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Titles are crucial pieces of information that match search queries to ads.

While limited to 150 characters,

only the first 70 are visible in the ad.

Custom labels - Jaime can create up to five custom labels in his product data, such as “seasonal” or

The Bid Simulator estimates your advertising results over the previous seven days if you’d set different

While you can define product groups within campaigns, performance is tightly linked to the data you
provided in Merchant Center. This data is much like the keywords used in a search campaign — it’s how
your ads are matched to user searches.

Adding too many negative keywords may reduce overall or relevant traffic and can potentially hurt
performance. With such a high potential for danger, Brian checks in frequently on his campaign’s
performance and creates a calendar reminder to review these keywords on a regular basis.

Carolyn can implement structured data markup on her website by following the appropriate HTML and
ensuring accessibility for Google’s crawler.

Price currency always has to be specified in the 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

Valid values are typically in_stock, out_of_stock, and preorder.

If there are multiple offers on Carolyn’s page, such as different sizes or colors of a product, each offer
present on the page is annotated with a Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) or a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN).

Carolyn can install the Google Merchant Center Sheets add-on and select the Update from website tab
as well. The add-on will pull data from her website’s landing pages. She can also validate and submit her
data directly from the add-on.

Some content may be legally or culturally sensitive. Google does not want to show ads if they are ever
inappropriate. For example, adult-oriented content, copyrighted content, or healthcare-related content
may not be appropriate.

Amanda can set up Feed Rules to make the data transformations for her, saving time and addressing any
potential errors before they occur.

The URL can contain 2000 characters.

You have image issues including placeholder images, watermarks, or promotional text. You do not have
a return or refund policy listed clearly on the product landing page. You do not have secure checkout on
the product landing page.

A full feed should be submitted at least every 30 days.

A catch-all campaign ensures all products in the feed are receiving a bid. It also serves as a safety net for
when a campaign’s budget cap or unexpected feed issues occur.

If Google finds that his account meets the product data requirements, items that were preemptively
disapproved will return to approved status within three days without any additional work on his part.

Showcase Shopping ads are highly visual, mobile-only ads. When creating your ad, you’ll want to
highlight what makes you unique in the headline and description, so you can capture the attention.
Choose multiple product groups that together contain at least 100 products to showcase with your ad.
The products in the ad are used to help match Ellie’s search term to a Showcase Shopping ad, so
including more products allows the ad to appear for more searches. Showcase Shopping ads are cost-
per-engagement (CPE), which means the advertiser is only charged when Ellie clicks on their Showcase
Shopping ad from Google Search and then either clicks any of the links shown within the ad, or spends
more than ten seconds on the expanded ad.

Local inventory ads (LIAs) will showcase Cait’s sports stocking hats and her store information to nearby
shoppers (within ~30 miles) searching with Google. When shoppers click on her ad, they arrive on a
Google-hosted page for her store, called the local storefront. Shoppers use the local storefront to view
in-store inventory, get store hours, find directions, or continue to shop online at the merchant’s site.

Mobile Shopping ads in the top positions can see clickthrough rate (CTR) increases up to 3X higher than
their competition! A low mobile click share but high impression share may mean your ads are missing
out on clicks due to not having a high enough ad placement.

The combination of strong mobile and location bid adjustments means you'll get your ads in front of
mobile users who are near your stores, and drive mobile foot traffic to them.

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