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Good afternoon. Next I want to talk to you about the technology of how innovation
has come. In this new 21st Century,

amazing, right?.

surprising how technology has reigned in work, personal, family life, among
others, technology every year becomes essential for any environment, be it a
company, family or daily, since the human being has created the need for
dependence on technology, how smart phones, computers, and systems.

Although we should know some benefits and conflicts that have been created with
the arrival of technology between them, the benefits may be that the human being
has better time management and easier to carry out their tasks such as jobs,
projects, time organization, among Others, technology has also helped too much
by increasing the relationship between human beings through communication,
through the system called social networks such as Facebook, WhatsApp,
Instagram, etc.

But we must also bear in mind that the defects of these technologies provoke
dependency in the human being, as previously mentioned, thus increasing

What does this refer to?

human beings have become accustomed to technology as a necessary tool to live,

unfortunately the misuse of these tools can bring with itself terrible consequences,
the human being, by getting used to it, already has the need to maintain with that
type of tools, This case It is better known than youth and children.

that's why with this story I want to convince you to enjoy your family very much,
since technology is a good tool for companies and industries, since through their
mechanics or their machinery they can obtain better results than in the market and
their products. also a misuse of them as already mentioned can have terrible
consequences How to separate a family, dependency or addiction among others.
remember to take advantage of technology moderately and continue more united
as a family.

thank you.

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