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Elena Zhivaljevikj

Chapter One all taught that the principal is joking, but she was serious.
When we finally believed her, we were screaming like
little children, I was going crazy. The only thing that we
Hi! My name is Julia. I am in middle school, 8th grade and I had to pay for was the plane ticket. We really had a hard
live in Skopje. I have an older sister her name is Angela. time telling our parents, but after we showed them the
We love hanging, we are like best friends. I am a straight contract they believed us. They were really surprised. The
A student at my school. I have a BFF named Lucy, we next day I was talking to my good friends Sophia and
know each other about two years, and we like to hang Olivia they were also very excited. We were the first
out a lot. This interesting story happened a while ago and elementary school from Macedonia, that would take the
I still can’t believe it. students to the USA. I think that that day on our school
It was just a normal day at school, we were at Geography break the whole class was talking about the trip. Most of
class, we were laughing like crazy. But, the principal the kids from our generation had never left Europe, so I
entered she was smiling and she said that she had a can’t explain how much we were excited.
surprise for us. We were surprised, because we didn’t
know what was going on. The principal said:
-Dear students, we got a financial prize from the
community, because they pronounced as the best school
in Skopje, the 8th graders as the best generation will be
going on a trip.
We were really happy, we thought that we would fly,
because we haven’t been on a school trip for 2 years.
Even, if we knew that the school trip will be in
Macedonia. But, we thought wrong….
The principal said that we would be going to Miami. We
started laughing a lot, the teacher was laughing too, we

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