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First of all, I want to serve my nation, community and society at a broader level. Because, from the past
70 years since Pakistan’s independence our nation is facing severe misallocation of resources,
corruption, mismanagement of departmental activities especially in the government sector. So, I want
to take part and contribute from my side to Pakistan at least to avoid these major illnesses and bring
merit, quality and excellence in the management of resource allocation and economic activities
Second, my major goal is to become a bureaucrat of this nation. Also, this service has job security and
career growth with numerous and gigantic professional opportunities to learn and do well. I want to
play leading an effective role in society.
Third, In Pakistan, there is huge unemployment, with nepotism and favoritism culture. I am having a
background of a middle-class family. I do not have a high level of support to get a general job of
government other than CSS. So, CSS is the platform to provide me an opportunity, where merit and
quality still exist. Although I know it is tough and not a piece of cake, but with hard work,
determination and consistency I can pass the exam with flying colors along with the proper guidelines
in the CSS preparatory classes.
Q 2.
Covid-19: Disrupting lives, societies, and economies.

COVID-19 known as the novel Corona-virus begins from the Wuhan city of China. It is the infectious
health disease from the symptoms of cough, fever and etc. It is important to know how it is dangerous
for the world and for the overall society, lives and economies of the world. It has a disruptive effect on
the lives of the people, societies and economies of the world.
First, COVID-19 has affected the lives. It has an effect on the daily lives of the people. For instance, as
we have seen the lock-down of almost two months in the country. So, the daily-wagers, labor class, and
middle class highly affected because they were not earning the amount on daily basis feed the family,
and the middle-class also affected because their savings were ended at the end of the one-month
Second, COVID-19 has also affected societies. It has increased the level of poverty and inequalities in
society. Due to lockdown and high constraint on the global economic and social activities. For instance,
one study found people around 37% showed distress and psychological signs, 45% of young adults
have an adverse effect on their mental health, and 70% of people said this period was highly stressful of
their careers.

Third, COVID-19 impacted the world’s economy. The major economic activities were going
down. For instance, the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) almost falls by 2 percent that is
below the benchmark of 2.5 forecasting estimation of the world. Also, the major economic and
revenue making industries like manufacturing and shipping, Oil and Gas, Construction, Tourism,
Airline, Services, Entertainment and Sports industries were severely affected and hurt most due
to this pandemic disruption.
Shortly and conclusively, to sum up, all the discussions. The novel COVID-19 has disrupted the
overall lives of people, society, and business and economic activities of the world. It has a larger
effect on the overall globe to deteriorate and worsen the daily lives, mental health and business
environment. So, world-leading institutions like United Nation, International Monetary Fund,
World Health Organization need to take serious drastic, hard and consistent measures, and stern
decisions along with the consensus of countries' government to control the spread of the
pandemic in the world.

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