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Pedersen, P. (1991).

Multiculturalism as a fourth force in

counseling. Journal of Counseling & Development, 70, Inclusive Cultural Empathy for Successful
5–25. Global Leadership
Pedersen, P. (1995). The five stages of culture shock: Criti- Paul B. Pedersen
cal incidents around the world. Westport, CT: Greenwood Syracuse University
Mark Pope
Pedersen, P. (1997). Culture-centered counseling interven- University of Missouri—Saint Louis
tions: Striving for accuracy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Pedersen, P. (1998). Multiculturalism as a fourth force.

Philadelphia, PA: Brunner/Mazel.
Empathy is reported in the research literature as a
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Pedersen, P. (2000a). A handbook for developing multicul- necessary factor in counseling and psychotherapy, but
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

tural awareness (4th ed.). Alexandria, VA: American psychologists have historically interpreted empathy through
Counseling Association. an exclusively individual focus. Most of the research on
empathy has been predicated on a definition of empathy as
Pedersen, P. (2000b). Hidden messages in culture-centered occurring when one person vicariously experiences the
counseling: A triad training model. Thousand Oaks, CA: feelings, perceptions, and thoughts of another. In Western
Sage. cultures, the study of empathy focuses exclusively on the
individual, whereas in traditional non-Western cultures,
Pedersen, P. (2004). 110 experiences for multicultural empathy more typically involves an inclusive perspective
learning. Washington, DC: American Psychological Asso- focusing on the individual and significant others in the
ciation. societal context. This article explores the reframing of
“empathy,” based on an individualistic perspective, into
Pedersen, P. (2007). Culture-centered counseling (APA “inclusive cultural empathy,” based on a more
Psychotherapy Training Video, Specific Treatments for relationship-centered perspective, as an alternative
Specific Populations Series) [DVD]. Washington, DC: interpretation of the empathic process. Psychologists are
American Psychological Association. (Available from
both the problem and the solution to this dilemma, and the
authors call upon the field to take leadership in applying
this “inclusive cultural empathy” model.
Pedersen, P. B., & Carlson, J. (2008). Inclusive cultural
empathy in practice (APA Psychotherapy Training Video, Keywords: culture, multicultural, counseling, international,
Multicultural Counseling Series) [DVD]. Washington, DC: cross-cultural
American Psychological Association. (Available from Good relationships in counseling and psychotherapy
emerge as a necessary but not sufficient condition in all
Pedersen, P. B., Crethar, H. C., & Carlson, J. (2008). In- research about effective mental health services. Good rela-
clusive cultural empathy: Making relationships central in tionships depend on establishing empathy. Empathy occurs
counseling and psychotherapy. Washington, DC: American when one person vicariously experiences the feelings, per-
Psychological Association.

Pedersen, P. B., Draguns, J. G., Lonner W. J., & Trimble, Editor’s Note
J. E. (2008). Counseling across cultures (6th ed.). Thou- Paul B. Pedersen received the Award for Distinguished
sand Oaks, CA: Sage. Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychol-
ogy. Award winners are invited to deliver an award ad-
Pedersen, P. B., & Ivey, A. E. (1993). Culture-centered dress at the APA’s annual convention. This article was
counseling and interviewing skills: A practical guide. originally prepared for presentation as an award address
Westport, CT: Praeger. at the 118th annual meeting, held August 12–15, 2010, in
San Diego, California. Articles based on award addresses
Ponterotto, J. G., Utsey, S. O., & Pedersen, P. (2006). Pre- are reviewed, but they differ from unsolicited articles in
venting prejudice: A guide for counselors, educators and that they are expressions of the winners’ reflections on
parents (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. their work and their views of the field.

November 2010 ● American Psychologist 841

ceptions, and thoughts of another. Most of the research on in the last 200 years by European Americans in a Western
empathy is predicated on the shared understanding of emo- cultural context. The recognition of indigenous resources
tions, thoughts, and actions of one person by another. In for holistic healing and the search for harmony have been
Western cultures, psychologists typically focus exclusively recognized in the literature about complementary and alter-
on the individual, whereas in traditional non-Western cul- native medicine. The true history of mental health care in-
tures, empathy more typically involves an inclusive per- cludes contributors from around the world during the last
spective focusing on the individual and significant others in several thousand years, although these progenitors are sel-
the societal context. This article explores the reframing of dom if ever mentioned in the textbooks for training mental
“empathy,” based on an individualistic perspective, into health providers. This omission, however unintentional, is
“inclusive cultural empathy,” based on a more relationship- inexcusable and has resulted in violations of intellectual
centered perspective, as an alternative interpretation of the property rights and unnecessary misunderstanding. Al-
empathic process (Pedersen, Crethar, & Carlson, 2008). though Asia and Africa have been struggling to interface
The world has changed to make us totally interdepen- traditional approaches with Western approaches for a long
dent on a diversified model of society requiring us to find time, this task has only recently emerged as a priority in
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

new ways of adaptation. Globalization, migration, demo- the United States (Incayawar, Wintrob, & Bouchard, 2009).
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

graphic changes, poverty, war, famine, and changes in the The practice of psychotherapy is a political action with
environment have led to increased diversity across the sociopolitical consequences. Psychologists, counselors, and
globe. Our responses to that diversity, through sociotechni- scholars from Western cultures have presented a history of
cal changes, competition for limited resources, and anger protecting the status quo against change, as perceived by
and resentment at the intranational and international levels, people in minority cultures (i.e., racial minorities, women,
all of which depend on conventional Western models, have and those who perceive themselves as disempowered by
been inadequate: the majority). The lack of trust in people who provide
counseling services and the belief that the status quo is
Powerful global efforts to reduce diversity conflicts by the
being protected are documented in the literature about “sci-
hegemonic imposition of Western economic, political and cul-
tural systems is not a solution to the emerging diversity con- entific racism” and European American ethnocentrism
flict issues. Rather, the “global monoculturalism” being pro- (Pedersen, Draguns, Lonner, & Trimble, 2008; D. W. Sue
moted represents an exacerbation of the problem as evidenced & Sue, 2003). Cultural differences were explained by some
by the growing radicalization of individuals, groups, and na- through a genetic deficiency model that promoted the supe-
tions seeking to resist the homogenization pressures. riority of dominant White cultures. The genetic deficiency
(Marsella, 2009, p. 119) approach was matched to a cultural deficit model that de-
scribed minorities as deprived or disadvantaged by their
In this context, empathy—reframed as inclusive cultural
culture. Minorities were underrepresented among profes-
empathy—provides an alternative perspective to conven-
sional counselors and therapists, the topic of culture was
tional individualism. We believe that psychologists are part
trivialized in professional communications, and minority
of both the problem and the solution to this dilemma, and
views were underrepresented in the research literature.
we call upon the field to take leadership around the world
Members of the counseling profession were discredited
in applying this inclusive cultural empathy model.
among minority client populations because they viewed
Cultural Foundations counseling as a tool to maintain the boundary differences
between those who had power and/or access to resources
Moodley and West (2005) integrated traditional healing and those who did not.
practices into counseling and psychotherapy. They de- These cultural differences have resulted in racial micro-
scribed a rich healing tradition from around the world, go- aggressions in the everyday contacts between groups. “Ra-
ing back more than 1,000 years, that is being used today cial microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily
alongside contemporary health care. They verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether
explore the complexities of the various approaches and argue intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, de-
for the inclusion and integration of traditional and indigenous rogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward peo-
healing practices in counseling and psychotherapy. This need ple of color” (D. W. Sue et al., 2007, p. 271). Inclusive
to look outside the boundaries of Western psychology is a cultural empathy seeks to minimize or eliminate racial mi-
direct result of the failures of multicultural counseling or the croaggressions from multicultural contacts by emphasizing
way psychotherapy is practiced in a multicultural context. It the importance of context.
seems that multicultural counseling and psychotherapy is in
crisis. (Moodley & West, 2005, pp. xv-xvi) Alternative Indigenous Psychologies
Mental health care providers and educators can no longer There are already indigenous alternatives to individualistic
pretend that counseling and psychotherapy were invented psychotherapy. China provides examples of indigenous al-

842 November 2010 ● American Psychologist

ternatives that deemphasize individualism. Yang (1995, what is valued most is not truth. In broad outline, the pur-
1999), Yang, Hwang, Pedersen, and Daibo (2003), and suit of objective knowledge is subordinate to the quest for
Hwang (2006) conceptualizd the Chinese social orientation spiritual interconnectedness” (p. 10).
in two ways—first as a system of social-psychological in- Yang (1997) described his thinking as it evolved toward
teractions and second as a pattern of inclinations or “natu- understanding North American psychology as its own kind
ral” tendencies based on past experience. This interaction of indigenous psychology, developing out of European in-
between the person and the environment is demonstrated in tellectual traditions but much influenced by American soci-
the tension between isolated or independent tendencies and ety. Yang (1997) developed a list of “seven nos” that a
Chinese psychologist should not do so that his or her re-
relational or connected tendencies. Although the individu-
search can become indigenous.
ated approach works well in some cultures to facilitate
measurement and treatment, for example, it excludes valu- 1. Not to habitually or uncritically adopt Western psycholog-
able data from other cultures. ical concepts, theories, and methods;
Santee (2007) described an integrative approach to psy- 2. Not to overlook Western psychologists’ important experi-
ences in developing their concepts, theories, and methods;
chotherapy that bridges Chinese thought, evolutionary the-
3. Not to reject useful indigenous concepts, theories, and
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ory, and stress management. He provided an

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

methods developed by other Chinese psychologists;

opportunity to view the culturally diverse perspectives of 4. Not to adopt any cross-cultural research strategy with a West-
Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism in a context that will ern-dominant imposed etic or pseudo-etic approach . . .;
allow for the integration of these teachings into Western 5. Not to use concepts, variables, or units of analysis that are
counseling and psychotherapy. This integration will, it is too broad or abstract;
hoped, contribute to resolving the problems facing contempo- 6. Not to think out research problems in terms of English or
rary counseling and psychotherapy caused by its own ethno- other foreign languages; and
centric perspective and the need to access cultural diversity. It 7. Not to conceptualise academic research in political terms,
is a move toward embracing a new paradigm. It is a bamboo that is, not to politicise research. (pp. 71–72)
bridge. (Santee, 2007, pp. 10 –11) Along with the “seven nos” Yang (1997) also suggested
The family orientation metaphor constitutes the core “10 yes” assertions to guide psychologists in a more posi-
“building block” of Chinese society, rather than the iso- tive direction:
lated individual, as in Western cultures. 1. To tolerate vague or ambiguous conditions and to sus-
The Chinese people tend to generalize or extend their familis- pend one’s decisions as long as possible in dealing with
tic experiences and habits acquired in the family to other conceptual, theoretical, and methodological problems un-
groups so that the latter may be regarded as quasi familial til something indigenous emerges in his or her phenom-
organizations. Chinese familism (or familistic collectivism), as enological field;
generalized to other social organizations, may be named gen- 2. To be a typical Chinese when functioning as a researcher
eralized familism or pan familism. (Yang, 1995, p.23) . . . [letting Chinese ideas be reflected in the research];
3. To take the psychological or behavioural phenomenon to
This family perspective is significantly different from be studied and its concrete, specific setting into careful
Western psychology’s focus on the scientific study of indi- consideration . . . ;
vidual behavior. 4. To take its local, social, cultural, and historical contexts
Yang had the dream of an alternative to using inappro- into careful consideration whenever conceptualizing a
priate Western psychology to understand balance in Chi- phenomenon and designing a study;
nese society. Yang (1999) described the consequences of 5. To give priority to the study of culturally unique psycho-
logical and behavioural phenomena or characteristics of
imposing Western psychology on non-Western cultures:
the Chinese people;
What has been created via this highly Westernized research 6. To make it a rule to begin any research with a thorough
activity is a highly Westernized social science that is incom- immersion into the natural, concrete details of the phe-
patible with the native cultures, peoples and phenomena stud- nomenon to be studied;
ied in non-Western societies. The detrimental over-dominance 7. To investigate, if possible, both the specific content (or
of Western social sciences in the development of correspond- structure) and the involved process (or mechanism) of the
ing sciences in non-Western societies is the outcome of a phenomenon in any study;
worldwide academic hegemony of Western learning in at least 8. To let research be based upon the Chinese intellectual
the last hundred years. (p. 182) tradition rather than the Western intellectual tradition;
9. To study not only the traditional aspects or elements of
Liu and Liu (1999) pointed out that interconnectedness Chinese psychological functioning but also the modern
is a difficult concept to pin down because it involves syn- ones . . . ;
thesizing opposites, contradictions, paradox, and complex 10. To study not only the psychological functioning of con-
patterns that resemble the dynamic, self-regulating process temporary, living Chinese but also that of the ancient
of complexity theory: “In Eastern traditions of scholarship, Chinese. . . . (p. 72)

November 2010 ● American Psychologist 843

The consequences of extreme individualism in psychother- against other such wholes and against a social and natural
apy are very dangerous to modern societies. Westernized val- background is, however incorrigible it may seem to us, a
ues that have become popular in the 19th and 20th centuries rather peculiar idea within the context of the world’s cultures.
have sponsored destructive attitudes and lifestyles; to prevent (p. 48)
an ecological disaster, urgent changes are needed in these val-
In the more collectivist non-Western cultures, relationships
ues. Howard (2000, p. 515) identified nine “killer thoughts”
are defined inclusively to address not only the individual
based on Western psychological values and assumptions: (a)
but the many “culture teachers” of that individual in a net-
Consumption produces happiness; (b) we don’t need to think
work of significant others. Being empathic in that indige-
(or worry) about the future; (c) short-term rewards and pun-
nous cultural context requires a more inclusive perspective
ishments are more important than long-term goals; (d) growth
is good; (e) we should all get as much of life’s limited re- than that found in the typically more individualistic West-
sources as we can; (f) keeping prices of energy low is a good ern cultures. In identifying the individual, the question
thing; (g) if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it; (h) we don’t need to should not be “Where” do you come from? but rather
change until scientific proof is found; and (i) we will always “Who” do you come from?
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

find new solutions in time to expand limited resources. The Inclusive cultural empathy is an alternative to the con-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

dangers of exclusively imposing dominant-culture values have ventional empathy concept applied to a culture-centered
led psychotherapists to better understand the values of other, perspective of counseling (Pedersen, Crethar, & Carlson,
contrasting cultures. 2008). Conventional empathy typically develops out of
One example of imposing Westernized, individualistic, similarities between two people. Inclusive cultural empathy
dominant-culture values is the primacy of “self-interest.” has two defining features: (a) Culture is defined broadly to
Miller (1999) examined the “self-interest” motive and include culture teachers from the client’s ethnographic (eth-
the self-confirming role of assuming that nicity and nationality), demographic (age, gender, lifestyle
broadly defined, residence), status (social, educational, eco-
a norm exists in Western cultures that specifies self-interest nomic), and affiliation (formal or informal) backgrounds,
both is and ought to be a powerful determinant of behavior. and (b) the empathic counseling relationship values the full
This norm influences people’s actions and opinions as well as range of differences and similarities or positive and nega-
the accounts they give for their actions and opinions. In par-
tive features as contributing to the quality and meaningful-
ticular, it leads people to act and speak as though they care
more about their material self-interest than they do. (p. 1053) ness of that relationship in a dynamic balance. Inclusive
cultural empathy describes a dynamic perspective that bal-
The more powerful this norm of self-interest is assumed to ances both similarities and differences at the same time and
be, the more self-fulfilling psychological evidence will be was developed to nurture a deep comprehensive under-
found to support that premise. standing of the counseling relationship in its cultural con-
text. It goes beyond the exclusive interaction of a coun-
Inclusive Cultural Empathy
selor with a client to include the comprehensive network of
The importance of “inclusion” comes from research in the interrelationships with culture teachers in both the client’s
hard sciences, where quantum physics demonstrates the im- and the counselor’s cultural contexts.
portance of opposites, proving that something can be both The inclusive relationship is illustrated by the intraper-
right and wrong, good and bad, true and false at the same sonal cultural grid shown in Figure 1. This visual display
time through “both/and” thinking. The rules of “exclusion” shows how a person’s behavior is linked to culturally
have depended on “either/or” thinking, in which one alterna- learned expectations that justify the person’s behavior and
tive interpretation is entirely excluded and the opposite is en- the cultural values on which those expectations are based.
tirely accepted. From this quantum perspective, empathy is Figure 1 shows how each person’s cultural context influ-
both a pattern and a process at the same time. ences that person’s behavior through the thousands of cul-
The intellectual construct of empathy developed in a ture teachers from which each person has learned how to
context that favored individualism and described the con- respond appropriately in different situations. To understand
nection of one individual to another individual. However, the person’s behavior, one must first understand the cul-
globalization is changing that perspective. The individuated tural context.
self, which is rooted in individualism, is being overtaken Empathy is constructed over a period of time during
by a more familial concept of self, best described by Clif- counseling as the foundation of a strong and positive work-
ford Geertz (1975): ing relationship. The conventional description of empathy
The Western conception of the person as a bounded, unique, moves from a broadly defined context to the individual
more or less integrated motivational and cognitive universe, a person convergently, like an upside-down pyramid. Inclu-
dynamic center of awareness, emotion, judgment and action sive cultural empathy moves from the individual person
organized into a distinctive whole and set contrastively both toward inclusion of the divergent, broadly defined cultural

844 November 2010 ● American Psychologist

Figure 1
Intrapersonal Cultural Grid
Culture Teachers Behavior Expectation Value


Sexual orientation
Physical abilities
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.


Formal (like family or
Informal (shared idea or

context in which that individual’s many culture teachers The ultimate outcome of multicultural awareness, as
live, like a right side up pyramid. Segall, Dasan, Berry, and Poortinga (1990) suggested, is a
The conventional definition of empathy has emphasized contextual understanding:
similarities as the basis of comembership in a one-direc- There may well come a time when we will no longer speak
tional focus on similarities that does not include differ- of cross cultural psychology as such. The basic premise of
ences (Ridley & Lingle, 1996; Ridley & Udipi, 2002). this field—that to understand human behavior, we must study
“The new construct of cultural empathy presented in much it in its sociocultural context—may become so widely ac-
of the literature appears to be indistinguishable from ge- cepted that all psychology will be inherently cultural. (p. 352)
neric empathy except that it is used in multicultural con-
During the last 20 years, multiculturalism has usually be-
texts to achieve an understanding of the client’s cultural come recognized as a powerful force, not just for under-
experience” (Ridley & Lingle, 1996, p. 30). Inclusive cul- standing “specific” groups but for understanding ourselves
tural empathy goes beyond conventional empathy to accu- and those with whom we work (D. W. Sue, Ivey, & Ped-
rately understand and respond appropriately to the client’s ersen, 1996).
comprehensive cultural relationships to his or her culture
teachers, some of whom are similar to and others of whom Increasing Multicultural Awareness
are different from the counselor. Cultural patterns of thinking and acting were being pre-
By reframing the counseling relationship into multicul- pared for us even before we were born, to guide our lives,
tural categories, it becomes possible for the counselor and to shape our decisions, and to put our lives in order. We
the client to accept the counseling relationship as it is— inherited these culturally learned assumptions from our
ambiguous and complex—without first having to change it parents and teachers, who taught us the “rules” of life. As
toward the counselor’s own neatly organized self-reference we learned more about ourselves and others, we learned
and exclusionary cultural perspective. This complex and that our own way of thinking was one of many different
somewhat chaotic perspective is what distinguishes inclu- ways. By that time, however, we had come to believe that
sive cultural empathy from the more conventional descrip- our way was the best of all possible ways, and even when
tions of empathy. We can best manage the complexity of we found new or better ways it was not always possible to
inclusive cultural empathy in a comprehensive and inclu- change. We are more likely to see the world through our
sive framework. This comprehensive and inclusive frame- own eyes and to assume that others see the same world in
work has been referred to as multiculturalism. the same way using a “self-reference” criterion. As the

November 2010 ● American Psychologist 845

world becomes more obviously multicultural, this “one- nicity and nationality are important to individual and famil-
size-fits-all” perspective has become a problem. ial identity as aspects of culture, but the construct of cul-
During the last 20 years, multiculturalism has become a ture— broadly defined— goes beyond national and/or ethnic
powerful force in mental health services, not just for un- boundaries. Persons from the same ethnic or nationality
derstanding foreign-based nationality groups or ethnic mi- group may still experience cultural differences to include a
nority groups but for constructing accurate and intentional variety of within-group differences.
counseling relationships generally. Multiculturalism has This collectivist understanding of culture is more com-
gained the status of a generic component of competence, monly found in non-Western cultures. There are several
complementing other competencies to explain human be- assumptions that distinguish non-Western therapies (Naka-
havior by highlighting the importance of the cultural con- mura, 1964): (a) Self, the substance of individuality, and
text. Culture is more complex than these assumptions sug- the reality of belonging to an absolute cosmic self are inti-
gest. Imagine that there are a thousand culture teachers mately related. Illness is related to a lack of balance in the
sitting in your chair with you and another thousand in your cosmos as much as to physical ailments. (b) Asian theories
client’s chair, collected over a lifetime from friends, ene- of personality generally deemphasize individualism and
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

mies, relatives, strangers, heroes, and heroines. That is the emphasize social relationships. Collectivism more than in-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

visual image of culture in the multicultural counseling in- dividualism describes the majority of the world’s cultures.
terview. (c) Interdependence or even dependency relationships in
Psychotherapy in the not-so-far-away future promises to Hindu and Chinese cultures are valued as healthy. Indepen-
become an inclusive science that routinely takes cultural dency is much more dysfunctional in a collectivist culture.
variables into account. In contrast, much of today’s main- (d) Experience rather than logic can serve as the basis for
stream psychotherapy routinely neglects and underestimates interpreting psychological phenomena. Subjectivity as well
the power of cultural variables. Soon, there will appear in as objectivity are perceived as psychologically valid ap-
connection with many psychological theories and methods proaches to data. In spite of these differences, Western and
a series of questions (Gielen, 1994, p. 38): non-Western approaches are complementary to one another
as psychotherapies increasingly include attention to non-
Under what circumstances and in which culturally circum-
scribed situations does a given psychological theory or meth- Western therapies.
odology provide valid explanations for the origins and main- Therapies based on non-Western worldviews provide
tenance of behavior? What are the cultural boundary examples of inclusion in understanding the context for any
conditions potentially limiting the generalizability of psycho- therapeutic intervention:
logical theories and methodologies? Which psychological phe-
nomena are culturally robust in character, and which phenom- 1. Ayurvedic therapies from India combine the root
ena appear only under specified cultural conditions? of the words for life, vitality, health, and longevity
(dyus) with the word for science or knowledge
The underlying principle of multicultural awareness is to (veda) and focus on promoting a comprehensive
emphasize at the same time both the culture-specific char- and spiritual notion of health and life rather than
acteristics that differentiate and the culture-general charac- healing or curing any specific illness. Ayurvedic
teristics that unite. The inclusive accommodation of both treatments are combined with conventional thera-
within-group differences as well as between-groups differ- pies more frequently in Europe than in the United
ences is required for a comprehensive understanding of States. Health is treated as more than the absence
each complicated cultural context. of disease and involves a spiritual reciprocity be-
tween mind and body. Western-based research has
Comprehending Multicultural Knowledge
documented the efficacy of Ayurvedic therapies.
Accurate information, comprehensive documentation, and 2. Yoga has a history of thousands of years as a via-
verifiable evidence are important to the protection of the ble therapy. The word yoga is based on the San-
health sciences as a reliable and valid resource. Knowledge skrit root yuj, meaning to yoke or bind the body-
requires an inclusive understanding of all our multiple mind-soul to God. Yoga has its main source in the
selves. By defining culture broadly to include ethnographic Bhagavad Gita in understanding the connection of
variables, demographic variables, status, and affiliations, the individual to the cosmos. Research on yoga
the construct multicultural becomes generic to all counsel- has demonstrated its benefits in lowering blood
ing relationships. The narrow definition of culture has lim- pressure and stress levels through meditation, per-
ited multiculturalism to what might more appropriately be sonality change, and therapeutic self-discovery.
called multi-ethnic or multinational relationships between 3. Chinese therapies include an elegant array of ap-
groups with a shared sociocultural heritage that includes proaches based on the concepts of the Tao, or the
similarities of religion, history, and common ancestry. Eth- way; ch’i, or the energy force; and yin/yang, or the

846 November 2010 ● American Psychologist

balance of opposites. The various systems of Chi- journeys, which distinguish shamans from priests,
nese therapies are grounded in religion and philos- mediums, or medicine men. These altered states
ophy by the mystical union with God or the cos- include psychological, social, and physiological
mos and nature. The Tao describes those patterns approaches that constitute perhaps the world’s ear-
that lead toward harmony. Ch’i describes a system liest technologies for modifying consciousness.
of pathways called meridians in the body through 8. Native American healers recognize four main
which energy flows. Yin/yang describes the bal- causes of illness: offending the spirits or breaking
ance of paradoxes, each essential to the other. taboos, intrusion of a spirit into the body, soul
4. Buddhist therapy is based on the absence of a sep- loss, and witchcraft. Illness can be a divine retri-
arate self, the impermanence of all things, and the bution for breaking a taboo or offending divine
fact of sorrow. People suffer from desiring and powers, requiring that the patient be purified with
striving to possess things, which are impermanent. song, prayers, and rituals. In the same way, re-
The cure is to reach a higher state of being to moving objects or spirits from the body by a
eliminate delusion, attachment, and desire in the healer restores health. When the soul is separated
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

interrelationship of mind and body. Elements of from the body or possessed by harmful powers it
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

cognitive restructuring, behavioral techniques, and must be brought back to energize the patient, and
insight-oriented methods are involved in the heal- sometimes the shaman must travel to the land of
ing process. the dead to bring the soul back. Finally, witchcraft
5. Sufism is the mystical aspect of Islam addressing causes illness by projecting toxic substances into
what is inside the person. The outward dimension, the patient. Elements of dissociate reaction, de-
or sharia, is like the circumference of a circle, pression, compulsive disorder, and paranoia are
with the inner truth, or haqiqa, being the circle’s present.
center and the path, tariqa, to that center going 9. African healing, as described by Airhihenbuwa
beyond rituals to ultimate peace and health. The (1995), is based on cultural values and is avail-
goal in Sufism is to enable people to live sim- able, acceptable, and affordable; even today Afri-
ple, harmonious, and happy lives. Jung’s analyt- can divinities, diviners, and healers continue to be
ical psychology and Freud’s interpretation of the popular in a religious or psychosocial dimension
fragmented person are similar but more objec- of health care that goes beyond medical care. Be-
tive in their emphasis than Sufism, which seeks liefs include symbolic representations of tribal re-
to go beyond the limited understanding of objec- alities, illness resulting from hot/cold imbalance,
tive knowledge. dislocation of internal organs, impure blood, un-
6. Japanese therapies of Zen Buddhism, Naikan, and clean air, moral transgression, interpersonal strug-
Morita therapy focus on constructive living, and gle, and conflict with the spirit world. Health de-
their aim is for people to become more natural. pends on a balance both within the individual and
Morita was a professor of psychiatry at Jikei Uni- between the individual and the environment or
versity School of Medicine in Tokyo who devel- cosmos. Similarities with allopathic medicine are
oped principles of Zen Buddhist psychology. evident.
Yoshimoto was a successful businessman who
became a lay priest at Nara and developed Nai- A great variety of other non-Western systems of health
kan therapies in the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist psy- care exist such as Christian mysticism, homeopathy, oste-
chology. Morita therapy is a way to accept and opathy, chiropractic, herbalism, healing touch, naturopathic
embrace our feelings rather than ignore them or medicine, Qigong, Curanderismo, and Tibetan medicine,
attempt to escape from them. Naikan therapy among many others. Each of these systems is, in turn, di-
emphasizes how many good things we have re- vided into a great variety of different traditions. However,
ceived from others and the inadequacy of our many of the same patterns of spiritual reality, mind– body
repayment. relationships, balance, and subjective reality run through
7. Shamanism encompasses a family of therapies in- many if not all of these non-Western therapies.
volving altered states of consciousness in which The cultural context provides a force field of contrasting
people experience their spiritual beings to heal influences, which can be kept in balance through culturally
themselves or others. Shamanism is found in cul- inclusive empathy. There are several implications of con-
tures from Siberia and Native American Indian sidering culturally inclusive empathy to be necessary for
cultures to Australia and Africa, going back per- competent counseling to occur. Each implication contrib-
haps 25,000 years in South Africa. The focus of utes toward a capability for understanding and facilitating a
healing is through spirit travel, soul flights, or soul balanced perspective in multicultural counseling. Can a

November 2010 ● American Psychologist 847

counselor hope to know about all possible cultures to Confucianism as part of indigenous psychology in
which the client belongs? Probably not, but the counselor China. The process of indigenizing psychology has be-
can still aspire to know about as many cultural identities as come a powerful force for psychological change in
possible, just as in aspirational ethics the counselor tries counseling (Kagitcibasi, 1996). Western counseling and
always to do good but never expects to achieve absolute psychotherapy have promoted the separated self as the
goodness. healthy prototype across cultures, making counseling
Westernized perspectives, which have dominated the and psychology part of the problem, through an empha-
field of mental health, must not become the exclusive crite- sis on selfishness and a lack of commitment to the
ria of modernized psychotherapy. While non-Western cul- group, rather than part of the solution.
tures have had a profound impact on the West in recent Inclusive cultural empathy recognizes that the same be-
years, many less industrialized non-Western cultures seem haviors may have different meanings and that different be-
more determined than ever to emulate the West as a social haviors may have the same meaning. By establishing the
model. There is also evidence that the more modernized a shared positive expectations between and among people,
society, the more their problems and solutions resemble the accurate interpretation of behaviors becomes possible.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

those of a Westernized society. Although industrialized The interpersonal cultural grid shown in Figure 2 is useful
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

societies are fearful of technological domination that might in understanding how cultural differences influence the in-
contribute to the deterioration of social values and destroy teraction of two or more individuals (Pedersen, 2000b). It
the meaning of traditional culture, less industrialized soci- is important to interpret behaviors accurately in terms of
eties are frequently more concerned that Western technol- the intended expectations and values expressed by those
ogy will not be available to them. The task for psycholo- behaviors. If two persons are accurate in their interpreta-
gists is one of differentiating between modernized tions of one another’s expectations, they do not always
alternatives outside the Western model. Otherwise we end need to display the same behavior. The two people may
up teaching Westernization in the name of modernization. agree to disagree about which behavior is appropriate and
We need indigenous, non-Western models of modernity to may continue to work together in harmony in spite of their
escape from our own reductionistic assumptions. different styles of behavior.
Figure 2 provides a visual display of these relationships.
Inclusive Cultural Empathy Skills In the first quadrant, two individuals have similar behaviors
Developing appropriate social action skills depends on ac- and similar positive expectations. There is a high level of
curate assumptions and meaningful knowledge to promote accuracy in both individuals’ interpretations of one an-
a balanced perspective. Balance involves the identification other’s behaviors and expectations. This relationship would
of different or even conflicting culturally learned perspec- be congruent and probably harmonious. We are focusing
tives without necessarily resolving that difference or disso- exclusively on positive expectations here. If the two indi-
nance in favor of either viewpoint. Healthy functioning in viduals share the same negative expectations (“I hate you”)
a multicultural or pluralistic context may require a person and behavior (attacking the other person), the relationship
to maintain multiple conflicting and culturally learned roles may be congruent but certainly not harmonious.
or viewpoints without the opportunity to resolve the result- In the second quadrant, two individuals have different
ing dissonance. behaviors (loud/soft, direct/indirect, casual/formal, etc.) but
Chinese indigenous psychologists have worked to adapt share the same positive expectations. There is a high level
Americanized individualism to make it applicable in both of agreement that the two people both expect trust and
the Western individualistic and the Asian collectivist con- friendliness, for example, but there is a low level of accu-
texts. David Ho (1999) used the term relational counseling racy because each person perceives and interprets the other
to describe the uniquely Asian indigenous perspective individual’s behavior incorrectly. This relationship is char-
based on a relational self in the Confucian tradition: acteristic of multicultural conflict, in which each person is
applying a self-reference criterion to interpret the other
This relational conception takes full recognition of the indi- individual’s behavior in terms of their own expectations
vidual’s embeddedness in the social network. The social arena and values. The conditions described in Quadrant 2 are
is alive with many actors connected directly or indirectly with very unstable, and unless the shared positive expectations
one another in a multiplicity of relationships. It is a dynamic are quickly made explicit, the relationship is likely to
field of forces and counter-forces in which the stature and
change toward that in Quadrant 3.
significance of the individual actor appears to be diminished.
Yet, selfhood is realized through harmonizing one’s relation- In the third quadrant, two people have the same behav-
ships with others. (p. 100) iors but differ greatly in their expectations. There is actu-
ally a low level of agreement in positive expectations be-
Hwang (2000) has also written extensively on relational- tween the two people even though similar or congruent
ism in his “face and favor” model as a manifestation of behaviors give the appearance of harmony and agreement.

848 November 2010 ● American Psychologist

Figure 2
Interpersonal Cultural Grid





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For example, one person may continue to expect trust and thy to interpret another person’s behavior accurately in
friendliness while the other person is secretly distrustful the context of that person’s culturally learned expecta-
and unfriendly. Both persons are, however, presenting the tions. It is not always necessary for the counselor and
same smiling, glad-handing behaviors. the client to share the same behaviors as long as they
If these two persons discover that the reason for their share the same positive expectations.
conflict is their differences in expectations and if they are The psychological study of culture has conventionally
then able to return their relationship to an earlier stage in assumed that there is a fixed state of mind whose observa-
which they did perhaps share the same positive expecta- tion is obscured by cultural distortions. The underlying as-
tions of trust and friendliness, for example, then their inter- sumption is that there is a single universal definition of
action may return to the type described by the second normal behavior from the psychological perspective. A
quadrant. This would require each person to adjust his or contrasting anthropological position assumed that cultural
her interpretation of the other’s different behavior to fit differences were clues to divergent attitudes, values, or
their shared positive expectations of friendship and trust. If, perspectives that were different across cultures and based
however, their expectations remain different, then even on culture-specific perspectives. The anthropological per-
though their behaviors are similar and congruent, the con- spective assumed that different groups or individuals had
flict is likely to increase until their interaction moves to somewhat different definitions of normal behavior resulting
one described by the fourth quadrant. from their unique cultural contexts. Anthropologists have
In the fourth quadrant, the two people have different tended to take a relativist position when classifying and
behaviors and also different or negative expectations. Not interpreting behavior across cultures. Psychologists, by
only do they disagree in their behaviors toward one an- contrast, have linked social characteristics and psychologi-
other, but now they also disagree on their expectations of cal phenomena with minimum attention to the diversity of
friendship and trust. This relationship is likely to result in cultural viewpoints. When counseling psychologists have
hostile disengagement. They are at war. If the two persons applied the same interpretation to the same behavior re-
can be coached to increase their accuracy in identifying gardless of the cultural context, cultural bias has resulted
one another’s previously positive expectations, however, (Pedersen, 2000a).
there may still be a chance for them to return to an earlier Try to imagine a dimension with conventional psychol-
stage of their relationship in which their positive expecta- ogy anchoring the extreme end of the scale on one end and
tions were similar even though their behaviors might have conventional anthropology anchoring the extreme other end
been very different, as in the second quadrant. of the scale. The area between these two extremes is occu-
The perspectives of two persons may be and usually are pied by a variety of theoretical positions that tend to favor
both similar (in expectations) and different (in behav- one or the other perspective in part but not completely.
iors). In this way, the interpersonal cultural grid pro- There is a great deal of controversy about the exact place-
vides a conceptual road map for inclusive cultural empa- ment of these theoretical positions. Multiculturalism en-

November 2010 ● American Psychologist 849

compasses a collection of different potentially salient per- ceived from the client’s culturally different viewpoint. The
spectives all along the dimension. procounselor is a deliberately positive force to articulate
the client’s positive unspoken messages that emphasize the
The Triad Training Model (TTM) for Interpreting common ground between the counselor and client. The per-
Self-Talk sons who are role-playing the procounselor and anticoun-
Our internal dialogues are perhaps the most meaningful selor are ideally as culturally similar to the client as possi-
indicator of our culture as we listen to our different culture ble. As a result of participating in a role-played four-
teachers, accepting some of those teachings and challeng- person triad training model interview, the counselor can be
ing others in our internal conversation with them. A mea- expected to (a) see the problem more accurately from the
sure of empathic competence is the ability to “hear” what client’s cultural viewpoint, (b) recognize culture-based re-
the client is thinking as well as talking about. The more sistance in specific rather than vague general terms, (c)
cultural difference there is between the counselor and the reduce his or her need to be defensive when confronted by
client, the more difficult it will be for the counselor to hear a culturally different client, and (d) learn recovery skills
what the client is thinking. The triad training model helps for what to do after having done the wrong thing with a
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

prepare counselors to be more accurate in their hypotheses culturally different client (Pedersen, 2000a, 2000b).
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

about what a culturally different client is thinking but not Multiculturalism as a Fourth Force
In the triad training model, a four-person role-played There is a great deal of controversy surrounding the term
interview is presented to a counselor trainee in which three multicultural:
conversations will be heard. First, the client and counselor Thus, in the current debate, some advocates in the field
will have a verbal conversation that they both hear. Sec- strongly support the relevance and necessity of multicultural-
ond, the counselor will have her or his own internal dia- ism in theory and practice with diverse populations, whereas
logue exploring related and/or unrelated factors that the others have suggested that multiculturalism is of minimal im-
counselor can monitor but the client cannot hear. Third, the portance and should be treated as a fringe interest so as not to
client will have her or his own internal dialogue exploring interfere with “meaningful” research and practice. (Reese &
related or unrelated factors that the client can monitor but Vera, 2007, p. 763)
the counselor cannot hear. The counselor does not know In this article we suggest that multiculturalism influences
what the client is thinking, but the counselor can assume psychotherapy to the same degree that humanism, psy-
that some of the client’s internal dialogue will be negative chodynamics, and behaviorism influenced psychotherapy in
and some will be positive. Internal dialogue is not a new the past and that it therefore presents a “fourth” force or
idea. The works of Vygotsky (1962) and Luria (1961) in dimension to modern psychotherapy.
Russia during the early 1930s on the connection between A culture-centered perspective that applies cultural theo-
thought and behavior provided the basis for analyzing “pri- ries to the counseling process is illustrated in a book on
vate speech.” The idea of an inner forum (Mead, 1934), multicultural theory by D. W. Sue et al. (1996). The
self-talk (Ellis, 1962), and internal dialogue (Michenbaum, book’s approach is based on six propositions that demon-
1977) goes back at least as far as Plato, who described strate the fundamental importance of a culture-centered
thinking as a discourse the mind carries on with itself. As perspective:
mentioned earlier, each person’s behavior is influenced by
as many as a thousand culture teachers in the client’s expe- 1. Each Western or non-Western theory represents a
riences. The triad training model provides limited access to different worldview.
the influence of these culture teachers by including a pro- 2. The complex totality of interrelationships in the
counselor and an anticounselor in the role-played inter- client–counselor experiences and the dynamic
view. Through immediate and continuous feedback from changing context must be the focus of counseling,
the anticounselor, the counselor hears the negative mes- however inconvenient that may become.
sages a client is thinking but not saying. Through continu- 3. A counselor or client’s racial/cultural identity will
ous and immediate feedback from the procounselor, the influence how problems are defined and dictate or
counselor hears the positive messages a client is thinking define appropriate counseling goals or processes.
but not saying. 4. The ultimate goal of a culture-centered approach is
In the triad training model, the role of an anticounselor to expand the repertoire of helping responses
is deliberately subversive; the anticounselor exaggerates available to counselors.
mistakes by the counselor during the interview by pointing 5. Conventional roles of counseling are only some of
out differences in behavior that drive the counselor farther the many alternative helping roles available from a
apart from the client. The counselor trainee can be ex- variety of cultural contexts.
pected to gain insight in cultural self-awareness as per- 6. Multicultural theory emphasizes the importance of

850 November 2010 ● American Psychologist

expanding personal, family, group, and organiza- Ninth, “personalized learning,” because all learning and
tional consciousness in a contextual orientation. change involves some culture shock when perceived from a
multicultural perspective.
As these multicultural theory propositions are tested in Tenth, “spirituality,” because the multicultural perspec-
practice, they will raise new questions about competencies tive enhances the completeness of spiritual understanding
of multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skill in com- toward the same shared ultimate reality from different
bining cultural factors with psychological processes. How paths.
does one know that a particular psychological test or the- Eleventh, “political stability” in developing pluralism as
ory provides valid explanations for behavior in a particular an alternative to either authoritarian or anarchic political
cultural context? What are the cultural boundaries that pre- systems.
vent generalization of psychological theories and methods? Twelfth, a more “robust psychology,” because psycho-
Which psychological theories, tests, and methods can best logical theories, tests, and methods are strengthened by
be used across cultures? Which psychological theories, accommodating the psychological perspectives of different
tests, and methods require specific cultural conditions? cultures.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Culture is emerging as one of the most important and The “culture-centered” perspective describes the func-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

perhaps most misunderstood constructs in the contempo- tion of making culture central rather than marginal or triv-
rary counseling and psychotherapy literature. Culture may ial to psychological analysis (Pedersen, 2000b; Pedersen &
be defined narrowly as limited to ethnicity and nationality Ivey, 1993). Much of the political controversy surrounding
or defined broadly to include any and all potentially salient the term multicultural can be avoided by the culture-
ethnographic, demographic, status, or affiliation variables centered description without diminishing the central
(Pope, 1995). Given the broader definition of culture, it is importance of culture to psychology.
possible to identify at least a dozen assets that are exclu- There is considerable resistance to characterizing multi-
sively available through developing a multicultural aware- culturalism as a “fourth force.” Tart (1975) claimed that
ness of culture-centered psychology (Pedersen, 2000b; Ped- transpersonal psychology was the “fourth force” in psy-
ersen & Ivey, 1993): chology, and transpersonal psychologists sometimes resent
First, “accuracy,” because all behaviors are learned and the movement to describe multiculturalism as a fourth
displayed in a cultural context. force. Stanley Sue (1998) identified other sources of resis-
tance to the term multiculturalism as a fourth force. He
Second, “conflict management,” because the common
pointed out the tendency to misunderstand or misrepresent
ground of shared values or expectations will be expressed
the notion of multiculturalism and the dangers of that mis-
differently in contrasting culturally learned behaviors
understanding. Since all behaviors are learned and dis-
across cultures, and reframing conflict in a culture-centered played in a particular cultural context, accurate assessment,
perspective will allow two people or groups to disagree on meaningful understanding, and appropriate intervention
the appropriate behavior without disagreeing on their un- require attention to the client’s cultural or, perhaps better
derlying shared values. yet, multicultural context. All psychological service provid-
Third, “identity,” as we become aware of the thousands ers share the same ultimate goal of accurate assessment,
of culture teachers we have accumulated in our own inter- meaningful understanding, and appropriate intervention,
nal dialogue from both friends and enemies. regardless of cultural similarities or differences.
Fourth, “a healthy society,” through cultural diversity,
just as, by analogy, a healthy biosystem requires a diverse Conclusion
gene pool. We are at the starting point in developing culture-centered
Fifth, “encapsulation protection,” because we will not balance as the criteria for inclusive cultural empathy in our
inappropriately impose our own culturally encapsulated comprehension of effective counseling and psychotherapy.
self-reference criteria on others. Only those who are able to escape being caught up in the
Sixth, “survival,” with the opportunity to rehearse adap- self-referential web of their own assumptions and maintain
tive functioning across cultures for our own future in the a balanced perspective will be able to communicate effec-
increasingly global village where we will live. tively with other cultures. The dangers of cultural encapsu-
Seventh, “social justice,” because applying measures lation and the dogma of increasingly technique-oriented
of justice and moral development across cultures helps definitions of social services have been frequently men-
us differentiate absolute principles from culturally rela- tioned recently in the rhetoric of professional associations
tive strategies. in the social services as criteria for competence (Pedersen,
Eighth, “right thinking,” through the application of Draguns, et al., 2008).
quantum thinking and complementarity, in which both lin- Moodley and West (2005) attributed recent explorations
ear and nonlinear thinking can be applied appropriately. of traditional ways of healing to failures in the ways that

November 2010 ● American Psychologist 851

we are practicing multicultural counseling and psychother- context. Mental health care providers and educators have
apy. We think that such explorations are a direct result of pretended for too long that counseling and psychotherapy
the maturing of such practice and, as such, are not an at- were invented in the last 200 years by European Americans
tack on the fundamentals. Even the proponents of multicul- in a Western cultural context. Successful global leadership
tural counseling are not immune to criticism of their fail- by psychologists must come from an understanding of the
ures to have a larger, more international worldview that complexity of our planet, of the limits of our own world-
transcends European American theories and techniques. views, and of the necessity for redefining our historically
The inclusive cultural empathy skills and approach that we quite narrow interpretation of empathy. This, however, is
have described here are a way forward for even the most only the beginning.
culturally sensitive and knowledgeable in our field.
Arthur and Pedersen (2008) provided examples of 19 Author’s Note
case incidents of counseling from different national con- Paul B. Pedersen, Department of Counseling and Human
texts along with two reactions to each incident articulating Services, School of Education, Syracuse University (emeri-
positive and/or negative feedback to the counselor for how tus); Mark Pope, Division of Counseling and Family Ther-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

each case was presented. At least two dozen nontraditional apy, College of Education, University of Missouri—Saint
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

approaches to counseling were included in the case exam- Louis.

ples incorporating indigenous characteristics of each con- Correspondence concerning this article should be ad-
text. One consistent theme throughout their book was the dressed to Paul B. Pedersen, 8501 Flying Cloud Drive,
importance of balance in harmonizing relationships and #108, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. E-mail:
discovering inclusive cultural empathy. The notion of bal-
ance is familiar in other Asian cultures as well, as, for ex-
ample, the harmonious tension between yin and yang, the References
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854 November 2010 ● American Psychologist

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