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Seven Components of Strategic Staffing

Workforce Planning


At OHSU, when there is a new project, the department manager is the one who determine

the number of employees needed; the department manager is also the one who fire the

employees. The reason why the department manager has the role in determining the amount of

employee needed for the new projects of the company is the department manager has the

expertise about the new projects, thus he/she can easily know what skills needed for the project

and how many people needed to complete the project. At OHSU, it prefers using the current

existing employees to hiring new employees to do the new projects since it takes a lot of time to

find the new suitable candidates for the project. To training the current employees for the new

project, OHSU has its department of training called CWE. If the current employees do not pass

the training programs of CWE or there are not enough current employees who meet the

requirement to participate in the new project, the department manager will submit the required

documents for the talent acquisition department to hunt the suitable candidates. The required

documents submitted for the recruiters include the specific job descriptions and the desired

number of new employees needed.



At OHSU, the recruiters will have the basic knowledge about the new projects as well as

the criteria of the employee to be able to work for each department; therefore, the recruiters will

be able to locate exactly the where to find the potential employees. The primary method used by

OHSU recruiter to locate the qualified applicants is through OHSU employee referrals and

through the universities in Oregon. For example, the interviewee mentioned that whenever

OHSU is in the need of nurses to take care of children, OHSU will come to the Public Health

school of Portland State University to recruit since the students in Public Health school desire the

working experience to work for the hospitals after their graduations or to study in the nursing

schools. Additionally, OHSU also prefer to hire students who graduate or studying at Portland

State University to work for OHSU, because OHSU know well about the quality of Portland

State University students. In the situation of not being able to find enough the number of

qualified employees, the recruiters will locate and the qualified candidates through Workday,

Taleo, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor by searching the key words in the job description.




All the applications applying for OHSU through different sources (LinkedIn, Company

Website, and employee referrals) are centralized at the private system of OHSU called ICMS.

The recruiters from the talent acquisition department, read carefully all the CVs to classify the

CVs which meet the minimum requirements of the job. Since all the applications are read by real

person not the machine, the recruiters will always have a great number of qualified applicants for

the next processes. According to the interviewee, the recruiting process is not complicated and
has a lot of concerns to worry like the qualified candidates losing the their interests with the

applied jobs like in a small business, because OHSU has a good branding name, thus it always

has plentiful of qualified candidates who desire for a job at OHSU. As mentioned above, the

recruiters have the responsibilities in locating ideally candidates and classify the qualified

applicants from the thousands of applicants. After determining the qualified applicants, the

recruiters will set the phone-interviews with those applicants to ask the basic general questions to

understand about the candidates as well as doing the background check on those candidates. The

candidates who pass the phone interviews round will be moved to the face-to-face interview

round. It normally takes three business days to hear back the result of the phone interview round.

The face-to-face interview round is the main round to select the new employees of OHSU.


Selecting Talent


As mentioned in the previous part, all the qualified applicants who pass the phone

interview round with the recruiters, will be moved to the face-to-face interview round in which

the recruiters have to decide which candidates will be hired as the new employees of OHSU. In

this round, the applicants will do the interview with four OHSU employees which are the

department manager, the assistant of the department manager, the recruiter, and the senior

employee of the department. During the face-to-face interview round, the candidate will be asked

the specialized questions to assess the skills and the knowledge of the candidate. The candidate

will be also asked the situation questions to test the soft skills of the employees. About the skill

tests, the administrative jobs do not require the skill tests; however, all the jobs related to medical
do require the skills tests. According to the interview, in the situation of all the candidates fail the

face-to-face round, the recruiters must start over the recruiting process and the department has to

train the additional current employees.


Acquiring Talent


At OHSU, the acquiring talent process is crucial since it help OHSU to obtain the

services of the chosen candidates. The acquiring process to OHSU is a time for the firm to

demonstrate what it can exchange for the service and knowledge of the chosen candidates.

Because of that, during the acquiring process, OHSU recruiters will introduce the salaries, bonus,

growth opportunity and benefits to the chosen candidates. The followings are the benefits of

working at OHSU:

- Health Care Insurance

- Medical Insurance

- Dental Insurance

- Life Insurance

- Disability Insurance

In terms of salary and benefit, the chosen candidates can do the negotiation with the

recruiters. Firstly, the recruiters will offer the range of salary which they could pay. The salary

range is determined by doing the research on the job markets as well as comparing with salary

range from OHSU’s competitors. If the chosen candidate wants a higher salary, he/she must

proof why he/she is deserved a higher salary. If the chosen candidate could not pick the salary,
the recruiter would pick the reasonable salary for the candidate. In addition to salary and benefit,

the employment contract of OHSU addresses other aspects of the relationship between the

employee and the firm—for example, retirement or severance payments.


Deploying Talent


OHSU believes that if the employee’s talent is assigned to an appropriate jobs and roles

in the organization as well as receiving supports from the coworkers, that employee will be able

to quickly maximize his/her productivity. Because of that, OHSU has developed a

comprehensive training system to support their new-hired employees to quickly adapt with the

new roles and to help the current employees to develop their skills. All the new-hired employees

must undergo 2 months of training. The 2 months of training mostly includes shadowing and

assisting coworkers. Additionally, the new-hired employees must watch the videos about sexual

harassment, company policy, and discrimination. To help the new-hired employees to be quickly

adaptive with the new working environment, OHSU create a shared working space for the sub-

departments of the big departments. For example, there are four sub-departments of the HR

department, which are talent acquisition department, HR business partner department,

compensation, and benefit department. Once a week, all the employees of each sub-departments

are required to work together under shared space to understand about the works of the coworkers

working in different sub-departments.


Retaining Talent
The medical industry is competitive, and the major competitive advantage in the medical

industry is the quality of the medical teams. Additionally, the cost of losing employee is very

high. Specifically, OHSU has to start over the job searching process, the time to train the new

employees, and 6-months of insurance for the employees who quit their jobs at OHSU.

Therefore, OHSU always does its best to retain talent. The turnover rate of OHSU is different in

the different departments; the position which has the highest turnover rate is patient care. The

common reasons for employees to quit jobs at OHSU are compensation, travel supports, and

workloads. To retain talent, OHSU always offer great performance bonus, growth opportunity,

better benefits, reward packages, perks like massive discounts on bus pass, hotel, and car rental,

and paid-vacation break.

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