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Jean Piaget Theory of Cognitive Development

Article 1

Jean Piaget was the most influential researcher for the development of psychology during the
20th century. He was interested in biological and philosophy. Mainly he was interested and
the purpose of his study was in how biological effects on humans and how did one comes to
know about it. He was of the view that the thing which distinguishes humans from animals is
our symbolic reasoning. He while working in Paris in IQ lab became interested in how
children think. He also came to know through his study that children are more different from
older children same their answers are also different. Younger children answer differently than
older children but the older children get experiences by the time so they answer smartly. This
article the author states that Piaget was interested in how an organism adapts to the
environment. He said that the behavior is controlled by schemes. In the theory of Process of
Development Piaget hypothesized that infant are also born with schemes that according to
him are reflexes. The author describes the theory that according to Piaget these reflexes in
animals control behavior all their life while in humans infants use these reflexes to adapt to
the environment. Piaget also used the two processes to describe accommodation and
assimilation. The author sates the Piaget views that according to him both processes are used
by humans throughout their life to adapt to environment. According to the author Jean Piaget
then identified the stages in cognitive development when the schemes became increasingly
complex. These stages were Sensorimotor stage related to infants, Preoperational stage
related to toddler and early childhood, Concrete operational stage of elementary and early
adolescence, Formal Operational stage related to adolescence and adulthood. Author states
that all these stages were related to checking the intelligence of humans through symbols with
different techniques at different stages. Many of the pre school and primary programs use
Piagets theory to provide knowledge to children. Data from the cross sectional studies show
that western culture also support the stages of cognitive development.


Huitt, W., & Hummel, J. (2003). Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Educational

psychology interactive, 3(2), 1-5.
Article 2

The author states that the theory of cognitive development is also known as skilled theory. It
states the tools for the prediction of developmental sequences and synchronies in any area at
any point in improvement through integrating behavioral and cognitive developmental
principles. Cognitive development is explained through a chain of talent structures known as
levels together with a hard and fast of transformation policies that relate those stages to every
different. The tiers designate abilities of step by step growing complexity, with a specific
ability at one stage built without delay from particular talents at the preceding degree. The
transformation rules specify the specific developmental steps by using which a skill actions
steadily from one degree to the next. At each step in these developmental sequences, the
individual controls a selected talent; this is, she or he controls a structure composed of 1 or
extra assets of variant in what she or he does or thinks in a particular context. In
development, those talents are regularly transformed from sensory-motor actions to
representations after which to abstractions. The modifications produce non-stop and sluggish
behavioral changes; however throughout the entire profile of someone's abilities and within
particularly practiced undertaking domain names, a stage like shift in competencies occurs
because the character develops to a brand new best degree. The concept suggests a not
unusual framework for integrating developmental analyses of cognitive abilities, social
abilities, language, and perceptual-motor talents, as well as certain behavioral changes in
mastering and trouble solving.


Fischer, K. W. (1980). A theory of cognitive development: The control and construction of

hierarchies of skills. Psychological review, 87(6), 477.
Article 3

In this article the author states that Learning theories are theories whose foremost challenge is
to link studies with training. In other words gaining knowledge of theories explain how
mastering and teaching processes need to be and/or should take place. A learning happens
through imitational and modeling while one observes others. The conduct of the teacher has
more have an effect on to newcomers because learner will imitate the conduct of the
instructor no matter whether is right or terrible. The archived articles featured in this
information financial institution may be accessed via subscription to Creative Teaching and
Learning and Professional Development today. Piaget understood that children were the
assert that rookies are much more likely to be engaged in studying.


Renner, J. W., Stafford, D. G., Lawson, A. E., McKinnon, J. W., Friot, F. E., & Kellogg, D.
H. (1976). Research, teaching, and learning with the Piaget model (p. 14). Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press.

Article 4

The approach of this article may be to offer a brief dialogue of Piaget’s underlying
assumptions regarding the levels of improvement. Each level may be described and
characterized, highlighting the degree suitable arithmetic techniques that assist lay a solid
foundation for future mathematics learning. The end will contain trendy implications of the
understanding of levels of improvement for arithmetic coaching.Piaget has additionally been
criticized for overestimating the abilities of older newbies, having implications for each
newbies and instructors. For instance, middle faculty instructors interpreting Piaget’s work
may also anticipate that their students can constantly suppose logically within the abstract. As
children increase, they progress thru stages characterised by specific approaches of
knowledge the world. During the sensorimotor degree, younger children develop eye-hand
coordination schemes and object permanence. The preoperational stage consists of increase
of symbolic thought, as evidenced via the expanded use of language. During the concrete
operational level, youngsters can perform fundamental operations inclusive of category and
serial ordering of concrete items. In the very last level, formal operations, college students
increase the potential to assume abstractly and metacognitively, as well as motive
hypothetically. This article articulated those degrees in mild of arithmetic guidance. In
fashionable, the knowledge of Piaget’s stages facilitates the trainer recognize the cognitive
development of the child because the trainer plans level-appropriate sports to preserve
students active.


Ojose, Bobby. "Applying Piaget's theory of cognitive development to mathematics

instruction." The Mathematics Educator 18, no. 1 (2008).

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