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Informal writing is more casual and spontaneous compared to formal writing that is less personal.


What are the different text structures?


1. Cause and Effect:The results of something are explained.

2. Chronological: information in the passage is organized in order of time.
3. Compare and Contrast: two or more things are described. Their similarities and differences are
4. Order of Importance: information is expressed as a hierarchy or in priority.
5. Problem and Solution: a problem is described and a response or solution is proposed or explained.
6. Sequence / Process Writing: information is organized in steps or a process is explained in the order in
which it occurs.
7. Spatial / Descriptive Writing: information is organized in order of space (top to bottom, left to right).

Morton. (2017). Text Structure. Retrieved from

How does the hypothesis of Oparin compare to that of Miller?

Stanley Miller's experiment took some simple chemicals like those found on early earth, bubbled up
through a tube, zapped them with electrcitiy and after a few days, he found amino acids.

According to Oparin-Haldane, chemical evolution preceded life formation. Life evolved in the oceans
when the amosphere was reducing- containing Hd, H2O, Nh2, CH2 and CO2 but no free O2.
Organic compounds were synthesized non-biologically by ultraviolet light energy.
Without free O2, to oxidize them, these organic molecules were stable and accumulated in a warm,
dilute broth.

These molecules created a membrane around themselves to prevent them from being destroyed. Such
organelles absorbed chemicals, grew, divide and obtained energy by fermenting the available organic
molecules around them. This is how the first life form emerged.

According to Miller-Urey experiment, it is once believed that if you left food out to rot, living creatures like
maggots and even rats would simply poof into existence. The idea was called spontaneous generation.
it was disproved and Pasteur said that life only comes from life.

The Miller-Urey expirement was our first attempt at stimulating ancient earth condition, in this case, the
ancient earth’s water cycle, for the purpose of testing ideas about the origin of life. their experiment is
significant for the reason that though it was not a perfect stimulation and the early earth, it clearly
demonstrated, for the first time, that biomolecules can form under ancient Earth-like conditions. Second,
the experiement took that was once mere speculation, the idea that life may have emerged from
chemistry and transformed a portion of that speculation into legitimate testable science.

many questions remain to be answered about the origin of life but scientist from many nations and many
field of study are now following Stan Millers’s lead. They’re finding ways to turn those questions about
the origin of life into testable scientific hypotheses.

How does the hypothesis of Oparin compare to that of Miller?

The video presented both the hypotheses of Oparin and Miller about the origin of life. According to
Oparin-Haldane, chemical evolution preceded life formation. The Oparin-Haldane hypotheses proposed
that life arose in a gradual way from inorganic molecules, with amino acids or building blocks of protein
forming first and then combining to make complex polymers. Such organelles absorbed chemicals,
grew, divide and obtained energy by fermenting the available organic molecules around them. This is
how the first life form emerged. On the other hand, Miller-Urey experiment is our first attempt at
stimulating ancient earth condition. It clearly stated that biomolecules can form under ancient Earth-like
conditions. The experiment provided the first available facts that organic molecules needed for life, could
be formed from inorganic components. Many inquiries remain to be answered about “where did life
come from?” but scientist and many field of study are now following Miller’s lead and also finding ways to
turn those questions about the origin of life into testable scientific hypotheses.

Why was spontaneous generation previously considered as a plausible explanation on how life
can originate from an organic matter? How was it disproved?

It was believed that living creatures originated spontaneously from the non-living matter
although there was no scientific theory supporting spontaneous generation people have
developed this concept by their routine observations that occur around them.
Aristotle was the first one to record spontaneous generation. he described the formation of
maggots from decaying meat and sudden appearance of rats, however his concepts were
remained unchalleneged for 2000 years.

In 1668, francesco redi has disproved the theory of spontaneous generation, he demonstrated
that maggots arise from flies and not from the decaying matter.

Pasteur also disproved spontaneous generation in 1861 by his swan-neck expirement.

In francesco redi’s experiment, life is not raised spontaneously from rotting matter. Life is
necessary to produce another life.

In pasteurs swan neck experiment, although air could pass in to the flask, the backteria were
trapped at the curved of the neck.Therefore, ther was no growth. After breaking the neck, the
backteria could enter the flask and made the broth contaminated.

If spontaneous general was real, the curved neck flask would have generated backteria
spontaneously. but it did not happen, which indicates, germ could come from other germs.


Spontaneous generation is the hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonliving
matter. It is previously considered as a plausible explanation on how life originate from an organic matter
for people have developed this concept by their routine observations that take place around them.
Francesco Redi’s experiment has disproved the theory of spontaneous generation for he demonstrated
that life is not raised spontaneously from rotting matter instead life is necessary to produce another life.
Also, Pasteur largely contributed to the disproval of spontaneous generation since according to his
swan-neck experiment, if spontaneous generation was real, the curved neck flask would have generated
bacteria spontaneously but unfortunately, it did not happen, which indicates that germs could come from
other germs.
Why are cells small?

Our cells are small or microscopic because we want to maximize the surface on the outside. We have to
get nutrients into the cell like oxygen and we have to get waste products out like carbon dioxide. So, if
we can make ourselves really small then we have a large surface area and also that oxygen doesn’t
have to diffuse so far to get into the cell. That is why cells are small.

In your own words, correctly define and describe the nature of quantitative research. 10pts

A definition is the exact meaning of something, usually a word. Definitions are exact and must be
correct. They shouldn't vary much from person to person. A description is usually more detailed
and can change from person to person. It is not always exact or correct like a definition is.

Quantitative Research
Definiton and
It is a systematic way of gathering and analyzing data from various sources.
Surveys and experiments are the data collection methods for quantitative study.
Surveys that include interviews that can be performed using various methodologies, like face-to - face,
online or computer-aided interviews and questionnaire methods.
Quantitative research involves the use of mathematical and statistical tools to to collect quantitative data
from the research study.


Quantitative research is a process wherein you need to analyze numerical data. This kind of study can
be used to find averages, get test results to large populations, etc. It is the opposite of qualitative
research, which involves analyzing non-numeral data. For example, quantitative research is used when
you want to know about the height of elementary students and when using close ended questionnaire to
know the effectiveness of a particular matter.This kind of study aims to know the cause and effect of
relationships by using mathematical means.

Strengths of Quantitative Research

• It can be replicated or repeated in other contexts.

• It provides findings that are generalizable to a large population.
• It can establish causality more conclusively.
• It can make predictions based on numerical, quantifiable data.
• Data analysis using statistical software is faster.
• Data-gathering techniques are typically less demanding compared with those in qualitative research.
• It has a low degree of subjectivity.
• Its validity and reliability can be measured.
• The results are more objective and are free from personal bias of the researcher.
• The study is also replicable and the instruments used may be re-used to further researches in the
different fields and contexts.

Weaknesses of Quantitative Research

• It cannot adequately provide an in- depth information necessary for describing and explaining a
complex phenomenon.
• It lacks the ability to provide a comprehensive textual description of human experiences.
• Numerical data may be insufficient in analyzing intangible factors, such as gender roles, socio-
economic status, and social norms of a given population.
• It has less flexibility in terms of study design.
• Responses of participants are strictly limited to what has been asked.
• These responses may not be extensive in some cases.
• Self-reported data may not be very accurate as respondents may have the tendency to underestimate
their skills and behaviors during self- assessment tasks.
1. What does the overall mean score indicate regarding the general view of the respondents?

The overall mean score of my evaluation is 4. My overall mean score indicates that BBC New program is reliable
and has high quality reporting.

8. Based on the responses, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the program?

My chosen TV news program is BBC News, the strengths of the program are:

• It is the largest broadcast news operation in the world with more than 2,000 journalists.
• One of BBC News' aims over the past year has been to revitalize the coverage of politics
• High quality TV dramas
• They serve all audiences through high quality and distinctive output and services that inform, educate and
• They are committed in attaining the highest standards of accuracy and impartiality and aim to avoid knowingly
or materially misleading their audiences.
• Older and middle class audiences were generally more positive about BBC services, feeling they could depend
on them to meet high standards in terms of quality and professionalism.

On the other hand, these are the weaknesses of the program:

• Blaspheming other faiths but refusing to publish Muhammad cartoons

• Biased reporting of sexual abuse scandals of BBC staffers
• One-sided documentary on racism during Euro 2012
• The BBC has been criticised for "overstaffing" news, sporting and cultural events and in doing so, both wasting
licence fee money and using its dominant position to control the coverage of events
• Fake news and deliberate misrepresentation. In 2009, Jeremy Bowen’s report is inaccurate.

9. What does the overall mean score indicate regarding your view of the program? Can you say that the program is
good based on the evaluation sheet results?

My overall mean score is 4, it means that I totally agree with BBC news since it gives accurate information,
provide up-to-date news, it is trustworthy, it covers national and global stories, and easy to understand. To sum it
all up, BBC news is accurate, accessible and has high quality reporting.

10. In what way did you get the evaluation results using the evaluation form? Do you think what you did is a
quantitative approach to research? Why?

I based my evaluation results by my own perspective and watching BBC news from different sources. Also,
researching information about BBC news and how reliable their reports are. I think it is a quantitative approach to
research because the results are numerical value and they used a rating score to their respondents to determine the
results. Rating scales/scores are popular methods for generating quantitative data. Therefore, it is quantitative
approach to research.
Effects of Online Learning on the Visual Literacy of Teenagers

Senior High School Students' Level of Comprehension

Effects of Utilizing an Interdisciplinary Curriculum on the Health Literacy of Four Science Classes

Technical Capability of Water Treatment Device

The Relationship Between a School Performance and Teachers’ Personality

Senior High School Students' Level of Comprehension

The products above are both moisturizing lotion and are good for the skin, however, let’s take a look at
their drugs labels and compare its quality and safety. These lotions are applied to the skin to moisture,
smoothen, soften, and perhaps perfume the skin. As you can see there are warnings on its drug facts
stating that if medicine is for external use, it is intended to be used only on the outside of your body, and
not to be eaten or drunk. This helps the dead skin cells fall off, helps the skin keep in more water, and
leaves the skin feeling smoother and softer.They have almost similar labels for they are both
moisturizing lotion that treat or prevent dry, itchy skin and minor skin irritations. I think these products
would result ineffectively or effectively depending on the skin type. That’s why we must be aware of the
products we will use in order for us to know if it will benefit us or lead us to danger.

1. Observation
How did the appearance of the filter paper change during the progress of the chromatographic procedure?
As I observe the video, the appearance of the filter paper really do change in the progress of
chromatographic procedure. In a gradual way, the paper moisten from the solvent and the pigmented dots
are beginning to move upward or move away.

2. Conclusion:
To sum it all up, chromatography separates two phases (the static and moving), in motion in a definite direction.
Also, the paper chromatography shows that it is a useful way to separate a color from a pigmented ink. Thus, with
the help of this process, we are able to determine the colors beneath the pigmented ink.

3. How will you use this procedure to identify an unknown type of colored pigment?
By following the instruction to execute this task, you need to have patience because the movement of the
pigmented ink is gradual and the longer you wait, you can identify and recognize the colors behind the pigment.
Thus, you need to wait in order to see what lies beneath it.

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