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Depression v/s Sadness

Do you really know the difference between Depression and Sadness? If yes, then also its my
duty revises your existing knowledge.

A person with sadness does not remains sad for a longer time. With hours or 1-2 days he/she
will continue to do his/her daily tasks. Sadness is a natural behavior of a human being which
happened due to some pain or any loss.

Emotions like joy and happiness, sadness also faded with time. But depression is a journey in
which person can’t easily come out of it.

In depression a person will be mentally ill for a longer time like for months or even years. It’s
almost impossible in depression to divert your mind on other activities which will make you
laugh. It’s very hard for a depressed person to talk normally with other persons around him.

Signs of a depressed person:

1. Seems always uninterested while doing their favorite activity:
If any person shows his/her disinterest in doing a joyful or their favorite task for a
period of 2 weeks or more then it would be not a good sign of a normality.
2. Seems always exhausted:
Have almost no energy or good vibe in any job or task.
3. Lashing out at others is another hobby:
Easily irritated by other persons or being angry at small issue.
4. Being good with others is not always good:
Person with depression may behave good in public but secretly they are dying inside.
5. Disturbed sleep and unusual eating:
Trying to sleep but can’t, eating too much without hunger may not a normal behavior.
6. Keeping away from a crowd:
Being lonely is their first priority and may be a life taking choice.
What literally depression means?
Depression is a process where a person on a daily basis increases the tendency of
being sad and slowly decreases his/her interest in daily activities. We can term it as
a mood disorder which includes feelings of sadness and constant mood swings.

If any or all symptoms remains at least for 2 weeks or long, it can be considered as
starting of a depression journey.

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