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Advanced Philosophy Management
Daraga, Albay

“The Effective Team Leader”

Output No. 2

Submitted by:

Gwendon O. Reyes

Submitted to:

Dr. Leah M. Marcellana


Advanced Philosophy Management
Daraga, Albay

Definition of Terms:

Leader – a person who has commanding authority or influence.

Leadership – capacity to lead.

Team – a number of persons associated together in work or activity.

Effectiveness – producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect.


The Effective Team Leader

Our complex society presents new problems and requires new solutions continuously. Incidents that

happen in organizations and society illustrate that clearly. Thus, we need specific individuals to carry out solutions

to specific problems. These individuals working for a common goal is considered or called as a ‘Team’ and such

teams to function properly need ‘Leaders’ to delegate and motivate them.

An effective team leader has a variety of traits and characteristics that encourage team members to follow

him. Team leaders naturally possess certain qualities, such as compassion and integrity, or learn leadership skills

through formal training and experience. The qualities of an effective team leader inspire the trust and respect of

the team and stimulate production within the workplace. (Scott, 2019) Effective leadership is to inspire people

and engage the team through effective communication. To make it even simpler, a Leader is a director of any

action taken by the team. It’s not necessary that the ideas which are being implemented by the leader should be

original, it can also be borrowed, and however, a leader is the one who discusses the ideas with the team to come

up with the implementable ones and implements the same. Yuva (2019) added that certain qualities are required

for a great leader. Also it was stated that the true leaders are always willing to develop talents and emerging

Advanced Philosophy Management
Daraga, Albay

leaders. They will always be surrounded by the people who are smarter than them as they strongly believe that

only the solid team culture will help to accomplish the mission. The most vital part of leadership is about how

effectively they accept and deal with the changes. They will also constantly work on the way to improve their

emotional intelligence and never stop learning.

Further, there are certain traits that make an effective and successful leader, one is said to be Delegation

– As a leader, one should learn how to delegate the work and what to. The right delegation would impact their

team members’ career positively and help to build their career. This would also help to elevate successive leaders

through succession planning. This is one of the responsibilities of a leader, however; we must remember that

leaders can only delegate their authority and not their responsibilities. Hence, when leaders delegate tasks, they

also create followers and when leaders delegate authority, they create new leaders in the process. Another certain

quality a leader must possess is to Let others speak – A successful leader will encourage others to speak up.

They will always be surrounded by the people who are smarter than them. Leaders must listen to what others say

and understand other’s perspective as well. In Organizations, all are considered true professionals and make sure

that the environment is comfortable for everyone to share their opinions and views. By giving the freedom of

sharing their opinions they encourage the team to be more innovative and creative.

In connection with the above mention, another aspect that should be considered by an aspiring leader is

to Lead by Example this can be transpired to “Leading with direction, and trying to lead by Example” (Vinas,

2015) Leading by example may sound easy but only a few leaders could be successful and consistent with this.

Practicing what they preach with their action is very difficult particularly for the new leaders. As a personal

experience on this. Working as a subject teacher/lectured, I noticed that my class kept coming few minutes later

that expected during schedules and we would start late and lessons would not be done according to plan. But as a

leader both in the classroom and outside of the four corners of my institution. I did not want to insist them to

Advanced Philosophy Management
Daraga, Albay

come on time. Instead, though it was not mandated; I started coming to class fifteen (15) minutes before the

scheduled time. Within a week's time, all of my students were present during the said class schedule. This might

be a small example but would help to understand the impact the leader can create an action. Before others find

shortfall of becoming successful leaders they should realize proactively and change the results and acquire desired


Lastly, things are easier said than done. It’s not easy to become a great leader. It requires lots of practice,

patience, and determination. Hence, as small steps leaders should spend time with their team and team members.

Greet your team members every day, if possible individually. Appreciate them even when the achievement is

small. Again, Leader is the one who not only just shows the direction to achieve the goal, he also travels with the

team and supports all their efforts to achieve the mission. It is rather more important to set out to make a difference

rather than just expecting results without adapting change towards yourself and others.

Advanced Philosophy Management
Daraga, Albay

Reference List:

Goodman, R. (2019). Effective team leadership: where to begin? Retrieved from

Scott, S. (2019). The 10 Effective Qualities of a Team Leader. Retrieved from


Vinas, G. (2015) Lead with direction, and try to lead by example. Personal Communication

Yuva, A. (2019). How to become a successful team leader. Retrieved from

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