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hey everyone so welcome to another ke

arah session here in beautiful gorgeous

Chicago god I love the same love the

city so today I wanted to quickly make

this video on remedies for love and

career okay

because I remember last time when I made

a video I think I got 70/30

result 70% was working 30 person wasn't

working or maybe 6040 who knows I

haven't done that statistical analysis

except what my brain told me when I was

looking at all the comments and then I

got me to thinking okay so why didn't it

work when he was working with

like literally 80 90 percent of the time

with the people that were coming to me

for reading and then I realized that no

it is because they had a karma with me

they had a karma with me you cannot go

to a astrology astrologer get a reading

from astrology but it's me or somebody

else unless you have a karma with them

there has to be an exchange of karma in

order for you to get a reading this is

why if you try to do things on a mass

scale it will fail or it may fail

because the only people that you will

that will come to you as clients is

because you know them from past life

so only if you know me from past life

you will be coming to me for a reading

if you don't you will never come to me

you probably won't even watch this video

you may watch this video but you will

just sleep so remember if you ever get a

reading from someone else we had an

exchange do you we knew each other from

past life somehow whether I was a

merchant you were a customer whether you

were merchants I was a customer whether

you were a lawyer I was a client so now

we're exchanging our places and you are

coming to me giving and exchanging

energies with the reading and the

resources of the money simple is that

that's how it is so and that kiss has

been working but when it comes to like

the mass scale it didn't work and so it

just kind of drove me crazy because

that's how I am and something is not

working about why didn't it work why

didn't want why didn't this happen why

did I fail on this and then I started

trying certain things so I took people

from those comments or they took their

email or people who were emailing me


I took their emails and I was just

pondering so what what what what what

I'll why didn't it work so then I tried

this one trick and surprisingly the

again and I'm just telling you right now

is the people who came to me privately

it worked with them so but I'm still

gonna try this on a mass scale see if

this works so if you watch my last video

of Korea remedy I told you to make a

drawing of the next chakra animal of

your tenth lorry right and I'm still

going to tell you to do that

and if you don't know about nakshatra

animals I talked about it in that

particular video okay but if you can and

then you need to know your chart like

your horoscope with accuracy because if

your ascendant is changing in the birth

chart then don't even try this okay

except although you can still take it

for a relationship

use Venus even if you don't know your

birth a time just use Venus is a

significant artifact of relationship and

marriage so what I want you to do is

draw the animal okay

so take whatever your 10th Lord is and

of course if you do not know your chart

go to my website astrology cares calm

under the subjects section where you

will find from option 5 and below all my

reports reports and consultation and

reports and especially Avenue reading

they're called unique reading where I

combined the birth nabob chances TM sit

together with basically mainly four

planets it's weird because only four

planets are really governing our lives

and it's been proven I cannot show you

the technique how I'm doing this but I

will show you your life and the reading

because I don't think I have permission

right now to show this technique through

this astrology teacher of mine when I

get the permission from I will share it

right now is just the reading itself but

once you figure out your ascendant look

which planet controls your 10 cows so if

it's Sun user orange color if it's moon

and Venus use white color if it's

mercury use green color if it's Mars use

red Jupiter use yellow mustard yellow

Saturn black or blue okay

you just want to use the physical

planets that rule over these houses so

don't worry about the Rahu and Ketu and

you take that planet that rules your ten

thousand draw their nakshatra so

whichever nakshatra the tenth Lord is

sitting in take that next chakra and

draw it and if it's moon and Venus which

is white color lighter color like

Jupiter's yellow use a darker piece of

paper simple you don't have to draw it

on the white piece of paper it's not

used to logic you know use black black a

black paper with whiting simply so but

you have to know them except for animals

and it's not the normal mode chakra

animals that you have learned based and

a basic analysis of the scroll see like

mega Shira is the deer right deer's head

but no don't do that then you'll

activate a Narada and J star breaker

Shira is a snake just like Roman is a

snake it's like the yoni animals more

than just the symbolism that has been

taught on the next chakra basis so use

that so same thing with love and

relationship take the next chakra of


okay and the seventh floor next chakra

draw them okay draw them with their

proper color and the animal of the next

chakra and of course I teach this in my

maka Vedic Astrology Academy anyway

where the link is down below as well in

the description so you can learn about

the nakshatra and everything you need to

know about the neck chakra but once you

do this in my last video I said wait six

to ten days to see the results same

thing I'm going to tell you but this

time what I want you to do for career

take your resume put this drawing of the

animal in the resume so once you send

your resume online which is separate

that's fine but take a printout of your

resume put it with the next shutaura

animal drawing and put it in a cabinet

or wherever your professional things are

okay put it put it there and even I

would suggest in the south west corner

also would be a great place to put it in

your home or wherever in your office so

use that for love for relationship take

a folder put that drawing and take a red

rose take a red rose and put it there

and fold it and keep it in the northern

side of the of the home

or in your room Northside and just leave

it there and in six to ten days let's

see what happens you can comment below

after six to ten days to see if

something happened with you guys if if

you were able to run into something if

things started improving in your career

because remember it doesn't matter if

you're 10 floors in the sixth house

eight thousand twelve thousand because

if it's in the six or twelve thousand

already screw so still you might want to

want to wake it up because it's so

trashed so it doesn't matter where its

place what it's conjunct it is your 10th

Lord you need that to make your money

you need that to pay your bills so don't

be like well should I draw this or not

well yeah you're still you're working

that means if you're dealing with some

issues in your career that's because

it's in the trash so might as well

awaken it might as well give it that

energization and that boost and I'm

trying something else too with money and

children but I will not make that video

until I have seen the results and also

where the children is difficult because

transits and pushes have to be taken

into account otherwise at least with me

maybe there's some other some technique

I don't know I don't care but with me I

need to know the transit and the Dasha

otherwise that's not gonna work but I'm

trying something else but these things

work privately at least with the people

who came to me who got the reading and

asked for the remedy and I gave it to

them and it worked once I just told them

to do this so I'm trying this on am a

skill if it works great if it doesn't

let me know that it's only the people's

karma to go to the astrologer one-on-one

and then the Karma exchange happens but

again I just want to let you know in

case if it's working okay so hopefully

it works for you you have my full

blessings on that okay so if you're new

to my channel subscribe below and if you

don't know all your reports how your

report is my books reports consultations

link to my Academy check out the links

in the description otherwise we'll see

you later

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