to the same airport industry for important reason like
work-related. Third lesson learnt from the case study is Mere was able to get her flight ticket
pass to Singapore online earlier before the flight date without having to buy the ticket in hand. A
easier way to buy a ticket online instead in-person because it saves enough time without waiting
in line to get ticket for one destination point.

Fourth lesson learnt from the case study is Mere chose a specific date and month to go to her
business trip in Singapore for seven days only. Mere's work business comes from her home
country which means she lives away from Singapore but only goes back there for work-related
stuff until it's done in one week. Fifth lesson learnt from the case study is Mere arrives at the
airport close to 6 o'clock pm which is almost to check-in time and her flight plan is on the right
track without any circumstances.

Sixth lesson learnt from the case study is Mere didn't realized her flight's time has been detain
without notice from the airport itself earlier. Flight plans can be detain as to why it was without
any explanation for it. The longer the flight plans extend the more longer Mere has to wait to
arrive in Singapore.

Last lesson learnt from the case study is Mere evaluates the airport industry to be not the same as
it used to be because she sees workers avoid the main situations that they aren't following
through and make things worse for her including her fellow travelers. Mere posted complaint's
online about the discrimination of the airport industry service/work effort because it's not
following the standard policies of what an airport should look like. The airport industry doesn't
check if baggage's are deported inside the plane's cargo or not which causes travelers to be not
happy about it at all.
Not only Mere has the same problem with her baggage not appearing at the Singapore's airport
but other passengers too that didn't get their baggage's either because it's the lack of
responsibility for not checking baggage's loading on the plane. At the end of the case study, Mere
stands up for herself through social media like facebook of making the airport industry looking
bad due to improper behavior of moving travelers to waiting areas with no answers as to why
they have to wait there with repeated detain flight's time frame and stay at hotel instead of

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