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This chapter presents the analysis, discussion and interpretation of the

data gathered from the respondents. The data used tabulation format to present

aggregation of respondents.

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

The profile of the respondents includes the age, gender, civil status,

educational attainment, occupation, monthly income and most visited fast food


Table 1
Frequency and Percentage of Age
N = 250

Age Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

21 – 30 112 44.8
31 – 40 57 22.8
41 – 50 52 20.8
51 - above 29 11.6
TOTAL 250 100
Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage of age of the customers of

fast food restaurants in Daet, Camarines Norte. The data show that among the

four ranges of age, 21 – 30 years old have the highest number of frequency with

the total of 112 which is 44.8 % while 51 years old and above have the least

number of frequency with the total of 29 which is 11.6 %. Moreover, 31 – 40 have

the frequency of 57 with a percentage of 22.8 and 41 – 50 have a total number of

52 with a percentage of 20.8.

The result implies that most of the respondents are 21 – 30 years old. This

shows that most of the customers of fast food restaurants in Daet are young

adults. In addition, this leads that young generations patronizes the fast food

restaurants compared to others. In contrast, 51 years old and above are the ones

who do not often eat or support fast food restaurants.

In a study conducted by Voon (2012) states that there are factors affecting

the young adults to patronize a fast food restaurant. In their study, they

discovered that the factors affecting the young adults are services being offered,

its quality and the most one of the factor that determined the young adult's loyalty

is the price. However, there are some factors that doesn't affect the young adult's

perceptions about their loyalty that doesn't need to considerate. The table further

reveals that young adults are the number one customers in every fast food

Table 2
Frequency and Percentage of Gender
N = 250

Gender Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Male 96 38.4
Female 154 61.6
TOTAL 250 100

The table 2 indicates the demographic profile of the respondents

according to their gender. Wherein, the highest percentage was 61.6 % which

were the female however the lowest percentage was 38.4 % which were male.

The females’ frequency was 154 while the males’ frequency was 96.

Based on the data gathered 61.6 % are females. This means that most of

the customers of fast food restaurants are females. Female consumers offer

enormous purchasing power, making them a critical piece to the future of quick

service because they are the type of the person who spend most of their time

with other stuffs.

Table 3
Frequency and Percentage of Civil Status
N = 250

Civil Status Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Single 123 49.2
Married 117 46.8

Widow/er 10 4

TOTAL 250 100

Table 3 depicts the frequency and its percentage based on their civil

status. As shown on the table 3, it indicates that the highest frequency got 124

which is the single with a percentage of 49.6%. In addition, married has the

frequency of 117 with a percentage of 46.8. On the other hand, the widow/er

have the least number of frequency which is 10 and its percentage is 4%.

Based from the data gathered it was revealed that people who are single

are the most often in fast food restaurants. This means that people who are

single are the ones capable in affording to dine in fast food restaurants. However,

in the case of the widow/er, it was shown as they are the group of people not that

fond of going to fast food restaurants as they mostly spend their money first with

necessary things, rather than wants.

Table 4
Frequency and Percentage of Educational Attainment
N = 250

Educational Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Undergraduate 73 29.2
College Graduate 157 62.8
Vocational Course 14 5.6
6 2.4
Post - Graduate
TOTAL 250 100

The table 4 reveals the educational attainment of the customers of fast

food restaurants. The data shows that seventy-three (73) are undergraduate

which is 29.2 %, one hundred fifty-seven (157) are college graduate which is

62.8 %, fourteen (14) have taken vocational courses which is 5.6 %, and six (6)

are post – graduate which is 2.4 %.

The table represented that most of the respondents are college graduates

which is one hundred fifty-seven (157) while the post-graduates are six (6).

Therefore, the college graduates are prone in dining in fast food restaurant

because they don’t have enough time to prepare their meals. Moreover, post-

graduates prefer to eat in a high-class restaurant because of their taste

preference than cheap fast food restaurant.

Table 5
Frequency and Percentage of Occupation
N = 250

Occupation Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Employee 146 58.4
Businessman 47 18.8
Professional 44 17.6
Others 13 5.2
TOTAL 250 100

Table 5 illustrates the different occupation of the respondents which

includes employee, businessman, professional practitioner and others. Employee

got the highest number of frequency which is 146 and its percentage is 58.4. Yet,

others got the lowest number of frequency which is 13 and its percentage is 5.2.

Others contains online seller, product specialist, retired employee, housekeeper,

housewife, miner, domestic helper, elected official, nurse and driver.

The table shows that employees are the one who eat frequently in the fast

food restaurant. We all know that employees only have limited time to spend

during their break that is why they are often seen in a fast food restaurant. On the

other hand, the other occupation may not be satisfied with the services offered by

the fast food restaurant.

Table 6
Frequency and Percentage of Monthly Income
N = 250

Monthly Income (PhP) Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

10,000 or less 81 32.4
10,001 – 20,000 73 29.2
20,001 – 30,000 70 28
30,001 or more 26 10.4
TOTAL 250 100

The table 6 shows the monthly income of the customers. The data show

that among the four monthly income PhP10,000 or less has the leading number

of frequency which is 81 and with a percentage of 32.4. Moreover, the smallest

frequency is 26 which is the people who have monthly income of 30,001 or more.

Its equivalent percentage is 10.4.

The table represents the people who earned PhP10,000 or less find the

fast food restaurant comfortable and convenient. This may be the reason why

they eat mostly in fast food restaurants. Nevertheless, people who earn a sum of

PhP 30,001 or more are the ones who were not into patronizing these fast food

restaurants for their taste differ greatly from the middle class people as they can

have more options to choose from.

In a study analyzed by Bruce Horovitz (2014), states that for those whose

income is much higher than the minimum choses fine dining than a regular fast

food restaurant. However, those who earned minimum income preferred fast
food restaurant as it suits their monthly income and they also preferred quick

service. This study further explained that income became a gap for customers in

order to attain such service. On the other hand, the most visited restaurant is fast

food as it is budget-friendly for everyone. The table further indicates that those

who earned minimum income visited fast food restaurant not just for its quick

service but its price.

Table 7
Frequency and Percentage of Most Visited Fast Food Restaurant
N = 250

Fast Food Restaurant Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Jollibee 104 41.6
McDonalds 53 21.2
Graceland 36 14.4
Greenwich 29 11.6
Shakey’s 28 11.2
TOTAL 250 100

Table 7 reveals the frequency and percentage of the different fast food

restaurant in Daet. Jollibee got the maximum number of frequency with a total

number of 104 and with a percentage of 41.2. Conversely, Shakey’s got the

lowest frequency and percentage with a total number of 28 and 11.2%.

The data illustrates that Jollibee is the most visited fast food restaurant

here in Daet because it is well-known and the products are affordable. This can

only mean that Jollibee is the most preferred fast food restaurant. While,

Shakey’s has the least customers for it is not budget friendly and also the service
being offered is not satisfyingly. Shakey’s on the other hand showed results as

not satisfying to the taste of customers as the primary reason was Shakey’s is

not a budget friendly restaurant.

2. Respondents’ Assessment of Level of Service Quality of Fast Food

Restaurants in Daet

The level of service quality of fast food restaurants in Daet as assessed by

the customers in terms of: reliability, assurance, tangibility, empathy, and


Table 8
Assessment of Level of Service Quality in Terms of Reliability (the ability to
perform the promised service dependably and accurately)
Indicators Weighted Mean (WM) Verbal Interpretation (VI)
1. When they promise to
do something by a certain 3.05 SL
time, they do.
2. Fast food restaurant
performs the service right 3.04 SL
the first time.
3. When a customer has a
problem, the fast food 3.18 SL
restaurant shows a
sincere interest in solving
4. Fast food restaurant
provides its service at the 3.01 SL
same time it promises to
do so.
Gen. WM 3.07 SL

4.30 – 5.00 High level HL
3.50 – 4.29 Moderately High Level MHL
2.70 – 3.49 Satisfactory Level SL
1.90 – 2.69 Low Level LL
1.00 – 1.89 Very Low Level VLL

Table 8 shows the assessment of level of service quality in terms of

reliability. The data also reveal that the four (4) parameters of reliability have

Satisfactory Level (SL). Item number 3 is the highest parameter of reliability

which implies that the adult customers believed that “when a customer has a

problem, the fast food restaurant shows a sincere interest in solving it.” with a

weighted mean of 3.18 at Satisfactory Level (SL) of satisfaction. Item number 4

is the least among the four (4) parameters which implies that the fast food

restaurant provides its service at the same time it promises to do so with a

weighted mean of 3.43 at Satisfactory Level (SL).

Table 9
Assessment of Level of Service Quality in Terms of Assurance (the competence
of the system and its credibility in providing a courteous and secure service)

Indicators Weighted Mean (WM) Verbal Interpretation (VI)

5. Customers feel safe in
their transactions with 3.21 SL
employees in the fast food
6. The behavior of
employees in the fast food 3.18 SL
restaurant instils
confidence in customers.
7. Employees in the fast
food restaurant are 3.19 SL
courteous with the
8. Employees of fast food
restaurant have the 3.20 SL
knowledge to answer
customer’s questions.

4.30 – 5.00 High level HL
3.50 – 4.29 Moderately High Level MHL
2.70 – 3.49 Satisfactory Level SL
1.90 – 2.69 Low Level LL
1.00 – 1.89 Very Low Level VLL
Table 11
Assessment of Level of Service Quality in Terms of Tangibility (the appearance
of physical facilities, equipment, and personnel)

Indicators Weighted Mean (WM) Verbal Interpretation (VI)

9. Fast food restaurant 3.08 SL
has modern equipment.
10. The fast food 3.24 SL
restaurant’s physical
features are visually
11. Employees are well 3.31 SL
dressed and appear neat.
12. The physical 3.15 SL
environment of the fast
food restaurant is clean.

4.30 – 5.00 High level HL
3.50 – 4.29 Moderately High Level MHL
2.70 – 3.49 Satisfactory Level SL
1.90 – 2.69 Low Level LL
1.00 – 1.89 Very Low Level VLL
Table 12
Assessment of Level of Service Quality in Terms of Empathy (the
approachability, ease of access and effort taken to understand customer needs)

Indicators Weighted Mean (WM) Verbal Interpretation (VI)

13. Fast food restaurant
operating hours are 3.20 SL
convenient to all its
14. Fast food restaurant
give customers individual 3.12 SL
15. Fast food restaurant
have their customer’s best 3.15 SL
interest at heart.
16. The employees
understand the specific 3.11 SL
need of their customer.

4.30 – 5.00 High level HL
3.50 – 4.29 Moderately High Level MHL
2.70 – 3.49 Satisfactory Level SL
1.90 – 2.69 Low Level LL
1.00 – 1.89 Very Low Level VLL
Table 13
Assessment of Level of Service Quality in Terms of Responsiveness (the
willingness to provide prompt service)

Indicators Weighted Mean (WM) Verbal Interpretation (VI)

17. Employees give 3.12 SL
prompt to customers.
18. Employees are willing 3.18 SL
to help the customers.
19. Employees are never 2.92 SL
too busy to respond
customers’ request.
20. Employees make 3.09 SL
information easily
obtainable by customers.

4.30 – 5.00 High level HL
3.50 – 4.29 Moderately High Level MHL
2.70 – 3.49 Satisfactory Level SL
1.90 – 2.69 Low Level LL
1.00 – 1.89 Very Low Level VLL
3.50 – 4.00 Strongly Agree SA
2.50 – 3.49 Agree A
1.50 – 2.49 Disagree D
1.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree SD

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