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Demand response-integrated economic dispatch incorporating renewable

energy sources using ameliorated dragonfly algorithm

Article  in  Electrical Engineering · June 2019

DOI: 10.1007/s00202-019-00792-y


4 219

4 authors:

Velamuri Suresh S. Sreejith

SASTRA University National Institute of Technology, Silchar


Sureshkumar Sudabattula Vikram Kumar Kamboj

Lovely Professional University Lovely Professional University


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Electrical Engineering


Demand response-integrated economic dispatch incorporating

renewable energy sources using ameliorated dragonfly algorithm
Velamuri Suresh1 · S. Sreejith2 · Suresh Kumar Sudabattula3 · Vikram Kumar Kamboj3

Received: 12 January 2019 / Accepted: 24 May 2019

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

This paper presents an integrated demand response (DR) and dynamic economic dispatch (DED) model consisting of renewable
energy sources (RESs) and shunt FACTS (flexible AC transmission systems) devices with focus on reducing thermal energy
consumption. RESs are environment friendly and can be located close to the load centers, which helps in reducing T&D
losses as well as harmful emissions. DR helps in reducing peak power consumption and generation cost of thermal power
plants. Shunt FACTS device, static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), helps in improving voltage profile of the network.
Analyses are carried out using the proposed ameliorated dragonfly algorithm (ADFA). The efficiency of developed ADFA
is proved by comparing the obtained results with many other methods. Static economic dispatch is carried out on 6-, 17-
and 40-thermal generator test systems using ADFA, and the results are compared with other existing methods available in
the literature. Further, DED is carried out on 6- and 17-thermal generator test systems. Later, a DED is performed on a
real-time 17-thermal generator (South Indian 86-bus system) system for four seasons. Solar irradiance and wind speed are
modeled using beta distribution and Weibull distribution functions by collecting the historical data of the test system. The
developed demand response program is implemented on a real-time 17 thermal unit and 86-bus test system located in Tamil
Nadu, southern part of India. The developed DR model alters time-independent loads so that burden on generating stations
during the peak load is minimized. The effect of DR, RES and STATCOM in the test system is studied individually. Further,
a comparative analysis considering DR, RES and STATCOM together is presented. The results obtained are promising, and
it can be interpreted that by using the developed model there will be improvement in the penetration levels of RES which in
turn reduces the demand for thermal energy.

Keywords Economic dispatch · Ameliorated dragonfly algorithm · Demand response · Solar · Wind · Static synchronous

List of symbols PG Total power generated by all resources after schedul-

PD System demand ing
PL Power loss FT Fuel cost of thermal power generated
PT Thermal power generated after scheduling FS Fuel cost of solar power generated
PS Solar power generated after scheduling FW Fuel cost of wind power generated
PW Wind power generated after scheduling TC Total fuel cost

B Velamuri Suresh
1 Introduction
1 School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SASTRA Integration of RES into the grid guarantees environment-
University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India friendly sustainable energy systems. Many countries includ-
2 School of Electrical Engineering, Vellore Institute of ing India have set up policies to promote RES which in
Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India turn increase the participation of renewable generation in
3 School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Lovely electricity market. It is challenging to schedule these RESs
Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India along with traditional power generation due to their intermit-

Electrical Engineering

tent nature. Demand response and energy storage (ES) help wind output is considered. In [16], a real-time ED consider-
in achieving power system flexibility which in turn makes ing solar and wind sources for a short-term scheduling period
scheduling easy and cost-effective [1]. ES has certain limi- is implemented. Optimal schedule is obtained using best fit
tations when they need to be operated in a large system. So participation method and better solution is achieved. SED
DR is a pertinent solution for obtaining power system flex- and DED considering solar energy are solved using PSO in
ibility. DR is a change in consumption pattern of electricity [17]. This work considers cost and emission minimization
users during peak hours in response to utility [2]. Curtail- simultaneously for a system integrated with multiple ther-
ment of load at peak hours and adjusting the same to the mal and solar plants.
off-peak hours is one of the simpler ways to enhance the From the above, it is observed that ED is solved consid-
reliability and efficiency of power systems. Price-based and ering thermal generation in the recent past. Recently, with
incentive-based DR schemes are the possible techniques to the increased penetration of RESs, it is necessary to dis-
schedule the demand-side resources [3]. These techniques patch generation-side resources considering the renewable
are implemented by the utility to balance the demand sup- generators. In recent works, researchers also developed DR
ply gap, which in turn minimizes the running cost of thermal models suitable for implementing along with ED. In [18],
generators. Intermittent output from RES affects the day- incentive-based DR program considering time-varying load
ahead generation scheduling which can also be overcome by models for DED is presented. This problem is solved using
implementing DR program. random drift PSO algorithm. In [19], ED model consid-
DR programs are implemented at various levels of the ering DR based on asymmetric block offers is developed.
power systems. Many researchers focused on residential and Here, supermarket refrigeration is considered to schedule the
industrial DR programs which meet the needs at the dis- demand-side resources. This model is utilized in regulating
tribution level effectively. Few as such are discussed here. the demand supply gap by coordinating demand-side as well
Price-based DR has been implemented in [4] and [5]. Linking as generation-side resources. Only few works focused on
the consumers sensitive to price with the electricity market ED considering various DR schemes but somehow the inter-
leads to decrease in robustness and increases the risk of fail- est shown by the researchers on scheduling the conventional
ure of the power system [6]. generators with the RESs and demand-side resources is less.
Optimal scheduling of thermal generators to meet the Many works implementing DR schemes consider domestic,
power demands at a lower price is called economic dispatch industrial commercial load patterns for their study. In this
(ED). Since the generators have diverse costs, it is a com- proposed work, agricultural load whose time of operation
petitive problem for retrieving the accurate solution from the and the quantum of power consumption are significant is con-
generation mix. In recent years, many computational tech- sidered for the study. These loads being different from other
niques were developed in the literature for solving static as loads require a new method for reducing the peak demand
well as dynamic ED. References [7] and [8] discuss static which is developed in this paper. It will be more interesting to
economic dispatch (SED) for traditional thermal generat- reduce the demand supply gap of the utilities by simultaneous
ing units considering various constraints like valve point, implementation of demand response schemes in conjunction
prohibited operating zone (POZ) and transmission losses. with ED considering RESs on generation side. Also, it will be
In [9], SED is solved using hybrid gray wolf optimizer for more effective and realistic if seasonal variations of demand
various test systems. In [10], a hybrid CE and SQP method and supply are taken into account. In the defined problem,
for solving ED considering valve point effect is shown and the optimal scheduling of generators is attained, which helps
compared with recent many optimization algorithms. These in energy and cost savings and also helps in reducing the
methods achieved better results in terms of cost as well carbon footprint.
as convergence time. Dynamic economic dispatch (DED)
is solved in [11] and [12] where optimization algorithms
The summary of works in this paper are as follows
were used to effectively handle the constraints. In [13], a
teaching learning-based optimization technique is used for
solving DED considering spinning reserve constraints. This 1. SED is implemented on 6-, 17- and 40-thermal generator
method is implemented on different test systems and com- test systems using ADFA, and the results are compared
pared with some other methods. A distributed interior point with existing methods.
method via a θ -logarithmic barrier-based DED is presented in 2. DED is implemented on 6- and 17-thermal generator test
[14]. Using θ -logarithmic barrier capacity constraints can be systems using ADFA method, and the results are com-
removed. A distributed primal–dual dynamical multi-agent pared.
system is introduced to solve DED in this work. This method 3. A new DR model considering which manages the agri-
is tested on 6-bus system alone. In [15], ED incorporating cultural loads in countries like India is developed in this
wind power is implemented where probabilistic approach of paper.

Electrical Engineering

4. RESs (solar and wind) outputs are estimated using beta supplied and wind power supplied at tth hour, respec-
distribution and Weibull distribution function using real- tively.
time historical data of solar irradiance and wind speed. 2. Fuel cost minimization
5. A shunt FACTS device STATCOM is incorporated in the The quadratic cost function for 24-h time horizon con-
test system, and the analysis is presented. sidering renewable energy is
6. DED considering DR, RESs and STATCOM are simu-
⎧ ⎧
lated, and the obtained results are compared with the ideal ⎨T ⎨N
case. min Fi,t Pi,t + F j,t (Ps j,t )
7. Ameliorated dragonfly algorithm (ADFA), an improved ⎩ ⎩
t=1 i=1 j=1
version of dragonfly algorithm, is developed and utilized

for solving the above-mentioned problems. + Fk,t (Pwk )

1.1 Paper organization 
= min (ai .Pi,t 2 + bi .Pi,t + ci )
The rest of the paper is as follows. Section 2 presents problem t=1 i=1
formulation. Section 3 discusses the proposed ADFA algo- 
n ⎬⎬
rithm. Section 4 presents the detailed results and main finding + (d j .Ps j,t ) + (dk .Pwk,t ) , (5)
of research work. In Sect. 5, conclusions of the research work j=1 k=1
are presented.
where Fi,t , F j,t Fk,t are the fuel costs and ai , bi , ci , d j , dk
are the fuel cost coefficients of thermal, solar and wind gen-
2 Problem formulation erating sources at tth hour, respectively.
Constraints to be satisfied while solving the problem are
The objective of this work is to reduce the dependability on given by the following equations. Here, Pddr,t is obtained
fossil fuel-based power generation by implementing demand by the model given in Sect. 4.
response and simultaneously considering renewable energy subjected to:
sources. Power balance constraint
The objective functions are as follows:


1. Thermal energy minimization Pi,t + Ps j,t + Pwk,t = Pd,t + PL,t (6)

i=1 j=1 k=1

min E th (1)
Renewable capacity constraint
where E th is the energy supplied, given by ⎛ ⎞
H ⎝ Ps j,t + Pwk,t ⎠ ≤ τ × Pd,t . (7)
E th = Pi,t . dt (2) j=1 k=1

Here, Pd,t is the power demand for the system at time t and
and thermal power τ is the penetration level.
Power loss
Pi,t = Prddr,t + PL,t (3)

where PL = Pi Bi j P j + B0i + B00 . (8)
i=1 j=1 i∈ j
Prddr,t = Pddr,t − Ps j,t + Pwk,t . (4)
Here, Bi j , B0,i , B00 are the B coefficients for the system.
Here, Pi,t , Prddr,t corresponds to thermal power gen- Generating capacity constraint
erated by ith generator, residual demand after imple-
menting demand response and supplying energy from Pi,t min ≤ Pi,t ≤ Pi,t max (9)
renewable energy resources.
Pddr,t , PL,t , Ps j,t , Pwk,t are the demand response- Here, Pi,t min , Pi,t max are the minimum and maximum limits
implemented power demand, power loss, solar power of thermal power generation of ith generator at tth hour.

Electrical Engineering

Prohibited operating zones (POZ) The time of operation of agricultural load can be shifted and
is represented as follows:
⎧ ⎫
⎨ Pi,t min ≤ Pi,t ≤ Pi,t,1 lb ⎬
Pi,t ∈ Pi,t,k−1 ub ≤ Pgi,t ≤ Pi,t,k lb , k = 2, 3, ...Z i,t Padr,t = Pa,t + Pc,t − Pdc,t , (18)
⎩ ⎭
Pi,t,zi ub ≤ Pi,t ≤ Pi,t max

FACTS device constraints Pc,t = Ykc,t ∗ Pkc,t (19)
Shunt converter voltage limit of STATCOM k=1
Vvrmin ≤ Vvr ≤ Vvrmax (11) Pdc,t = Ykdc,t ∗ Pkdc,t (20)

Shunt converter angle limit of STATCOM

Ykc and Ykdc are the kth agricultural loads connected and
disconnected at time t.
δvrmin ≤ δvr ≤ δvrmax , (12) Pkc,t and Pkdc,t are the power rating of the kth agricultural
load connected and disconnected at time t.
where Vvr and δvr are shunt converter voltage and angle, and np is the number of agricultural load type.
min and max refer to minimum and maximum values of the Now, the new demand profile also follows new load pattern
represented quantity, respectively. followed by agricultural loads

2.1 Demand response model Pddr,t = P f ,t + Padr,t . (21)

Demand response is traditional method to conserve electric- From Eq. 18,

ity during peak hours. This method is otherwise called as
technology-enabled economic rationing system for electric Pddr,t = P f ,t + Pa,t + Pc,t − Pdc,t . (22)
power supply. This method helps in bringing additional flex-
ibility to the power system. Here, the loads are classified into This can be proved mathematically:
fixed and time shiftable. Fixed loads are operated only at spe- Case 1: During peak hours, a set of agricultural loads will
cific time of operation, whereas the time-shiftable loads are be disconnected, which indicates that Pdc,t is a real value and
allowed to operate at convenient time of operation. By shift- Pc,t is zero in Eq. 18.
ing the loads from peak hours to off-peak hours, the operating So from Eq. 18 and by subtracting Eq. 21 from Eq. 13
cost for power generation can be minimized [20].
In this scenario, agricultural loads are considered as Pd,t − Pddr,t = Pa,t − Padr,t (23)
time-shiftable loads whose time operation can be altered
accordingly. which indicates Padr,t ≤ Pa,t

Pd,t = P f ,t + Pa,t , (13) Pddr,t ≤ Pd,t . (24)

where Case 2: During the off-peak hours, a set of agricultural

loads are connected which indicates that Pc,t is a real number
Pd,t = Pd,1 ; Pd,2 ; Pd,3 ; ........... Pd,H (14) in Eq. 18.
  So from Eq. 18 and by subtracting Eq. 13 from Eq. 21
P f ,t = P f ,1 ; P f ,2 ; P f ,3 ; ......... P f ,H (15)
Pa,t = Pa,1 ; Pa,2 ; Pa,3 ; ........... Pa,H . (16) Pddr,t − Pd,t = Padr,t − Pa,t (25)

Here, P f ,t and Pa,t are the fixed load and time-shiftable agri- which indicates Padr,t ≥ Pa,t
cultural loads at time t. It can be noted that for a fixed loading
P f ,t , variation in demand can be achieved by shifting the Pddr,t ≥ Pd,t . (26)
agricultural load and the relations can be represented as fol-
lows: It can be inferred from the above two cases that connection
and disconnection (changing time of operation) of agricul-
Pd,t ∝ Pa,t . (17) tural loads leads to change in demand profile provided that

Electrical Engineering

H short-circuit current of PV module, K v and K i are the voltage
Pd,t = Pddr,t . (27) temperature coefficient and current temperature coefficient,
t=1 t=1
T A , TCY and NOT are the ambient temperature, PV cell tem-
perature and normal operating temperature, respectively.
2.2 Modeling of solar irradiance and output
2.3 Modeling and estimation of output from wind
For representing solar irradiance, beta distribution function is farm
a perfectly suited probability distribution function in compar-
ison with others. Beta distribution function for a time frame For characterizing wind speed, Weibull distribution function
t is given by is the best suited probability distribution function. Weibull
distribution function for wind speed in a time frame t is given
Γ (αt + βt ) (αt −1) by
f p (s, t) = s ∗ (1 − s)(βt −1) (28)
Γ (αt ) Γ (βt )  kt − 1    
kt vt vt kt
for 0 ≤ s ≤ 1 ; αt , βt ≥ 0 f v (v, t) = . exp −
ct ct ct
where αt and βt are the shape parameters, s is a random
variable, Γ is the gamma function and f p is a beta distribution for ct > 1 and kt > 0 (37)
Here, where
μst βt σvt
αt = (29) kt = (38)
1 − μst μvt

and and
μst (1 + μst ) μvt
βt = (1 − μst ) −1 . (30) ct = (39)
σst 2 Γ (1 + 1/kt )

Here, μst and σst indicate mean and standard deviation at For a designed wind turbine, the power output corresponding
hour t. to wind speed is given by
For the PV panel considered, the total power output is
Pwi,t = Pwr ∗ f v (v, t) dv (40)
Psi,t = Po (s) ∗ f p (s, t) ds, (31)
0 ⎧
⎨ 0 v < vin or v > vout
where Pwr = (a ∗ v 3 + b ∗ Pr ) vin ≤ v ≤ vr (41)

Pr vr ≤ v ≤ vout
Po (s) = N ∗ FF ∗ Vy ∗ I y . (32)
The voltage–current characteristics of a PV module for a
specified radiation level and ambient temperature are calcu- Pr
a= (42)
lated using the following relations: vr3 − vin


FF = (33)
Vy = Voc − K v ∗ Tcy (34) vin
b= . (43)
I y = s[Isc + K i (Tcy − 25)] (35) vr3 − vin
NOT − 20
Tcy = T A + s , (36) 2.4 Modeling of STATCOM

where N is the number of solar panels, F F is the fill fac- STATCOM comprises series connection of voltage-sourced
tor, VMPPT and IMPPT are the voltage and current maximum converter and a tap-changing transformer whose primary is
power point, Voc and Ioc are the open-circuit voltage and connected in shunt with the ac system.

Electrical Engineering

Fig. 1 Equivalent Circuit of


The STATCOM voltage source equation given with solution becomes sub-optimal and approximate which will
respect to Fig 1 is be far beyond the expected result. Therefore, it has become
a challenge to researchers and engineers to solve nonlinear
E vr = VvR (cos δvR + j sin δvR ). (44) problems. Further, in order to always improve the solution of
the nonlinear dynamics different improvements in the exist-
Consider that STATCOM is connected at bus k. From Fig 1, ing methodologies have become a great scope for researchers.
the active and reactive power equations at the converter and Many optimization techniques had evolved in recent years for
bus k are various applications. Few techniques such as [21–36] have
gained popularity in the past decade.
PvR = VvR
G vR + VvR Vk [G vR cos(δvR − θk ) Dragonfly algorithm proposed by [37] is a swarm opti-
+ BvR sin(δvR − θk )] (45) mization technique based on the swarming behavior of
dragonflies. Dragonfly algorithm has high adeptness in solv-
Q vR = −VvR
BvR + VvR Vk [G vR sin(δvR − θk )
ing complex engineering problems. [37] proved the eminence
− BvR cos(δvR − θk )] (46) of the algorithm by testing it on standard bench-marked test
Pk = Vk2 G vR + Vk VvR [G vR cos(θk − δvR ) functions. In this method, the parameters of exploration and
+ BvR sin(θk − δvR )] (47) exploitation are very well modeled for global optimization.
Dragonflies are basically carnivorous insects which predate
Qk = −Vk2 BvR + Vk VvR [G vR sin(θk − δvR )
other small insects like mosquitoes and butterflies as food.
− BvR cos(θk − δvR )]. (48) The life cycle of dragonflies has two stages, nymph and
metamorphosis. Nymph dragonflies eat marine insects and
also small fish by utilizing their extreme skill of swimming
3 Ameliorated dragonfly algorithm (swarming). Usually, the swarms are both static and dynamic
in nature. Static swarm does hunting in which they form a
Optimization is an important tool for finding a maximum small group and predates small insects confined to a small
or minimum of a function. The optimization techniques area. Dynamic swarms form as large groups, and they travel
are categorized into linear and nonlinear techniques based in one direction for long distances. The main goal of dragon-
on the requirement. Linear optimization refers to solving flies should be attraction to the food source and distraction
an optimization problem for the models which have linear from an enemy. The three important stages in the swarming
characteristics such as lower-order polynomial equations. behavior of dragonflies are explained and mathematically
Nonlinear optimization refers to solving an optimization shown as follows (Fig. 2):
problem consisting of characteristic equations which do not
possess linear relation, and hence these models are often – Separation (S): In this stage, the swarms are separated
solved using heuristic algorithms, for example which do not from other individuals which avoid collision from the
come under linear optimization. As most of the real-world neighbors. This separation is given by
engineering problems are nonlinear, most of the researchers
in the past used to linearize the nonlinear models and solve

the optimization problems using linear techniques. The only Si = − X − X j, (49)
disadvantage of linearizing the nonlinear dynamics is that the j=1

Electrical Engineering

Fig. 2 a–e Steps for the

proposed ameliorated dragonfly

where X and X j are the position of current individual Exploration and exploitation mainly depend on the factors
and neighboring position of jth individual, respectively. S, A, C, F and E. By proper tuning of these parameters,
Number of neighborhoods is given by N . global optimization can be achieved. In the optimization
– Alignment (A): Here, the velocity of each individual is process, neighborhood plays a key role. With the created
matched with the other. Alignment is represented by neighborhood around each individual, the performance of
the dragonflies is extremely achieved.

Vj The step vector is updated using the following equation:
Ai = − X, (50)
N ΔX t +1 = (s Si + a Ai + cCi + f Fi + eE i ) + wΔX t . (54)
where V j is the velocity of neighboring individual j.
– Cohesion (C): This refers to the attraction of the swarm The updated position vector is calculated as follows:
toward the center of the group of swarms
X t +1 = X t + ΔX t+1 . (55)

j=1 The randomness, stochastic behavior of the dragonflies
Ci = − X, (51)
N can be increased by introducing levy flight in the given
where X j is the position of the jth neighboring individual search space, thereby improving the exploration. The posi-
and X is the position of current individual, respectively. tion update of the dragonflies is given by
– Attraction toward the food (F) source is mathematically
represented by X t +1 = X t + Levy(d) × X t , (56)

Fi = X+ − X, (52) where d is the dimension of the search space and t is the

current iteration.
where X + is the food source position and X is the position
Levy flight is given by
of current individual.
– Distraction from the enemy (E) is calculated by
r1 × σ
Levy(d) = 0.01 × 1
, (57)
Ei = X− + X, (53) |r2 | β

where X − is the enemy position and X is the current where r 1 and r 2 are the random numbers in [0, 1], β is a
individual position. constant and σ is given by

Electrical Engineering

⎛   ⎞ β1 the representation of dragon position would be described in

Γ (1 + β) × sin πβ
⎜ 2 ⎟ the form vector length N G . Let N P dragons are taken in the
σ =⎝   
⎠ . (58)
group; the representation of complete group in matrices form
Γ 1+β2 ×β ×2 2
is given below:
⎡ ⎤
In the proposed ameliorated dragonfly algorithm, the exploita- P11 P12 · · · P1NG
tion phase of the existing algorithm has been further ⎢ P21 P22 · · · P2NG ⎥
Group = ⎢ ⎣ ···
⎥. (63)
improved using modification in the steps of attraction toward ··· Pi j ··· ⎦
food and distraction from the enemy. PN p 1 PN P 2 · · · PN P NG
In order to ameliorate the exploitation phase of classical
dragonfly algorithm, the mathematical expression for attrac-
tion toward food sources can be represented as 3.1.3 Group initialization

Fi = X + − (X ± δ), (59) The initialization of each element described in the above

group matrices occurs randomly within capacity constraint
where X + shows the position of food source and X indicates initialization of dragon which is done through this inequality:
the current individual position.
Also, the modified distraction toward enemies can be cal- P jmin ≤ Pi j ≤ P jmax ,
culated using the following mathematical equation: ∀(i = 1, 2, ....N P ; j = 1, 2, ....N G ) (64)

E i = X + (X ± δ), (60) Pi = Pimin + rand () (Pimax − Pimin ). (65)

where X − indicates the enemy position and X represents the

3.1.4 Evaluation of objective function
current position of the individual.

3.1 Mathematical formulation of ameliorated To satisfy energy constraints, one of the committed units is
dragonfly algorithm for ELD chosen as a dependent/slack generator d.
This is represented by
Ameliorated dragonfly algorithm is implemented to eco- j
Pd = Z j , ∀(i = 1, 2, ....N P ; j = 1, 2, ....N G ) (66)
nomic load dispatch (ELD) problem to find the optimal power
solution while minimizing the generation cost of plant at the 

same time as meeting the load demand. The mathematical Z = Pd − Pi (67)

formulation of ameliorated dragonfly algorithm for ELD is
given below. If there is violation of operating limit by the production of
dependent/slack generator, then it is set by the following
3.1.1 Implementation equation:
⎧ j
The ADFA can be applied by exploring real power generation 
⎨ Pi ; Pi < Pi
min min
from power station. The economic load dispatch problem can j j
Pd = Pi ; Pi > Pimax
max . (68)
be formulated by the following equations: 
⎩ P j;
i P j ≤ Pi j ≤ P j
min max

FT = F(Pi ) = (ai Pi2 + bi Pi + ci ) (61)
3.1.5 Dragonfly updating and movement in position
i=1 i=1
n n
PLoss = PGi Bi j PG j . (62) The separation process in ADFA is updated using the given
i=1 j=1 equation:

3.1.2 Dragonfly group representation Si = − P − PJ , (69)
J =1
Real power generation is the decision variable of economic
load dispatch problem. Group formation is done by the real where N represents the number of individuals of the neigh-
power generation. The position of dragon in group is replica boring, P represents the current position of the individual
of the set of real power generation of all committed gener- and PJ indicates the position of J th individual of the neigh-
ation units. Let if N G is the generating units in the system, boring.

Electrical Engineering

Fig. 3 Pseudocode for

ameliorated dragonfly algorithm

Alignment process in ADFA can be updated using the dragonflies defined mathematically by
following recursive relation:
ΔPt+1 = (s Si + a Ai + cCi + f Fi + eE i ) + wΔPt , (74)

J =1 where t represents the iteration counter; w represents the
Ai = , (70)
N inertia weight; E i indicates the enemy position of the ith
individual; e represents the enemy factor; Fi represents the
where V J represents the velocity of J th individual of the ith individual food source; f indicates the food factor; ci
neighboring. indicates the cohesion of ith individual; c represents the cohe-
The cohesion in ADFA can be calculated by the following sion weight; Ai represents the alignment of ith individual; a
equation: represents the alignment weight; s indicates the separation
weight; and Si represents the separation of ith individual.

PJ The position vectors are calculated after calculating the
J =1 step vector by using the following equation:
Ci = − P, (71)
where P represents the current individual position, PJ is the Pt+1 = Pt + ΔPt+1 . (75)
position of J th individual of the neighboring and N indicates
the number of neighborhoods. To get better uncertainty, exploration of the dragonflies and
The attraction toward food sources can be calculated by stochastic behavior, they are essential to fly around the search
the following equation: space by the use of unsymmetrical walk (Levy flight).
The position updating of dragonflies in this condition is
Fi = P + − (P ± δ), (72) performed by using the following equation:

where P + shows the position of food source and P indicates Pt+1 = Pt + Levy(d) × Pt , (76)
the current individual position.
Interruption outwards enemies can be calculated by the where d indicates the dimension of position vectors and t
following equation: indicates the current iteration.
Levy flight is calculated by using the following equation:
E i = P − + (P ± δ), (73)
r1 × σ
Levy(x) = 0.001 × , (77)
where P− indicates the enemy position and P represents the |r2 |1/β
current position of the individual.
The step vector (ΔP) is same as the PSO algorithm veloc- where r1 and r2 represent the two random numbers in the
ity vector, which demonstrates direction of movement of the range [0, 1], and β is a constant.

Electrical Engineering

σ is calculated by using the following equation given



⎛ ⎞





⎜ Γ (1 + β) × sin( Ŏβ/2) ⎟
σ =⎝   
⎠ (78)
Γ 1+β2 ×β ×2 2
FC ($/Hr)







4 Simulation results

Static economic dispatch (SED) and dynamic economic dis-







patch (DED) are performed on various test systems using

ameliorated dragonfly algorithm. To show the effectiveness

of this method, comparative studies are presented. Further,
DED is implemented on South Indian 86-bus test system


considering seasonal variations in load demand, DR, RES







and STATCOM. The performance of the proposed algorithm

is tested in MATLAB 2013a ( software on Intel®
coreTM i-5-3470S CPU@ 2.90 GHz, 4.00 GB RAM system.
The pseudocode for ameliorated dragonfly algorithm is men-
P6 (MW)



tioned in Fig. 3.




4.1 Static economic dispatch

P5 (MW)




SED is performed on standard 6-generator (IEEE 30-bus sys-





tem), 17-generator (South Indian 86-bus test system) and


40-generator test system, respectively. Comparative studies

are presented for each test system, and the effectiveness of
ADFA is presented.
P4 (MW)






Table 1 Economic load dispatch for 6 generating units (load demand = 1263 MW)



4.1.1 SED on 6-generator (IEEE 30-bus) test system using

P3 (MW)




The IEEE 30-bus system consists of 6 generators and 1263





MW demand [38]. Scheduling is performed using ADFA,



and a comparative analysis is given in Table 1. Scheduling of

each generator, power loss, simulation time and dispatch cost
using the method are determined and compared with recent
P2 (MW)




methods available. The algorithm gives better results in terms




of cost and power loss. The minimum, maximum and mean

costs, simulation run time for 50 trails are computed and
presented in Table 2. ADFA method produces competitive
results when compared with other methods. The number of
P1 (MW)






search agents considered in this case is 20, and maximum



iterations are set to 300. The convergence characteristics of

the proposed method for this test system are shown in Fig 4.
Unit power output

New MPSO [42]

4.1.2 SED on South Indian 86-bus system with 1796.3 MW

SOH-PSO [41]

PSO-LRS [44]

NPSO [44]
BBO [40]
ABC [39]

PSO [43]

GA [43]
DE [39]

SA [39]
FA [39]

South Indian 86-bus system is a real-time test system existing

in Tamil Nadu, India. It consists of 17 thermal generators,

Electrical Engineering

Table 2 Comparative study of

S. no. Algorithm Best ($/hr) Mean ($/hr) Max($/hr) Std dev Avg run time (s)
various metrics for 6 generating
units test system 1 ADFA 15,406.51 15,408.06 15,409.80 0.92 0.71
2 MCSA [45] 15,449.17 15,449.24 15,449.39 0.2681 NR
3 CBA [46] 15,450.24 15,454.76 15,518.66 2.965 0.704
4 DE [8] 15,449.58 15,449.62 15,449.65 NR 3.634
5 TS [47] 15,454.89 15,472.56 15,454.89 13.7195 20.55
6 SA [47] 15,461.10 15,488.98 15,461.10 28.3678 50.36

131 transmission lines and 86 buses. It is a complicated real-
time network operating with substantial power demand all
the times. Scheduling of thermal generators for this practical
system is quite challenging. The power demand considered 15,409

in this study is 1796.3 MW, and the test system details are

Cost ($/hr)
available in [48]. Constraints such as ramp rate, up reserve
and down reserve are considered in the problem. The number 15,408

of search agents considered in this case is 30, and maximum

iterations are set to 200 in this case.
Initially, cost minimization objective is considered in the 15,407

study and is solved using PSO and ADFA optimization tech-

niques. The generation schedule of thermal generators and
operating cost are given in Table 3. It can be inferred that all 15,406
1 50 100 150 200 250 300
the generators operate within specified limits. The operat- Iterations
ing cost obtained using ADFA method is very low compared
to ABC [48] and PSO methods. The power loss is also low Fig. 4 Convergence characteristics of 6-generator test system
compared to PSO method.
Table 3 Comparison of SED for South Indian 86-bus test system with
power loss
4.1.3 SED on 40-generator test system
Unit ABC [48] PSO ADFA

This test system consists of 40 thermal generators with a P1 (MW) 102.5 106 104.69
demand of 10,500 MW. The data for the system are taken P2 (MW) 104 103.97 103.22
from [49]. The results are presented in Tables 4 and 5. It is P3 (MW) 75.51 74.51 75.03
inferred from the results that the generators are scheduled in P4 (MW) 92.73 87.92 87.77
desired operating limits at a lowest cost of 121412.54 $/hr. P5 (MW) 160.6 158.43 158
The number of search agents considered in this case is P6 (MW) 160.8 159.98 159.18
30, and maximum iterations are set to 500 .The convergence P7 (MW) 162.3 154.12 157.59
curve is shown in Fig. 5. A smooth convergence curve can P8 (MW) 59.91 60 60
be observed from the figure for a typical run. P9 (MW) 59.91 60 60
P10 (MW) 100.7 98.94 100.59
4.2 Dynamic economic dispatch (DED) P11 (MW) 98.22 99.75 99.07
P12 (MW) 83.1 85.46 86.16
4.2.1 DED in 6-generator system P13 (MW) 117.9 118.01 119.99
P14 (MW) 115.2 117.04 116.5
The optimal scheduling of thermal generators is performed P15 (MW) 116.6 118.02 117.17
by considering operating cost and power loss minimization P16 (MW) 115.4 120.88 119.92
objectives. The results are furnished in Table 6. From the P17 (MW) 118.7 121.47 119.59
table, it can be inferred that the thermal generators are oper- PG (MW) 1844.08 1844.49 1844.47
ating in predefined limits, and the operating cost is optimized. PL (MW) 47.78 48.19 48.17
The power loss incurred for scheduling the generators is TC ($/hr) 355,588.19 355,447.94 355,427.06
66.51 MW/day. Operating cost for scheduling the thermal
generators is 12,901.90 $/day.

Electrical Engineering

Table 4 Economic load

Unit Pmin Pmax Generation Unit Pmin Pmax Generation
dispatch for 40 generating units
(load demand = 10,500 MW) P1 (MW) 36 114 110.800 P21 (MW) 254 550 523.279
P2 (MW) 36 114 110.800 P22 (MW) 254 550 523.279
P3 (MW) 60 120 97.400 P23 (MW) 254 550 523.279
P4 (MW) 80 190 179.733 P24 (MW) 254 550 523.279
P5 (MW) 47 97 87.800 P25 (MW) 254 550 523.279
P6 (MW) 68 140 140.000 P26 (MW) 254 550 523.279
P7 (MW) 110 300 259.600 P27 (MW) 10 150 10.000
P8 (MW) 135 300 284.600 P28 (MW) 10 150 10.000
P9 (MW) 135 300 284.600 P29 (MW) 10 150 10.000
P10 (MW) 130 300 130.000 P30 (MW) 47 97 87.800
P11 (MW) 94 375 94.000 P31 (MW) 60 190 190.000
P12 (MW) 94 375 94.000 P32 (MW) 60 190 190.000
P13 (MW) 125 500 214.760 P33 (MW) 60 190 190.000
P14 (MW) 125 500 394.279 P34 (MW) 90 200 164.800
P15 (MW) 125 500 394.279 P35 (MW) 90 200 194.399
P16 (MW) 125 500 394.279 P36 (MW) 90 200 200.000
P17 (MW) 220 500 489.279 P37 (MW) 25 110 110.000
P18 (MW) 220 500 489.279 P38 (MW) 25 110 110.000
P19 (MW) 242 550 511.279 P39 (MW) 25 110 110.000
P20 (MW) 242 550 511.279 P40 (MW) 242 550 511.279

Table 5 Comparative study of

S. no. Algorithm Best ($/hr) Mean ($/hr) Max($/hr) Std dev Avg run time (s)
various metrics for 40
generating units test system 1 ADFA 121,412.54 121,414.38 121,416.09 1.045 6.32
2 MCSA [45] 121,412.14 NR NR NR NR
3 CBA [46] 121,412.55 121,418.98 121,436.15 1.611 1.55
4 DE [8] 121,412.68 121,439.89 121,479.63 NR 31.5
5 BSA [50] 121,415.61 121,474.882 121,524.9577 NR 13.12
6 θ-PSO [51] 121,420.90 121,509.8423 121,852.42 92.3956 103.9665
NR not reported

4.2.2 DED on 17-generator system (South Indian 86-bus
121,450 system)
DED is performed on 17-generator system using ADFA
Fuel Cost ($/hr)

method for an interval of 24 h. The dispatch for 24 h is pre-
121,435 sented in Table 7. From the table, it can be inferred that the
thermal generators are operating in predefined limits, and
the operating cost is also optimized. The total power loss and
operating cost incurred for scheduling the generators for 24
121,420 h are 1145.496 MW and 8,438,737.345 $. A comparison of
power loss and operating cost with ABC [48] method is given
in Table 8.
1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Fig. 5 Convergence characteristics of 40-generator test system

Electrical Engineering

Table 6 Hourly economic dispatch of IEEE 30-bus system with power loss
Gen/Hour P1 (MW) P2 (MW) P3 (MW) P4 (MW) P5 (MW) P6 (MW) PG (MW) PL (MW) TC ($/hr)

H1 92.16 28.37 15.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 167.54 1.54 414.42

H2 116.57 34.15 15.60 10.00 10.00 12.00 198.33 2.33 500.53
H3 142.63 40.37 17.36 10.00 10.00 12.00 232.37 3.37 602.37
H4 172.50 47.59 19.41 10.31 10.00 12.00 271.81 4.81 728.94
H5 181.80 49.88 20.06 15.03 10.00 12.00 288.76 5.36 786.39
H6 175.33 48.29 19.61 11.75 10.00 12.00 276.97 4.97 746.31
H7 156.08 43.61 18.28 10.00 10.00 12.00 249.98 3.98 657.75
H8 129.99 37.34 16.51 10.00 10.00 12.00 215.84 2.84 552.06
H9 113.42 33.40 15.39 10.00 10.00 12.00 194.21 2.21 488.69
H10 88.02 27.40 15.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 162.42 1.42 400.68
H11 76.43 24.69 15.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 148.12 1.12 363.14
H12 87.19 27.21 15.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 161.40 1.40 397.95
H13 95.48 29.16 15.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 171.63 1.63 425.53
H14 107.94 32.08 15.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 187.02 2.02 468.23
H15 126.05 36.39 16.24 10.00 10.00 12.00 210.68 2.68 536.70
H16 145.00 40.94 17.53 10.00 10.00 12.00 235.47 3.47 611.99
H17 156.08 43.61 18.28 10.00 10.00 12.00 249.98 3.98 657.75
H18 152.12 42.66 18.01 10.00 10.00 12.00 244.79 3.79 641.25
H19 148.17 41.70 17.74 10.00 10.00 12.00 239.61 3.61 624.93
H20 139.47 39.61 17.15 10.00 10.00 12.00 228.23 3.23 589.62
H21 122.88 35.65 16.03 10.00 10.00 12.00 206.56 2.56 524.54
H22 105.44 31.50 15.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 183.94 1.94 459.56
H23 88.02 27.40 15.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 162.42 1.42 400.68
H24 63.21 21.61 15.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 131.82 0.82 321.90

4.2.3 DED in South Indian 86-bus system considering because of the wide usage of electricity for lift irrigation,
seasonality pumping of water to high and low terrain areas, etc. The
overall power consumption in this sector is predominant and
In order to validate the considered objectives and show the cannot be neglected. So in this purview there is a necessity
benefits of the proposed model, a real-time system existing to regulate/schedule the agricultural loads. Further, it can be
in Tamil Nadu region of South India is considered for the understood that inclusion of agricultural loads in the existing
study [48]. It consists of 17 thermal generators, 86 buses and demand-side management techniques may result in proper
131 transmission lines. The existing test system is altered in scheduling of available generating resources in a country like
accordance with the following modifications. India which will be close to the real-time analysis.
A real-time load pattern of a South Indian test system is Various scenarios considered for the analysis are
considered for the study, and the load pattern is also con-
sidered to be intermittent in nature, varies with time and 1. In the first scenario, thermal generators alone are consid-
seasons. Scheduling of generation is a simpler task with ered in the South Indian 86-bus system and the dynamic
fixed load profile. According to Indian weather conditions, economic dispatch analysis is carried out using ADFA
the time period of 12 months is divided into four seasons, algorithm. Flexible resources such as solar, wind, demand
namely summer (May–July), fall (August–October), winter response and FACTS devices are not considered. In this
(November–January) and spring (February–April). Since the scenario, the objectives stated in Eqs. 1 and 5 are solved
load profile has distinct changes in each season, seasonal while satisfying the constraints stated in Eqs. 6, 8–10.
changes are considered for the analysis. In each season, an 2. In the second scenario, load pattern of the test system
average 24-h load profile is considered for simplicity. is altered by implementing demand response in various
In countries like India where agriculture is the backbone seasons. For the study, agricultural loads whose time
for its economy, there is a necessity to take into account of operation is flexible are considered. An agricultural
the electricity consumption of the agricultural sector. It is load of 445 MW which corresponds to 30% of base load

Table 7 DED on 17-generator system for 24 h using ADFA
Gen/Hour P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 PG PD

1 110.46 107.81 77.17 90.48 164.81 165.49 165.29 60.00 60.00 103.53 105.04 89.04 124.23 121.11 121.64 126.07 123.82 1915.98 1864.30
2 105.25 102.33 73.11 86.75 153.70 157.77 154.11 60.00 60.00 98.02 99.11 85.68 118.28 117.74 115.15 119.20 117.90 1824.11 1777.10
3 98.34 97.54 72.59 82.90 148.47 146.98 147.57 60.00 60.00 92.40 92.48 79.77 110.94 107.81 110.82 112.93 112.33 1733.88 1691.20
4 97.39 96.00 70.28 81.98 145.68 145.88 146.04 60.00 60.00 91.63 92.12 79.52 110.35 109.58 110.30 111.65 112.09 1720.47 1678.50
5 87.36 85.86 64.92 74.76 130.34 130.73 130.76 60.00 60.00 81.74 81.90 71.79 100.16 99.33 99.67 100.39 101.12 1560.83 1526.20
6 93.37 91.39 68.06 78.63 138.23 140.01 140.10 60.00 60.00 87.13 87.63 75.57 106.34 104.72 104.73 107.11 106.71 1649.71 1611.20
7 99.73 97.83 71.80 83.85 149.68 149.72 149.90 60.00 60.00 94.02 93.84 81.58 113.06 111.39 111.98 113.90 113.35 1755.64 1712.00
8 104.66 99.97 74.31 87.21 156.71 156.00 148.89 60.00 60.00 97.62 96.28 82.39 119.18 116.29 113.10 118.19 117.97 1808.79 1762.10
9 102.35 98.95 72.74 85.54 151.14 151.83 152.85 60.00 60.00 95.79 95.19 81.56 115.32 113.75 114.73 115.52 114.46 1781.72 1736.70
10 100.36 97.08 72.40 83.72 150.74 149.17 149.48 60.00 60.00 93.60 94.10 81.11 112.99 111.56 111.63 113.71 113.43 1755.07 1711.40
11 84.97 83.09 63.28 72.82 126.80 126.27 126.94 60.00 60.00 79.13 78.97 69.50 97.65 95.85 95.62 97.86 98.14 1516.89 1484.30
12 91.62 89.49 67.53 78.00 136.86 137.16 136.78 60.00 60.00 85.96 85.71 74.99 104.40 102.81 102.88 105.03 104.93 1624.14 1586.70
13 105.64 104.42 74.36 89.35 157.31 157.76 157.67 60.00 60.00 100.37 100.04 84.42 118.74 117.04 117.46 120.21 119.47 1844.26 1796.30
14 121.96 119.20 82.91 97.54 183.43 181.52 180.58 60.00 60.00 110.00 110.00 92.59 128.93 133.35 130.53 134.93 141.30 2068.78 2008.60
16 120.66 120.89 83.52 98.56 189.16 184.11 174.85 60.00 60.00 109.70 107.83 97.29 133.83 132.18 130.47 141.52 141.21 2085.77 2023.50
16 118.47 115.18 82.01 97.66 181.05 178.45 179.79 60.00 60.00 110.00 110.00 94.83 133.54 130.77 127.73 133.17 130.86 2043.51 1984.70
17 85.92 83.71 64.00 73.07 127.45 128.19 127.82 60.00 60.00 79.51 79.82 69.99 97.63 97.14 96.21 99.15 99.01 1528.63 1495.50
18 97.98 95.00 69.92 82.16 145.07 145.70 145.70 60.00 60.00 91.78 91.85 79.68 110.18 109.10 108.80 111.18 111.38 1715.48 1673.90
19 122.34 118.77 81.99 97.87 180.07 181.82 180.39 60.00 60.00 110.00 109.91 98.94 134.53 135.62 128.89 132.40 138.71 2072.26 2011.40
20 97.46 94.50 69.97 82.08 145.37 144.87 145.94 60.00 60.00 91.80 90.77 78.38 110.27 108.62 107.83 111.43 111.47 1710.77 1669.40
21 106.53 105.53 73.69 87.81 158.96 160.50 145.96 59.99 60.00 98.69 98.97 84.20 116.87 119.23 112.56 122.86 120.24 1832.59 1785.20
22 107.50 106.91 76.55 90.96 159.81 161.00 159.11 60.00 60.00 100.34 100.66 87.55 121.92 121.00 116.28 121.35 122.41 1873.36 1823.30
23 132.07 141.50 85.98 103.71 193.45 203.55 182.45 60.00 60.00 109.97 110.00 99.37 145.14 151.38 144.52 145.96 140.49 2209.56 2139.60
24 127.70 125.59 87.40 102.40 194.12 183.15 187.01 60.00 60.00 109.78 110.00 99.90 139.29 138.53 139.26 144.58 135.41 2144.12 2077.70
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering

Table 8 Comparison of power loss and operating cost
Parameter ADFA ABC [48] 2100 Autumn
Power loss (MW) 1145.50 1160.653 2000

Operating cost ($/day) 8,438,737.34 8,584,198.00

Demand (MW)


of the system is assumed out of which 60MW is time 1700

shiftable. Agricultural loads considered in this study are

pumps used for lift irrigation which are of two differ-
ent ratings i.e., (3 kW * 15,000 pumps and 1.5 kW * 1500

10,000 pumps). Average operating time for agricultural

pumps is 5 h which is taken as the same in the study. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
It means that only 0.04% of base load participates in
demand response scheme. Here, the demand response Fig. 6 Hourly load profile of South Indian 86-bus system for various
model stated in Sect. 2.1 is utilized. Further, DED is car- seasons
ried out for the new load pattern in various seasons while
satisfying the constraints stated in Eqs. 6, 8–10.
It can be noticed that maximum overall demand occurs
3. In the third scenario, resources such as solar and wind
in spring season and minimum demand in autumn season.
are simultaneously considered along with the demand
Constraints such as prohibited operating zones, ramp rate, up
response program. Due to intermittent output from
reserve and down reserve are considered while solving the
renewable energy sources, the generation schedule has
problem. ADFA is used as an optimization tool for obtaining
to be adjusted accordingly to meet the specified load
the minimum cost. The number of search agents and max-
demand at any point in time. Therefore, the solar irra-
imum iterations considered for the study are 20 and 100,
diance and wind speed for a duration of 24 h and
for time horizon of four seasons is estimated from the
The main objectives considered for the study are cost
available historical data using models in Sects. 2.2 and
minimization and power loss minimization. Scheduling of
2.3. DED considering demand response and renewable
generators for each day in all seasons is calculated in accor-
energy resources is implemented for various seasons
dance with system demand. The flowchart for dynamic
while satisfying the constraints stated in Eqs. 6–10.
economic dispatch using ameliorated dragonfly algorithm is
4. In the fourth scenario, shunt FACTS device STATCOM
shown in Fig. 7.
is incorporated at a suitable location and DED consider-
The thermal power generated, system demand, power loss
ing demand response and renewable energy resources is
and optimal cost of scheduling for a typical day in all seasons
carried out while satisfying the constraints stated in Eqs.
are furnished in Table 9. It can be inferred that all the gen-
6–12. The STATCOM model given in Sect. 2.4 is utilized
erators operate within specified limits. The generation cost
for the purpose.
and power loss depend on the system demand in each season.
The costs as well as loss are low in autumn, whereas they are
Conventional DED is implemented on South Indian 86-bus high in spring season.
system considering the seasonal changes in system demand.
The load demand is divided into four seasons by considering 4.3 Dynamic economic dispatch considering
the pattern followed by southern region load dispatch cen- demand response
ter [52]. The load curves of considered test system for four
seasons are shown in Fig 6. DED incorporating demand response is implemented on
The peak periods and off-peak periods identified from South Indian 86-bus system considering the seasonal changes
the normalized seasonal load curves are as follows: Peak in system demand. The demand response model explained
period: summer (12.00 P.M–16.00 P.M.), autumn (19.00 in Sect. 2.1 is implemented on South Indian 86-bus system.
P.M.–23.00 P.M.), winter (19.00 P.M.–23.00 P.M.) and spring Agricultural loads in the test system are controlled using the
(7.00 A.M.–11.00 A.M.). demand response model. In Fig 8, the agricultural load pro-
Off-peak period for each season: summer (03.00 A.M.– file of South Indian 86-bus system for various seasons is
07.00 A.M.), autumn (01.00 A.M.–05.00 A.M.), winter presented. It should be noted that the agricultural load refers
(01.00 P.M.–05.00 A.M.) and spring (02.00 A.M.–06.00 to a portion of original load of the test system. So if the load
A.M.). pattern of agricultural load is changed simultaneously the

Electrical Engineering

Fig. 7 Flowchart for solving

DED using ADFA

Table 9 Generation scheduling

Power Summer Autumn Winter Spring
in South Indian 86-bus system
before implementing demand PT (MW) 43,781.17 42,700.09 44,799.00 48,302.22
PD (MW) 42,630.80 41,617.37 43,610.62 46,905.63
PL (MW) 1150.37 1082.72 1188.38 1396.60
TC ($/day) 8,439,879.57 8,023,094.58 8,751,582.42 10, 029, 890.98

Electrical Engineering

Table 10 PAR before and after implementing demand response
Parameter Summer Autumn Winter Spring
400 Winter
Before DR 1.14 1.17 1.12 1.09
350 After DR 1.11 1.13 1.08 1.07
Demand (MW)


250 original load curve will also get altered. Scheduling these
types of loads offers potential benefits to the utility in terms
200 of energy as well as cost. Only 0.04% of original load is
assumed to be time shiftable.
150 DR program has been executed on this agricultural load
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Hour profile for reducing the peak demand, and the new agri-
cultural load profile is shown in Fig 9. It is observed that
Fig. 8 Agricultural load profile before implementing demand response the peak demand at various hours is significantly reduced,
which shows the effectiveness of developed demand response
The hourly load variations after implementing demand
Autumn response are shown in Fig. 10. It is observed that the demand
at peak hours is shifted to off-peak hours such that the total
system demand is finally the same. For instance, considering
Demand (MW)

the spring season the peak demand before demand response is

2139.5 MW observed at 8th h of the day. After implementing
demand response, it is reduced by 2.5% (2079.5 MW) com-
300 pared to actual demand. The peak-to-average ratio (PAR)
before and after implementing demand response for the total
system demand is given in Table 10. For instance, the PAR
is reduced by 3.4% compared to base case in autumn season
which means that demand response program helps in reduc-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ing the peak demand in the system. Similarly, a reduction in
Hour PAR in other seasons is also observed.
The DED has been implemented for the load profile after
Fig. 9 Agricultural load profile after implementing demand response
incorporating demand response, and the power schedule is
furnished in Table 11. The total thermal energy generation
2200 for meeting the system demand is reduced in all seasons.
The cost of generation as well as power loss is reduced in all
Winter seasons.
Demand (MW)

4.4 Dynamic economic dispatch considering
1800 demand response and renewable energy

1600 A solar farm of 300 MW is assumed to be incorporated at

bus 85 which refers to a nearest location Vellore (79.13◦ E,
12.95◦ N). Solar irradiance for 12 months is obtained from
1400 [53]. The solar irradiance values are divided into four sea-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Hour sons, and further the mean and standard deviation for each
hour of a normalized day are calculated. A 220 W PV panel is
Fig. 10 Hourly load profile of South Indian 86-bus system after demand considered for the study whose specifications are taken from
response [54]. The output from solar farm is estimated using model
presented in Sect. 2.2.

Electrical Engineering

Table 11 Power scheduling in

Parameter Summer Autumn Winter Spring
South Indian 86-bus system
after demand response PT (MW) 43,778.24 42,694.70 44,794.11 48,294.13
PD (MW) 42,630.80 41,617.37 43,610.62 46,905.63
PL (MW) 1147.44 1077.29 1183.48 1388.46
TC ($/day) 8,428,223.00 8,009,368.21 8,736,531.83 10,014,248.81






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Solar irradiance (kW/m 2) Fig. 13 Expected output of wind farm at various hours of a day in
summer season
Fig. 11 Beta PDF for solar irradiance for a typical day in winter season


Solar Power output (MW)






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Solar irradiance (kW/m 2)
Fig. 14 Wind farm output for different hours of typical day all seasons
Fig. 12 Expected output of solar farm in winter season at 12th h

in winter season is shown in Fig 12. It can be noticed that the

Further, the probability of solar power output is calculated total power generated from the solar farm is 314.736 MW
using beta distribution function. An interval of 0.05 kW/m2 is which is represented by area under curve shown in Fig 12.
considered for the analysis, and the probability is plotted. In A wind farm of 150 MW is assumed to be incorporated
this study, solar irradiance at 12th hour of a typical day in each at bus 10 which refers to Kayatharu (77.7738◦ E, 8.9460◦ N).
season is considered and output from solar farm is calculated. Wind speed for 12 months is obtained from [53] and Weibull
The histogram of solar irradiance distribution at preferred PDFs are generated. The wind speed is subdivided into
location for a typical day in winter season is shown in Fig 11. seasons and from which mean and standard deviation are
It is observed that solar irradiance probability is distributed calculated. Here, 25 wind speed states were considered for
over a range of 0.5–0.9, which is maximum throughout the generating Weibull PDF. The output obtained for different
day. The expected solar power output for preferred location hours of a day for various wind speeds is plotted in Fig.

Electrical Engineering

Table 12 Generation
Parameter Summer Autumn Winter Spring
scheduling and fuel cost
considering renewable energy PT (MW) 40,020.03 39,894.73 43,057.02 46,182.96
PS (MW) 1818.05 1655.08 1486.86 1870.85
PW (MW) 1755.82 1012.99 161.14 155.43
PG (MW) 43,593.91 42,562.81 44,705.02 48,209.24
PL (MW) 963.11 945.44 1094.39 1263.53
FT ($/day) 7,223,948.91 7,115,049.36 8,134,859.16 9,233,410.21
FS ($/day) 72,722.11 66,203.35 59,474.54 74,833.84
FW ($/day) 70,232.97 40,519.75 6445.42 6217.24
TC ($/day) 7,366,903.99 7,221,772.46 8,200,779.11 9, 314, 461.29

13. The total output for each hour of a normalized day in

all seasons is shown in Fig. 14. From the normalized out-
put curves of the wind farm, it is observed that the output
is high in summer season, whereas it is very low in spring
season. The power output from the renewable sources is com-
pletely subjective. It may differ with locations. The selection
of appropriate site for installation of renewable sources is
not considered in this work. The cut-in speed, cutout speed
and rated speed are considered for a VESTAS 3.0 MW wind
turbine [55]. Energy minimization objective is solved for all
the seasons incorporating DR and RESs, and the results are
furnished in Table 12. Comparison of energy, power loss and
cost for normalized daily load curve in all four seasons before
and after incorporating DR and RESs is presented. In all the Fig. 15 Energy consumption before and after considering DR and
seasons, the overall energy consumption from thermal gen- renewable energy resources
erators is reduced. From Fig 15, it can be understood that
Table 13 Comparison of power loss for all seasons
there is a reduction of 7.43% in power consumption in sum-
mer season after incorporating DR and RESs. Similarly, a Season PL Before (MW) PL After (MW) δ PL (%)
reduction of around 5.79%, 3.35% and 3.89% in power con-
Summer 1147.44 963.11 16.06
sumption is observed in autumn, winter and spring seasons,
Autumn 1077.29 945.44 12.24
respectively. The power loss at each hour is also reduced with
Winter 1183.48 1094.39 7.53
change in load profile and incorporation of RESs near loads,
Spring 1388.46 1263.53 9.00
which aids in minimization of overall power consumption
from thermal generators. A comparison of power loss before
and after implementing DR and incorporating RESs for a nor-
malized day in all seasons is given in Table 13. In summer
season, the output from renewable energy sources is high
which tends to maximum reduction of 16.06% power loss
for a day. As the renewable output is low in winter season,
the reduction in power loss is 9.00% which is also low. As
the energy supplied by the thermal generators is minimized,
the cost of generation is also reduced. Comparison of oper-
ating cost of generators in all seasons is shown in Fig. 16.
Maximum profit of 892,072 $/day is achieved in summer
season, and a minimum profit of 459,009 $/day is observed
in winter. In autumn and spring, a profit of 665,485$/day and
609,731$/day is obtained. This indicates that in addition to
DR, the output from renewable energy resources plays a key
role in energy and cost savings. Fig. 16 Fuel cost comparison in various seasons

Electrical Engineering

Table 14 Generation
Parameter Summer Autumn Winter Spring
scheduling with renewable
energy resources and P1 (MW) 2238.06 2225.57 2423.56 2624.50
P2 (MW) 2191.97 2174.42 2368.56 2567.28
P3 (MW) 1609.76 1607.87 1718.56 1816.05
P4 (MW) 1874.68 1869.28 2017.96 2152.06
P5 (MW) 3313.91 3323.83 3612.79 3921.54
P6 (MW) 3349.50 3319.76 3602.74 3864.61
P7 (MW) 3313.95 3322.04 3616.90 3925.46
P8 (MW) 1440.00 1440.00 1440.00 1439.99
P9 (MW) 1440.00 1440.00 1440.00 1440.00
P10 (MW) 2077.56 2076.61 2267.69 2445.59
P11 (MW) 2079.13 2078.49 2272.18 2443.16
P12 (MW) 1864.04 1863.72 2014.69 2174.67
P13 (MW) 2599.25 2597.27 2814.55 3023.71
P14 (MW) 2594.80 2578.80 2789.01 3003.87
P15 (MW) 2586.75 2576.40 2779.69 3000.64
P16 (MW) 2623.60 2610.38 2828.99 3047.69
P17 (MW) 2632.99 2602.85 2834.59 3037.53
PT (MW) 39829.97 39707.29 42842.47 45928.35
PS (MW) 1818.05 1655.08 1486.86 1870.85
PW (MW) 1755.82 1012.99 161.14 155.43
PG (MW) 43403.85 42375.36 44490.47 47954.62
PL (MW) 773.05 758.00 879.84 1008.92
FT ($/day) 7,155,820.15 7,050,137.99 8,054,301.94 9,133,298.93
FS ($/day) 72,722.11 66,203.35 59,474.54 74,833.84
FW ($/day) 70,232.97 40,519.75 6445.42 6217.24
TC ($/day) 7,298,775.23 7,156,861.08 8,120,221.89 9,214,350.01

4.5 Dynamic economic dispatch considering of 24 h. The dispatch schedule, power loss and operating cost
demand response, renewable energy sources are furnished in Table 14. From the table, it is observed that
and STATCOM there is a substantial decrease in thermal generation from the
costly generators with the integration of renewable energy
In South Indian 86-bus system, renewable energy sources generation. The power loss in the system is reduced in all
such as solar and wind are integrated at bus 10 and bus seasons with incorporation of STATCOM. Operating cost
85, respectively. From the operating characteristics of STAT- for scheduling the generators is also significantly reduced in
COM, it is observed that voltage profile is improved in the all four seasons compared to previously discussed cases. So
system when it is incorporated at bus 58 of the system. STAT- it can be inferred that simultaneous allocation of renewable
COM injects reactive power into the system and helps in energy resources as well as FACTS device STATCOM helps
maintaining the desired voltage profile. STATCOM injects in reducing thermal energy consumption and power loss in
55.56 MVAr in the system to maintain desired voltage pro- the system.
file (1 p.u.). The reactive power injected by STATCOM is
low compared to SVC for maintaining the same voltage pro- 4.6 Comparative analysis without and with
file. renewable energy resources and FACTS devices
STATCOM provides a very smooth control for the
dynamic changes in load in the system. The system load In this section, a comparative study between various models
is altered to reduce the peak demand in the system using implemented for scheduling thermal and renewable energy
demand response program in all four seasons, and the resources is presented. The operating cost and power loss
scheduling of thermal as well as renewable energy sources is obtained for the developed models are summarized in Table
implemented in the presence of STATCOM for a time horizon 15. It can be inferred that demand response program will be

Electrical Engineering

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