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Need Recognition

Need or problem recognition is the first step in the consumer decision process, it begins
with the realization that there is a significant difference between the consumer’s current
state of circumstances and the desired ideal state.

The need recognitions can be of two types namely:

Actual state need recognition where in a need is perceived when faced with a problem with
respect to the performance of a product or when a product runs out.

Desired state need recognition where in a need is perceived from the desire for something

When it comes to skincare products, they fall under either of the above-mentioned needs.
For example, when a consumer perceives a need recognition because a particular lotion ran
out or when the lotion fails to satisfy the expectations of the consumer it falls under the
actual state need recognition.

On the other hand, desired state need recognition arises when the consumer’s ideal state
can move upward and he or she is exposed to different or better-quality products.

A need may vary from one person to another, a need is satisfied depending on a person’s
demography, cultural background, experiences etc. For example, two persons can have a
similar type of need for a skin cream, however the way each person goes about satisfying
that need may be very different. One person may want a product which is the cheapest
where as the other person may be more specifically looking for naturalness or for the
benefits the skin cream will bring to his/her skin.

Though a problem recognition sometimes occurs naturally, it is encouraged by marketing

activities as well. Marketers try to create different types of needs which will trigger the
decision-making process which in turn will lead to the purchase of a particular product.

Marketers influence need recognition by creating a strong value preposition for a product,
through this they try to convince the consumer that a certain brand can solve a problem
better than another, the consumer is prompted to prefer a specific brand instead of others.

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