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1. What are the steps you take to optimize a website?

Ans- For optimizing a website, I would take care of following things:

 Website loading time should be less so that user will not leave your website due
to long loading time.
 Website should be responsive so that it will become mobile-friendly and more
users can access it.
 Check for Robot.txt at a regular time interval and submit XML sitemap for
smooth functioning of website without errors.
 Content should be apt and relevant to the website with proper keywords without
keyword stuffing.
 Schema markup can be added for better description on search engine result
 There should be a user-friendly interface so that user don’t face any issues on
browsing the website.
 We can use some pop-ups for subscription newsletters to reduce the bounce
 At last, website should be audited and controlled using Webmaster and Google

2. Write a Title by considering a keyword “electric vehicle” to create article, blog and
news (1 title each)
Ans- Article- Impact of introduction of electric vehicles in India
Blog- Transition from internal combustion vehicles to electric vehicles.
News- India to set electric vehicles charging station by 2030.
3. How do you do keyword research?
Ans- I will do following steps-

 First, define the goal on what topic you wish to write.

 Find relevant keyword.
 Search for related keywords.
 Decide on latest trends which type of keywords has more search volume.
 Analyse the competition for the keywords.
 Use long-tail keywords.

4. What’s the most important factor in SEO?

Ans- In my view there are 3 important factors in SEO.

 Content
 Backlinks
SEO optimisation (all the technical part of SEO including website interface and
loading speed)
5. How do you go about link-building?
Ans- I use following things for link building.

First, find out the good websites with high domain authority. Build good relations
with them and partner the links.
 Guest post.
 Publish blogs, articles on relevant websites.
 Adopt off-page optimization using forums, articles, bookmarking, web 2.0
submission etc.
 Analyse the links of competitors through some SEO tools and post links on that
 Outreach the bloggers for links.
6. What tools do you use to perform website data analysis?
Ans- Tools-

 Google Analytics
 Moz
 SEMrush
 Ahrefs
7. Prepare Lead Generation Strategy.
Ans- Lead generation strategy-

 Create an amazing content describing your product.

 Make some lucrative offers to gain the interest of customers.
 If possible, run paid campaigns on LinkedIn or other platforms.
 Create some appealing Call to action ads.
 Make a landing page relevant to your keyword and call to action ad.
 Create a personal follow-up afterwards.

8. List strategies for B2B domain vs B2C domain.

Ans- B2B-

 Make client relations.

 Build awareness about the brand.
 Target your niche.
 Make transparent and open communication and commitment.
 Use effective communication techniques for lead generation.

 Build transactional relationships to push customers on the products.

 Create loyalty to the customer and prioritize your message for branding.
 Make entire process very simple so that customers don’t feel any problem.
 Use some emotional tactics to persuade customers towards your brand.

9. What are differences between traditional marketing and digital marketing.


 The medium required is internet by which we can target audience online without
contacting them in person in digital marketing while in traditional marketing we
need to visit the customers.
 We can target a huge audience across the globe using digital marketing while in
tradition the reach is limited.
 Less budget required for digital marketing than traditional.
 Lesser engagement and interaction is required for conversion in digital marketing
than traditional.
 Less document is required in digital than traditional.
 Analysis of customers can be done easily using some tools in digital marketing
than traditional.
 Real time analysis can be done in digital marketing while in traditional it makes
some more time for getting the results.

10. Write 50 words about any topic from below list

a. “iot sensors
b. Digital Twin
c. Mixed Reality
d. Connected City”.
Ans- Digital Twin-
Digital twins are the software representation or the virtual replica of the physical
devices that are used by the IT enthusiasts and Data scientists for the simulation or analysis
of a prototype before the actual devices are made. Digital twins play a vital role in the
optimization of IOT, AI and similar technologies.

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