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Assalamualaikum everyone.

I am Ashrafi mahjabin here to discus about the Bengal sultanate in

the time period off 14th,15th and 16th centuries. And also about the twelve bhuiyans or baro
bhuiyans ruled during late 16th century and early 17th century.

Sonargaon became one of the major townships in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent
when The three city-states of Bengal were unified into an independent sultanate.  The third
Bengali Sultan Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah established a royal court in Sonargaon. The Sultan
invited the Persian poet Hafez to the Bengali court in Sonargaon

During the 15th century, the Chinese Treasure voyages included an expedition to Sonargaon.

The Chinese embassies to Bengal were part of the mission of Admiral Zheng He. 

During the Hussain Shahi dynasty, Sonargaon was used as a base by the Sultans during
campaigns against Assam, Tripura and Arakan. The Sultans launched raids into Assam and
Tripura from Sonargaon

Sonragaon was one of the most important townships in the Bengal Sultanate. It was the
principal administrative center of eastern Bengal, particularly the Bhati region. The grand trunk
road which was built by sher shah suri in the 16th century was a major trade route from
bengal to central asia and Sonargoan became the eastern terminus of the road

Under Sultan Taj Khan Karrani, there was a prime minister in the Sultan's court named isa khan,
gained an estate covering the area of Sonargaon. But then The Karrani dynasty was defeated
by Mughal forces .Isa Khan and a confederation of zamindars resisted Mughal expansion in
eastern part. The confederation is known as the Baro-Bhuyan (Twelve Bhuiyans).

Isa Khan gradually increased his strength during 16th century and he was designated as the ruler
of the whole Bhati region, with the title of Mansad-e-Ala.

After the battle of Egarasindhur in 16th century  Isa Khan took over the Janglabari Fort from
Laksman Singh Hajra. Then  Musa Khan became loyal to Mughal force and Isa Khan’s
descendant transferred their families from Sonargaon to Jangalbari Fort

After the death of isa khan His son, Musa Khan, then took control of the Bhati region. The
dictionary Shabda-Ratnakari was compiled by the court poet Nathuresh during the reign of Musa

After the defeat of Musa Khan on 1610 by Mughal general Islam Khan, Sonargaon became one
of the districts of Bengal Subah. The capital of Bengal later developed in the new Mughal
metropolis in Dhaka.

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