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Isaías Gómez

Cause and result vocabulary

A. Look for the following verbs in a dictionary and write the definition next to each
word. This is worth 6 points.
1. Lead to: To progress towards; to contribute to
2. Cause: To make something happen.
3. Caused by: A reason to feel something or a reason for doing something.
4. Effect[noun]: A change or result that is caused by something.
5. Affect[verb]: To cause a change in someone or something.
6. Result in: Outcome or consequence, something that results from an action.

B. Complete the sentences using a word from the box: 4points.

affect effect
cause Result in

1. Jane is in much better mood since she started working out. I think it has had a
positive effect on her.
2. Eating a lot of food high in fat and cause high cholesterol.
3. Winning in the lottery can result in many new friends all of the sudden.
4. Tomas and Maria are getting a divorce. I sure hope this won´t affect their children
too much.

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