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Context Clues A philatelist is someone who collects different kinds of

• Clues are words or phrases that serve as hint, so
reader can understand the meaning of Meaning: stamp collector
highfalutin or unknown word/s in sentences.
Hints may be derived from
• AKA vocabulary-building strategies
• explanation/s provided
• Hints may be derived from
Conjugation is done by adding –s or –es or –d or –ed to
examples given the base form of the verb.

The air in Manila is found to have noxious materials Meaning: changing forms of verbs
such as air fresheners, insect repellants, smoke from
vehicles, and dust particles.

Meaning: harmful

Hints may be derived from

• the situation or how the word is used

in the sentence

When her son was imprisoned, she felt that all her
dreams for him vanished. She can no longer look at her
son lingering behind the cold bars of the prison
together with other criminals.

Meaning: staying

Hints may be derived from

• comparison/s made (similarities)

The taciturn student is like a mute television.

Meaning: timid/quiet

Hints may be derived from

• contrasting ideas (differences) /


Mike’s daughter is very mischievous; however, his son

always behaves well.

Meaning: playful

Hints may be derived from

• synonym/s presented

The work assigned to me was cumbersome and tiring.

Meaning: difficult or tiring to do

Hints may be derived from

• definition/s provided

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