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Importing data...............................................................................................................................

Question 01....................................................................................................................................1
Question 02....................................................................................................................................1
Question 03....................................................................................................................................2
Question 04....................................................................................................................................3
Question 05....................................................................................................................................4
Question 06 and 07........................................................................................................................5
Question 08....................................................................................................................................6

close all

Importing data
Import_data = 1;

if Import_data
currentFolder = pwd;

raw_data = xlsread([currentFolder '\Preparation_data\WindprofileMOOC.xls']);

U = raw_data(:,2:8);

dir = raw_data(:,9:11);

time_hr = raw_data(:,12);

U_h = [10 40 60 80 100 116 160];

dir_h = [10 60 100];


Question 01
From the table look up, estimate the roughness length that is relevant for the wind profile at the
mast location. Hint: Use Fig. 1 to guide you.

z0 = 0.03; % Farmland with very fewbuildings/trees

Question 02
The friction velocity is a measure of the momentum transport from the free atmosphere to the
boundary layer. Assuming that the stability effect is small at 10m, use the table value of z0 to
derive the variation of the friction velocity u? over the 18 hours in the data file by means of Eq.(1).
Make a plot of u? as a function of time (use Excel, Matlab, or another computer program).
k = 0.4;

z = 10;

u_fric_h10 = U(:,find(U_h == z))*k/log(z/z0);

% z = 60;
% u_fric_h60 = U(:,find(U_h == z))*k/log(z/z0);
% hold all
% plot(time_hr,u_fric_h60,'--*')
% legend('10 m','60 m')


xlabel('Time [hour]')
ylabel('u_* Friction velocity [m/s]')


Question 03
The logarithmic wind profile with the stability correction is given in Eq.(2). Use the time varying u?
that you just derived and a constant value of z0 to derive the diurnal variation of the stability
correction parameter ?. Use the wind speed measurements at 60m and make a plot of ? as a
function of time.
z = 60;

psi = -U(:,find(U_h == z))*k./u_fric_h10 + log(z/z0);


xlabel('Time [hour]')
ylabel('\psi stability correction parameter')

Question 04
Use the measured wind speed at and to derive the roughness length from the logarithmic wind
pro?le without accounting for the stability correction, . The roughness length characterizes the
upwind landscape and is thus constant. Hint: Write the logarithmic wind pro?le expression for the
wind speed at both and and express as ; then eliminate , and solve for the roughness length.
Calculate it for every instance in the time series and plot as a function of time.

z1 = 10;

z2 = 40;

z0_Q4 = exp((log(z1)./U(:,find(U_h == z1)) - log(z2)./U(:,find(U_h == z2)))/(1/z2 + 1/z1));


xlabel('Time [hour]')
ylabel('Z_0 Roughness length [m]')

% syms z0_sym
% vpasolve((log(z1) - log(z0_sym))./U(2,find(U_h == z1)) == (log(z2) -
log(z0_sym))./U(2,find(U_h == z2)))

Question 05
Make plots of the wind direction at 10m and 100m as a function of time and find the difference.

z1 = 10;

z2 = 100;

hold all
plot(time_hr,dir(:,find(dir_h == z1)),'--*')
plot(time_hr,dir(:,find(dir_h == z2)),'--*')
legend('10 m','100 m')

xlabel('Time [hour]')
ylabel('Wind direction [m]')

Question 06 and 07
Assume that the energy production of a wind turbine is proportional to the cube of the wind
speed. Consider you have a 10m tall wind turbine and calculate the wind speed cubed for that
height. Plot the values as a function of time.

% Now consider you have a 160m tall wind turbine and repeat the tasks given in question
number 6.

z1 = 10;

z2 = 160;

hold all
plot(time_hr,U(:,find(U_h == z1)).^3,'--*')
plot(time_hr,U(:,find(U_h == z2)).^3,'--*')
legend('10 m','160 m')

xlabel('Time [hour]')
ylabel('Wind speed cube [m3/s3]')

Question 08
cube_diff = U(:,find(U_h == z2)).^3 ./ U(:,find(U_h == z1)).^3;

[~, nmax] = max(cube_diff);

hold all

xlabel('Time [hour]')
ylabel('Wind speed cube diference (160m / 10m) [m3/s3]')

cube_diff = U(:,find(U_h == z2)).^3 - U(:,find(U_h == z1)).^3;

[~, nmax] = max(cube_diff);

hold all

xlabel('Time [hour]')
ylabel('Wind speed cube diference (160m - 10m) [m3/s3]')
Published with MATLAB® R2016a

Google street view is very usefull for this estimation.

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