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Lesson Plan in English 9

Prepared by: Arche U. Gaudel

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:

1. Identify the elements of a short story. (SETTING)

2. Analyze the setting of a literary piece.

II. Subject Matter

1. Topic: Elements of a short story (SETTING)
2. Reference: English Communication Arts and Skills through Anglo- American and Philippine Literature- 9
3. Material: PPT, Board, Marker

III. Procedure

Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary Activity


Let us all stand for a prayer.

Bow our heads and feel the presence of the Lord.
the teacher will lead the prayer) Stands up for a prayer.


Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!

How are you today? Fine, ma’am.

Checking of Attendance

Who is absent today? None ma’am.

Very Good!


Before we proceed to our next lesson, let us have a recap of

our previous lesson.

Who can tell me what was our lesson yesterday? The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe
Very good!

What is the story all about? It is about revenge.

What is revenge? It is an action to hurt someone because they hurt you


Is revenge good or bad? Students answer.

Yes, revenge is not good. What do think is the positive values

that can be found in the story? We should always be very careful about how we treat
others. It is very easy to offend another person
inadvertently, and a single offense by word, or act, or
even a look, can damage a relationship irreparably.
Other people are just as sensitive as we are. That is
why the Golden Rule expressed in countless
languages, is stated in the New Testament as: Do unto
others as you would have them do unto you.

That is correct!


Now that you already read and understand the story ‘The
Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe.
Now, we will proceed to our next lesson.

Are you read? Yes, Sir.

Okay, let me ask you, are familiar of short stories? Yes, Sir.

what is your favorite short story? Love story (romantic story), true to life story, fictions or
nonfiction, scary or thriller, and comedy ma’am.

Yes! I also like scary, adventure and true to life stories. My

favorite scary story is The Nun. How about you, what is your
favorite scary story? Students answer.

How about for romantic stories? I like Five feet apart, The How’s of us, and Crazy Rich
That is really romantic stories class.

Why do you like it? Because it is thrilling ang you felt love.
That is right. It is thrilling and you can feel the romantic love.

Which part are you most interested or get attracted? The character, the setting or the plot of the story Sir.
Yes, we are all attracted to the story itself or the flow of the
story. We are attracted to the character, the setting, the sound
effects, environment or even the time of the story.

You already know that a short story has three elements,

right? I know you are familiar with these elements. Can
you tell me the elements? The elements of a short story are: the character, the
setting, and the plot.


Why do you think that a short story has elements? Because elements are important so that the writer can
create a beautiful and clear sequence of the story.

Why do you think that these elements are important? It is important because a story needs a pattern to follow
to avoid confusion to the reader/audience. It gives clear
ideas, emotions, and feelings to the reader. The
elements build connection to the reader.
Exactly! You are correct. These elements keep the story
running smoothly and allow the action to develop in a logical
way that the reader can follow.

For today’s lesson, we will focus on one element, and

that is the SETTING. At the end of our lesson, you will be
able to identify the elements of a short story (SETTING),
describe the impact of time in a story, and analyze the
setting of a literary piece given.

Analysis and Discussion

A story has elements and this afternoon we are going to

broaden your knowledge and ideas about the elements of a
short story, particularly the SETTING.

The three elements of a short story are the Character,

SETTING, and plot.

What is Character? People that make up the story; could also be in the form
of things, animals, etc.

Very good! How about the SETTING? The place or time of action.
What about the Plot? What happens in a story.

Very good! The character is the one who make up the

story, setting is the time of action, and plot is the
happening of a story. And today we will focus on the
SETTING of a short story.

The SETTING of a story is the time and the place where

the story takes place. The setting makes the story more
vivid and interesting.

In the SETTING it may explain why the characters

behave as they do. If a story is supposed to have taken
place a long time ago, the characters will have to speak
and dress differently from people today.

Now, why do you think setting is important?

But before you answer my question. Let us watch a short
clip about setting.

How the setting impacts video? Students answer.

After watching the clip. Why do you think setting is


Very good! Setting establishes the mood, reveals characters

and conflicts, and gives clues to a story's theme.

Setting is the context in which a story or scene occurs and

includes the time, place, and social environment. It
is important to establish a setting in your story, so your
readers can visualize and experience it.


Again, what are the three elements of a short story? Character, SETTING, and Plot.

What can you find in the setting of a short story? The place or time of action/story.

Why setting is important in a story? So that the readers can visualize what they are reading.

Very good!

Get your book and turn into pages 240, now let us read
the poem “Columbus” by Joaquin Miller.

Write a paragraph describing the setting depicted in the


Write a paragraph using the setting to help vividly portray

the character of Columbus.

Evaluation pp 242
Answer the following questions:

1. Do you think that the space travelers feel the same loneliness and awe that Columbus and his men felt?
2. What qualities are admirable in such travelers?
3. Why do men seek the adventure of travel? If you were given a chance to be a traveler, where would you like to go?

Read in advance the poem “Little Boy” by Eugene Field.
Research and study:
 What is narrative writing?
 What is the point of views in a narrative?

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