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TOTAL MARKS: 20 (Out of 100)

Faculty Name: Sohayb Anwar

Date: 01/04/2019



Dear Students,

I hope you all are safe and well.

As discussed at the starting of the semester, the learning objective of the Digital
Marketing course is to impart the theoretical concepts of marketing in the digital
advertising age, as well as to enable you all to be able to effectively apply these learnings
in your professional careers and your ambitions as potential Solopreneurs.

In our previous lectures covering chapters 1-3 from Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing;
We have learnt about the Consumer Value Journey and the tactics, the content strategy,
digital advertising plans which must be adopted by marketers to funnel a prospect from
being Unaware, to becoming and Active Buyer and Promoter for your business.

It is now time to (a) test your learnings thus far and (b) to prepare you all for your first
Solopreneur business using social media as the key digital marketing and advertising
platform. Please note that this Mid Term assignment needs to be treated by the students
as an On-going project. Whichever line of business you choose to adopt, has to be
something which you can manage on your own without any support, therefore please
choose wisely and tap into the passionate marketer in you. In the future (and in
continuation of this Mid Term Assignment) you will also be running your first paid
advertising campaign on the preferred social platforms to learn more about campaign
management, content and media optimization for your business with the aim to
generating online sales during the term of this course.

For your ease of reference and to understand clearly the requirement of the Mid Term
Assignment, I have shared relevant examples from GREENO Juice Bars wherever possible.
I hope you will find this information helpful for your assignment.

Good luck and all the best!


Sohayb Anwar

C1 - Internal use
Visiting Faculty | Digital Marketing (MBA)

PLEASE NOTE: All students are instructed to attempt the Mid Term assignment in
INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY. Students are required to submit an individual report, in their
own name. No Groups!

Your task is to lay the foundation of a SOLOPRENEUR online business which you would
like to start immediately and can easily manage by yourself using online platforms like
Facebook, Instagram or Youtube to generate real income for yourself. Keep in mind that
marketing will solely be managed by you with the aim of generating a real online sales via
actual transaction with an online shopper.

The Mid Term Assignment requires all students to share a detailed report covering the
different sections of a solopreneur online business plan.

A) Share a detailed summary of the Digital Marketing Plan for your business using the
prescribed template in folder “PART A - DIGITAL MARKETING PLAN TEMPLATE” (10

B) Refer to the writable PDF file titled “Customer Value Journey Template (GREENO
EXAMPLE)” provided to you in folder “PART B - CUSTOMER VALUE JOURNEY”. You are
required to use this template to indicate the Customer Value Journey keeping in view
your own online business and its customers. You have been provided the Consumer Value
Journey for GREENO JUICE BARS as a reference to help you. (2 Marks)

C) Refer to the file in folder “PART C - ILLUSTRATE YOUR CONTENT STRATEGY”. You can see
how the content strategy for GREENO JUICE BARS is clearly visible in their marketing
communications across the customer value journey. Using the example of GREENO,
please illustrate the content strategy for offers from your business. If you are not able to
design the content, then you may use examples from existing online advertisers which
are closest to what you would like to send to your consumers at different stages of the
customer value journey. (4 Marks)

D) Refer to the file in folder “PART D - DEVELOP THE CONTENT LIFECYCLE”. Using the
example of GREENO JUICE BARS, you are required to illustrate the content lifecycle for
your business during Awareness, Consideration and Purchase phase of the consumer
journey. (2 Marks)

E) Refer to the file in folder “PART E - DEVELOP THE DIGITAL ADVERTISING PLAN”. Use the
excel file to plan the digital advertising campaign by editing the columns highlighted for
you in yellow (DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING ELSE). The formulas in the excel sheet are pre-set
to help you ascertain your media campaign budget at the end of the exercise.

 Platform: Which you would like to use for marketing for example Facebook, Youtube,
Instagram which you would be using in each phase of the consumer value journey.
 Placement: Use Newsfeed for FB and Instagram, TrueView In-stream Ads for Youtube.
 Targeting: Please clarify your audience interest and behaviors. You may include
demographic and geographic targeting based on business need.
 Ad Format: Choose from Picture, Video, GIFs, Carousel, Collection
 Choose your KPI: Cost per 1000 Impressions (CPM), Cost per Click (CPC), Cost per Video
View (CPV).
 Booking Volume: Please clarify the number of Impressions, Clicks or Video Views.
 Ad Frequency: How many time will the prospect see your ad on a weekly basis.

C1 - Internal use

A. Read Carefully Chapters 1-3 from Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing before attempting
this assignment. The book is Included in folder titled as USEFUL RESOURCES.

B. Facebook Ad Campaign Setup Guidelines.

C. Choosing the right creative assets:

D. Choosing the right media KPIs:


C1 - Internal use

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