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 Mendelian Inheritance - refers to an  Phenotype - the set of observable

inheritance pattern that follows the laws of characteristics of an individual resulting from
segregation and independent assortment in which the interaction of its genotype with the
a gene inherited from either parent segregates environment.
into gametes at an equal frequency  Genotype - the genetic constitution of an
 Genes - basic physical and functional unit of individual organism
heredity  Characteristics - a feature or quality belonging
 Heredity - the passing on of physical or typically to a person, place, or thing and
mental characteristics genetically from one serving to identify it
generation to another  Allele - one of two or more alternative forms
 Chromosome - a threadlike structure of of a gene that arise by mutation and are
nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of found at the same place on a chromosome.
most living cells, carrying genetic information in  Traits - a distinguishing quality or
the form of genes. characteristic, typically one belonging to a
 DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule person.
composed of two chains that coil around each  Homozygous- having two identical alleles of a
other to form a double helix carrying genetic particular gene or genes.
instructions for the development, functioning,  Heterozygous - having two different alleles of
growth and reproduction of all known organisms a particular gene or genes.
and many viruses  Dominant trait - phenomenon of one variant
 Hydrogen - the most abundant chemical of a gene on a chromosome masking or
substance in the Universe overriding the effect of a different variant of
 Nucleic Acid - a complex organic substance the same gene on the other copy of the
present in living cells, especially DNA or RNA, chromosome
whose molecules consist of many nucleotides  Hybrid - he offspring of two plants or animals
linked in a long chain. of different species or varieties
 Carbohydrates - any of a large group of  Pure - not mixed or adulterated with any
organic compounds occurring in foods and living other substance
tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose.  Punnett Square - diagram that is used to
 Protein - any of a class of nitrogenous organic predict the genotypes of a particular cross or
compounds that consist of large molecules breeding experiment
composed of one or more long chains of amino  Reccesive Trait - can be carried in a person's
acids genes without appearing in that person
 Cell - the smallest structural and functional  Evolution - the process by which different
unit of an organism, typically microscopic and kinds of living organisms are thought to have
consisting of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a developed and diversified from earlier forms
membrane during the history of the earth.
 Nucleus - the central and most important part  Segregation - the separation of pairs of alleles
of an object, movement, or group, forming the at meiosis and their independent transmission
basis for its activity and growth via separate gametes.
 Cytoplasm - the material or protoplasm  Independent Assortment - formation of
within a living cell, excluding the nucleus random combinations of chromosomes in
 Mitosis - a type of cell division that results in meiosis and of genes on different pairs of
two daughter cells each having the same number homologous chromosomes
and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus,  Fertilization - fusion of haploid gametes, egg
typical of ordinary tissue growth and sperm, to form the diploid zygote
 Offspring - he product or result of something.
 Organism - an individual animal, plant, or  Predisposition - a liability or tendency to
single-celled life form suffer from a particular condition, hold a
 Inheritance - a thing that is inherited particular attitude, or act in a particular way.
 Gamete - a mature haploid male or female  Prevalent- widespread in a particular area or
germ cell which is able to unite with another at a particular time.
of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to
form a zygote.
 Meiosis - a type of cell division that results in
four daughter cells each with half the number
of chromosomes of the parent cell, as in the
production of gametes and plant spores.
 Dihybrid - a hybrid that is heterozygous for
alleles of two different genes.
 Reproduction - the biological process by
which new individual organisms – "offspring"
– are produced from their "parents".
 Codominance- relationship between two
versions of a gene
 Pedigree - the record of descent of an animal,
showing it to be purebred
 Autosomal Dominant - A pattern of
inheritance in which an affected individual has
one copy of a mutant gene and one normal
gene on a pair of autosomal chromosomes
 Mutant - organism or a new genetic character
arising or resulting from an instance of
mutation, which is generally an alteration of
the DNA sequence of the genome or
chromosome of an organism
 Consanguinity - defined as a union between
two individuals who are related as second
cousins or closer
 Transmission- the action or process of
transmitting something or the state of being
 Skewing - suddenly change direction or
 Disease - particular abnormal condition that
negatively affects the structure or function of
part or all of an organism, and that is not due
to any immediate external injury.
 Mendelism - the theory of heredity as
formulated by Mendel
 Cancer - group of diseases involving
abnormal cell growth with the potential to
invade or spread to other parts of the body

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