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Tutorial 3: Video React Paper

Corruption in the Solomon Islands’ Logging Trade is Rife’.

The film” Corruption in the Solomon Islands’ logging Trade is Rife” is a documentary
film which comprises of people such as Duran Angiki, Tarcisius Tara, Christopher
(finance minister) and several other Minister with the village representatives of the
Solomon Islands were interviewed.
The film is organized in a way that first portrays the problem (i.e. logging and
corruption) and then the different reactions from the Minister, to the trustees and then
later to the natives regarding problems faced for logging in the Solomon Islands.
The film was made by ABC Australia in order to address the problem encountered by
logging in the Solomon Islands (logs, sleaze & scandal). Also, it tries to portray how the
Solomon Islander were bribed in order to give their land by signing documents.
Sounds of chainsaw and bulldozers are featured on the sound track to give the audience
that logging is in process. Also, hymns which is sung by the community in which the
two journalist lives in tries to portray that they are Christians. With the use of the
natural sounds, it gives the feelings that the wild-life in Solomon Island is undisturbed
until logging takes place. Chaotic sounds in the village meetings gives the viewer an idea
that the villager does have many complications and complaints.
For my gut reactions towards the film, I was mostly surprised and angry at the same
time for how devastating the government of Solomon Islands lacks to provide security
for its people.
There are some lessons which I learnt from the film, and this are:
 Always stand by your Moral values. This is in reference to the Former Forestry
Minister Joses Tuhanuku who decline the offer that was given to him in a
corrupt way.
 Don’t be too greedy for wealth. In the case of Changiu Phillip, he was so selfless
that he tends to sign documents for money without consulting the community
(he was bribed)

I would recommend this film to be watched by the i-Taukei’s in Fiji whose lands are not
logged yet in order to teach them a lesson and also to have an idea about what may
occurs in the process. Also to the younger generations of the Solomon Island for them to
be aware and have a fair idea about how their elder who were usually being bribed to
signed documents in exchange for loggings on their lands without proper consultations.

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