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Anne: I'll choose pictures A and B.

The main similarity between these pictures is that the

people in them have all achieved something- they're all looking very happy. There are
several differences between the pictures. Firstly, in pictures A there is a couple sharing the
achievement of purchasing a house, whereas in picture B the little girl is happy because
she has managed to ride her bike. In picture A, the achievement is financial, I suppose,
whereas in picture B, we can see a physical achievement which is part of growing up. It's
very difficult to say who might be feeling the happiest. But if I had to choose, I choose the
little girl in B because of her huge smile.

Interlocutor: Thank you. Michael, who de you think may have worked the hardest to
achieve success?

Michael: Oh they've all worked hard in different ways but I'd say it's the little girl. She
must have fallen off her bike many times and she's had the courage to get back on it

Interlocutor: Thank you. Now, Michael, here are your pictures. They show people
celebrating different occasions. I'd like you to compare two of the pictures, and say what
differences there are between the occasions and what each situation means to the person
celeb rating. All right?

Michael: The main connection between pictures A and B is that they both show people
celebrating a special occasion. The young girl in the first picture is celebrating her
birthday, I think it's her first birthday, whereas the girl in the second picture is celebrating
her graduation. There are several differences between the pictures. The main difference is
the age of the people. One is a young girl and the other is a young lady, probably in her
early twenties. Also, I think the girl in picture A is having a birthday party at home,
whereas the girl in picture B is at a graduation ceremony, probably at her educational
institute. Both girls must be very excited. It must be a special day for both of them.

Interlocutor: Thank you. Anne, how do you think each celebration might develop?

Anne: I suppose they will both have fun at a party afterwards. The little girl will cut her
cake and open her presents. I imagine the girl in, picture B will go out with her friends and
family to a nice dinner or something.

Interlocutor: Thank you.

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