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Kay gets a letter from her pen-friend, Mandy. Read the letter.

15th February 2018

Hello Kay,

I live in a house with my father, mother and brother. We live on

the ground floor and have a small garden. I write this letter to tell
you more about me.

I like dancing. I always go to the dance class after school. I want

to dance better. I also like listening to music. My favourite pop
star is Eason Chan. I wish I could sing like him. Do you like
listening to music?

There are twenty-seven people in my class at school. I am the

shortest. My best friend, Mei Yee, is the tallest and kindest. We
like buying drinks together at school.

I want to be a gardener when I grow up because I like planting

trees and flowers. Do you think it is a nice job?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Choose the best answer by blackening ⚈ the circle (10%@2%)

1. What is the main idea of the poem?

A. Sharing makes people happy. C. Sharing is boring.
B. Sharing is an awful experience. D. Sharing is important
in rainy days.

2. What does the poet tell readers to share?

A. Clothes C. Drinks
B. Stationary D. Pocket money

3. What does the poet suggest to do if there is only one book for sharing?
A. Fight for the book C. Tear the pages down
B. Pass the book one by one D. Buy more books

4. Read the first verse, how does the poet feel?

A. Happy C. Angry
B. Scared D. Sad

5. Why do people need to donate money?

A. To teach the children C. To help those in need
B. To play with the children D. To meet those in need

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