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Arche Udtohan Gaudel

A. Filipino Values


Filipinos had always been different from other races in so many ways including the practice of certain
values that foreigners do not upheld that much than we do. It is undeniable that until now we sort of
cherish such actuations and actually lived by it.

As for me, who happens to be a Filipino, the values that I never cease to practice, and the same goes
with my family, are the following;

First, being family-oriented. Unlike in other countries, Filipino families tend to stick with each other until
for ages. We are known for our close family ties. We gave great importance to our family members
regardless of their age. In other countries, when an individual reaches the legal age of 18, they live
separately from their parents. And it so happens that although foreigner parents wish that their children
will still live with them, they cannot force them to stay because being independent is of greater
importance than that of family ties.

But we Filipinos, on the other hand, preferred living closely with each other, that is why we have the
extended family type. Grandparents live with their children and grandchildren. And it is evident because
some even live in compounds. However, despite this being a good value because we gave so much
importance to family, this likewise brought negative effects in certain aspects. The sense of being
independent and responsible tend to diminish, although not in all cases. Grandparents continues to
provide not just for the children but to the families of the children and so on. It may be hard to admit
but it surely adds burden to said grandparents who are supposed to relax and just pay for themselves
and live the rest of their days enjoying their retirement pays.

Second, is being hospitable. This value sure is the most popularly exercised by Filipinos and I bet
everyone exercises the same. When there are visitors at home, we offer them the best that we could:
from the food, the entertainment, the beddings if they stay for the night and all other accommodations.
For being very hospitable, we will do a lot to make them feel at home.

However, despite it being such a great value. It likewise is negative at another point of view. For
example when there is an occasion at home, aside from offering them everything to enjoy the occasion
and their stay in out homes, we also provide them "take outs" or "pabalot". We offer them almost
everything leaving almost nothing to ourselves.

Third, but the last I can think of, is debt of gratitude. Of course, it is just and right to repay goodness and
upheld the sense of duty and responsibility. We dont harm those who gave us favors. However, we tend
to overlook bad things out od "utang na loob". Just for the reason that a certain person helped us at
something, we tend to give a blind eye on the bad things that such person might do. Worse, do bad
things out of sich debt.

The superstitious beliefs that I find odd but I practice anyway are the following:

1. At nighttime, one should not sweep the floor because it is said that you sweep along with the dust
the good luck.

2. Still at nighttime, one should not trim his or her nails because it tantamounts to swearing or cussing
your parents.

3. When eating fish, after eating the meat on one side, you should not flip over the fish because if you
do a sea vessel will also flip and eventually sink.

4. During period, a female should not bathe because it will affect her fertility and ability to produce

5. Females should not eat conjoined fruits especially bananas because they will likely to give birth to

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