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Rehabilitation of the old Salt Houses and the spaces between them

Saja Abu Hazeem 8190990

Lames Al Abadi 8190619

Salt is characterized by the richness of its heritage stock and the many civilized periods that the world praises , but the
lack of the optimal use of this stock that contains hundreds of buildings of architectural and civilized value led to the
exposure of many of them to damage and consequently the loss of those buildings to many of its beauty and value that
confirms its beauty Civilized presence and greatness in building the city of Salt.

Moreover, the lack of funding sources and protection methods for these architectural buildings and facilities in addition
to relying on the traditional concept of maintenance and restoration operations, which focuses on the archaeological
building as a stand-alone building without taking into account the surrounding urban environment as an important and
essential factor that has a strong impact on the success of the maintenance process Employment.

Although the heritage buildings are considered treasures and economic resources if they are well exploited, as they
bring great material and moral benefits, unfortunately, huge financial budgets are allocated for the restoration of
monumental buildings, and then they are not employed and therefore these buildings appear once again as a sign of
deterioration. In recent times, there has been increasing interest in re-employing antique buildings of civil and human
value, which are among the most important issues that have attracted the attention of many local bodies and
international organizations.

Al-Ain Square and Al-Hamam Street - Salt

Because of the importance and sensitivity of the city of Salt and its selection as a world heritage city, we
must not lose sight of the importance of the various archaeological and historical buildings. Therefore, we
have approached this trend by choosing to reuse and restore old buildings.

In this report, we will conduct a documentary study of a section of Al Ain Square buildings, specifically Beit
Abu Jaber and the Grand Mosque, and from Hammam Street, Toukan Building, and the Small Mosque. This
is a prelude to re-qualification, as this study includes a historical study of the region, its architectural
description, the building materials used, and the construction condition, as well as the perimeter study of
buildings and planning and design standards used in old buildings, and we will work to reuse the area with
its buildings and develop it as a tourist complex
Civilized and
Architectural Heritage:
Civilized and Architectural Heritage:

The cultural heritage of a nation : is what represents its people throughout the ages of culture And art that is passed on from
generation to generation by generation: architecture, painting, sculpture, literary arts, and melodies Popular. Collectively, these arts create
the distinctive identity of each people, because they constitute the conscience Civilized and national for him describing the document of
owning land. The heritage of a people consists of nothing but During a continuous life, it is based on a patch of land of historical age, with
specific features that paint it People's' abilities and love for life.

Architectural heritage: is classified as part of the cultural heritage of a specific group of Humans, civilization has arisen with humans and
is part of its mental components. So it knows Velden (Feilden) “Architectural heritage as a demonstration and material expression of
unique human components, because Man is the only being who has the power of abstraction that allows him to think rationally and is the
basis Creativity “

Architectural heritage consists of a few archaeological sites and heritage buildings most available to each Nation, those distinctive sites and
buildings deserve to remain a memory or model of the ancestral effort, as they transcend Its significance, both material and aesthetic, has
other deeper dimensions that live up to the historical documents.This is evident in Broad Bent saying, "Most of the buildings are civilized
symbols of During which a person reads the meanings, adding to them the values, down to the materials that he builds and the location Stand
on it"

Heritage Buildings: They are the buildings that collectively constitute the architectural heritage of a region, and bear historical values
It gained either through its architectural and aesthetic excellence, its long life, or its association with important events that occurred in the
region.These events may be religious, economic, social, and political.
Architectural rehabilitation, its benefits, stages and levels:
Architectural rehabilitation means : intended to set a number of determinants for returning the building in its image
Existing to perform its old functions or any suitable new job, through reform or development While preserving the building's parts and
elements that bear distinct historical, architectural or cultural values Through the ages that passed on the building since its
establishment. This means creating a new job for the building even It can be used and exploited, and at the same time we guarantee
continuity and maintain it through The presence of residents in which they carry out maintenance work continuously.

Benefits of rehabilitating heritage buildings:

.1Social benefits: People and cities maintain their identity, social bonds, and the same Time keeps up with the times.

.2Cultural benefits: It preserves art, architecture, and relics, and this benefit may be extremely important to you Speaking of conflict
on the ground, each party to the conflict seeks to prove that it is right Refer to historical physical evidence.

.3Economic benefits: Reusing the existing building is more economical than demolishing, rebuilding and the accompanying The costs
include clearing debris, building new health services and facilities, and consuming energy and materials Building..

.4Environmental benefits: Old buildings are more environmentally friendly, as traditional materials were built from them like clay Lime,
stone, and natural construction are natural materials that do not harm the environment nor cause their preparation In pollution, other
than the fact that the interior environment is more suitable for human needs than in buildings Concrete for the structural and
structural elements of the thermal openings, on The opposite of modern buildings lacking all this.
Stages of rehabilitation of heritage buildings:

The building rehabilitation process goes through several main stages The plans and implementation are elegant. These stages are not
separate, but are intertwined and intertwined with Each other - can be summarized as follows:

.1Collecting information from the historical and architectural documents about the building, from history books and records
Governmental, any photos or plans available about the building and its surroundings to know the value of the historic building (Degree of
interference), architecture, and extent to which a building is permitted to change.

.2Evaluate the current construction status of the building with a precise description of the weaknesses in the building materials from
cracks And damage and others.

.3Evaluate the architectural and symbolic condition of the building: strengths, weaknesses, and elements that give to the building
Historical value, stages of construction, additions and missing elements, original building function And other jobs that went through it..

.4Develop the expected rehabilitation scheme, taking into account the local code of the user in the country or any laws And regulations
imposed by the municipality, and review the publications that contain the rules and directives for each case. This plan includes the
important elements that will be preserved, the additions that distort the private building Removed, items to be rebuilt, and interior
redesign, for example, removal of interior partitions has been made Add them inside the rooms, or rebuild an internal staircase that has
been removed and has special significance..etc Missing spaces as needed, for example: bathroom, toilet, maintenance room..

.5Conducting tests and monitoring results before taking any action, and then executing the plan.
Levels of rehabilitation of heritage buildings:

The levels of rehabilitation of historic buildings vary in size of the landmark to be preserved In styles depending on the size and type of
buildings and their importance. They can be classified as follows:

-1Rehabilitation of heritage items: It is usually done through museums to preserve the pieces And the archaeological elements after their
restoration and treatment in a scientific manner that guarantees their survival and safety.

-2Rehabilitation of the one building: for example, the restoration and renovation of the heritage buildings and their transformation into
Museums or tourist attractions.

-3Rehabilitation of a group of buildings: In case there is a group of adjacent heritage buildings It is preserved as a whole group and the
heritage value of the group shows the importance of each unit.

-4Rehabilitation of a heritage corridor: In case there are groups of heritage buildings, they represent a connection between
One area and another on either side of a lane or road.

-5Rehabilitation of a complete heritage area: In the case of an entire area that represents the urban heritage and includes
That heritage buildings and corridors.
-6Rehabilitation at the regional level: It is planned at the regional or country level It includes previous conservation
levels and integrates with the preservation of other heritage areas or pathways.

-7Rehabilitation at the international level: This includes preserving examples of urban heritage As an example of
human development in general, it is usually the participation of global bodies such as UNESCO.
Architectural documentation works using AutoCAD technology, 3D Laser scan, 3D Max


(Site plan, plans), Elevations, Sections, Details) For both current condition, and designed suggestion)

These drawings help to present the building layout, typologies and areas which in a later stage can be used in a
rehabilitation plan.
A CAD model can calculate the distance between two points easily and it can also maintain the coordinates at a high
level of accuracy.
2 .2D Modeling:

It is a tool when we are in the field of documentation, such a tool can allow
you to estimate the effect of renovation works before you do it, which in turn
gives you the opportunity to modify the conservation plan.
§As an example here is Falah Al Hamad resident several clues like interviews,
pictures and he status of the wall indicated that there was 2 windows before
opening a door, by using 3d softwares like (3d Max, sketchup, .....). a
researcher can estimate the effect of reinstalling the windows in their previous
● In corporation with the Department of antiquities (DoA)
Laser scanning documentation was made for 2 nominated
buildings (Al Jaghbeer building and Mouasher Building)
● The laser scanner is a robotic total station, it is a tool to
obtain data in a short time considering other means
Distance measuring is performed on regular networks
without the need for reflectors.
● The major thing in the operation of this instrument is
based on the two elements of distance and angle.
● The application and capabilities of this modern technique
are continuously developing. Real-time data acquiring in
a real scale, high accuracy, high speed and producing a
large amount of points are among the major capabilities
of laser scanners. The acquired point cloud can be used
for different purposes .
- There are three steps in the documentation process with laser scanner:
● Field survey and data acquisition
● Editing and data processing, including eliminating redundant data and noises, transferring the information into a
coordinate system, integration of the point clouds, integration of the scanned data with images
● Production of final output including measurements, sections, texture and 2D drawings, Solid 3D model
As Salt City
Old As-salt city - As salt city has a significance of a traditional architectural
style and an amphitheater of building's clusters where the buildings, spreads
in two values that is located between 3 mountains which are: al Qala'a,
Jada'a, and al Salalem and competes the enclosure a small hill of Al Jadour
The dense urban fabric of as salt city makes the city unique from any other
city with its yellow limestone buildings that go along the contour line, the
buildings, mainly go back to the late 18th century to the early 19th century
"The Golden Era" in which the architectural style developed from the basic
vernacular architecture to modernity which overlapped the previous layers
and gave us a beautiful urban fabric
‫لقد ساعد الموقع الجغرافي لمدينة‬
‫السلط على تكوين التجمعات‬
‫المراكز‬ ‫وتأسيس‬ ‫الزراعية‬
‫العمرانية منذ أقدم العصور اذ‬
‫تتميز المدينة بمناخها االنتقالي‬
‫المعتدل صيفا والبارد شتاء كما ان‬
‫توفر الينابيع في المدينة قد أعطى‬
‫أرضها المزيد من الخصوبة ‪ ,‬آما‬
‫موقعها المشرف على الطريق‬
‫المؤدية الى فلسطين فقد استقطب‬
‫الكثير من أبناء فلسطين الذين‬
‫وفدوا الى السلط للعمل في التجارة‬
‫والزراعة والبناء كما وفدت أعداد‬
‫البأس بها من عائالت دمشق‬
‫ومارست األنشطة التجارية مما‬
‫أدى إلى اتساع المدينة وتزايد عدد‬
‫سكانها وتقدمها العمراني ونموها‬
‫السريع‪ .‬و اكثر ما يميزها هو‬
‫االسواق و الممرات و اليوت‬
‫التراثية التي يبلغ عددها ما يقارب‬
‫‪ 756‬مبنى ‪.‬‬
‫التشكيل الحضري و الطابع المعماري للسلط ‪:‬‬

‫يمتاز تخطيط المدينة بسيادة الطابع العربي واإلسالمي‪ ،‬حيث نجد تمركز المسجد الكبير و دار الحكومة ) السرايا ) وعيون الماء الرئيسية في ساحتها الرئيسية ‪ .‬بينما تلتقي‬
‫الشوارع الرئيسه المحيطة جميعها في ساحة العين التي تم تبليطها في عام ‪ . 1924‬وفي هذا المركز المعروف "بالساحة" قامت األسواق التجارية والدكاكين الصغيرة‪ ،‬لتشكل المداخل‬
‫الرئيسة ألقدم أسواق المدينة كسوق الحمام وسوق السكافية وسوق الدخان وسوق الشوام وسوق الدير وسوق الخضار وسوق أبو البطايح‪ ،‬وقد قدمت هذه األسواق كل ما يطلبه‬
‫المجتمع المحلي‪.‬‬
‫يتخذ النسيج العمراني المنتشر على التالل شكل مدرج هندسي مما يعطي للسلط منظرا و شكال عمرانيا فريدين ‪ .‬تنفرد مدينة السلط في االردن ‪ ،‬وربما في منطقة الشرق االدنى‬
‫باسره ‪ ،‬بمبانيها القديمة المبنية من الحجر االصفر‪.‬‬
Panorama Photography
§Panoramic photography is a multi-image photogrammetric methods. This
method is a an excellent example of identifying the city urban fabric along
with the formation of the city with its skyline.
‫‪o‬طبوغرافية المدينة‬
‫تأثر توزيع السكان في السلط بطبيعتها الجغرافية حيث تقف المدينة على ثالثة جبال و تفصل‬
‫الوديان بين جبالها فقسمت المدينة الى محالت تشكل كل منها تجمعا سكانيا يضم عادة عشيرة‬
‫واحدة أو عددا من العشائر المتقاربة في النسب و المصالح و قد تكونت هذه المحالت في أعالي‬
‫الجبال و في سفوحها ثم توسعت و امتدت لتلتقي في موقع متوسط عند سفوح الجبال وكان‬
‫لطبيعة المدينة الجغرافية واالجتماعية والدينية تأثيرعلى حياة السكان واختيار مساكنهم ومواد‬
‫البناء وطريقة بنائها مما جعل المدينة ذات طابع عمراني مميز ‪ ،‬فقيام المدينة على ثالثة جبال‬
‫حال دون توسعها افقيا ساهم الى حد كبير في اتباع اسلوب بناء الطوابق من جهة وبناء االدراج‬
‫من جهة أخرى التي حلت محل العقبات التي تربط الطرق الرئيسية والفرعية بالمدينة مع‬
‫بعضها البعض من جهة اخرى بينما ارتبطت السلط مع عمان والمدن االخرى بشبكة من الطرق‬
‫المعبدة ابتداء من الثالثينات من القرن الماضي الجبال ‪.‬‬

‫‪As-Salt is a mountainous city, rich in its water features and green surfaces.‬‬
‫التشكيل الحضري و الطابع المعماري للسلط ‪:‬‬

‫المنطقة الحضرية في مدينة السلط محددة بشكل طبيعي من خالل طبيعتها‬

‫الطبوغرافية المحتوية على مناطق ذات انحدار شديد‪ ،‬وتتماشى الشوارع الضيقة‬
‫وتعرجاتها في مدينة السلط مع هذه الطبيعة الطبوغرافية‪ .‬هوية هذه‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫بانحناءاتها‬
‫المدينة المميزة ناتجة من موقعها الذي كما ذكر سابقا محدد من مجموعة الجبال‬
‫الثالث المفصولة بالوادي فيما بينها‪ .‬كما أن الشوارع المتماشية مع الخطوط الكنتورية‬
‫والمنحدرة تعطي للنسيج الحضري هويته وسماته المميزة هذا باإلضافة إلى مجموعة‬
‫األدراج والتي تشكل طرقا مختصرة للمشاة‪ .‬بالنهاية فإن هذا الدمج بين التشكيل‬
‫الحضري للبنيان والطبيعة الطبوغرافية هو الذي يميز السلط عن غيرها‪.‬‬

‫أيضا فإن هوية المدينة ظاهرة بقوة من خالل مواقع المباني ذات األهمية والتي‬
‫تتواجد إما على سفوح الجبال (مثال مسجد القلعة والكلية المشهورة) أو في منطقة‬
‫الوادي (مثل مسجد السلط الكبير في ساحة العين ومبنى البلدية والمركز الثقافي)‪.‬‬
‫‪Organic Streets‬‬
‫التشكيل الحضري و الطابع المعماري للسلط ‪:‬‬

‫تتوازى الشوارع في المدينة مع‬

‫الخطوط الكنتورية لطبيعة مدينة‬
‫السلط الجبلية‬

‫تتوزع االدراج في المدينة‬

‫بحيث تشكل االنتقال‬
‫العمودي بين المناسيب‬
‫المختلفة للمدينة‬

‫بلدية السلط الكبرى ‪ /‬وحدة إدارة مشاريع التطوير (مشروع تطوير وسط مدينة السلط ومناطقها )‬
● The architectural style and construction of buildings
changed over 100 years from traditional peasant houses
built of local materials (such as local yellow limestone) to
ones influenced by the international 'modern' style
using new materials (such as steel I-beams, concrete, and
roof tiles.)
● Before 1866 : local material and design
● :1890-1866Regional style and local material
● :1918-1890regional and European effect and
● Imported material
● :1935-1918Regional and European effect and
● New construction techniques
● :1950-1935modern style
(RSS, )1990
‫الحركة العمرانية في المدينة ‪-:‬‬
‫شهدت مدينة السلط حركة بناء واسعة النطاق في الربع األخير من القرن التاسع عشر وبدايات القرن‬
‫العشرين نتيجة ما يمكن تسميته باالنفجار السكاني الناجم عن ازدياد الهجرة نحوها وتوجه السكان لبناء‬
‫المساكن والدكاكين رافقه ارتفاع في اسعار البيوت وبروز ظاهرة االيجار ‪.‬‬

‫وتقول المقتبس عن السلط في هذه المرحلة التي شهدت ايضا انتعاشا اقتصاديا " ان هذه المدينة توشك‬
‫ان تعد من جملة العظيمات من المدائن والبلدان “‪ .‬اما صحيفة البشير فتقول في هذا المجال " تفوقت‬
‫مدينة السلط من جهة العمران على جميع البالد الكائنة في الكرك وحوران وضمت سكانا من القدس‬
‫ونابلس وبيوتها من الحجر وال سيما األبنية التي شادها النابلسيون فانها بديعة جدا "‬
‫عوامل الجذب للمدينة ‪:‬‬

‫•مدينة التراث الحي‬

‫•متحفي السلط االثري و التراثي‬
‫•اول مدرسة ثانوية في المملكة بنيت عام ‪1923‬‬
‫•اقدم رعية مسيحية كاثوليكية في مدينة السلط عام ‪ 1866‬ميالدي‬
‫•القيمة التاريخية لمدينة السلط‬
‫•الموروث الثقافي و العادات و التقاليد‬
‫•اكثر من ‪ 675‬مبنى تراثي‬
‫•توافر عدد من الساحات الحضرية‬
‫•االدراج والتي تعتبر من عوامل الجذب حيث يمكن اقامة عدد من‬
‫الفعاليات و النشاطات‬
‫•طبوغرافية المدينة الجبلية و التي تظهر الشكل العام المعماري‬
‫كنيسة الالتين‬ ‫‪.1‬‬ ‫من معالم المدينة‬
‫بيت السكر‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫مدرسة السلط الثانوية‬

‫الجامع الصغير‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫بيت أبو جابر‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫متحف السلط التاريخي‬

‫بيت طوقاتن‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫متحف اثار السلط‬

‫شارع الحمام‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫مركز السلط الثقافي‪ -‬مؤسسة إعمار السلط‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

Type of traditional construction techniques that are used
.1An overview of traditional architecture in Jordan
The importance of the traditional architecture comes from the way of building; which makes serious use of the familiar
symbolic forms of a culture of a people in a place. It considers the styles that were popular to a region or area. The
characteristics of traditional architecture were used by architects and builders includes a commitment to maintaining a link
to the past styles of building, reuse of materials or designing homes and building to stay consistent with the overall building
design of the area. This creates a sense of continuity and connection to the past, which helps the area, maintains its
traditional look and feel for the residents of the community (Brunskill, .)) .)1981

The traditional architecture is considered as a non-regular environment; because it was not subject to pre-prepared urban
plans, but was developed by residents according to their environments, needs and circumstances (Khammash, )) .)1986

However, it is not appropriate to describe the traditional architecture with absolute spontaneity; because it was gained over
time through practical experiences. The houses were built, and the materials were chosen, according to the nature of the
place and the local conditions. Therefore, the experiments and environmental lessons throughout history were the main
factors in the production of human assemblies. (Alsubeh, )) .)2013

Vernacular architecture is a term used to classify construction methods that use the available resources. Vernacular
architecture tends to evolve over time to reflect the environmental, cultural conditions and historical context in which it was
found. It has often been rejected as raw and unrefined, but it has supporters calling it important in the current design. The
term “vernacular architecture,” in general, refers to a building that is called by non-professional people, that is, without the
intervention of architects. It is used in traditional methods of ways. The current architectural practices that are a matter of
debate regarding the energy crisis.
The concept of vernacular architecture is not revolutionary. However, although it may sound like a serious
expression, that means many of the names it uses are associated with it, such as: primitive architecture, automatic
architecture, indigenous architecture, anonymous architecture, folk, folk, rural, or traditional architecture,
architecture without Architects, or architecture without proportions. (Vernacular architecture)

The traditional architecture is considered as a non-regular environment; because it was not subject to pre-prepared
urban plans, but was developed by residents according to their environments, needs and circumstances .
(Khammash, )) .)1986

However, it is not appropriate to describe the traditional architecture with absolute spontaneity; because it was
gained over time through practical experiences. The houses were built, and the materials were chosen, according
to the nature of the place and the local conditions. Therefore, the experiments and environmental lessons
throughout history were the main factors in the production of human assemblies (Alsubeh, )) .)2013
.2The Elements of design in the Traditional Architecture
As the traditional architecture based on local needs, construction materials and reflecting local traditions; it has
various forms based on its location. Consequently, the design elements are varying from one site to another.
One of the most vital design elements that were used in the traditional residential houses in the village of Jordan
is the yard which was called Housh, there are two types of Housh; the first one placed in the front of the house,
used for daily activities and to store the tools. (Figure 1) The other type is a common place for the whole houses;
it intermediates the houses. Mostly, they were called by the family name; as the houses were occupied by the
members from the same family . (Khammash, )) .)1986

Al-Mastabeh is another essential part of the traditional house in the village, (Figure 2) which is higher than the
level of the Housh, and it was used as a sleeping area at night and a living space at the day (Shawash, 2003),
(Khammash, )) .)1986

( Figure 1) Housh source (researcher) (Figure 2) Al-Mastabeh source (researcher

Further significant elements are; Al-Rawyeh and Al-Qwarah that were used for storing the grains; since the
dwellers worked with cultivation. Al-Rawyeh is found in the big traditional houses in the village (Figure 3); it was
constructed from the mud, between two structural stone arcs, and it was used as a storage space for the grains.
It was filled from the upper parts and the occupants can get the grains from an opening in the lower part. Above
Al-Rawyeh was used to set up the blankets. (Alsubeh, )) .)2013

Also, Al-Qwarah was used as a storage place for the grains in the village houses. But, it is taller than Al-Rawyeh;
it was built form mud and it was placed along the wall between the stone arcs and fill from opining in the roof
(Khammash, 1986). Another design elements as Al-Qantarah, where it appeared in both the village and the city.
Al-Qantarah is a structural element that supported the mud roof (Figure 4). Stone was the main building material
that was used to construct Al-Qantarah ( (Khammash, (1986). ) (Rjoub, (2016)) (Mcquitty, ) ).)2007

( Figure 3) Al-Rawyeh source (researcher) (Figure 4) Al-Qantarah source (researcher )

.3Residential building development in Jordan
Based on the way of life in Jordan, there are two main situations: nomadic herders (Bedouins) and settled farmers
(peasants). Affiliation was established on the basis of the concept of tribalism. Therefore, villages consisted mostly
of one or two clans. The Bedouins comprised most of the population. They relied on their lifestyle to move from one
place to another in search of water and pasture for their sheep. Their homes were simple, easy to transport and
carry. They relied on tents made of sheep wool.

·The Ottomans period

They tried to resettle the Bedouin tribes to protect the pilgrimage route. This has been the emergence of agricultural
and pastoral villages in Jordan since 1880 (Sharewire, 2002). Regional Ottoman officials sought to produce a
network of villages to the east and south of Salt, close to the regular water supply and fertile Balqa lands (Rajoub,
2012). The vital project in the Ottoman era was the Hejaz railway, and it was the main driver for the construction of
architectural buildings in Jordan. Begins to build a fortress, such as feeling and qatraneh, to protect the pilgrims.
Moreover, train stations such as Amman and Mafraq (Daher, 1999; Khafaga, .)2011

Salt was the most important city in Jordan at that time. Then the administrative center moved from Salt to Amman. It
is inhabited by three to five thousand people.

·Later, the biggest event is the "Nakba": Palestinian immigration in 1948 and the second
immigration in .1967
.3Traditional Residential Building classification
The concept of traditional architecture connected to the ideas of architectural pattern with its two dimensions; time and site.
Therefore, the traditional residential buildings in Jordan could be classified into several types depending on the time of appear.

·Village Architecture: This type includes the residential buildings that appeared before 1866, it was called the Fallahi
house, and consisted of one floor only. The front yard (Hosh), was used as vital part, where the daily activities happened.
The structural system was based on stone arcs (Qantarah), which carry the wooden roof and cover by mud that mixed
with straw. This type was mostly, without openings except the entrance. The main building material was the irregular
stone as it is from the site; it was used at the walls and the arc stone (Rjoub, 2016). (Rjoub, )))2016

Other type emerged base on this type is Al-Mastabeh House, which means the platform house; as it consists of two levels
are; the lower level that connected to the main entrance, and has the main facilities. And the upper level, which rise
20cm-70cm from the lower level, and contains the living area, which transform into a sleeping area at night

· Urban buildings: This type includes the residential buildings that appeared between 1866 and 1890. It outfits
with the urban life and consists of two floors; the first floor contains shops and the upper floor has the living and
bedroom. There was an external stair to reach the upper roof (Aljawder, 2014). This type of building adapted the
courtyard system on the first floor; which was a climate treatment suitable for winter cold and summer heat. It also
provides privacy to the occupants; since the rooms were oriented towered the inner courtyard, this eliminates the outside
openings. The Mashrabieyah was used in the upper floor of the external elevation.; It covers with a timber “lattice
screen”, Consequently, female in the house can look outside without being seen from the outside (Almurahhe, (2008).)
(Aljawder, )).)2014
Courtyard house style appeared in Jordan, especially in As-salt and Jerash; as an influence of the Syrian and
Palestinian builders, this affect the building material too. The main building material was the regular form of
stone due to the immigration of the stone cutter from the surrounding countries, such as Nablus from
Palestine to settle in Jordan. They used the cross-vault system as a structural system in this type.

·The residential building that appeared in 1890-1918: In this period, the form of the house was changed;
due to the change in the family structure; from the extended family to the nucleus family. Consequently, the
people started to use a new form called the Central Hall House instead of the courtyard house
(Alsubeh,2013). In the Central Hall House, there were several rooms distributed around the central covered
hall instead of the courtyard. This type has several characteristics are; The floors at this type up to three
levels, the building materials were imported from the abroad, the existence of the architectural details on the
elevations and the openings became wider; due to the influence of the western culture. The facilities as the
bathroom and kitchen became part of the plan, in the previous residential types; they were separated from the
main plan, sometimes the bathroom located outside the house; as in the village house (Rjoub, 2012). Three-
bay houses, is one of the buildings that appear at this period due to the commercial relations with the
Lebanese traders from Beirut (Williamson, )) .)1998

·The residential building that appeared in 1918-1935; they were mixed of the eastern and western
influences, with new techniques; as the use of the concrete as a building material. The people used the iron
beams; mostly they were cut from the train railroad that was built in the Ottoman period (Figure 8). The roof
at this type became flat due to the use of reinforced concrete as the main building material . (Williamson,
(1998). ) (Alsubeh, )) .)2013
·The residential building that appeared in 1936-1950; it could be modern and international
architecture. It‟s a concrete building, whatever the cladding material; stone, glass and steel.

·Another type of houses is the Circassians houses; they bring a tradition of woodworking. The
structural system in their house based on post and lintel of timbers. The beams rest on a square wooden
buttress in the central of the room. The external walls were constructed of two layers of mud-brick. The
porch is the main part of the Circassians house; it displays the building systems and the woodworking
skills. Moreover, it defines the front entrance of the house (Alsubeh,2013), (Khammash, 1986). A
fireplace is another important part that comes with the Circassians, they used them in their house not
out of need as much as out of custom. (Khammash, )) .)1986
‫مواد البناء‬
‫احدى العوامل البصرية األخرى التي تساهم مباشرة في إعطاء السلط هويتها المميزة هي الجيولوجيا المحلية للمدينة والتي توفر حجر السلط األصلي ذهبي اللون والمستخدم في الكثير من األبنية‬

‫§تنفرد مدينة السلط في األردن‪ ,‬وربما في الشرق األدنى بأسره‪ ,‬بمبانيها القديمة المبنية من الحجر األصفر والمتناثرة على سفوح تاللها في تناغم وانسجام ‪ ,‬ويعود معظم هذه المباني الى العصر‬
‫الذهبي للمدينة‪ ,‬في الفترة الواقعة بين عامي ‪1865‬م و ‪1920‬م ‪ ,‬ويرتبط هذا الطراز المعماري المتميز بأحداث تاريخية هامة‪ ,‬ويشهد على ازدهار تجاري كبير ‪ ,‬مما يضفي على المدينة ثراء في‬
‫التنوع ‪ ,‬ويكسبها رونقا و بهاءا ويجعلها ذات أهمية خاصة لألردن ‪ ,‬ويؤهلها بالتالي ألن تكون منطقة جذب سياحي‪.‬‬
‫السلط التراثية‬

‫تحتوي منطقة وسط المدينة على ‪ 657‬مبنى تراثي تبعا لما تم‬
‫إدراجه ضمن دراسة الجمعية العلمية الملكية ‪. 1991‬تعتبر مدينة‬
‫السلط فريدة من هذا الجانب حيث تحتوي على عدد كبير من‬
‫األبنية التراثية المتبقية مقارنة بأي مدينة تاريخية أخرى في‬
‫األردن‪ .‬وهذا يعني أنه بينما تعاني المدن األخرى من محاولة‬
‫إعادة خلق البيئة التراثية التي فقدتها في غالب األحيان خالل‬
‫العقدين الماضيين فإن السلط يمكنها أن تركز جهودها على‬
‫الحفاظ والترميم لألبنية الكثيرة التي ما زالت قائمة‪.‬‬

‫على كل حال فان هذا األمر يشير إلى أن المحافظة على هذه‬
‫األبنية المتبقية لن يكون سهال‪ .‬يجب بذل جهود جبارة إلقناع‬
‫مالكي هذه العقارات بالجدوى االقتصادية والقيمة المرجوة من‬
‫الحفاظ على هذه األبنية وإلدخال الخدمات الحديثة لمثل هذه‬
‫األبنية التراثية بدال من إزالتها واستبدالها بأبنية حديثة‪.‬‬
‫فئة الزوار وأسباب الزيارة وشرائح الزوار‬
‫‪:USA‬‬ ‫●‬
‫المغتربين العاملين لدى السفارات والمنظمات الدولية‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫الطالب الذين يدرسون اللغة العربية‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫الزوار مباشرة من الواليات المتحدة األمريكية من الكبار في السن‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫الفئات العسكرية التي تأتي في أوقات الفراغ‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫‪:Europe‬‬ ‫●‬
‫طالب الجامعة الذين يأتون في رحلة أو تبادل ثقافي ‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫الطالب الذين يدرسون اللغة العربية‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫زوار األردن (البتراء‪ ،‬جرش الخ) الذين يأتون عادة لبضع ساعات لمدينة السلط بسبب قربها من عمان‪( .‬معظمها منتصف العمر وكبار السن)‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫‪Middle East‬‬ ‫●‬
‫من اليابان لالطالع على تطبيق تجربة المدينة المتحف ( كافة االعمار )‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫عرب من دول الخليج الذين يأتون في فصل الصيف إلى األردن‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫الطالب العرب و االجانب الذين يدرسون هندسة العمارة في الجامعات االردنية ‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫اهل السلط الذين يعيشون في الدول الخليج‪( .‬كل األعمار)‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫الناس الذين أصل عائالتهم من السلط ويعيشون اآلن في جميع أنحاء األردن‪( .‬جميع األعمار)‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫األردنيين بشكل عام الذين يريدون أن يتعرفوا على المدينة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫فلسطينيين من نابلس يأتون لزيارة‪ ،‬ومدينة يتذكر منهم من نابلس‪( ،‬مدينة السلط هي المدينة التوأم لمدينة نابلس)‪( .‬جميع األعمار) ومنهم من يكون جنسيات أخرى‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫وخلفيتها هي من نابلس‪.‬‬
‫المسيحيين والمسلمين األردنيين و شرق اسيا تأتي لكنيسة القديس جورج‪.‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫‪Hiking trails‬‬

‫استمتع بجمال السلط الساحر من خالل مسارات المشي المصحوبة بمرشد محلي والتي هي من أكثر النشاطات شعبية في السلط‪ .‬أثناء تجوالك‪ ،‬قم بلعب المنقلة واستمتع‬
‫بالطعام التقليدي‪ ،‬واستمع إلى القصص التي يرويها السكان المحليين التعمق في تفاصيل المدينة عن قرب حيث يروي كل جزء منها ألف قصة وحكاية‪.‬‬

‫‪ -1‬مسار الحياة اليومية‬

‫من أكثر التجارب متعة في مدينة عريقة وحيوية كالسلط هي التجول فيها برفقة مرشد محلي‪ ،‬ألنك ستختبر مجموعة متنوعة من العناصر والنكهات واأللوان التي تتميز‬
‫بها الحياة اليومية في هذه المدينة‪ .‬من خالل الجولة ستزور أجمل معالم المدينة‪ ،‬وستعرف كيف يعيش سكانها أيامهم بكافة تفاصيلها‬

‫‪ -2‬مسار الوئام‬
‫من أكثر التجارب تميزا في السلط هو مسار الوئام الذي تتعرف من خالله على مدى االنسجام و التعايش بين أفراد المجتمع المحلي‪ ،‬وباألخص بين الدياناتين اإلسالم‬
‫والمسيحية‪ .‬فالسالم والمحبة ينعكسان في المساجد والكنائس القديمة منها والجديدة والتي تزين المدينة لجماليع مبانيها‪ .‬فالسلط معروفة بإحساس الوحدة والتآخي الذي‬
‫تمنحه لسكانها وزوارها‪ .‬أثناء تجوالك في شوارع وأزقة المدينة‪ ،‬البد أن تلفتك الرموز والنقوش اإلسالمية والمسيحية المغروسة في هندسة المنازل القديمة ودور‬
‫‪ -1‬مسار الحياة اليومية‬

‫متحف السلط القديم بيت أبو جابر‬

‫تبدأ الرحلة بزيارة واحد من أجمل المنازل التاريخية في السلط‪ ،‬بيت أبو جابر‪ ،‬وهو أحد قصور السلط الجميلة‬

‫في السلط والذي تم تحويله إلى متحف السلط التاريخي القديم‪ ،‬حيث يعرض تاريخ المدينة وعصرها الذهبي‬

‫ساحة العين‬

‫ساحة العين هي نقطة إلتقاء سكان المدينة حيث تتماهى عناصر المدينة العريقة مع الحداثة بعفوية‪ .‬زر ساحة العين‬

‫لتشعر بنبض وحيوية المدينة‪ ،‬حيث تكون على قرب من شارع الحمام وساللم اإلسكافية والخياطين‪ .‬استمتع بلعبة‬

‫المنقلة أثناء تواجدك هناك؛ فهذه اللعبة هي األكثر شعبية في المدينة على مر األجيال‪.‬‬
‫المسجد الكبير‬

‫يعتبر المسجد الكبير أقدم مساجد السلط‪ ،‬فقد تم بناؤه في القرن ‪ ،13‬وأعيد بنائه في العام ‪ 2007‬في ساحة‬

‫العين‪ ،‬وسط المدينة‪ ،‬ليعكس مزيجا متناغما من هندسة العمارة الحديثة والتقليدية في مدينة تقدر التعايش بين‬

‫األديان‪ .‬تؤدي ساللم المسجد إلى كنيسة الراعي الصالح‪ ،‬ومن مئذنة المسجد‪ ،‬يمكنك سماع اآلذان بصوت أنيس‬

‫يتردد صداه في جميع أنحاء المدينة‪.‬‬

‫‪ -1‬مسار الحياة اليومية‬

‫فرن عاشور‬

‫استمتع بتذوق الخبز الشراك السلطي المخبوز بأدوات قديمة تم استخدامها على مرالتاريخ‪.‬‬

‫سوق المزارعين‬

‫تذوق خيرات المزارع المحلية في سوق المزارعين من خالل المتاجر المحلية المستقلة التي تبيع الفواكه والخضروات الطازجة‪.‬‬

‫سوق الصاغة‪ /‬سوق الذهب‬

‫اقتن المصوغات والمجوهرات الفضية والذهبية المصنوعة بحرفة عالية من سوق الصاغة‪ /‬الذهب‪ ،‬حيث يمكنك العثور على‬

‫اإلكسسوارات المصنوعة يدويا والعديد من التصاميم المميزة‪.‬‬

‫‪ -1‬مسار الحياة اليومية‬

‫شارع الحمام‬

‫شارع الحمام هو منطقة التسوق الرئيسية في السلط منذ أكثر من ‪ 150‬عاما‪ .‬تم تعبيد هذا الشارع بين عامي ‪ 1881‬و ‪1884‬‬

‫بطريقة مرصوفة ليحافظ على طرازه القديم‪ .‬يتمتع شارع الحمام بدكانين متعددة ومتنوعة‪ ،‬من دكان العطارة الى محالت‬

‫األلبسة وسوق الخضار والفاكهة‪.‬‬

‫شارع اإلسكافية‬

‫شارع االسكافية هو شارع قصير يربط شارع الحمام بشارع الخضر‪" .‬اإلسكافي" هو صانع أحذية باللغة العربية‪.‬على الرغم‬

‫من تقدم الزمن و تطور المدينة اال ان األسكافية ال يزالوا يعملون بشكل كبير على ساللم اإلسكافية في صنع األحذية‬


‫المحالت التجارية التقليدية‬

‫حافظت السلط على تجارها وعلى دعم أصحاب المحالت التجارية‪ .‬فلهم دورا أساسيا في المساهمة تجاه اإلقتصاد المحلي‬

‫وهم معنيون بالحفاظ على أصالة المدينة وأسواقها بحفاظهم على العديد من متاجر الحلويات والعطور ومحالت العطارة‬
‫م ‪ -2‬مسار الوئام‬
‫متحف السلط القديم بيت أبو جابر‬
‫تبدأ الرحلة بزيارة واحد من أجمل المنازل التاريخية في السلط‪ ،‬بيت أبو جابر‪ ،‬وهو أحد قصور السلط الجميلة في‬
‫السلط والذي تم تحويله إلى متحف السلط التاريخي القديم‪ ،‬حيث يعرض تاريخ المدينة وعصرها الذهبي‪.‬‬

‫ساحة العين‬
‫ساحة العين هي نقطة إلتقاء سكان المدينة حيث تتماهى عناصر المدينة العريقة مع الحداثة بعفوية‪ .‬زر ساحة العين لتشعر‬
‫بنبض وحيوية المدينة‪ ،‬حيث تكون على قرب من شارع الحمام وساللم اإلسكافية والخياطين‪ .‬استمتع بلعبة المنقلة أثناء‬
‫تواجدك هناك؛ فهذه اللعبة هي األكثر شعبية في المدينة على مر األجيال‬

‫المسجد الكبير‬
‫يعتبر المسجد الكبير أقدم مساجد السلط‪ ،‬فقد تم بناؤه في القرن ‪ ،13‬وأعيد بنائه في العام ‪ 2007‬في ساحة العين‪ ،‬وسط‬
‫المدينة‪ ،‬ليعكس مزيجا متناغما من هندسة العمارة الحديثة والتقليدية في مدينة تقدر التعايش بين األديان‪ .‬تؤدي ساللم‬
‫المسجد إلى كنيسة الراعي الصالح‪ ،‬ومن مئذنة المسجد‪ ،‬يمكنك سماع اآلذان بصوت أنيس يتردد صداه في جميع أنحاء‬
‫‪ -2‬مسار الوئام‬

‫كنيسة الخضر‬

‫تعتبر كنيسة الخضر األرثوذكسية ‪ -‬والمزار داخلها ‪ -‬المكان األكثر زيارة في السلط‪ .‬تقع الكنيسة في نهاية الشارع المعروف‬
‫بشارع الخضر‪ ،‬وهو شارع متعرج مليء بالمحالت التجارية‪.‬بنيت الكنيسة أساسا في كهف قديم في عام ‪ ،1682‬حيث يعتقد الناس‬

‫أن العديد من المعجزات قد حدثت هناك‪ .‬وفي العام ‪ ،2008‬يعتقد أن بصمة قدم القديس جورج ظهرت بينما كان يهم بنفسه ليصعد‬

‫على ظهر حصانه‪ .‬ومن الجدير بالذكر ان كنيسة الخضر ليست مكانا حكرا على المسيحيين فحسب‪ ،‬وإنما يقصدها المسلمون أيضا‬

‫لزيارتها والصالة فيها‪.‬‬ ‫منزل هال قاقيش‪ :‬الجوار والحدائق‬

‫تم بناء هذا المنزل الشهير في العام ‪ ،1864‬وهو يعكس الطابع المدني‪ .‬فيما مضى‪ ،‬كان هذا المنزل مملوكا من قبل إحدى أكبر‬

‫العائالت السلطية‪ ،‬إلى أن تم منحه لبلدية السلط الكبرى الستخدامه كمقر لمشروع تطوير مدينة السلط‪.‬‬

‫المجمع اإلنجليزي‬

‫تم إنشاء المجمع في العام ‪ ،1849‬وكان بمثابة مركزا متكامال لألنشطة المختلفة‪ ،‬حيث جمع بين مدرسة لألطفال‪ ،‬وأول‬

‫مستشفى في األردن‪ ،‬وكنيسة الراعي الصالح‪ ،‬ومدرسة للدروس الدينية‪ .‬عالج المرضى خالل الحربين العالميتين‪،‬‬

‫والثورات الفلسطينية والزلزال الكبير الذي هزالمدينة عام ‪.1927‬‬

‫‪ -2‬مسار الوئام‬

‫المسجد الصغير‬

‫استمتع بتصميم وهندسة المسجد الصغير أحد أقدم المساجد القائمة في السلط‪ ،‬والذي قام ببنائه الحاج سليمان أبو الحصون‬

‫في الفترة بين عامي ‪ .1907 – 1905‬يقع المسجد في نهاية شارع الحمام‪ ،‬وتم تمويل بناؤه من قبل أفراد المجتمع‬


‫مدرسة وكنيسة الروم الكاثوليك‬

‫تعتبر هذه المدرسة هي األولى في مجال التعليم الخاص في السلط‪ ،‬وتستقبل الطالب والمعلمين من كافة األديان‬
‫والطوائف المسلمة والمسيحية‪.‬‬

‫مسار الوئام مع وجبة غداء في إحدى المنازل المحلية‬

‫استمتع بتناول وجبة غداء تقليدية من المقبالت المحلية واألطباق الرئيسية مثل المنسف والفريكة والمقلوبة والشواء في أحد مطاعم السلط المحلية‪.‬‬

‫السبت األحد االثنين الثالثاء األربعاء الخميس الجمعة ‪10:00 AM - 14:00 PM‬‬

‫‪ /‬السعر (للشخص الواحد) كبار ‪ 22‬دينار ‪/‬أطفال ‪ 11‬دينار‬

Al-Ain Plaza
Al-Ain Plaza

Al-Ain Plaza, the old downtown of As-Salt, was named

after the springs that flowed to the site. Surrounded by
golden stone houses, Al Hammam Street, Al Skafeah, the
Ottoman Saraya, and many places of worship, this part of
town is not to be missed. In the mornings many of the city’s
older residents gather there to play manqala and discuss
current events, a tradition that has been going on for decades
‫وسط المدينة‬
‫•تقوم السلط على ثالث جبال رئيسية‬
‫•تمتد الوديان بين هذه الجبال‬
‫•ويشكل ملتقى هذه الوديان مركز‬
‫المدينة الرئيسي ‪،‬الساحة‬
‫‪ .1‬إحياء وتأهيل وسط المدينة‬
‫منطقـة ساحة العين‬
‫– ازالة كل من ‪:‬‬
‫مبنى البريد‬ ‫مسجد السلط ( تكسية واجهات)‬

‫مبنى مركز أمن المدينة‬ ‫مبنى مديرية التربية و التعليم‬


‫تم تصميمها من قبل مكتب بيطار وحصل على جائزة من وزارة‬
‫االشغال عام‪2010‬‬
Panoramic view of Sahat Al-Ein after demolition works
with the Four Heritage Complexes
Dated 16-05-07
Al-Saha from the
East side
‫مسجد السلط الكبير‬
‫الطابق األرضي‬

‫المسجد الكبير‬
‫الطابق األول‬

‫سمي المسجد الكبير بهذا األسم بسبب حجمه‪ .‬تم تدمير المسجد األصلي بعد زلزال‬
‫‪ 1927‬ومنذ ذلك الحين أعيد بناؤه وتجديده‪ .‬لم يتبقى أي آثار للمسجد األصلي‪.‬‬

‫تم بناء واجهة جديدة من الحجر الجيري األصفر لتنسجم مع محيطها عام ‪ 2009‬م‪.‬‬
‫يمثل المسجد العمارة اإلسالمية الجميلة التي تتميز بمساحات مقببة داخلية وقبة‬
‫الطابق الثاني‬
‫دائرية واستخدام أنماط زخرفية أرابيسك منمقة ومتكررة‪.‬‬

‫م‪2‬‬ ‫المساحة الطابقية ‪4800 :‬‬

‫اعداد الدراسات والتصاميم واإلشراف على تطوير مسجد السلط الكبير‪:‬‬

‫تأهيل مسجد السلط الكبير والذي يشكل الجانب المقابل لمجموعات البيوت التراثية‪ ،‬وذلك بإعادة صياغة الوظائف التجارية للطابق األرضي وعمل‬
‫دراسات هندسية تراثية للمبنى ‪...‬وهو بناء حديث يتكون من طابق أرضي يستعمل كمحالت تجارية وطابق سدة تابع للمحالت مع جزء يخص‬
‫مديرية أوقاف البلقاء‪ ،‬وطابق أول يستعمل كمصلى للرجال والطابق الثاني مصلى للنساء بمساحة إجمالية تقارب ‪ 5500‬م ‪.2‬‬
‫إعادة تأهيل مسجد السلط الكبير‬
‫تم طرح عطاء المشروع من خالل وزارة السياحة واالثار‬

‫قيمة العطاء ‪2.700.793 :‬‬

‫مدة العطاء ‪ 600 :‬يوم‬

‫المقاول‪ :‬مؤسسة األعمال العربية للمقاوالت‬

‫االستشاري ‪ :‬بيطار مهندسون مستشارون‬

‫تاريخ مباشرة المشروع ‪15/1/2009 :‬‬

‫تاريخ انتهاء المشروع ‪2012 :‬‬

Abu -Jagbeer House

}The Great Municipality of Salt (The Unit of Developing Projects.)


•The house is located in khader area /

Salt city
Why this project ??

.1Located at one of the important streets in salt which is khader street

that contains a large number of heritage buildings and a main destination
for tourists and local people.

.2The house has a unique spatial layout and has an aesthetic and
historical value
Why this project ??

.3It has a very elaborative decoration that goes back to the

emerging of the architectural movement of Abdelrahman Aqrouq.

.4It has a huge area to invest a large project for re habitation in the
future .

.5One of the buildings that kept the authenticity and integrity over
the years with a minimum intervention
Why this project ??

.6The building has a unique and speciality that is not exist in any other
building in salt like stone texture, the unique column shaft and the variety
in arches.

.7It also has a unique stairs' formation (almost spiral )

About The House
-A two floors house with a multi-court systems that covers about
683.5 m^2 of total area which is about 340 m^2 of floor area.

-A beautiful house with a variety of vaults and elaborative

decorations in the house and on the exterior façade…
Site Plan
The building is within a dense
urban fabric which means that
some elevation or parts of
them are covered by the
adjacent buildings…
Ground floor
First floor plan
Court System
The house has a multi-court systems that allows high
visual connection between the ground and first floor

There is some
through the
years made by
the people who
rented the
house in the
Dead-end stairs

•Some stairs have a dead end with no

evidence on what is on the other side!!
Texture on the stone

•It was noticed that there is a

different pattern of texture on
the surface of the yellowstone

•A variety of arches' forms that are used in the house including pointed, segmental and ornamented
arches .
Hammam Street- Al-Salt
Hamam Street- Al-Salt
It is a traditional course located in the center of Al-Salt city in Al-Balqa Governorate. Al-Hamam Street extends
approximately 280 meters inside the old town. It was created at the end of the nineteenth century, and it was named after
a Turkish bath in the late 1930's. Al-Hamam Street is characterized by the presence of shops on the ground floors and
apartments on the upper floors.

The street reflects the architectural style of buildings, the time period in which the street was founded, which dates back
to the period between 1881 - 1918. As for the construction system in that period, it is distinguished by the presence of
contracts, arches and thick walls that sometimes reach meters, and windows with pointed and convex arches. The
buildings were constructed of the distinctive yellow stone of the buildings in the city of Salt. The second floor is usually
characterized in all the buildings of the street, with a large number of openings overlooking the street directly. The
openings include two or three windows.

It is noteworthy that the Salt municipality started paving the floor of the market with the rounded white stone as of 1923.
Today it is part of the Salt Heritage Path that was created in .2010
And the street still maintains its distinctive traditional heritage character until now in its restored and unrestored parts,
where the shops open on the street directly through one gate for each store and the goods are presented in a traditional
way on the front facing the street, the street narrows and widens with continuity of the upper facades of the buildings to
form views and views Distinctive and different along the street.
Studies on Al-Hamam Street

This study, which was conducted between the years 1990-1989 and in cooperation with the Planning and
Planning Department in the Municipality of Salt, was a reference for all studies that followed, in order to
establish the urban archive of the city. 657 buildings of heritage value were monitored within the
proposed lists, where the evaluation of the buildings was detailed and included an evaluation of the
buildings of the proposed implementation area, while the evaluation was carried out from the outside
only to the rest of the buildings outside the implementation area. The survey covered all buildings built of
yellowstone in various neighborhoods of the city, such as the stump, castle, stairs and Kurds, which date
back to before the 1950's, based on an analysis of the prevailing building patterns in different periods.
Buildings that were built a year ago, and specifically 1950, buildings were considered to have a heritage
value, specifically those that were built between the years 1950-1866, because of the changing style and
materials of construction after this period.
Hammam Street Buildings & Uses:

This group of buildings stretches along Hammam Street and its boundaries corresponds to the backside of the buildings
facing the street. On the East end the Small Mosque’s southern façade overlooks Said Al Salibi Street; on the West end
its boundary is delimitated by the main square
Business hours :: (shops) 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Entrance fee: public place

The commercial market in Al-Hamam Street
Al-Salt City Markets: Al-Salt City was famous for its popular markets in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and one of the
most famous - these markets: Al-Ain Square Markets: They are the main markets for the city and each market was called Tailors,
Livestock Market and Sugar Agency. The name of the main teacher next door to it and there is a traditional market The Great Mosque
Market: It is located next to the Great Mosque and extends to the Valley of the Kurds Market
Sunlight in Al-Hamam Street and Al-
-3Hammam market: It
Khader Street • The difference between
-1 Al-Skafia Street Markets: consisted of two floors, the
-2Fabric market: It was on the the two streets was clear through the
It includes the Al-Shawam first to sell animals on
street of the Latin Church. activities in each street: Al-Hammam
Market, and it was named that Monday and Friday every
Street was shaded where the activities
it includes a large number of week, and the second floor,
were more effective as it represents a
Shami merchants, followed by housing and offices.
popular market in addition to the
Al-Sakafiya Market for shoe presence of the small mosque in the
makers middle of it • While the Greens Street
was paved where passage is allowed
Cars in it
Architectural Style:
There are two main building styles in the city of As-Salt:
- Traditional-style buildings occupy most of the city. These are, primarily, the households constructed 50 or more years ago.
The look-and-feel of the buildings bears resemblance to those of the early Ottoman Empire.
- Distinctive features include the use of the arched window, balconies, detailed embellished facades and soft earthy color
tones. Buildings also tend to be low-rise (comprising only of one or two stories), thus preserving As-Salt’s mountainous
- Contemporary-style buildings tend to be constructed more Recently [less than 50 years ago.]
- Distinctive features include clean boxlike shaped buildings and larger rectangular windows. These buildings tend to be
taller than their predecessors [often four stories or more], and so create an uneven city skyline. (Omran, November )2008
Rehabilitation of Al-Hamam Street
- 1990The project of restoring the traditional façades in Al-Hamam Street, where the
project was funded through USAID, where the direct start of the project was to
rehabilitate the small mosque, which is the first witness to initiate the restoration
It was followed in 1991 by the project to restore the Touqan building on Al-Midan
Street, which was operated as an antiquities museum in the city through the office of
Miller and Bushnaq and under the direct supervision of Dr. Talib Al-Rifai. Where the
Emaar Salt Foundation was the primary umbrella for civil society organizations that
sponsored the implementation of restoration projects for heritage buildings in the city


after rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of Al-Hamam Street
Small Salt Mosque
General and structural information, materials and uses of the building

Memory of space and time: the date of its construction in 1906 and is characterized by its yellow stones * The Little
Mosque .. The oldest mosques in Salt

*Form a school for the city's children, memorize the Noble Qur’an, and hadith

The Little Salt Mosque is one of the oldest mosques that still exist in the city and is located at the end of Al-Hamam
Street and consists of two floors, one with a high street level and is used for prayer and the other with a lower level,
which is a settlement level for services, and you can enter the mosque from Al-Hamam Street directly through a simple
entrance It has an old wooden gate and on the side of the entrance are several shops.

The beginning of this building dates back to the early twentieth century. Work began in the mosque on April 7, 1906,
and was completed on March 31, 1907 by the Nablusi building, Abd al-Rahman al-Aqrouq. In building it, the tight
yellow stones were brought in from the quarries of the city of Salt, while stones were used in its internal columns.
Quarries of Wadi Shuaib and used in its construction gypsum and lime.

The mosque consists of a chapel and an open outdoor courtyard tiled with stone tiles, in addition to a number of small
shops that are still opening their doors and buying and selling.

As for the roof of the mosque, it is a crossed contract and the thickness of its walls ranges between 60 and 120 cm. By
means of a wooden staircase, the minaret of the mosque was built of yellow limestone and is separated from the
General and structural information, materials and uses of the building

The construction of the mosque consists of two floors and was built of yellow stones, which became
something that distinguishes it from the other mosques in the area. The first floor is located on a low level
on Hammam Street and on the back street. It includes a toilet and (3) commercial stores. As for the second
floor, which is the chapel, it is located on the level of Hammam Street, to which 6 shops are attached. The
mosque has an outer courtyard in the middle of which is a stone water pool used for ablution.
The Elevation&

Before and after rehabilitation
Before and after rehabilitation & Uses It includes a toilet and (3) commercial
It includes a toilet and (3) commercial stores.
Business hours : (shops) 9:00 AM -
7:00 PM &(mosque) Prayer times

Entrance fee: public place

Mehyar Building / Al Hamam Street
General and structural information, materials and uses of the building

It is considered one of the buildings that represent the pattern of commercial and residential
buildings together within the commercial buildings on Al-Hamam Street, whose family are the
Mehyar family, dating back to the year 1880 AD and shows in the building the distinctive
architectural style of the golden buildings despite the presence of the remains of a missing
balcony and multiple modern modifications added to the building

This building is located on the eastern side of Al-Hamam Street and represents a unique type of
buildings with roofs covered in red tiles. It was built by the Mehyar family, which is a wealthy
family that worked in trade from Nablus. Almost circular up to the lower floor where there are
columns facing the back street and this empty ghost open is supported by two large arches and a
square column where it is used as a heavenly square This was the restoration of the main facade
of the house overlooking the bathroom in 1991 Product of the rehabilitation of the old market
Facades after

Business hours :: (shops) 9:00

AM - 7:00 PM

Entrance fee: public place

It includes commercial stores

‫نقاط القوة‬
‫•المدينة االردنية الوحيدة التي حافظة على ذاكرة المدينة االعربية االصلية التي ما زال سكانها االصليين يعيشون فيها‬
‫•الدور التاريخي والوطني في تأسيس امارة شرق االردن وريادتها في التجارة والتعليم والصحة والعمل البلدي ‪ (.‬مدينة االوائل) مرفق‬
‫• تنفيذ العديد من مشاريع تأهيل للبنية التحتية وتطوير مركزها التاريخي والحفاظ على الموروث المادي فيها ‪.‬‬
‫•التكاملية و التسلسل في المكونات التاريخية والتراثية في المدينة التي تتيح للسائح تجربة سهلة في التنقل والوصول الى كافة االجزاء فيها ‪.‬‬
‫•تشكل مزيج بين اآلثار والتراث ( الماضي والحداثة )‬
‫•تقديم نموذج مميز في تسلسل ثقافي لحضارات في المنطقة‬
‫• كتاب مفتوح يروي قصة االردن عبر العصور‬
‫•توفر كافة الخدمات واالنترنت المجاني في بعض المواقع التراثية وتوفر مراكز االستعالمات للزائرين ‪.‬‬
‫• نموذج للتناغم الكامل بين عناصر المدينة دينيا ومجتمعيا وتعليميا وثقافيا‬
‫•التوجه والتقييد الرسمي و الشعبي من خالل األنظمة والقوانين بالمحافظة على الموروث العمراني والحضاري ‪.‬‬
‫نقاط الضعف‬
‫•عدم كفاية البرامج التسويقية والترويجية للمدينة والمنتج السياحي فيها ‪.‬‬
‫•ضعف االستثمارات السياحية ‪.‬‬
‫•ضعف استغالل المناطق المحيطية بالوسط التراثي والتي تضم تنوع لالنماط السياحية وتقدم تجارب متنوعة‬
‫•عدم ادراج مدينة السلط على البرامج السياحية من قبل مكاتب وكالء السياحة والسفر ‪.‬‬
‫•نقص في الخدمات السياحية االساسية (النقل السياحي ‪,‬ا الصطفاف ‪ ,‬الحمامات العامة ‪ ,‬االستراحات ‪ ,‬المطاعم المصنفة ‪ ,‬الشواخص االرشادية ‪ ,‬مكاتب‬
‫سياحية ‪)....‬‬
‫•عدم كفاية القوى البشرية المدربة و المؤهله للعمل في القطاع السياحي‬
‫•عدم شمولية المقامات الدينية ضمن المسارات السياحية ‪.‬‬
‫•عدم توفر الوعي الكافي لدى سكان المدينة بأهمية المواقع التراثية والحفاظ عليها وتأهيلها ‪( .‬البيئة العامة )‬
‫عيش الحياة العربية التقليدية في مدينة السلط التراثية‬
‫تم انشاء موقع الكتروني للمدينة المتحف من خالل مشروع التنمية السياحة المستدامه‬ ‫●‬
‫إنشاء صفحة ‪ ,Saltecomuesum‬بلدية السلط الكبرى ‪ ,‬وحدة إدارة المشاريع‪ ,‬وغيرها على كل مواقع التواصل االجتماعي‬ ‫●‬
‫مهرجانات للسكان المحليين والسياح‬ ‫●‬
‫تطبيق التقنيات التكنولوجية ثالثية االبعاد في اإلدارة المستدامة للمواقع السياحية وتطوير جولة افتراضية ثالثية االبعاد (‪ )d virtual tour3‬في‬ ‫●‬
‫مدينة السلط‬
‫إعداد منشورات توعوية عن أهمية المحافظة على التراث على شكل كتب وكتيبات وبروشورات وتوزيعها مجانا على السكان المحليين‬ ‫●‬
‫البروشورات‪ :‬بروشور عام محافظة البلقاء‪ ,‬بروشور عام مدينة السلط‪ ,‬بروشور الزيارات المنزلية‪ ,‬بروشور الوئام‪,‬بروشور شارع الحمام ‪,‬‬ ‫●‬
‫بروشور العالمة التجارية‪ ,‬بروشور الحياة اليومية‪ ,‬بروشور المسار التعليمي ‪ ،‬بروشور المسار التراثي‪ ,‬بروشور عيشة أهل السلط ‪Gateway ,‬‬
‫الخرائط‪:‬مسار الوئام ‪,‬مسار الحياه اليومية‪,‬خارطة الخدمات‪ ,‬روزنامة المنتجات الموسمية‪ ,‬المسار التعليمي‪.‬الفيديو‪ :‬فيديو عام للمدينة‪ ,‬فيديو الوئام ‪,‬‬ ‫●‬
‫فيديو الحياه اليومية‪ ,‬فيديو تاريخ التعليم‪ ،‬فيديو العرس السلطي‪ ,‬فيديو موسم الحصاد‪.‬فيديو ترحيبي‬
‫والعمل جاري الضافة مدينة السلط على موقع هيئة تنشيط السياحة‬ ‫●‬
‫كتالوج منتجات العالمة التجارية للمنتج السلطي‬ ‫●‬

‫بلدية السلط الكبرى ‪ /‬وحدة إدارة مشاريع التطوير (مشروع تطوير وسط مدينة السلط ومناطقها )‬
The End

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