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Astorga C6B5521-8 Fl Ni

2633 Reavers Deep


A gigantic orange Sun is mostly concealed by overcast. There is a gentle breeze.

The mornings are chilly, the nights are cold, during the day it is cool. The
atmosphere contains corrosive components (Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)), the use of
sealed protective suits is mandatory. The atmospheric pressure is comparable to
earth conditions in an altitude of 1.5 km. The humidity is very high. Gravity is
slightly lower than earth standard. A standard sized human (80kg) will weigh about
58 kg.


Astorga's sun is a orange Star (K4 V). It has a Mass of .621 and a Luminosity of .
586. It's perceived size is 310% SOL. The system has 12 worlds, 2 of which are gas
giants and 1 asteroid belt. Astorga circles its sun in Orbit .5, at a distance of
29.92 Million kilometers, one year has a duration of 30.99 planetary days of 32.1
hours, each. The planetary axis is tilted 15�. The majority of Astorga's surface is
covered by land, with the exception of 2 major Oceans, 6 minor Oceans, 6 scattered

Density : 0.96 Molten Core

Gravity : 0.72
Seismic Factor : 4.30
Air pressure : 0.89 Atm, 1599 m, Corrosive
Weather factor : 29%-1.0
Energy absorption : 61%


Astorga has a population of 237057 sentients. The world 's government is a

participating Democracy. The people rule by popular vote. The entire population
decides the acts of Government. In many cases, various qualifications will be
established to lessen the participation of some classes of citizen. The authority
is divided in 3-ways. The Exexutive branch is the representative authority,
Legislative and Judicial are secondary.

A general law level is actually non existant. If at all, there are a few
regulations. The Weapons law level is extremly low. Allowed are Portable Heavy,
Acid, Fire, Gas, Energy, Shock, EMP, Rad, Mag, Grav, Automatic weapons, Pistols, as
well as open carrying. There is no criminal Law. Everyone has to take care of

No laws regulating trade are in existence. There is no civil law level that
governs the conduct of the citzens with one another. To get things going, a bribe
at the right place can be helpful. The government does nothing to impact the
personal freedom of its citizens.

Astorga has 2 large Cities with 100K+ Inhabitants, 3 Cities with 10K+ Inhabitants,
6 small Cities with thousands of Inhabitants, 7 Outposts with hundreds of
Astorga is a fluid, non-industrial, very unimportant world, with high resources
and a very small labour force as well as a nonexisting infrastructure. The overall
efficiency is mediocre. The world generates 80 Resource units, which puts it in the
1% Range. The Homogeneity Rating is 30%, Acceptance reaches 21%, Strangeness is
10%, Symbols = 4. Astorga is a non aligned world.


The port is small but not overcrowded. Astorga has an orbital station, with a
passenger and a freight terminal. The port has 60 landing pads, most of them
equipped with a proper berth and one runway. Its traffic control can handle
multiple takeoffs and landings at once. Unrefined fuel and all conventional ship�s
stores are available, refined fuel is also offered, but tankage is limited. All
minor repairs and maintenance of ships up to 200 t can be performed without undue
delays. Handling of ordinary container cargo is efficient, though goods requiring
very special handling will slow the routine. Modest but adequate shopping and
restaurants, and usually some kind of entertainment, will be available for
passengers and crews. Each year 67567 passengers are handled and .55 Million tons
of cargo shipped. The system has a low traffic volume.

Docked at the orbital part of the Starport are 4 x Far Trader (400 t), 10 x Free
Trader (200 t), a total of 14 Starships.

The planetbound part of the port is secured by a single fence with a gatehouse.
The whole port measures .5 by .5 km.

Berthed at the downbelow port are currently 2 x Tukera Long Liner (1000 t), 4 x
Bloodwell Class Merchant (1000 t), 2 x Ad Astra Class Liner (600 t), 4 x Far
Trader (400 t), 50 x Free Trader (200 t), a total of 62 starships.

The following trade goods are usually available : Above average amounts (+1) of
Copper, Tin, Silver, Aluminium. Mediocre amounts (-2) of Radioactives, Processed
Metals, Steel, Special Alloys, Textiles, Polymers, Pharmaceuticals, Aircraft, ATV,
Machine tools, Farm machinery. Small amounts (-3) of Crystals, Gems, Tools,
mechanical parts, Clothing, Computers, Entertainment. Very small amounts (-4) of
Liquor, Grain, Canned food, Recordings, Artforms. Tiny amounts (-5) of Weapons,
Software, Documents.

DAILY freight and passenger amounts:

FEEDER ROUTE: Carrill (J-4) 273 t, 132 P.

MINOR ROUTE: Istieru (J-1) 273 t, 21 P. Faranim (J-1) 273 t, 19 P. Lanisteg (J-1)
273 t, 4 P.


The STARPORT CONTROL Zone covers the physical extent of the starport (on the
surface or in orbit), a 15 km radius around it and up to 15 km above it. This is
followed by the AEROPSPACE Zone. It extends from ground level to 960 km above the
surface. Traffic control and separation rely on craft adhering to published
procedures within the planets AEROSPACE Zone. Also provides weather advisories and
separation along the flight path.

During the flight from the jump point to Astorga you encounter 1 x Far Trader (400
t), 1 x Free Trader (200 t), altogether 2 vessels.

To be cleared for landing, you need a bill of health for crew and passengers and
you need to contact traffic control with your intentions.


The exchange rate for 1 Imperial CR is 1.82. The military budget in peacetime
amounts to 65.19 Million local Credits, during conflicts it rises to 97.78 Million

The flagship of the fleet is a SDB of 200 t. The worlds annual naval budget can
maintain a fleet of 898 tons.. But this amount leaves no room for repairs or the
construction of new ships, so the actual size of the Navy will be much smaller. The
size is further limited by the worlds industrial capacity which can maintain,
repair or construct a maximum amount of 290 tons of ships at the same time.

The planetary defense consists of 1 Battalions. Counter 1 x [II 1-8].

TECH LEVEL ( 8 ) :

SCIENCE 9 : Empirical observations allow full access to jump space. The exact
relationship of jump space to normal space remains a mystery. Gravitic manipulation
continues to advance.

MATERIAL 8 : Composite laminate materials. Earliest experiments with


ENERGY 8 : Advanced radiothermal generators (NPUs). Solar power, especially in

space. Microwave beamed power. Superconducting materials make power transmission
much more efficient and lead to the development of advanced power cells.

COMPUTER / ROBOTICS 9 : Linguistic interfaces improve, allowing computers to be

programmed exclusively in natural language. Computers are capable of reasonable
linguistic interpretation.

COMMUNICATIONS 8 : Fiber-optic networks and digital signals are applied to a

global information network. Personal image transmission (videophone, flatscreen

TRANSPORTATION 8 : Fast railways and electric trains. Electric automobiles. WATER

8 : Incremental improvements in water-transport technology, including triphibian
vehicles. AIR 8 : Hypersonic and semi-ballistic aircraft are in use. SPACE 8 :
Lightsails and practical fission and ion drives allow manned interplanetary
missions. New advances in physical science lead to experimental contragrav vehicles
and reactionless thrusters.

PERSONAL WEAPONS 8 : Laser carbines and Snub pistol are the Standard. Rifles now
use caseless ammunition.

HEAVY WEAPONS 8 : Energy weapons appear in the heavy-support role (laser and
particle cannon). Experimental laser small-arms are produced late in the period.

BIOLOGY 8 : Genome mapping extends even to complex organisms. Complex genetic

therapies, experimental germ-line engineering. Systems ecology(detailed
understanding of specific ecosystems).
MEDICINE 8 : Lasers and microprobes make surgery minimally invasive, allowing
greater efficiency and very rapid recovery. Full genetic screening and complex
genetic therapies. Previously unknown infectious diseases can be analyzed and cured

ENVIRONMENTAL 8 : Arcologies. Large orbital settlements, with near-complete

recycling efficiency. Crude weather control, long-term climate prediction.
Experiments in reconstructing damaged ecosystems.


Year length : 0.11 Terra = 31 planetary days

HR Spring 8 Summer 8 Autumn 8 Winter 8

1 35� 27� 16� 35� 27� 16� 35� 27� 16� 35� 27� 16�

2 29� 21� 10� 29� 21� 10� 29� 21� 10� 29� 21� 10�

3 23� 15� 4� 23� 15� 4� 23� 15� 4� 23� 15� 4�

4 17� 9� -2� 17� 9� -2� 17� 9� -2� 17� 9� -2�

5 11� 3� -8� 13� 5� -5� 11� 3� -8� 7� -1� -11�

6 5� -3� -14� 10� 2� -9� 5� -3� -14� -2� -11� -21�

7 -1� -9� -20� 6� -2� -13� -1� -9� -20� -12� -20� -31�

8 -7� -15� -26� 2� -6� -17� -7� -15� -26� -22� -30� -41�

9 -13� -21� -32� -4� -12� -23� -13� -21� -32� -28� -36� -47�

10 -19� -27� -38� -10� -18� -29� -19� -27� -38� -34� -42� -53�

11 -25� -33� -44� -16� -24� -35� -25� -33� -44� -40� -48� -59�
: : :
: : : Length of day 32: 6
: : :
: : L......Deepest Night temp at 7:00
: L............Medium values at 13:00 and 27:00
L..................Highest Noon temp at 20:00

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