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THE HOLY SPIRIT Additional Comment: As I stated in my introduction to this lesson,
many of the doctrines which are believed and taught by nominal
Among the various denominations of contemporary Christianity are derived from pagan mythology. The trinity is one of
Christianity there appears a wide spectrum of diverse teachings on this these. In such ancient religions as Assyria, Babylonia, Egypt and
vital subject. Initially, it might be well to state that practically every Rome, etc., there are trinities which are formed from a Father, Mother,
Christian denomination, (with a few exceptions), teaches the doctrine and Child combination. In fact today the letters “IHS” which appear on
of the Trinity. When this doctrine is defined by theology, we are many church altars, are derived from the Egyptian Trinity, Isis, Horus,
informed that the three persons of the deity are all equal in eternity, and Seb. Theologians have changed them to mean “Iesous Hominum
power, and glory, all three one, while three separate personalities. Salvator” (Yahshua the Savior of men), but the pagan connotation
Sadly, this predetermined theory seems always to be superimposed stands nevertheless.
upon the entire message of the Bible, although this definition does not
appear anywhere in the Bible, nor does the word “TRINITY”! Let us In the idolatrous worship of Baal, various portrayals of him reveal that
examine this doctrine to see if the Scriptures substantiate and confirm a trinity was a part of his worship. Statues show him with three horns,
it, or refute it absolutely. three stars, and three arms. In the King James translation there is
reference to this Trinitarian Baal in 2nd Kings 4:42. “Shalisha” means
1. Who is the greatest member of the Elohim (Mighty One) family? Is “having a third or trinity.” In view of all the above evidence, the
it Yahshua the Messiah? Eph. 3:14; 1st Cor. 15:28; John 14:28 Assemblies of Yahweh renounce the doctrine of the trinity because it
COMMENT: The verse of John 14:28 in itself prohibits any teaching is not Scriptural. In order to comprehend more completely the correct
resembling a Trinitarian doctrine if we are not to deny any Scripture. message of the Bible, we must cleanse our minds of past error which
The Heavenly Father Yahweh stands at the head of the Spiritual family we may have believed and proceed from this point into a factual
and He is still the supreme power, delegating authority to the son for analysis of what the Bible teaches so that we may become enlightened
this age. This authority will be returned to Yahweh voluntarily by the by the Truth.
son, at the end of this 7000 year age.
What Do the Words “Holy” and “Spirit” Mean?
2. Occasionally someone will point to John 10:30 to confirm that the
Bible teaches a Trinitarian doctrine. Does it? In order to understand more clearly the meaning of the Holy
COMMENT: The word which is employed in the Greek is “hen” Spirit, we must begin with a basic point of origin and obtain the
(neuter) meaning a unity in purpose, not “heis” (masculine) which definition of the words themselves. The term “Holy Spirit” has taken
would be one person. This means that the verse should read, “I and on a meaning of something mysterious in recent decades, an
Father are in one accord or in unity”, not as it has been translated in interpretation which has not been derived from the Inspired Scriptures.
the King James version. Again I reiterate that so many denominations The following definitions are taken from leading Hebrew and Greek
establish their doctrinal foundation upon the King James version, a Lexicons.
pitfall which it is imperative that we avoid. Additionally, I would
underscore that no reference is made in this passage to include the In the Hebrew the term for Holy Spirit is “Ruach ha Kodesh”.
Holy Spirit, so once again we will be forced to conclude that a doctrine Ruach is defined as wind or breath. The prime root means to blow. It is
(the Trinity) has been based upon an assumption. If a Trinitarian air in motion, a breeze, and as a consequence has been interpreted as
doctrine is taught, the Holy Spirit would have received special exhalation or to respire. “Ha Kodesh” means in the Hebrew literally,
mention. “The Holy”, when translated into the English. Further defined it mans,
to be pure, sacred, consecrated, hallowed. Therefore we must conclude
that the Holy Spirit is none other than the breath or life from the the Hebrew language was not used in the Classics and Theater as was
Heavenly Father Yahweh, who is the Holy One, Psalm 99:9. In the the Greek, and therefore did not become adulterated by wide ranging
Greek the term employed is “Pnuema Hagion or Hagion.” Pnuema interpretations of the words. As in previous lessons, we shall return to
answers in every way to the Hebrew word “Ruach” and is defined as a the Old Testament to develop a firm foundation upon which to build
breath, an air current, a breeze. Hagion or hagios has been used by the an understanding and then allow the New Testament to complement
Greeks to render the word “ha Kodesh.” It means something sacred, the Old and clarify it.
pure, sanctified. Perhaps we may receive a more crystal clear
understanding of the Holy Spirit by noting especially the instances 1. When is the first time that we encounter the word “Ruach” (spirit) in
when the Greek text utilizes articles preceeding each word, “to the Bible? Gen. 1:2.
Pnuema to Hagion.” The literal translation here would be “the Spirit, COMMENT: We might draw an important lesson here as we
the Holy (Spirit).” I feel certain that already you are able to detect a understand that in order to reform a waste and desolation, it will take
totally different thought emerging from this explanation as you allow the Spirit, the spirit of Elohim or Yahweh. The earth had become
these facts to register on your mind. It is interesting to note that most waste and a desolation (tohu va bohu) and the Spirit of Elohim moved
language make breath and spirit the same word. to correct the situation. The work of the Spirit then is rehabilitation.

Since the King James translation uses “ghost” in various 2. Can man have life except by the Spirit of Elohim? Please ponder
passages, many people have become accustomed to the term, “holy Gen. 2:7.
ghost.” Fundamentalist churches seem to emphasize the term to a COMMENT: Here we may observe the creation of mortal man. Prior
greater extent than other groups. However, we must understand that to the time that Yahweh Elohim breathed into his nostrils the breath of
the instances in which this term is found in the King James Version, life, Adam had no animation. The breath of life from Yahweh made
and the places “holy spirit” appears, the identically same words are Adam a living soul (Hebrew is nephesh).
used in the Greek. Again we may view an additional occurrence where
pseudo ideas have crept into the True Worship through a perverted 3. Do animals also enjoy this spirit (ruach) and rely upon it for life?
translation. The English word “ghost” brings to mind an apparition, Please note carefully Ecclesiastes 3:18 to 22. (The word for spirit in
and this is totally contrary to the meaning of the word “Ruach” or verse 21 is “ruach” in the Hebrew.) Please see also Genesis 6:17 where
“Pneuma”. In ancient idol worship the “Ghost” was the child, who was all flesh indicates both humans and animals.
the third member of the Trinity, the person who was an incarnation of
the deceased father, for example Nimrod and Tammuz. 4. Does Elihu illustrate his discourse to Job with a similar reference?
Job 33:4
At this point I would like to urge you to review hurriedly the COMMENT: Again please note that in the Hebrew the word for spirit
first lesson of this Correspondence Course. Please note how I showed is “ruach”. Breath is translated from the Hebrew word “neshamah” in
that the basis for our Faith is in the Old Testament and that the New this passage.
Testament complements the Old. There are almost countless instances
in the New Testament which are actual quotes from the Old or 5. Can we see from additional Scriptures that all physical life is
references to it. Should you have occasion to read translations of the derived from the Spirit of Elohim? Please see Job 12:10; Job 34:14;
Mishnah or the Talmud (Jewish Rabbinical writings) you will and Isaiah 42:5.
comprehend immediately that the early Apostles wrote and thought
exactly the same as the Jewish Rabbi. In addition, it is much more 6. Does the Scripture show that when the “ruach” is taken from a
reliable to derive the basis for our Faith from the Old Testament since person, he dies? Psalm 104:29 & 30.
COMMENT: The word “breath” in verse 29 and “spirit” in verse 30 Who Was Given the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament?
are “ruach” in the Hebrew.
A further clarification about the Holy Spirit is necessary here
7. Is Yahweh the Almighty ever called the Elohim of Spirits? Numbers so that we may grasp accurately what is meant by the Holy Spirit. The
16:22 and 27:16; Heb. 12:9 Jewish Rabbinical writings, the Mishna and the Talmud use the term
COMMENT: The word for “spirits” in the Hebrew is the plural of “Holy Spirit” where the inspired Scriptures use the term “Spirit of
ruach. So we can see that Almighty Yahweh is characterized as the Elohim” or “Spirit of Yahweh”. The Jewish writers use a term
Mighty One of Spirits, different forms of energy or life emanating “Shekinah Glory” for the divine glow of energy which emanated from
from Him. the ark of the covenant. This Shekinah Glory was synonymous with
the Holy Spirit in the eyes of the Rabbis. Interestingly, there is no term
In the above passages I have brought out that the Hebrew word in the Greek to equal this Hebrew word. The diligent Bible student
for spirit (ruach) is used for the breath of life which animates and will recognize the description of this Shekinah Glory in such places as
brings to life both men and animals. However, the majority of people Exodus 13:21 & 22; 16:10; 24:16 & 17; Numbers 6:25 & 26, and 12:5.
in the Christian churches refuse to accept this sound teaching from the This Holy Spirit Shekinah Glory is a different Spirit than the human
Word of Yahweh itself. Our Heavenly Father has placed His life breath of physical life. It is a divine power which causes the one who
giving spirit within us at birth. When we die, He takes back this receives it, to think and act like the Almighty Himself. Let us pay
animating spirit again and we no longer have any life within us. special attention to this Holy Spirit power and how it was used in the
However, this particular spirit is the physical breath which cannot ever Old Testament.
be understood as the life which is for the endless ages of eternity, and
which will be explained in subsequent segments of this lesson. 1. Did Old Testament characters receive the Holy Spirit of Yahweh as
a gift? Did this gift of the Holy Spirit of Yahweh bring forth fruit?
I feel compelled to reiterate here that the members of the What was the fruit in this particular instance? Ex. 31:1 to 6.
Assemblies of Yahweh do not approach the Bible to substantiate their
beliefs, but to allow it to teach them. When we learn the vital Truths 2. Did Moses himself receive this gift of the Holy Spirit from
which the Bible holds, then we see at some point nominal religion has Yahweh? Numbers 11:17.
departed from the Truth. Man of himself does not have any intrinsic
quality which even remotely hints at immortality, as the Christian 3. Was this Holy Spirit from Yahweh given to more individuals than
Churches teach. Man is completely physical, mortal, destined to die. merely Moses and Aaron? Numbers 11:25 to 29.
At death the physical spirit of life is taken from him and the Almighty
Yahweh takes back His gift of life. When the four Evangelists speak of 4. As prophets, did the Patriarchs of antiquity receive this Holy Spirit?
Yahshua our Messiah “giving up the ghost” when He died upon the Gen. 41:38.
tree of Calvary, they mean that His breath left Him. The word “ghost” COMMENT: The Holy Spirit of Yahweh has always been that force
in the Greek is “pneuma” and means “spirit”. It does not mean which has lived within the people of Yahweh to raise them above their
anything even remotely resembling the interpretation usually attached times. With this Holy Spirit they were able to see into the future and
to it by misguided ministers of Christian denominations. I might add trust Yahweh to lead them.
that no student of the Hebrew Scriptures would mistake what the
writers meant since they would interpret this statement from the 5. What does the Apostle Peter indicate was one of the fruits of the
viewpoint of the Old Testament. workings of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament? 2nd Peter 1:19 to
COMMENT: The term “Holy Ghost” in the Greek is “Pneuma 2. How do we receive this Holy Spirit power? How did the Savior
Hagion”, with no articles. The Holy Spirit of Yahweh worked through Yahshua the Messiah receive it? Matt. 3:13 to 17; Mark 1:9-10; Luke
men and they could see clearly, the vast differences between the life 3:21 to 22; John 1:32 to 34.
which Almighty Yahweh has blueprinted for us in His Word and the COMMENT: We must enter the fold the same way that our Savior
life which is being lived by the people of this world. This Holy Spirit did, and this is through baptism. Immersion has been a form of
of Yahweh then caused these dedicated men to speak out with cleansing from ancient times in the Scriptures, Lev. 14:1-9. A Holy
boldness as they predicted judgment upon the wicked people. From man would pray over the person to be cleansed be a ritual washing.
reading the books of the Old Testament prophets, it is readily We cannot hope to receive the Holy Spirit without a ritual cleansing,
ascertained that these dedicated servants of Yahweh did not speak baptism.
from their own human minds, but were instructed by the Holy Spirit of Additional Comment: It is interesting that the Holy Spirit should be
Yahweh and consequently their writings are inspired. depicted as a dove. Great lessons can be learned from this incident and
it should increase our understanding of Genesis 8:8 to 12. Also a
6. Did our Heavenly Father occasionally use outsiders and motivate familiar passage to many of you can be found in Song of Solomon
them by His Spirit to bring a special message? Numbers 24:2. 2:12. The Targum (Aramaic), translates, “the voice of the Holy Spirit,”
instead of, “the voice of a dove,” as in the Hebrew.
7. Did David have the Holy Spirit of Yahweh? Psalm 51:10-12 and
2nd Samuel 23:2. 3. In Acts chapter 2 when the Messianic Assembly received the Holy
COMMENT: From these passages we may learn that the Holy Spirit Spirit in abundance, what were the accompanying outward signs which
was indeed given to a select few people in the Old Testament. The were manifested? Acts 2:2 and 3.
Holy Spirit was given to the leaders of the people to guide them in COMMENT: While the modern Pentecostal Churches declare that
their duties, Judges 3:10. However, we may observe that it was for the they have the same signs as did the Messianic Assembly on the day of
Messianic age, that the Holy Spirit was given to everyone. the Pentecost, they have never been able to produce these phenomenon
which were visible then.
8. Was the “Shekinah Glory” manifested to Israel as a sign for future
ages? Exodus 40:34-35; 1st Kings 8:10-11; 2nd Chronicles 7:1 to 3. 4. What is the primary prerequisite for receiving the Holy Spirit? Acts
COMMENT: Today the people of Yahweh are the Temple of true 5:32.
worship. This Shekinah Glory which is typical of the Holy Spirit of COMMENT: Many people today are terribly deceived into believing
Yahweh has now been placed within the hearts and minds of His that they have the Holy Spirit of Yahweh when in fact they do not
people, enlightening them, causing them to do His will. have it. Unless someone is obedient to the Heavenly Father they will
not receive His Holy Spirit power and life. The power which is to be
How Do We Receive the Holy Spirit? found in the Holy Spirit will be given only to those who keep all the
1. Can you fully comprehend now the meaning of the verse in John
20:22? 5. Will this Holy Spirit power be withheld from anyone who yields
COMMENT: The disciples were chosen to be leaders among the himself in obedience to Yahweh? Acts 2:38 and 39.
people of Israel. They were to be special tools of our Savior to preach
His Kingdom message. He breathed on them and they received the 6. Will Almighty Yahweh ever withhold the Holy Spirit from His
Holy life which He Himself had received from the Father. obedient children? Luke 11:13.
7. Was this Holy Spirit even in the Old Testament predicted to be for directives of our Heavenly Father, beginning with the basic ten as
Yahweh’s people in the last days? Joel 2:28 and 29. Please see also the found in Exodus 20, and ending with the least one in the book of
exact quote from this passage by the Apostle Peter in Acts 2:16 to 18. Deuteronomy. This will be explained more thoroughly in the next
COMMENT: Do you recognize that this Holy Spirit outpouring was lesson of this course.
for a purpose? It was given to the people of Yahweh so that they
would be able to offer an effective witness to the world about them. 4. What is the love of Yahweh and how may we express it? 1st John
This Holy Spirit power caused Yahweh’s people to speak for Him, to 5:3.
be converted and act, think, and speak like Yahweh would. COMMENT: The Holy Spirit from Yahweh will be given only to
those who obey. Obedience shows love.
8. Will the Holy Spirit finally be given to all people at the
resurrection? Ezekiel 37:13 & 14. (Please read verses 1 to 14 for 5. Does this Holy Spirit from Yahweh mean taking on the actual
context.) Please see also Ezekiel 36:25 to 29. personality of the Father and the Son? John 14:23, 1st John 2:5.
COMMENT: When we begin to obey our Heavenly Father’s
9. Was ancient Israel rejected because they in effect, provoked the commandments, He, Yahweh, and Yahshua the Messiah, in effect
Holy Spirit of Yahweh? Isaiah 63:9 to 11. enter our bodies, take up residence, and make their home with us. In
COMMENT: In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit of Yahweh was this way Yahweh teaches us to live the similar perfect life which was
given only to the leaders of the people. Israel did not receive this Holy lived by our Messiah while on this earth and which was responsible for
Spirit individually as we may today in this Messianic era. the gift of the resurrection which Almighty Yahweh gave Him. Have
you ever thought that you could become like Yahweh the Almighty, to
10. Does the message of Yahshua the Messiah in John 7:37 to 39 think, act, and even look like Him in every way, to be an obedient
indicate from whom we must receive the Holy Spirit? child? This is what is promised to you when you obey. The only way
COMMENT: The above message was delivered be the Messiah on that you can really understand how our Heavenly Father thinks and
the Last Great Day (of the Feast of Tabernacles). This special why He does the things as He does, is to keep His commandments and
observance carries us forward to the great beyond, after the Messianic obey Him in all Spiritual aspects. Then we will be taking on His divine
Kingdom or the Millenium, when all people will have access to the personality. The route which the Messiah took, described in Hebrews
Holy Spirit through having been born again, this time from the Holy 5:8-9, led Him to perfection. 1st Peter 2:21-22.
6. Will the Holy Spirit teach us to live perfectly? John 14:26, 1st John
Obedience Is Imperative 2:26-29.

1. Where do we go to find the words to eternal life? John 6:68 7. It is unquestionable that we have absorbed the erroneous thinking of
this world through pseudo education from our childhood. What will be
2. What does the Messiah inform us will result from accepting His one of the principal results of the teaching of the Holy Spirit? 1st
words? John 6:63. Timothy 1:7.

3. Does the keeping of the commandments determine if we shall be Begotten Again

recipients of the Holy Spirit? John 14:15 to 26.
COMMENT: Please read this entire passage carefully and ponder the Fundamental Christians emphasize that “born again”
implications. Remember that the commandments means all the experience. They have believed that when one is baptized and receives
the Holy Spirit of Yahweh, they are born again at that moment. In the through history parallel with the religion of Roman Catholicism and
Greek text, the word for “born” and “begotten” are the same, her daughter churches? This can be proved through various historical
“gennau”. It indicates a point of origin. Now which is the point of texts. The Assemblies of Yahweh today are the product of that line of
origin of a baby? Is it conception or is it birth? This is academic and Apostalic succession, not Roman Catholicism.
debatable, especially in our world today with its twisted concepts.
However, the context of the Greek text must provide the answer to this 4. Is he born again body, the Spiritual body described for us in the
puzzle. Scriptures? Rev. 1:13 to 18.
COMMENT: Our Savior was the example and we shall be like Him
To understand this thought more clearly, we must take a for we shall see Him as He appears now, 1st John 3:2. To attain this
Scriptural example of someone who was born twice, once physically majestic Spirit power will take a period of training and growth. Our
and one of the Spirit. This is what the Messiah states would occur in personalities must change and we must develop divine nature and
John 3:3 to 7. In verse 8 Yahshua describes the appearance of one who character. With this mighty power of a spirit body at our disposal, we
has been born of the Spirit and no human bears these characteristics, of must think and act like Yahweh so that this power will never be
being invisible and yet able to manifest himself. misused. It must always be subject to the Heavenly Father and be
motivated by love. Do you grasp now why we are living in human
1. Can you see an enlightening thought in 1st John 5:18? Please see flesh? We may attain to the position of sons of Yahweh, but first we
also verse 1. must prove ourselves in a period of training. While we are flesh the
COMMENT: The words born and begotten are the same word in the Holy Spirit can be removed from us. We have then had our chance at
Greek. salvation and we will perish. However, if we are faithful and learn the
lessons of life, we shall be made into the image of the Messiah and be
2. How does this begettal take place? 2nd Cor. 1:21-22 and 5:5. taken into the Spiritual family of the Heavenly Father.
COMMENT: The English word “earnest” in the Greek means a
pledge or foretaste of some future benefit. Some commentators render What are the Evidences of the Holy Spirit?
it a “down payment”. When we have been faithful and obedient,
Almighty Yahweh places His own life giving spirit within us, a small 1. How did the people who were immersed by the Holy Spirit
pledge which must grow to reach fruition (2nd Peter 3:18) if we are to respond? Numbers 11:25; Acts 19:6.
be born again from the dead at the resurrection as was the Messiah, COMMENT: Erroneous ideas have led to a wrong understanding of
Rev. 1:5 and 18; Col. 1:18. this subject in recent decades. In Acts chapter 2 we find that the
Apostles spoke in tongue when the Spirit came upon them on the day
3. Does the true body of the Messiah and its elders, have a part in of Pentecost. (Incidentally, this was the Scriptural Feast of Weeks
transmitting this Holy Spirit? Acts 8:14 to 17; Acts 19:6; 1st Tim. 4:14 called in the Hebrew, Shavuoth, Lev. 23:15-16.) Then in 1st Cor. 14
and 2nd Tim. 1:6. we find that the King James translates the same word for “tongues” as
COMMENT: Our Heavenly Father gave one man the keys to the “unknown tongues”. Subsequently, uneducated ministers have allowed
Kingdom and this was the Disciple Peter (Hebrew Cepha) Matt. 16:18- their imaginations to run wild and they have fabricated yet another
19. This commission meant that it was through Peter and the pseudo-doctrine. Let us understand the Truth!
Messianic organization that the Holy Spirit of Yahweh was transmitted
to all individuals who desire to enter the fold of the body of the 2. What is the meaning of the word “tongue”? Is it really some
Messiah. Did you know that a commandment keeping group of people mysterious contact with the spirit world?
has always existed since the Apostalic days and that it came down
COMMENT: The definition of the Greek word “glossa” specifically 2. How do we test or prove the Holy Spirit? 1st John 4:1 to 3 and Matt.
is, a known language which the person speaking has not acquired 7:15-16.
naturally. For example, I was raised to speak the English and German COMMENT: Although we are definitely instructed to judge (1st Cor.
languages. If I were to begin to speak Russian without having learned 14:29) we prefer to call this “fruit inspecting”.
it naturally, this would be an example of the miracle that happened in
the book of Acts. Again I would like to emphasize that “glossa” is an 3. What is the fruit of the spirit? Gal 5:22-23.
actual, intelligible language, not some mysterious, meaningless COMMENT: It is imperative that we try the spirits and find that they
babbling. (You may be familiar with the word “glossary” which is bear all of the fruit (characteristics) which are listed in this passage.
derived from “Glossa”. By checking a good Bible edition you will There is no law against these fruits, but there is a law against the
notice that the word “unknown” (1st Cor. 14) is in italics, meaning that works of the flesh, verses 19-21. If even one of the items which has
it is not found in the Greek text. been listed by Paul is missing, the Holy Spirit has not been producing
this product. Note each particular fruit individually. Then ask yourself
3. Can we prove that an intelligible language is meant by Paul in 1st the question, “Do the churches who say they have the Holy Spirit
Cor. 14:9? today actually produce these results?” The answer must be a
COMMENT: The correct translation of this verse reads from the resounding “NO!”
Greek, “So even you by the tongue, if you do not give intelligible
speech, how shall it be known what is spoken? For you will be 4. Does Satan try to duplicate the Holy Spirit of Yahweh? Revelation
speaking to the air.” Consequently, from a corrected translation of 1st 16:13 & 14; 2nd Thes. 2:2 & 9; 1st Tim. 4:1-6.
Cor. 14 we are forced to conclude that the “tongues” of the Apostles COMMENT: Satan is an adept counterfeiter. He attempts to duplicate
was intelligible speech. No other conclusion is valid or Scripturally Almighty Yahweh and thereby draw worship to himself. We must be
based. alert and prove each spirit, step by step, as we continue down the
narrow pathway to everlasting life.
4. Did the language being spoken on Pentecost serve a purpose? Acts
2:6, 7, 8, & 11. 5. Should we associate intimately with the spirit of the world? Could it
COMMENT: The people of the 15 different nations were able to hear be that we might find some of the worldly spirit adhering to us if we
and comprehend in their own native languages, the wonderful works do? Eph. 5:5-21; Col. 3:1-3; 1st Cor. 5:9-13.
of Yahweh. COMMENT: Since we have proved that the “spirit” means “breath” it
is words uttered by the breath which will cause an evil spirit to
5. What about additional evidences? Prophecy? Acts. 19:6. How about flourish. In the Latin, the word “conspiracy” means to “breath
Acts 10:44? together”. Now can you see why the early Apostles were so insistent
COMMENT: The Greek word for “prophecy” means to “speak under in urging that the brethren live apart from the world? Satan seeks to
inspiration or to speak in an inspired manner”. This harmonizes with perpetrate his evil spirit by words, playing on carnal nature, causing
Numbers 11:25 perfectly, Acts 19:6 should read, “…and they spoke people to sin. It is the guiding spirit of Yahweh and obedience to His
with foreign languages and gave inspired messages.” words that will separate between us and satan. As true worshipers, we
are called out of this world. This is the reason why the Assemblies of
What is the Fruit of the Spirit? Yahweh teach that we must come out from among the people and be
separate, especially in worship, Rev. 18:4.
1. Must all things be tested by the Word? 1st The. 5:21.
The Personality of the Holy Spirit will bear fruit and we shall receive the gift of everlasting life at the
resurrection. The Holy Spirit is not some mysterious influence of
Nominal religion teaches that the Holy Spirit is a person. It absurd indecency which is usually presented to be from the Heavenly
teaches that the Holy Spirit is a separate personality, one of the Father by various Pentecostal groups. Rather, it is the very personality
persons of the deity. Here is where a good understanding of the and dynamic power from our Heavenly Father living within us and
original Scriptures is necessary. The doctrine that the Holy Spirit is a impelling us to become like Him, aiding us to live up to the example
person is derived only from the New Testament. Without articles, the which our Savior Yahshua the Messiah laid down for us in His
Greek “pneuma Hagion” means “power from on High”, and it is so righteous life while He was here on this earth. By nurturing this
translated in Luke 24:49 and Acts 7:8. The Holy Spirit is a dynamic precious gift which has been placed within us by our Savior at
energy, force and character such as is possessed by our Heavenly baptism, we may one day be resurrected into everlasting life with a
Father. How then has so grave an error invaded theology? powerful spirit body such as He possesses. In this way we may enter
Occasionally in the New Testament we find that the Holy Spirit is the spirit family and be adopted as children by Almighty Yahweh. This
called “He”, for example, John 14:26. The answer is simple. The Holy Spirit life will give us the strength and determination to
Hebrew has no neuter gender (it). When the translators were overcome the influence of satan the devil which he exerts upon our
translating the Scriptures from the Hebrew or Aramaic into Greek, carnal nature. The Holy Spirit will assist us to become more obedient
finding the Holy Spirit called “He”, they rendered it faithfully, and the each day and to understand the Spiritual significance of the
English translators followed this slavishly. Certainly the Holy Spirit commandments of Yahweh.
could not be called feminine (she) in the Hebrew since it is a dynamic
force, power. It demanded a masculine pronoun. However, now that Quiz 5
we know the Truth, we must return to the original meaning.
1. In the ancient pagan religions of Assyria, Babylonia, Egypt, and
In What Name Does the Holy Spirit Come? Rome, the trinity was derived from a combination of:
A. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
1. Who sends the Holy Spirit? John 14.26. B. No Trinitarian doctrine was taught
C. Father, Mother, and Child
2. In whose Name does the Holy Spirit come? John 14.26 D. Sun, Moon, and Star worship
COMMENT: From this verse you will be able to understand why it is
imperative to be immersed into the Name of the Messiah, since in His 2. Ruach and Pneuma are Hebrew and Greek words which have
Name the Holy Spirit is sent. been translated:
A. Spirit
Summary B. Soul
C. Trinity
From this lesson it should be obvious that the Holy Spirit D. Elohim
which has been given to the True Worshipers in this Messianic Age is
not the same as most Christian Churches present it today. The Holy 3. Almighty Yahweh has placed a spirit (ruach) within the human
Spirit of Yahweh is His divine energy, personality, and life, which has being at birth. What is this spirit?
been placed within the believer at baptism. If the Holy Spirit is A. A never-dying soul
nurtured properly by a close association with Almighty Yahweh, B. Immortal spirit
prayer and Bible study, and then a childlike obedience to the Word, it C. A physical trinity
D. The breath of life C. Begin a new trinity
D. Hold a tarry meeting
4. Who received the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament?
A. Angels 10. Yahweh’s obedient people will receive the new birth (to be
B. The leaders of Israel born again), when?
C. All Israel individually A. At the moment of baptism
D. No one received the Holy Spirit before Pentecost B. When the new convert begins to speak in tongues
C. When the new convert is baptized with fire
5. What important step must preceed our receiving the Holy D. At the resurrection
A. Repentance and baptism 11. The fruit of the Spirit is described for us in Galatians 5:22-23.
B. Reading the Bible What is the first fruit which is listed?
C. Fasting 40 days A. Love
D. Speaking in tongues B. Conversion
C. Fasting
6. When Yahshua the Messiah received the Holy Spirit from D. Prayer
Yahweh, it came in what form?
A. Raven 12. After our Heavenly Father has taught His people from His
B. Stork Word, what does He command them to do?
C. Dove A. Hold a tarry meeting to seek the baptism
D. Eagle B. Worship with all the churches of the community
C. Breathe on sinners
7. Speaking in tongues means: D. Come out of false worship and be separate
A. Speaking in a foreign language
B. Speaking an “unknown” tongue 13. Who sends the Holy Spirit?
C. Speaking the language of angels A. The Apostles and Elders
D. The evidence that one has received the Holy Spirit B. The Heavenly Father Yahweh
C. Angels
8. Almighty Yahweh gives His Holy Spirit to which of the D. A rushing mighty wind
following groups of people?
A. Those who attend church every Sunday 14. In whose Name does the Holy Spirit come?
B. Those who speak in tongues A. In the Name of Yahshua the Messiah
C. Those who obey Him B. In no name at all
D. He does not withhold His spirit from anyone C. In the name of Peter
D. In the name of Paul
9. When Almighty Yahweh sends the Holy Spirit, it means that He
and His Son Yahshua the Messiah: 15. To say that the Holy Spirit is a person is a serious
A. Baptize that person in the Jordan River misunderstanding originating from the fact that there is no
B. Take up residence within the obedient person _________ gender in the Hebrew language.
A. masculine
B. feminine
C. Hebrew has no gender
D. neuter

16. In your own words, give below a brief explanation of what you
have learned about the Holy Spirit from this lesson.

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