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Am. J. Trap, Med. Hyg.. 46(5), 1992, pp.

Copyright © 1992 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene


Program in Geographic Medicine, The Miriam Hospital, Department of Medicine and The
International Health Institute, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island; Department of
Immunology, Research Institute for Tropical Medicine, and The Department of Health,
MetroManila, The Philippines

Abstract. The association between schistosomiasis japonica and child growth was stud-
ied cross-sectionally in 1, 561 males and females aged 4-19.9 years residing in an endemic
region of northeastern Leyte, The Philippines. Stature, weight, upper arm muscle area, and
sum of triceps and subscapular skinfold thicknesses were measured and related to presence
ofSchistosomajaponicum eggs in Kato stool smears and to the intensity of infection assessed
by quantitative egg count. The presence of hookworm, ascaris, and trichuris eggs was also
measured. Multivariable models were used to control for the effects of age, age2, and
polyparasitism on growth. The prevalence of schistosomiasis was 31 % in males and 22%
in females, with the maximum prevalence in adolescence. In 8-19-year-old subjects, the
intensity of schistosomiasis japonica was significantly related in males to reduced arm
muscle area and sum of skinfolds (both P < 0.01) and in females to reduced stature, weight,
arm muscle area, and sum of skinfolds (all P < 0.01). The greatest age-specific differences
were during adolescence in both males and females. The growth retarding effects of intensity
of schistosomiasis japonica were independent of the influence of other parasites, notably
hookworm. Due to the magnitude of the schistosomiasis-associatcd growth differences in
adolescence, adult body size, function and productivity may be affected.

The maximum prevalence of schistosomiasis an influence on reduced growth for age. We re-
japonica occurs in children due to high trans- port herein on cross-sectional results from a pop-
mission from frequent water contact, but may ulation in Lcytc, The Philippines that is endemic
also be due to the slow acquisition of resis- for schistosomiasis japonica.1 2 The design of this
tance.1^1 Previous studies of morbidity due to study was to determine growth and nutritional
Schistosomajaponicum infection focused on he- differences by current infection status and by in-
patosplenomegaly and functional complaints. tensity of infection.
Hepatic enlargement occurs in 15-25% of all
infected individuals and is more common in ad- SUBJECTS AND METHODS
olescence, with up to a 60% prevalence in 10-
15-year-old individuals.1"4 Because both maxi- The study population resides in six villages
mum infection and hepatic enlargement preva- from several municipalities in the rural region
lences occur during the ages of rapid physical near Palo, Leyte, The Philippines. Three of the
growth and development, we began our initial six villages were described in previous studies.1 2
community-based studies to determine the re- These three villages have had annual surveys and
lationship between child growth and infection treatment of infected individuals since 1981, al-
with S. japonicum. Malnutrition and physical though the prevalence of 5. japonicum infection
growth have been studied in both S. haemato- reached village-specific plateaus after the first
bium and S. mansoni infections.5"12 The overall three years. Three additional villages were added
purpose of these childhood growth and schisto- to the project in the 1988-1989 field season. All
somiasis japonica studies is to more fully char- six villages were chosen because of the high schis-
acterize morbidity in the most vulnerable age tosomiasis transmission rate associated with
group, and to determine if schistosomiasis exerts highly infective water sources, exposures via rice

farming, and the general lack of sanitation con- and age2, intensity of schistosomiasis infection,
comitant with rural poverty. The anthropomet- and the presence/absence of the other parasites.
ric data were first collected during the 1988- The two latter factors were treated as categorical
1989 field season. variables in the regressions. Because of the small
A sample of 823 males and 738 females (age number of heavily infected individuals, the in-
range 4-19.9 years) residing in these six villages tensity of schistosomiasis infection was catego-
had complete anthropometric and parasitologic rized as not infected, light, and moderate/heavy
data recorded. This sample represents 87.4% of in the multivariable models. The multivariable
residents of this age range based on the annual analyses were restricted to 8-19.9-year-old chil-
village enumerations. dren because of the marked increase in schisto-
One stool sample per child was collected and somiasis and hookworm prevalence at age eight
prepared using the Kato thick smear technique and the initial descriptive results showing growth
for parasitologic examination with duplicate differences in this age range. The regression re-
slides and confirmation by two observers.13 sults were presented by showing 1) the proba-
Quantitative egg counts were determined for S. bility or P values for the regression coefficients
japonicum. A 10% random sample of all slides of the two parasite categorical variables and 2)
was later examined by one of us (P. P.) in the the adjusted means for anthropometric measures
field to check the accuracy of measurements. The by category of schistosomiasis infection inten-
error rate was < 10%. The intensity of schisto- sity. Age-specific analyses were performed to de-
somiasis was categorized as light (1-100 eggs/ tect anthropometric differences between infected
gram of feces [epg]), moderate (101-400 epg), and uninfected children at two-year age inter-
and heavy (> 400 epg). The presence or absence vals. Significant differences for each two-year age
of eggs was also determined for ascaris (Ascaris interval were determined by f-tests, with tests for
lumbricoides), hookworm, and trichuris (Tri- equality of variances. All statistical analyses were
churis trichiura) for the total sample. performed using the Statistical Analysis System
Anthropometric measurements were per- (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC).'7
formed following standard techniques by ex-
aminers blinded to infection status.14 We report RESULTS
herein on a subset of these measures: stature,
weight, upper arm muscle area, and the sum of Prevalence of schistosomiasis japonica in-
triceps and subscapular skinfold thicknesses. creased with age to a maximum at 12-16 years
These four measures provide key summary in- in both males and females and decreased slightly
formation on bone, muscle, and adipose tissue thereafter (Table 1). The overall prevalence was
growth, and allow some inferences about chronic 31.3% in males and 21.8% in females. Both males
and acute malnutrition. Upper arm muscle area and females were also characterized toy note-
is calculated from the upper arm circumference worthy polyparasitism (Table 1). Infection with
and triceps skinfold according to a standard for- ascaris and trichuris was ubiquitous and hook-
mula.14 All measures except weight were taken worm prevalence was 38% in males, with a max-
twice and averaged. A substudy of interobserver imum of nearly 50% from the age of 12-19.9
error in anthropometric measurements showed years, and 22% in females. There was a signifi-
very high correlations (range 0.85-0.92), with cant association between schistosomiasis and
the skinfold correlations lowest. hookworm infection (%2 = 43.8, P < 0.0001; n
Stature and weight by age and sex were com- = 1, 561). Approximately 44% of children with
pared with the 1982 Philippine National Survey schistosomiasis had hookworm infections,
means15 and a recently published compilation of whereas only 26% of those uninfected had hook-
the United States National Health and Exami- worm infections.
nation Survey (NHANES) I and II growth stan- The distribution of intensity of schistosomi-
dards. "' asis infection indicates that the majority had light
Descriptive, sex-specific analyses were per- infections (Table 2). Of the 258 infected males,
formed to demonstrate growth in infected and 78% had light-intensity infections, 17% had
uninfected children over the whole age range. moderate-intensity infections, and 5% had heavy-
The primary analyses were multivariable models intensity infections. Among the 161 infected fe-
that regressed anthropometric characters on age males, the intensities of infection were 77%, 19%,

Parasite prevalences (%) by sex and age in northeastern Schistosomiasis japonka intensity (%) by sex and age
Leyte, The Philippines, 1988-1989 in northeastern Leyte, The Philippines, 1988-1989
5VAi.»o- Ascaris Eggs/gram of feces
Ace Trifh'UF'i'ii iurttbri- Hook- Age
(years) n japonicum trichiura coides worm (years) n Negative 1-100 101^(00 >401

Males Males
4-7,9 252 16.3 84.9 84.5 24.2 4-7.9 252 83.7 13.9 2.0 0.4
8-11.9 258 34.9 80.2 79.5 38.4 8-11.9 258 65.1 27.9 5.8 1.2
12-15.9 201 42.8 84.5 81.1 48.8 12-15.9 201 57.2 31.3 9.0 2.5
16-19.9 112 36.6 78.6 72.3 49.1 16-19.9 112 63.4 29.5 5.3 1.8
Total 823 31.3 82.5 80.4 38.0 Total 823 68.7 24.7 5.4 1.3
Females Females
4-7.9 249 16.5 87.1 86.7 18.5 4-7.9 249 83.5 13.3 2.8 0.4
8-11.9 219 24.2 80.8 84.5 24.7 8-11.9 219 75.8 19.1 3.2 1.8
12-15.9 170 25.9 83.5 77.6 19.4 12-15.9 170 74.1 20.0 5.3 0.6
16-19.9 100 23.0 84.0 78.0 30.0 16-19.9 100 77.0 16.0 6.0 1.0
Total 738 21.8 84.0 82.8 22.1 Total 738 78.2 16.8 4.0 1.0

and 4% for light, moderate, and heavy, respec- 17.9-year-old adolescent males and 12-13.9-
tively. year-old adolescent females (Figures 1-4 and Ta-
Male and female mean stature and weight in ble 3).
the study sample were consistently less than the Schistosomiasis infection intensity was inde-
national Philippine survey means and generally pendently and significantly associated with re-
less than the fifth percentile of the NHANES duced growth and nutritional reserves from the
standards. Arm muscle area in all males and fe- ages of eight to 19.9 years, when the effects of
males < 16 years old was consistently below the other helminths were controlled (Tables 4 and
10th percentile of the NHANES standards. 5). Ascaris and trichuris infections were not re-
Among the older females arm muscle area means lated to any anthropometric measures in models
approached the NHANES 25th percentile. with measurable schistosomiasis intensity. How-
Subcutaneous adipose tissue growth in the ever, hookworm infection, measured as present
study sample was closer to the NHANES stan- or absent, was related to several growth indica-
dards. The sum of triceps and subscapular skin- tors, and thus the final models included both
folds in males varied between the 25th and 50th hookworm infection, the intensity of schistoso-
percentile, and the sum in females was consis- miasis infection, and age and age2 among those
tently close to the NHANES 50th percentile. 8-19.9 years old.
Reduced stature in infected individuals was In males 8-19.9 years of age, intensity of schis-
consistent by 10-12 years of age in both sexes, tosomiasis infection was significantly associated
and the greatest reduction appeared at ages 16- with reduced arm muscle area and sum of skin-
19.9 years (Figure 1). Similar difTerences in weight folds (Table 4). The adjusted means indicated an
between infected and uninfected children were apparent direct effect of schistosomiasis infection
apparent among males 15 years or older and fe- intensity on reduced muscle and fat growth.
males eight years or older (Figure 2). Decreased Hookworm infection in males was not related to
upper arm muscle area was consistently less any of the anthropometric measures after ad-
among infected males and females (Figure 3). justment for schistosomiasis infection intensity.
Above the age of eight, infected males had a Intensity of schistosomiasis japonica was
smaller sum of triceps and subscapular skinfolds strongly and significantly related with reduced
than their uninfected counterparts and the same stature, weight, arm muscle area, and sum of
difference appeared in females by age 12 (Figure skinfolds in 8-19.9-year-old females while ad-
4). justing for effects of hookworm infection (Table
Age-specific contrasts between schistosomia- 5). There was a consistent reduction in stature,
sis-infected and uninfected individuals revealed weight and arm muscle area from uninfected to
that the greatest growth differences were in 16- lightly infected to moderately or heavily infected




U 130-


10 12 14 16 18 20


150 n


Kj 130-



10 12 14 16 18 20


FIGURE 1, Stature by age in Schistosoma japonicum-infected and uninfected males (A) and females (B),
CMS = centimeters.

females. Hookworm infection was significantly dependent of the nonsignificant hookworm in-
and inversely associated with sum of skinfolds fection effects. The hookworm-adjusted anthro-
in females. pometric differences between schistosomiasis-
Among males 16-17.9 years of age and fe- infected and uninfected individuals in these sex-
males 12-13.9 years of age, schistosomiasis was age groups were virtually identical to the unad-
significantly associated with reduced growth in- justed means in Table 3.




30 •
S3 25 -
20 •

12 14





10 12 14 16 18 20

FIGURE 2. Weight by age in Schistosoma japonicum-inlected and uninfeetcd males (A) and females (B).
KGS = kilograms.

DISCUSSION fluence of intensity of schistosomiasis japonica

was independent of other helminth infections,
These cross-sectional results from Leyte, The notably hookworm. Furthermore, it appears that
Philippines show significant and powerful dis- schistosomiasis exerted a stronger growth re-
ruptive influences of schistosoma japonicum in- tarding influence cross-sectionally than hook-
fection on nutritional reserves and growth from worm infection.
middle childhood through adolescence. The in- These results are consistent with previous

Differences in stature, weight, upper arm muscle area, and sum ofskinfolds by Schistosomiasis japonicum infection
status in 16-17.9-year-old males (n = 65) and }2-13.9-year-old females (n = 96) in northeastern Leyte, The
Stature Weight Arm muscle area Skinfolds sum
(cm) 0<8) (cm1) (mm)

Infected (n = 25) 146.2 39.9 29.3 13.3
Uninfected (n = 40) 154.0 45.7 35.1 16.1
Difference 7.8 5.8 5.8 2.8
P* <0.01 <0.003 <0.01 <0.003
Infected (n = 26) 132.3 28.3 20.5 17.5
Uninfected (n = 70) 138.0 33.1 22.1 23.1
Difference 5.7 4.8 1.6 5.6
P* <0.02 < 0.001 <0.1 <0.0001
" By (-test.

studies of S. mansoni and S. hematobium. In a In a study of 786 Egyptian children ages six
cross-sectional study of 493 Brazilian children months to 10 years, those with heavy S. hae-
ages 4-14 years, the intensity of S. mansoni in- matobium infections had significantly thinner
fection and splenomegaly were associated with skinfolds, as a percent of WHO standards, than
low height, weight, and arm muscle area after uninfected or more lightly infected children.
adjustment for a variety of socioeconomic and However, there was no control for potential con-
water use measures.18 In a recent review, Ste- founding by other parasitic infections that were
phenson cites a Tanzanian study showing re- associated with S. haematobium infection.6 Ste-
duced height and weight in S. mansoni-iafectcd phenson also discusses several other studies of
school children relative to uninfected peers.12 S. haematobium that must be considered incon-
Some studies found no cross-sectional associa- clusive due to small sample sizes, lack of control
tion between S. mansoni infection and child for age, and intensity of infection.12
growth, such as a study of 138 children 7-16 In a randomized treatment study of 399 Ken-
years of age from St. Lucia.7 Small sample sizes yan schoolchildren ages 6-16 years infected with
and low prevalence and intensity of infection S. haematobium, Stephenson and others showed
may have made such effects difficult to detect in that mctrifonate-treated children had signifi-
this and other studies.7 * cantly greater six-month gains in weight for age,

Regression ofstature, weight, upper arm muscle area, and sum ofskinfolds on age, age2, Schistosomiasis japonicum
intensity of infection, and hookworm infection in S-19-year-old males (n = 571) in northeastern Leyte, The
Stature Weight Arm muscle area Skinfold sum
(cm) (kg) (cm') (mm)
Negative 133.1 30.1 23.0 14.8
Light 131.7 29.2 22.0 14.2
Moderate/heavy 130.7 29.3 20.6 13.3
P valuesf
Hookworm (+/—) 0.93 0.11 0.64 0.11
S. japonicum 0.08 0.30 0.0 It 0.01*
* S. japonicum intensity of infection. Means were adjusted for age, age2, and hookworm,
f Probability of regression coefficients in a multivariable model estimated in the regression of anthropometnc measures on age, age2, presence/
absence (.+/-.) of hookworm, and intensity of S. japonicum infection,
| Significant at P < 0.05.

Regression ofstature, weight, upper arm muscle area, and sum ofskinfolds on age, age2, Schistosomiasis japonicum
intensity of infection, and hookworm infection in 8-19-year-old females (n = 489) in northeastern Leyte, The
Stature Weight Arm muscle area Skiniuld sum
(cm) (kg) (mm)
Negative 133.3 32.0 21.6 23.1
Light 131.0 29.9 20.1 20.0
Moderate/heavy 128.0 27.6 18.9 21.3
P valucsf
Hookworm (+/—) 0.92 0.49 0.30 0.04*
.V. japonicum 0.009^ 0.0005^ 0.00091 0.009:):
* iS\ japonicum intensity of infection. Means were adjusted for age, agc27 and hookworm.
t Probability values of regression coefficients in a mult I variable model estimated in the regression of an thropo metric measures on age, ageJ, presence/
absence (+/—) of hookworm, and intensity of S, japonicum infection.
% Significant at P < 0-05.

arm circumference for age, and skinfold thick- asis and other parasites are proximate causes of
ness than the placebo group.l0 Their study design malnutrition, we restricted these analyses to those
controlled for differences in other parasitic in- variables. A full causal model including social,
fections, especially malaria, and initial nutri- economic, and behavioral factors would reflect
tional status and rendered clear evidence that S. ultimate and proximate causes, and is beyond
haematobium infection retarded growth. It would the scope of this report. We also did not want to
be interesting to extend this study throughout overcontrol the relationship between schistoso-
adolescence. A further randomized treatment miasis and growth by including socioeconomic
study of 312 children 6-17 years of age found factors that may mask the hypothesized cross-
that praziquantel and metrifonate both produced sectional relationship and its implications for
growth improvements over eight months com- treating infections in children. An additional
pared with placebo, and that the reduction of S. limitation is the use of one stool collection per
haematobium infection intensity due to prazi- child, which may misclassify light infections as
quantel was the most powerful influence on negative. However, this potential bias would re-
growth response to treatment." duce the chance to detect anthropometric differ-
Differences among schistosomes may make ences by lowering the values of the uninfected
cross-species comparisons difficult, as do eco- children. Thus, the present results may be an
logic differences among the host human popu- even more conservative estimate of the hypoth-
lations. However, there are study design differ- esized effects of schistosomiasis.
ences that are relevant to the interpretation of The study sample must be considered chron-
the present results. The present study differs from ically malnourished since comparisons of their
most of the previous work because of the large growth patterns with the Philippine National
and representative sample of 4-20-year-old chil- Survey15 and the NHANES16 surveys show rel-
dren from throughout the period of child and ative growth retardation in stature, weight, and
adolescent growth, the focus on adipose tissue arm muscle area. However, the relatively normal
and muscle, and the adjustments for age effects sum of skinfolds suggests reasonably good very
and poly parasitism. It is noteworthy that our re- recent health and nutrition. Stephenson suggest-
sults suggest profound effects during adolescence ed that effects of schistosomiasis on growth may
indicating potential life-long deficits in body size. be accentuated in the presence of malnutrition
Further studies of other schistosomal species due to other causes.l2 Thus, the background mal-
should also include adolescence to determine if nutrition in the study population may have per-
the same effects can be found at this time of rapid mitted us to detect significant cross-sectional ef-
growth and development. fects of current schistosomiasis infection on
Study limitations included the cross-sectional growth patterns. Despite the frequent reinfection
design and potential influence of socioeconomic of children and the presumed growth-retarding
factors. Since we hypothesize that schistosomi- effects, the current intensity of infection status

tainly later in these children than in those from and anemia, reduced nutrient absorption, and
industrial nations and similar to those from other increased nutrient loss. The anorexia of infected
developing nations with retarded growth and de- children has been demonstrated by a recent ran-
layed adolescence.19 The ages of maximum domized study showing increased appetite and
growth difference between infected and unin- food intake in those treated for S. haemato-
fected children may coincide with early adoles- bium.22
cence, the period of rapid growth potential. Any Given the consistency of the demonstrated as-
environmental insult on children during this pe- sociations in both sexes at the specific ages and
riod, such as helminth infection, may reduce the the relationships to the level of infection, we con-
maximal potential bone, muscle, and fat tissue clude that schistosomiasis japonica is clearly re-
response to the hormonal influences determining lated to reduced nutritional reserves and delayed
adolescent growth. Growth reduction during ear- child growth, and thus contributes to morbidity
ly adolescence may have important implications in these children and adolescents. Social and eco-
for later adolescent and final adult body size, nomic factors may be involved in this relation-
functional performance, and economic produc- ship, and future analyses will focus on their role
tivity. However, these are speculations that await using a different subsample with detailed socio-
the necessary longitudinal studies during adoles- economic interview data. Further study of the
cence. response of infected children after treatment and
There is a clear and consistent association be- construction of a representative longitudinal co-
tween the intensity of schistosomiasis and de- hort is also needed. Analyses of the influence of
layed growth in both males and females. Unin- malnutrition, assessed by delayed growth, on risk
fccted individuals have the highest values for the of reinfection are also planned.
four growth measures, those lightly infected have This work highlights the key importance of
intermediate values, and the moderately and studies of the more subtle but potentially more
heavily infected individuals have the lowest val- prevalent morbidities associated with parasitic
ues. This dose-response relationship to the level infections, in addition to more specific organ pa-
of infection suggests a biologically plausible eti- thologies. If growth decrements are not prevent-
ology for the nutritional depletion and growth ed or reversed, the lost growth potential in ad-
reduction associated with schistosomiasis. olescence may seriously affect adult health and
Female growth appears to be affected more by productivity. If these cross-sectional results are
schistosomiasis than male growth. From 8-19.9 confirmed with longitudinal studies, it would
years of age, the associations are stronger and the seem imperative to consider annual school-based
absolute differences between infected and unin- programs of schistosomiasis screening and treat-
fected females are larger than similar parameters ment, or perhaps mass treatment of children and
in males. There is no clear explanation for this adolescents with praziquantcl.23
apparent sex difference in the degree of impact
of schistosomiasis. This result is different from Acknowledgments: We thank the technical staff at the
that of many growth studies in malnourished Research Institute for Tropical Medicine for assistance
populations, which find females more buffered and especially Dr. Bernadcttc Libranda-Ramirez for
organizational help and advice. This work would not
and less adversely affected by environmental in- have been possible without the continuing cooperation
fluences.20 Perhaps the intrafamilial and intra- of village residents, local political leaders, and health
community distribution of resources to growing officials in Leyte.
females is less than that to males, as has been
observed in other populations.21 Thus, specific Financial support: This work was supported by The
research is needed to measure childhood sex dif- Rockefeller Foundation/World Health Organization
Tropical Disease Research Partnership, The Edna
ferences in dietary intake and health care use. McConnell Clark Foundation, National Institutes of
The etiology of the apparent malnutrition and Health Biomedical Research Support grant S07-RR-
schistosomiasis japonica association is un- 05818, and NIH grant SRC 1 P50 AI-30601.
known, although a recent review for all schis-
tosoma species suggests multiple pathways lead- Authors' addresses: Stephen T. McGarvey, Bruce L.
Daniel, and G. Richard Olds, Program in Geographic
ing to a final reduced availability of cellular Medicine, Brown University, The Miriam Hospital,
nutrients for growth.'2 These include reduced ap- 164 Summit Avenue, Providence, RI 02906. Gemili-
petite in infected children, increased blood loss ano Aligui, Pierre Peters, and Remigio Olveda, De-

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