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Coronary Artery Disease

Narrow arteries supplying the heart

1. No symptoms at fist
2. Chest pain
3. Nausea, vomiting
4. Weakness

1. Maintain a diet low in salt,
fat, and cholesterol
2. Exercise regularly
3. Reduce stress
4. Stop smoking

When to seek care?

This condition can potentially
lead to heart attack when the
Treatment the arteries are more occluded
1. Vasodilators (to widen the by plaque. If you experience:
arteries) 1. Burning, squeezing chest
2. Medications: blood pressure pain
reducers, diuretics, 2. Radiating pain to arm,
nitroglycerin neck, or jaw
3. Angioplasty (to flatten Please seek medical attention!
plaque deposits in the

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