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Dosen Pengampu : Sri Yulianti

Nama : Desy Lianti
NIM : P17334119409
Kelas : DIV-1A

1. Landslide in Bukittinggi

Two people died while four others were wounded in a landslide at a yard behind a house
near Teleng market in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra on Tuesday.
       The death people were 3-year-old Yusuf, who was the son of a kiosk owner at the
market, Bujang, and 22-year-old Meli, who was a visitor to the market. The injured were
rushed to the Achmad Muchtar and Yarsi hospitals.
       Bukittinggi Deputy Mayor Ismet Amziz said Tuesday it was suspected that recent
heavy rainfall had caused the landslide.
Source: the jakarta post

 The generic structure of above news item is as follow:

1.  Newsworthy event: News item text presents the daily newsworthy. In this example of
news item text, the first paragraph is the main event. It informs the reader that a landslide
2.  Elaboration: The second paragraph of this example of news item gives further
explanation about the main event that the two victim were 3 and 22 years old while the
injured were brought to hospitals.
3.  Resource of information: The last paragraph is the official statement from the expert or
the authority which strengthen the news of the main event.
 Languange Feature
-Verbal verbs : said
-Place and time : a yard behind a house near Teleng market in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra
on Tuesday.
-Past tense : recent heavy rainfall had caused the landslide.

 Translate
Tanah longsor di Bukittinggi
       Dua orang tewas sementara empat lainnya cedera dalam tanah longsor di halaman
belakang sebuah rumah dekat pasar Teleng di Bukittinggi, Sumatra Barat pada hari Selasa.
       Orang-orang yang tewas adalah Yusuf yang berusia 3 tahun, yang merupakan putra
pemilik kios di pasar, Bujang, dan Meli yang berusia 22 tahun, yang merupakan pengunjung
pasar. Mereka yang terluka dilarikan ke rumah sakit Achmad Muchtar dan Yarsi.
       Wakil Walikota Bukittinggi, Ismet Amziz, Selasa mengatakan, diduga bahwa hujan
lebat belakangan ini telah menyebabkan tanah longsor.
Sumber: pos jakarta

2. Bank Robber Interrupts News Broadcast

ROCHESTER, Minn., Dec. 16 (UPI) — A Minnesota bank robber interrupted a news
broadcast about his own crime when he returned to the scene Tuesday.
Video shows KIMT News reporter Adam Sallet reporting on a series of robberies from
outside Sterling State bank in Rochester as an employee runs out and points to the robber off
camera.“This is live TV folks,” Sallet said before stepping away from the broadcast to call
police.The feed then cut back to the news anchor who assured the audience that the event
was not planned.Sallet tweeted later in the day that the suspect had been caught.
 The generic structure of above news item is as follow:
1. Newsworthy event: Bank robber interrupted a news broadcast
2. Elaborations: An employee runs out and points to the robber off camera. The audience
was assured that the event was not planned. Sallet was stepping away from the broadcast
to call police.
3. Resource of information: Sallet tweeted later in the day that the suspect had been caught.
 Languange Features
Verbal verbs : “This is live TV folks,” , said
Place and time : ROCHESTER, Minn., Dec. 16 (UPI), Minnesota bank
Past tense : Sallet tweeted later in the day that the suspect had been caught.
 Translate
Perampok Bank menyela Siaran Berita
Perampok bank di Minnesota terganggu akan adanya siaran berita tentang kejahatannya
sendiri ketika ia kembali pada Selasa.Video menunjukkan reporter Berita KIMT Adam
Sallet melaporkan serangkaian perampokan dari luar Bank Sterling State di Rochester
sebagaimana seorang karyawan berlari dan menunjuk ke arah perampok dari
kamera.“Ini adalah siaran live TV,” kata Sallet sebelum melangkah menjauh dari siaran
untuk memanggil polisi. kemudian memotong kembali penyiar berita yang meyakinkan
penonton bahwa acara itu tidak direncanakan.Sallet kemudian menulis di akun
twitternya bahwa tersangka telah ditangkap.

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